| #/usr/bin/env python |
| ''' |
| Created on 20-Dec-2012 |
| |
| @author: Raghav Kashyap(raghavkashyap@paxterrasolutions.com) |
| |
| |
| TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| |
| ''' |
| import re |
| import inspect |
| |
| |
| class OpenSpeak: |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| self.default = '' |
| self.flag = 0 |
| self.CurrentStep = 0 |
| self.grtrOrLssr = 0 |
| |
| def compiler(self,**compileParameters): |
| ''' |
| This method will parse the openspeak file and will write to a python module with the equivalent translations. |
| It can accept OpenSpeak syntax in string or an OpenSpeak file as an input parameter. |
| Translated form can be written into python module if attribute "WRITETOFILE" is set to 1. |
| ''' |
| |
| args = self.parse_args(["OPENSPEAKFILE","TEXT","WRITETOFILE","FILEHANDLE"],**compileParameters) |
| resultString = '' |
| Test = "Mininet" |
| args["WRITETOFILE"] = args["WRITETOFILE"] if args["WRITETOFILE"] != None else 1 |
| self.CurrentStep = 0 |
| self.CurrentCase = '' |
| |
| ## here Open Speak file will be parsed by each line and translated. |
| if args["OPENSPEAKFILE"] !=None and args["TEXT"] ==None and args["FILEHANDLE"] == None: |
| self.openspeakfile = args["OPENSPEAKFILE"] |
| openSpeakFile = open(args["OPENSPEAKFILE"],"r").readlines() |
| |
| elif args["OPENSPEAKFILE"] ==None and args["TEXT"] and args["FILEHANDLE"] == None: |
| openSpeakFile = args["TEXT"].split("\n") |
| elif args["FILEHANDLE"] and args["OPENSPEAKFILE"] ==None and args["TEXT"] ==None: |
| openSpeakFile = args["FILEHANDLE"].readlines() |
| |
| index = 0 |
| outputFile = [] |
| testName = re.search("\/(.*)\.ospk$",self.openspeakfile,0) |
| testName = testName.group(1) |
| testName = testName.split("/") |
| testName = testName[len(testName)-1] |
| outputFile.append("\nclass " + testName + " :" + "\n") |
| outputFile.append("\n" + " " * 4 + "def __init__(self) :") |
| outputFile.append("\n" + " " * 8 + "self.default = \'\'" + "\n") |
| |
| while index < len(openSpeakFile): |
| ifelseMatch = re.match("\s+IF|\s+ELSE|\s+ELIF",openSpeakFile[index],flags=0) |
| line = openSpeakFile[index] |
| repeatMatch = re.match("\s*REPEAT", openSpeakFile[index], flags=0) |
| if ifelseMatch : |
| result = self.verify_and_translate(line) |
| initialSpaces = len(line) -len(line.lstrip()) |
| self.outLoopSpace = initialSpaces |
| nextLine = openSpeakFile[index+1] |
| nextinitialSpaces = len(nextLine) -len(nextLine.lstrip()) |
| |
| |
| while nextinitialSpaces > initialSpaces : |
| try : |
| elseMatch = re.match("\s*ELSE|\s*ELIF",nextLine,flags=0) |
| if elseMatch : |
| self.flag = self.flag -1 |
| result = result + self.verify_and_translate(nextLine) |
| nextLine = openSpeakFile[index + 1] |
| nextinitialSpaces = len(nextLine) -len(nextLine.lstrip()) |
| except IndexError: |
| pass |
| index = index + 1 |
| self.flag = 0 |
| elif repeatMatch: |
| self.flag = 0 |
| result = self.verify_and_translate(line) |
| index = index + 1 |
| endMatch = re.match("\s*END",openSpeakFile[index],flags=0) |
| while not endMatch : |
| try : |
| |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| result = result + self.verify_and_translate(openSpeakFile[index]) |
| index = index + 1 |
| |
| except IndexError : |
| pass |
| |
| |
| else : |
| self.flag = 0 |
| result = self.verify_and_translate(line) |
| index = index + 1 |
| outputFile.append(result) |
| |
| if args["WRITETOFILE"] == 1 : |
| testscript = re.sub("ospk","py",self.openspeakfile,0) |
| testScript = open(testscript,"w") |
| for lines in outputFile : |
| testScript.write(lines) |
| testScript.close() |
| return resultString |
| |
| def verify_and_translate(self,line): |
| ''' |
| It will accept the each line and calls the suitable API to conver into pyton equivalent syntax . |
| It will return the translated python syntax . |
| ''' |
| lineSpace = re.match("^\s+",line,flags=0) |
| initialSpaces = len(line) -len(line.lstrip()) |
| line = re.sub("^\s+","",line) if lineSpace else line |
| |
| |
| resultString = None |
| resultString = "\n" + " " * 4 if str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) == "compiler" else "\n" |
| indent = " " *(4 + 4 * self.flag) if self.flag > 0 else " " * 4 |
| caseMatch = re.search("^CASE\s+(\d+)",line,flags=0) |
| nameMatch = re.match("^NAME\s+\"(.*)\"",line,flags=0) |
| commentMatch = re.match("^COMMENT\s+\"(.*)\"",line,flags=0) |
| stepMatch = re.match("^STEP\s+\"(.*)\"",line,flags=0) |
| connectMatch = re.match("^CONNECT\s+(\w+)\s+USING\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| disconnectMatch = re.match("^DISCONNECT\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| ondoMatch = re.match("^ON\s+(.*)\s+DO\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| |
| storeMatch = re.match("^STORE\s+(.*)\s+IN\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| variableMatch = re.match("^(.*)\s+=\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| assertMatch = re.match("^ASSERT\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+ONPASS\s+(.*)\s+ONFAIL\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| logMatch = re.match("^(ERROR|INFO|DEBUG|CRITICAL|REPORT|EXACT|WARN)\s+(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| ifloop = re.match("IF\s+(\w+)\s*(..|\w+)\s*(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| elseloopMatch = re.match("ELSE\s*$",line,flags=0) |
| elifloop = re.match("ELSE\sIF\s+(\w+)\s*(..|\w+)\s*(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| forloopMatch = re.match("\s*REPEAT\s+(/d+)\s+TIMES",line,flags=0) |
| experimentalMatch = re.match("EXPERIMENTAL\s+MODE\s+(\w+)",line,flags=0) |
| repeatMatch = re.match("\s*REPEAT\s+(\d+)\s+TIMES", line, flags=0) |
| |
| response_pasrse = re.match("\s*PARSE\s+(\w+)\s+AS\s+(\w+)\s+INTO\s+(\w+)", line, flags=0) |
| |
| if caseMatch : |
| self.CurrentStep = 0 |
| self.CurrentCase = "CASE" + caseMatch.group(1) |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_case_block(casenumber=caseMatch.group(1)) |
| elif repeatMatch: |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_repeat(repeat=repeatMatch.group(1)) |
| elif nameMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_testcase_name(testname=nameMatch.group(1)) |
| elif commentMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_comment(comment=commentMatch.group(1)) |
| elif stepMatch : |
| self.CurrentStep = self.CurrentStep + 1 |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_step(step=stepMatch.group(1)) |
| elif connectMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_connect(component=connectMatch.group(1), |
| arguments=connectMatch.group(2) ) |
| elif disconnectMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_disconnect(component=disconnectMatch.group(1)) |
| elif ondoMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_onDOAs(component=ondoMatch.group(1),action=ondoMatch.group(2)) |
| elif storeMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_store(variable=storeMatch.group(2), |
| value=storeMatch.group(1)) |
| elif variableMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_store(variable=variableMatch.group(1), |
| value=variableMatch.group(2)) |
| elif assertMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_assertion(leftvalue=assertMatch.group(1), |
| operator=assertMatch.group(2), |
| rightvalue=assertMatch.group(3), |
| onpass=assertMatch.group(4), |
| onfail=assertMatch.group(5)) |
| elif logMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_logs(loglevel=logMatch.group(1), |
| message=logMatch.group(2)) |
| elif ifloop : |
| |
| self.initSpace = initialSpaces |
| operand = ifloop.group(1) |
| operator = ifloop.group(2) |
| value = ifloop.group(3) |
| resultString = resultString + indent + "if " + operand + self.translate_if_else_operator(conditionoperator=operator) + value + ":" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| elif experimentalMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + indent + self.translate_experimental_mode(mode=experimentalMatch.group(1)) |
| |
| elif elseloopMatch : |
| if initialSpaces == self.initSpace or initialSpaces == self.outLoopSpace: |
| resultString = resultString + indent + "else :" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| else : |
| indent = " " *(4 + 4 * (self.flag-1)) |
| resultString = resultString + indent + "else :" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| |
| elif elifloop : |
| |
| operand = elifloop.group(1) |
| operator = elifloop.group(2) |
| value = elifloop.group(3) |
| if initialSpaces == self.initSpace or initialSpaces == self.outLoopSpace: |
| resultString = resultString + indent + "elif " + operand + self.translate_if_else_operator(conditionoperator=operator) + value + ":" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| else : |
| indent = " " *(4 + 4 * (self.flag-1)) |
| resultString = resultString + indent + "elif " + operand + self.translate_if_else_operator(conditionoperator=operator) + value + ":" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| elif response_pasrse : |
| output_string = response_pasrse.group(1) |
| req_format = response_pasrse.group(2) |
| store_in = response_pasrse.group(3) |
| resultString = resultString + indent + store_in +'= main.response_parser('+output_string+",\""+req_format+"\")" |
| self.flag = self.flag + 1 |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_repeat(self,**repeatStatement): |
| ''' |
| this will transalte the repeat statement into a python equivalen while loop |
| ''' |
| |
| args = self.parse_args(["REPEAT"],**repeatStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| |
| resultString = "i = 0" |
| resultString = resultString + "\n" + " " * 8 +"while i<" + args["REPEAT"] + " :" |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_if_else_operator(self,**loopBlock): |
| ''' |
| This method will translate if-else loop block into its equivalent python code. |
| Whole loop block will be passed into loopBlock List. |
| It returns the transalted reuslt as a string. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],**loopBlock) |
| resultString = '' |
| # process the loopBlock List translate all statements underlying the given loop block |
| equalsMatch = re.match("EQUALS$|==\s*$",args["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| greaterMatch = re.match("GREATER\s+THAN$|>\s*$",args["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| lesserMatch = re.match("LESSER\s+THAN$|<\s*$",args["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| greaterEqualMatch = re.match("GREATER\s+THAN\s+OR\s+EQUALS$|>=\s*$",args["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| lesserEqualMatch = re.match("LESSER\s+THAN\s+OR\s+EQUALS$|<=\s*$",args["CONDITIONOPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| if equalsMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + " == " |
| elif greaterMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + " > " |
| elif lesserMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + " < " |
| elif greaterEqualMatch: |
| resultString = resultString + " >= " |
| elif lesserEqualMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + " <= " |
| else : |
| print "\n Error: Given Operator is not listed " |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_experimental_mode(self,**modeType): |
| ''' |
| This API will translate statment EXPERIMENTAL MODE ON/OFF into python equivalent. |
| It will return the transalted value. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["MODE"],**modeType) |
| resultString = '' |
| ONmatch = re.match("\s*ON",args["MODE"],flags=0) |
| OFFmatch = re.match("\sOFF",args["MODE"],flags=0) |
| |
| if ONmatch : |
| resultString = "main.EXPERIMENTAL_MODE = main.TRUE" |
| elif OFFmatch : |
| resultString = "main.EXPERIMENTAL_MODE = main.FALSE" |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def interpret(self,**interpetParameters): |
| ''' |
| This method will accept the OpenSpeak syntax into a string and will return |
| a python equivalent translations statement |
| ''' |
| |
| args = self.parse_args(["TEXT","WRITETOFILE"],**interpetParameters) |
| resultString = '' |
| ## here Open Speak syntax will be translated into python equivalent. |
| resultString = self.verify_and_translate(args["TEXT"]) |
| lineSpace = re.match("^\s+",resultString,flags=0) |
| |
| resultString = re.sub("^\s+","",resultString) if lineSpace else resultString |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_logs(self,**logStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the OpenSpeak log message statements into python equivalent |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["LOGLEVEL","MESSAGE"],**logStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| # convert the statement here |
| message = self.translate_log_message(message=args["MESSAGE"]) |
| if args["LOGLEVEL"] == "INFO" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.info(" + message + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "ERROR" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.error(" + message + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "DEBUG" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.debug(" + message + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "REPORT" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.report(" + message + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "CRITICAL" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.critical(" + message + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "WARN" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.warn(" + args["MESSAGE"] + ")" |
| elif args["LOGLEVEL"] == "EXACT" : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.log.exact(" + args["MESSAGE"] + ")" |
| |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_log_message(self,**messageStatement) : |
| ''' |
| This API will translate log messages if it is a string or Variable or combination |
| of string and variable. |
| It will return the analysed and translate message. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["MESSAGE"],**messageStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| |
| paramsMatch = re.match("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]|LAST_RESULT|LAST_RESPONSE",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| stringMatch = re.match("\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| stringWidVariableMatch = re.match("\"(.*)\"\s+\+\s+(.*)",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| varRefMatch = re.search("\<(\w+)\>",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| if paramsMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_parameters(parameters=args["MESSAGE"]) |
| elif stringMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + args["MESSAGE"] |
| elif stringWidVariableMatch: |
| quoteWord = stringWidVariableMatch.group(1) |
| variableRef = stringWidVariableMatch.group(2) |
| varMatch = re.search("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]",variableRef,flags=0) |
| varRefMatch = re.search("\<(\w+)\>",variableRef,flags=0) |
| if varMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "\"" + quoteWord + "\"" + " + " + self.translate_parameters(parameters=variableRef) |
| elif varRefMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "\"" + quoteWord + "\"" + " + " + varRefMatch.group(1) |
| elif varRefMatch: |
| resultString = resultString + varRefMatch.group(1) |
| else : |
| print "\nError : Syntax error , Not defined way to give log message" + args["MESSAGE"] |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_assertion(self,**assertStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the ASSERT <value1> <COMPARISON OPERATOR> <value2> into python |
| equivalent to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["LEFTVALUE","OPERATOR","RIGHTVALUE","ONPASS","ONFAIL"],**assertStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| # convert the statement here |
| notOperatorMatch = re.search("NOT\s+(.*)",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| notOperatorSymbMatch = re.search("\!(.*)",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| operator = '' |
| lastresultMatch = re.match("LAST_RESULT",args["RIGHTVALUE"],flags=0) |
| lastresponseMatch = re.match("LAST_RESPONSE",args["RIGHTVALUE"],flags=0) |
| if lastresultMatch : |
| operator = "main.last_result" |
| elif lastresponseMatch : |
| operator = "main.last_response" |
| else : |
| operator = args["RIGHTVALUE"] |
| |
| if args["OPERATOR"] == None or args["OPERATOR"] == "" : |
| print "\n Error : Operator has not been specified !!!" |
| elif notOperatorMatch or notOperatorSymbMatch: |
| |
| operators = notOperatorMatch.group(1) if notOperatorMatch else notOperatorSymbMatch.group(1) |
| operators = self.translate_operator(operator=operators) |
| if self.grtrOrLssr == 0 : |
| resultString = resultString + "utilities.assert_not_" + operators + "(expect=" +\ |
| self.translate_response_result(operator=args["RIGHTVALUE"]) + ",actual=" + self.translate_response_result(operator=args["LEFTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",onpass=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONPASS"]) +\ |
| ",onfail=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONFAIL"]) + ")" |
| else : |
| resultString = resultString + "utilities.assert_not_" + operators + "(expect=" +\ |
| self.translate_response_result(operator=args["LEFTVALUE"]) + ",actual=" + self.translate_response_result(operator=args["RIGHTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",onpass=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONPASS"]) +\ |
| ",onfail=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONFAIL"]) + ")" |
| |
| else : |
| operators = self.translate_operator(operator=args["OPERATOR"]) |
| if self.grtrOrLssr == 0 : |
| resultString = resultString + "utilities.assert_" + operators + "(expect=" +\ |
| self.translate_response_result(operator=args["RIGHTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",actual=" + self.translate_response_result(operator=args["LEFTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",onpass=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONPASS"]) +\ |
| ",onfail=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONFAIL"]) + ")" |
| else : |
| resultString = resultString + "utilities.assert_" + operators + "(expect=" +\ |
| self.translate_response_result(operator=args["LEFTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",actual=" + self.translate_response_result(operator=args["RIGHTVALUE"]) +\ |
| ",onpass=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONPASS"]) +\ |
| ",onfail=" + self.translate_assertMessage(message=args["ONFAIL"]) + ")" |
| |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_response_result(self,**operatorStatement): |
| ''' |
| It will translate the LAST_RESPONSE or LAST_RESULT statement into its equivalent. |
| It returns the translate form in resulString. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["OPERATOR"],**operatorStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| lastResultMatch = re.match("LAST_RESULT",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| lastResponseMatch = re.match("LAST_RESPONSE",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| if lastResultMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.last_result" |
| elif lastResponseMatch: |
| resultString = resultString + "main.last_response" |
| else : |
| resultString = resultString + args["OPERATOR"] |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_assertMessage(self,**messageStatement) : |
| ''' |
| This API will facilitate the translation of assert ONPASS or ONFAIL messages . The message can be |
| a string or calling another API in OpenSpeak syntax. |
| It will return the translated message |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["MESSAGE"],**messageStatement) |
| |
| connectMatch = re.search("CONNECT\s+(\w+)\s+USING\s+(.*)",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| disconnectMatch = re.search("DISCONNECT\s+(.*)",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| ondoMatch = re.search("ON\s+(.*)\s+DO\s+(.*)",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| paramsMatch = re.search("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| stringMatch = re.search("\"(.*)\"|\'(.*)\'",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| variableMatch = re.search("\<(.*)\>",args["MESSAGE"],flags=0) |
| |
| resultString = '' |
| if connectMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_connect(component=connectMatch.group(1), |
| arguments=connectMatch.group(2) ) |
| elif disconnectMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_disconnect(component=disconnectMatch.group(1)) |
| elif ondoMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_onDOAs(component=ondoMatch.group(1), |
| action=ondoMatch.group(2)) |
| elif paramsMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + self.translate_parameters(parameters=args["MESSAGE"]) |
| elif stringMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "\"" + stringMatch.group(1) + "\"" |
| elif variableMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + variableMatch.group(1) |
| elif args["MESSAGE"] == None : |
| print "\n Error : Please pass a message or action for assertion " |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_operator(self,**operatorStatement) : |
| ''' |
| It will translate the operator for assertion , by ensuring against given arguments. |
| It will return the translated assertion operator. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["OPERATOR"],**operatorStatement) |
| |
| resultString = '' |
| equalsMatch = re.match("EQUALS$|==$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| greaterMatch = re.match("GREATER\s+THAN$|>$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| lesserMatch = re.match("LESSER\s+THAN$|<$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| stringMatch = re.match("MATCHES|~$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| greaterEqualMatch = re.match("GREATER\s+THAN\s+OR\s+EQUALS$|>=$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| lesserEqualMatch = re.match("LESSER\s+THAN\s+OR\s+EQUALS$|<=$",args["OPERATOR"],flags=0) |
| if equalsMatch : |
| |
| resultString = resultString + "equals" |
| elif greaterMatch : |
| self.grtrOrLssr = self.grtrOrLssr + 1 |
| resultString = resultString + "greater" |
| elif lesserMatch : |
| self.grtrOrLssr = self.grtrOrLssr + 1 |
| resultString = resultString + "lesser" |
| elif stringMatch : |
| |
| resultString = resultString + "matches" |
| elif greaterEqualMatch: |
| |
| resultString = resultString + "greater_equals" |
| elif lesserEqualMatch : |
| |
| resultString = resultString + "lesser_equals" |
| else : |
| print "\n Error: Given Operator is not listed for assertion" |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_store(self,**storeStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the STORE <variable> IN <value> or <variable> = <value> |
| into python equivalent to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["VARIABLE","VALUE"],**storeStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| # convert the statement here |
| ondoMatch = re.match("^\s*ON\s+(.*)\s+DO\s+(.*)",args["VALUE"],flags=0) |
| paramsMatch = re.match("^\s*PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]|LAST_RESULT|LAST_RESPONSE",args["VALUE"],flags=0) |
| if paramsMatch : |
| argString = self.translate_parameters(parameters=args["VALUE"]) |
| resultString = args["VARIABLE"] + " = " + argString |
| elif ondoMatch : |
| resultString = args["VARIABLE"] + " = " + self.translate_onDOAs(component=ondoMatch.group(1),action=ondoMatch.group(2)) |
| else : |
| resultString = args["VARIABLE"] + " = " + args["VALUE"] |
| |
| |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_disconnect(self,**disconnectStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the DISCONNECT <component_name> into python |
| equivalent to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["COMPONENT"],**disconnectStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| # convert the statement here |
| resultString = "main." + args["COMPONENT"] + ".disconnect()" |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_onDOAs(self,**onDoStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the ON <component> DO <action> USING <arg1> AS <value1>,<arg2> AS <value2> |
| into python equivalent to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["COMPONENT","ACTION","ARGUMENTS"],**onDoStatement) |
| subString = '' |
| |
| usingMatch = re.match("\s*(.*)\s+USING\s+(.*)",args["ACTION"],flags=0) |
| action = '' |
| if usingMatch : |
| action = usingMatch.group(1) |
| arguments = usingMatch.group(2) |
| subString = self.translate_usingas(arguments=arguments) |
| |
| else : |
| andCheck = re.search ("(.*)\s+AND\s+(.*)",args["ACTION"],flags=0) |
| |
| action = action + "()" |
| if andCheck: |
| action = andCheck.group(1) + "()" |
| subString = subString + self.handle_conjuction(statement=andCheck.group(2)) |
| else : |
| action = args["ACTION"] |
| action = action + "()" |
| # convert the statement here |
| resultString = "main." + args["COMPONENT"] + "." + action + subString |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def handle_conjuction(self,**conjuctStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will handle the conjuctions |
| ''' |
| |
| args = self.parse_args(["STATEMENT"],**conjuctStatement) |
| subSentence = '' |
| |
| storeMatch = re.match("\s*STORE\s+(.*)\s+IN\s+(.*)",args["STATEMENT"],flags=0) |
| assertMatch = re.match("\s*ASSERT\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)\s+(.*)\s+ONPASS\s+(.*)\s+ONFAIL\s+(.*)",args["STATEMENT"],flags=0) |
| if storeMatch : |
| subSentence = "\n" + " " * 8 + self.translate_store(variable=storeMatch.group(2), |
| value=storeMatch.group(1)) |
| elif assertMatch : |
| subSentence = "\n" + " " * 8 + self.translate_assertion(leftvalue=assertMatch.group(1), |
| operator=assertMatch.group(2), |
| rightvalue=assertMatch.group(3), |
| onpass=assertMatch.group(4), |
| onfail=assertMatch.group(5)) |
| return subSentence |
| |
| def translate_usingas(self,**argumentAS) : |
| ''' |
| This will tranlate USING argument AS value Statement into equivalent argument passing. |
| It will return translated form into resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["ARGUMENTS"],**argumentAS) |
| resultString = '' |
| argsList = [] |
| subString = '' |
| subSentence = '' |
| line = '' |
| andCheck = re.search ("(.*)\s+AND\s+(.*)",args["ARGUMENTS"],flags=0) |
| if andCheck: |
| line = andCheck.group(1) |
| subSentence = self.handle_conjuction(statement=andCheck.group(2)) |
| else : |
| line = args["ARGUMENTS"] |
| |
| |
| |
| argsMatch = re.search("(.*),(.*)",line,flags=0) |
| |
| |
| if args["ARGUMENTS"] == None or args["ARGUMENTS"] == '' : |
| subString = '' |
| elif argsMatch : |
| |
| argsList = line.split(",") |
| for index, arguments in enumerate(argsList): |
| argMatch = re.search("(.*)\s+AS\s+(.*)",arguments,flags=0) |
| if argMatch: |
| argsKey = argMatch.group(1) |
| argsValue = argMatch.group(2) |
| paramsMatch = re.search("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]|LAST_RESPONSE|LAST_RESULT",argsValue,flags=0) |
| if not paramsMatch : |
| if index == len(argsList) - 1 : |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argsValue |
| else : |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argsValue + "," |
| else : |
| argString = self.translate_parameters(parameters=argsValue) |
| if index == len(argsList) - 1 : |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argString |
| else : |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argString + "," |
| else : |
| if index == len(argsList) - 1 : |
| subString = subString + arguments |
| else : |
| subString = subString + arguments + "," |
| else : |
| argMatch = re.search("(.*)\s+AS\s+(.*)",args["ARGUMENTS"],flags=0) |
| if argMatch: |
| argsKey = argMatch.group(1) |
| argsValue = argMatch.group(2) |
| paramsMatch = re.search("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]|LAST_RESPONSE|LAST_RESULT",argsValue,flags=0) |
| if not paramsMatch : |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argsValue |
| else : |
| argString = self.translate_parameters(parameters=argsValue) |
| subString = subString + argsKey + "=" + argString |
| else : |
| paramsMatch = re.match("PARAMS\[(.*)\]|STEP\[(.*)\]|TOPO\[(.*)\]|CASE\[(.*)\]|LAST_RESPONSE|LAST_RESULT",line,flags=0) |
| if paramsMatch : |
| subString = subString + self.translate_parameters(parameters=line) |
| else : |
| subString = subString + line |
| resultString = "(" + subString + ")"+ subSentence |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_connect(self,**connectStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the CONNECT <component_name> USING1 <arg1> AS <value1>, <arg2> AS <value2> |
| into python equivalent to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["COMPONENT","ARGUMENTS"],**connectStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| subString = self.translate_usingas(arguments=args["ARGUMENTS"]) |
| # convert the statement here |
| resultString = "main." + args["COMPONENT"] + ".connect(" + subString + ")" |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_parameters(self,**parameterStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the OpenSpeak Case and Params parameters into python equivalent |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["PARAMETERS"],**parameterStatement) |
| argument = args["PARAMETERS"] |
| resultString = '' |
| ### match arguments |
| paramsMatch = re.search("PARAMS((\[(.*)\])*)",argument,flags=0) |
| stepsMatch = re.search("STEP((\[(.*)\])*)",argument,flags=0) |
| casesMatch = re.search("CASE((\[(.*)\])*)",argument,flags=0) |
| topoMatch = re.search("TOPO((\[(.*)\])*)",argument,flags=0) |
| lastResultMatch = re.match("LAST_RESULT",argument,flags=0) |
| lastResponseMatch = re.match("LAST_RESPONSE",argument,flags=0) |
| # convert the statement here |
| if paramsMatch : |
| params = paramsMatch.group(1) |
| resultString = resultString + "main.params" + self._argsCheck(checkvar=params) |
| elif stepsMatch : |
| resultString = resultString +"main.params[\'" + self.CurrentCase +\ |
| "\'][\'STEP" + str(self.CurrentStep) + "\']" +\ |
| self._argsCheck(checkvar=stepsMatch.group(1)) |
| elif casesMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.params[\'" + self.CurrentCase + "\']" +\ |
| self._argsCheck(checkvar=casesMatch.group(1)) |
| elif topoMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.componentDictionary" +\ |
| self._argsCheck(checkvar=topoMatch.group(1)) |
| elif lastResultMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.last_result" |
| elif lastResponseMatch : |
| resultString = resultString + "main.last_response" |
| return resultString |
| |
| def _argsCheck(self,**args): |
| ''' This API will check if given argument is varibale reference or String and will translate accordingly. |
| It will return the tanslate form in resultString. |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["CHECKVAR"],**args) |
| params = args["CHECKVAR"] |
| argsList = params.split("]") |
| resultString = '' |
| del argsList[len(argsList) - 1] |
| for index,paramArgs in enumerate(argsList) : |
| argsWidVariable = re.search("(\"|\')\s*(\w+)\s*(\'|\")",paramArgs,flags=0) |
| if argsWidVariable : |
| resultString = resultString + "[\'" + argsWidVariable.group(2) + "\']" |
| else : |
| resultString = resultString + paramArgs + "]" |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_step(self,**stepStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the STEP "DO SOMETHING HERE" into python equivalent |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["STEP"],**stepStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| resultString = "main.step(\"" + args["STEP"] + "\")" |
| # convert the statement here |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_comment(self,**commentStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the COMMENT "DO SOMETHING HERE" into python equivalent |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["COMMENT"],**commentStatement) |
| resultString = '' |
| resultString = "#" + args["COMMENT"] |
| # convert the statement here |
| return resultString |
| |
| def translate_testcase_name(self,**nameStatement): |
| ''' |
| This method will convert NAME "<Testcase_name>" into python equivalent statement |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["TESTNAME"],**nameStatement) |
| |
| resultString = '' |
| resultString = "main.case(\"" + args["TESTNAME"] + "\")" |
| # convert the statement here |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_case_block(self,**caseBlock): |
| ''' |
| This method will translate the case block in test script . |
| It returns the translated equivalent python code for test script |
| ''' |
| args = self.parse_args(["CASENUMBER"],**caseBlock) |
| resultString = "" |
| resultString = "def CASE" + str(args["CASENUMBER"]) + "(self,main) :\n" |
| # process the caseBlock List translate all statements underlying the given case |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| |
| def translate_loop_block(self,*loopBlock): |
| ''' |
| This method will translate for loop block into its equivalent python code. |
| Whole loop block will be passed into loopBlock List. |
| It returns the transalted reuslt as a string. |
| ''' |
| resultString = '' |
| # process the loopBlock List translate all statements underlying the given loop block |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def translate_conjuction(self,conjuctionStatement): |
| ''' |
| This will translate the AND conjuction statements into python equivalent |
| to resultString and returns resultString |
| ''' |
| resultString = '' |
| # convert the statement here |
| return resultString |
| |
| |
| def parse_args(self,args, **kwargs): |
| ''' |
| It will accept the (key,value) pair and will return the (key,value) pairs with keys in uppercase. |
| ''' |
| newArgs = {} |
| for key,value in kwargs.iteritems(): |
| #currentKey = str.upper(key) |
| if isinstance(args,list) and str.upper(key) in args: |
| for each in args: |
| if each==str.upper(key): |
| newArgs [str(each)] = value |
| elif each != str.upper(key) and (newArgs.has_key(str(each)) == False ): |
| newArgs[str(each)] = None |
| |
| |
| |
| return newArgs |