blob: d871fae06ea17bd52f887f3743773aeffa36610d [file] [log] [blame]
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# This is a basic platform test suite.
# Additional platform test cases can be added on this test suite where appropriate.
class PLATdockertest:
This testsuite performs the following tests:
1 ) checkout onos docker image;
2 ) test image start up in single and clustered mode;
3 ) test onos app activation and deactivation;
1 ) docker-engine installed on test station ( localhost );
2 ) python docker client ( docker-py ) installed on test station
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
global IPlist
global CTIDlist
global NODElist
DOCKERREPO = "onosproject/onos"
DOCKERTAG = "latest"
def CASE0( self, main ):
Pull all docker images and get a list of image tags
""" "Pull all docker images and get a list of image tags" )
import os
DOCKERREPO = main.params[ 'DOCKER' ][ 'repo' ]
os.system( "docker pull -a " + DOCKERREPO )
imageTagList = list()
imageTagCounter = 0
duplicateTagDetected = 0
imageTagList, duplicateTagDetected = main.ONOSbenchDocker.getListOfImages( DOCKERREPO )
stepResult = main.FALSE
main.step( "Check for duplicate Tags for a given image" )
if not duplicateTagDetected:
stepResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="no duplicate image tags",
onfail="duplicate image tags detected!!" )
main.step( "Get a list of image tags" )
stepResult = main.FALSE
if imageTagList is not []: "The Image tag list is: " + str( imageTagList ) )
stepResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="image tag list pulled successfully",
onfail="image tag list not pulled" )
def CASE1( self, main ):
1 ) set up test params;
import re
import time
import subprocess
if imageTagCounter < len( imageTagList ):
DOCKERTAG = imageTagList[ imageTagCounter ]
if not imageTagCounter:
imageTagCounter += 1 "Set case test params for onos image {}".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
main.step( "Initialize test params" )
NODElist = main.params[ "SCALE" ][ "nodelist" ].split( ',' ) "onos container names are: " + ",".join( NODElist ) )
IPlist = list()
main.testOnDirectory = re.sub( "(/tests)$", "", main.testDir )
CTIDlist = list() "Check docker status, it not running, try restart it" )
iter = 0
stepResult = main.TRUE
while "sudo service docker status", shell=True ) and iter <= 3: "sudo service docker restart", shell=True )
time.sleep( 5 )
iter += 1
if iter == 3:
stepResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="docker is running",
onfail="docker is not running" )
if stepResult == main.FALSE:
main.log.warn( "docker is not running - exiting test" )
if imageTagCounter > len( imageTagList ): "All images have been tested" )
def CASE5( self, main ):
Pull the specified image
""" "Pull onos docker image {} from {} - \
it may take sometime if this is a first time pulling.".format( DOCKERTAG, DOCKERREPO ) )
stepResult = main.FALSE
main.step( "pull image {} from {}".format( DOCKERTAG, DOCKERREPO ) )
stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerPull( onosRepo=DOCKERREPO, onosTag=DOCKERTAG )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Succeeded in pulling " + DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG,
onfail="Failed to pull " + DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG )
if stepResult == main.FALSE:
def CASE10( self, main ):
Start docker containers for list of onos nodes, only if not already existed
import re
createResult = main.TRUE
startResult = main.TRUE "Start onos container(s) for onos image {}".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
main.step( "Create and (re)start docker container(s) for onos image {} if not already exist".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
# stepResult = main.FALSE
for ct in xrange( 0, len( NODElist ) ):
if not main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCheckCTName( ctName=NODElist[ ct ] ): "Create new container for onos" + str( ct + 1 ) )
createResult, ctid = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCreateCT( onosImage=image, onosNode=NODElist[ ct ] )
CTIDlist.append( ctid )
startResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerStartCT( ctID=ctid )
else: "Container exists for node onos" + str( ct + 1 ) + "; restart container with {} image".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
startResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRestartCT( ctName=NODElist[ ct ] )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=createResult and startResult,
onpass="Container successfully created",
onfail="Failed to create the container" )
main.step( "Get IP address on onos containers" )
stepResult = main.FALSE
for ct in xrange( 0, len( NODElist ) ):
IPlist.append( main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerIP( ctName=NODElist[ ct ] ) ) "Container IPs are: " + ', '.join( IPlist ) )
if IPlist is not []:
stepResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Container successfully started",
onfail="Failed to start the container" )
def CASE110( self, main ):
Docker init testing
1 ) check default startup standalone onos applications status;
2 ) form onos cluster with all nodes;
3 ) check onos applications status;
4 ) activate apps per params and check app status;
import time
import json "Form onos cluster and check status of onos apps for onos image {}".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
startupSleep = int( main.params[ "SLEEP" ][ "startup" ] )
main.swDPID = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "swDPID" ]
main.debug = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "debug" ]
appToAct = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "apps" ]
main.initResult = main.FALSE "Wait for startup, sleep (sec): " + str( startupSleep ) )
time.sleep( startupSleep )
main.step( "Check initial app states from onos1 for onos image {}".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
main.initResult = main.TRUE
response = main.ONOSbenchRest.apps( ip=IPlist[ 0 ], port=8181 )
main.log.debug( "Rest call response is: " + response )
if response is not main.FALSE:
for item in json.loads( response ):
if item[ "state" ] not in [ "ACTIVE", "INSTALLED" ]: "Some bundles are not in correct state. " ) "App states are: " + response )
main.initResult = main.FALSE
if ( item[ "description" ] == "Builtin device drivers" ) and ( item[ "state" ] != "ACTIVE" ): "Driver app is not in 'ACTIVE' state, but in: " + item[ "state" ] )
main.initResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=main.initResult,
onpass="ONOS successfully started",
onfail="Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if main.initResult is main.FALSE:
main.step( "Form onos cluster using 'dependencies/onos-form-cluster' util" )
main.initResult = main.FALSE
clcmdpath = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "clustercmdpath" ] "onos-form-cluster cmd path is: " + clcmdpath )
dkruser = main.params[ "DOCKER" ][ "user" ]
dkrpasswd = main.params[ "DOCKER" ][ "password" ]
main.ONOSbenchDocker.onosFormCluster( cmdPath=clcmdpath, onosIPs=IPlist, user=dkruser, passwd=dkrpasswd ) "Wait for cluster to form with sleep time of " + str( startupSleep ) )
time.sleep( startupSleep )
status, response = main.ONOSbenchRest.send( ip=IPlist[ 0 ], port=8181, url="/cluster" )
main.log.debug( "Rest call response: " + str( status ) + " - " + response )
if status == 200:
jrsp = json.loads( response )
if DOCKERTAG == "1.2" or DOCKERTAG == "1.3" or DOCKERTAG == "1.4" or DOCKERTAG == "1.5":
clusterIP = [ item[ "ip" ]for item in jrsp[ "nodes" ] if item[ "status" ] == "ACTIVE" ]
clusterIP = [ item[ "ip" ]for item in jrsp[ "nodes" ] if item[ "status" ] == "READY" ]
main.log.debug( " IPlist is:" + ",".join( IPlist ) )
main.log.debug( " cluster IP is" + ",".join( clusterIP ) )
if set( IPlist ) == set( clusterIP ):
main.initResult = main.TRUE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=main.initResult,
onpass="ONOS successfully started",
onfail="Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if main.initResult is main.FALSE:
main.step( "Check cluster app status" )
main.initResult = main.TRUE
response = main.ONOSbenchRest.apps( ip=IPlist[ 0 ], port=8181 )
if response is not main.FALSE:
for item in json.loads( response ):
if item[ "state" ] not in [ "ACTIVE", "INSTALLED" ]: "Some bundles are not in correct state. " ) "App states are: " + response )
main.initResult = main.FALSE
if ( item[ "description" ] == "Builtin device drivers" ) and ( item[ "state" ] != "ACTIVE" ): "Driver app is not in 'ACTIVE' state, but in: " + item[ "state" ] )
main.initResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=main.initResult,
onpass="ONOS successfully started",
onfail="Failed to start ONOS correctly" )
if main.initResult is main.FALSE:
main.step( " Activate an APP from REST and check APP status" )
appResults = list()
main.initResult = main.TRUE
applist = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "apps" ].split( "," ) "List of apps to activate: " + str( applist ) )
for app in applist:
appRslt = main.ONOSbenchRest.activateApp( appName=app, ip=IPlist[ 0 ], port=8181, check=True )
time.sleep( 5 )
appResults.append( appRslt )
main.initResult = main.initResult and appRslt
main.log.debug( "Apps activation result for " + ",".join( applist ) + ": " + str( appResults ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=main.initResult,
onpass="Successfully activated apps",
onfail="Failed to activated apps correctly" )
def CASE120( self, main ):
Docker Mininet testing
import time
import json
from operator import itemgetter
if main.initResult is main.FALSE:
main.mininetResult = main.FALSE
main.step( "Loading Mininet Topology." )
mnCmd = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "mnCmd" ]
main.mininetResult = main.Mininet1.startNet( mnCmd=mnCmd + IPlist[ 0 ] )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Successfully loaded topology.",
onfail="Failed to load topology" )
if main.mininetResult is main.FALSE:
main.mininetResult = utilities.retry( f=main.Mininet1.pingall,
sleep=5 )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Successfully loaded topology.",
onfail="Failed to load topology" )
def CASE130( self, main ):
Docker Intents testing
import time
import json
from operator import itemgetter
if main.initResult is main.FALSE or main.mininetResult is main.FALSE:
main.intentResult = False
main.hosts = sorted( json.loads( main.ONOSbenchRest.hosts( ip=IPlist[ 0 ] ) ), key=itemgetter( "ipAddresses" ) )
main.ONOSbenchRest.addHostIntent( main.hosts[ 0 ][ "id" ], main.hosts[ -1 ][ "id" ], ip=IPlist[ 0 ] )
main.ONOSbenchRest.addHostIntent( main.hosts[ 1 ][ "id" ], main.hosts[ -2 ][ "id" ], ip=IPlist[ 0 ] ) "Sleeping for 5 seconds to avoid potential race condition..." )
time.sleep( 5 )
main.step( "Get the intents from each controller" )
main.ONOSIntents = main.ONOSbenchRest.intents( IPlist[ 0 ] )
main.intentResult = True
for i in range( 0, len( IPlist ) ):
node = str( IPlist[ i ] )
if not main.ONOSIntents[ i ] or "Error" in main.ONOSIntents[ i ]:
main.log.error( "Error in getting " + node + " intents" )
main.log.warn( node + " intents response: " +
repr( main.ONOSIntents[ i ] ) )
main.intentResult = False
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="No error in reading intents output",
onfail="Error in reading intents from ONOS" )
if not main.intentResult:
main.step( "Checking intent state" )
main.intentResult = json.loads( main.ONOSIntents )[ 0 ][ "state" ] == "INSTALLED"
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Intent check successful.",
onfail="Intent check failed." )
def CASE140( self, main ):
Docker Flows testing
import time
import json
if main.initResult is main.FALSE or not main.intentResult:
main.step( "Adding flows." )
ingress = 1
egress = 2 "Add flow with MAC selectors." )
main.flowResult = main.ONOSbenchRest.addFlow( deviceId=main.swDPID,
ethSrc=main.hosts[ 0 ][ 'mac' ],
ethDst=main.hosts[ 1 ][ 'mac' ],
ip=IPlist[ 0 ] ) "Sleeping for 10 seconds..." )
time.sleep( 10 )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="Successfully added flows",
onfail="Failed to add flows" )
def CASE299( self, main ):
Cleanup Docker testing
import time
import json
if main.initResult is main.FALSE:
if main.flowResult is main.TRUE:
main.step( "Remove flow." )
prevFlow = json.loads( main.ONOSbenchRest.getFlows( main.swDPID, ip=IPlist[ 0 ] ) )[ -1 ]
stepResult = main.ONOSbenchRest.removeFlow( main.swDPID, prevFlow[ 'id' ], ip=IPlist[ 0 ] )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Successfully removed flow.",
onfail="Failed to remove flow." )
if main.intentResult:
main.step( "Remove intents." )
results = []
for i in range( 0, len( json.loads( main.ONOSIntents ) ) ):
intentID = json.loads( main.ONOSbenchRest.intents( IPlist[ 0 ] ) )[ 0 ][ 'id' ]
results.append( main.ONOSbenchRest.removeIntent( intentID, ip=IPlist[ 0 ] ) == main.TRUE )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=all( results ),
onpass="Successfully removed intents.",
onfail="Failed to remove intents." )
if main.mininetResult is main.TRUE:
main.step( "Deactivate an APP from REST and check APP status" )
appResults = list()
stepResult = main.TRUE
applist = main.params[ "CASE110" ][ "apps" ].split( "," ) "Apps to deactivate: " + str( applist ) )
for app in applist:
time.sleep( 5 )
appRslt = main.ONOSbenchRest.deactivateApp( appName=app, ip=IPlist[ 0 ], port=8181, check=True )
appResults.append( appRslt )
stepResult = stepResult and appRslt
main.log.debug( "Apps deactivation result for " + ",".join( applist ) + ": " + str( appResults ) )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Successfully deactivated apps",
onfail="Failed to deactivated apps correctly" )
def CASE900( self, main ):
Check onos logs for exceptions after tests
import pexpect
import time
import re
logResult = main.TRUE
user = main.params[ "DOCKER" ][ "user" ]
pwd = main.params[ "DOCKER" ][ "password" ] "onos Exceptions check with onos image {}".format( DOCKERTAG ) )
main.step( "check onos for any exceptions" )
for ip in IPlist:
spawncmd = "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 8101 " + user + "@" + ip "log on node using cmd: " + spawncmd )
handle = pexpect.spawn( spawncmd )
# handle.expect( "yes/no" )
# handle.sendline( "yes" )
# print( "yes is sent" )
# this extra statement is sent to get around some
# pexpect issue of not seeing the next expected string
handle.expect( "Password:" )
handle.sendline( pwd )
time.sleep( 5 )
handle.expect( "onos>" )
handle.sendline( "log:exception-display" )
handle.expect( "onos>" )
result = handle.before
if "Exception", result ): "onos: " + ip + " Exceptions:" + result )
logResult = logResult and main.FALSE
else: "onos: " + ip + " Exceptions: None" )
logResult = logResult and main.TRUE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Uncaught exception when getting log from onos:" + ip )
logResult = logResult and main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=logResult,
onpass="onos exception check passed",
onfail="onos exeption check failed" )
def CASE1000( self, main ):
Cleanup after tests - stop and delete the containers created; delete the image
import time "Clean up images (ex. none:none tagged) and containers" )
main.step( "Stop onos containers" )
stepResult = main.TRUE
for ctname in NODElist:
if main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerCheckCTName( ctName="/" + ctname ): "stopping docker container: /" + ctname )
stopResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerStopCT( ctName="/" + ctname )
time.sleep( 10 )
rmResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveCT( ctName="/" + ctname )
stepResult = stepResult and stopResult and rmResult
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Container successfully stopped",
onfail="Failed to stopped the container" )
# main.step( "remove exiting onosproject/onos images" )
# stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveImage( image=DOCKERREPO + ":" + DOCKERTAG )
main.step( "remove dangling 'none:none' images" )
stepResult = main.ONOSbenchDocker.dockerRemoveImage()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=stepResult,
onpass="Succeeded in cleaning up images",
onfail="Failed in cleaning up images" )
def CASE1001( self, main ):
Create a file for publishing results on wiki in tabular form
""" "Create a file for publishing on wiki in tabular form" )
import re
imageTagCounter = 0
testCaseCounter = 0
resultCounter = 0
resultDictionary = {}
testCaseList = []
totalNumOfTestCases = 6
main.tableFileName = main.logdir + "/" + main.TEST + "TableWiki.txt"
main.wikiTableFile = open( main.tableFileName, "a+" )
main.wikiFileHandle = open( main.WikiFileName, "r" )
for imageTag in imageTagList:
resultDictionary[ imageTag ] = []
for line in main.wikiFileHandle:
matchObj = "(?!.*Case 0).*<h3>(.+?)<\/h3>", line )
if testCaseCounter < totalNumOfTestCases:
if matchObj:
wordsToRemove = re.compile( "latest|- PASS|- FAIL|- No Result" )
testCaseName = wordsToRemove.sub( "", 1 ) )
testCaseName = testCaseName.replace( INITDOCKERTAG, '' )
testCaseList.append( testCaseName )
testCaseCounter += 1
if matchObj:
if "- PASS" in line:
resultDictionary[ imageTagList[ imageTagCounter ] ].append( "PASS" )
if "- FAIL" in line:
resultDictionary[ imageTagList[ imageTagCounter ] ].append( "FAIL" )
if "- No Result" in line:
resultDictionary[ imageTagList[ imageTagCounter ] ].append( "No Result" )
resultCounter += 1
if resultCounter == totalNumOfTestCases:
imageTagCounter += 1
resultCounter = 0
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<table style=\"width:100%\">\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<tr>\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<th>ONOS Version</th>\n" )
for testCaseName in testCaseList:
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<th>" + testCaseName + "</th>\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "</tr>\n" )
for imageTag in imageTagList:
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<tr>\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<td>" + imageTag + "</td>\n" )
for resultValue in resultDictionary[ imageTag ]:
if resultValue == "PASS":
emoticonValue = "\"tick\""
if resultValue == "FAIL":
emoticonValue = "\"cross\""
if resultValue == "No Result":
emoticonValue = "\"warning\""
main.wikiTableFile.write( "<td>" + resultValue + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=" + emoticonValue + " /></td>\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "</tr>\n" )
main.wikiTableFile.write( "</table>\n" )
logResult = main.TRUE
except Exception:
main.log.exception( "Exception while writing to the table file" )
logResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=logResult,
onpass="onos exception check passed",
onfail="onos exception check failed" )