| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| ''' |
| Created on 22-Oct-2012 |
| Copyright 2012 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) |
| |
| Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>, |
| the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>, |
| or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg> |
| |
| TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| |
| |
| teston is the main module. |
| |
| ''' |
| |
| import sys |
| import getpass |
| import os |
| import re |
| import __builtin__ |
| import new |
| import xmldict |
| import importlib |
| import threading |
| import pdb |
| module = new.module( "test" ) |
| import openspeak |
| import subprocess |
| global path, drivers_path, core_path, tests_path, logs_path |
| location = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) ) |
| path = re.sub( "(core|bin)$", "", location ) |
| drivers_path = path + "drivers" |
| core_path = path + "core" |
| tests_path = path + "tests" |
| logs_path = path + "logs/" |
| config_path = path + "config/" |
| sys.path.append( path ) |
| sys.path.append( drivers_path ) |
| sys.path.append( core_path ) |
| sys.path.append( tests_path ) |
| |
| from core.utilities import Utilities |
| from core.Thread import Thread |
| |
| class SkipCase( Exception ): |
| pass |
| |
| class TestON: |
| ''' |
| TestON will initiate the specified test. |
| The main tasks are: |
| * Initiate the required Component handles for the test. |
| * Create Log file Handles. |
| ''' |
| def __init__( self, options ): |
| ''' |
| Initialise the component handles specified in the topology file of |
| the specified test. |
| ''' |
| # Initialization of the variables. |
| __builtin__.main = self |
| __builtin__.path = path |
| __builtin__.utilities = Utilities() |
| self.TRUE = 1 |
| self.FALSE = 0 |
| self.ERROR = -1 |
| self.NORESULT = 2 |
| self.FAIL = False |
| self.PASS = True |
| self.CASERESULT = self.ERROR |
| self.init_result = self.TRUE |
| self.testResult = "Summary" |
| self.stepName = "" |
| self.stepCache = "" |
| self.EXPERIMENTAL_MODE = False |
| self.test_target = None |
| self.lastcommand = None |
| self.testDir = tests_path |
| self.testsRoot = tests_path |
| self.configFile = config_path + "teston.cfg" |
| self.parsingClass = "xmlparser" |
| self.parserPath = core_path + "/xmlparser" |
| self.loggerPath = core_path + "/logger" |
| self.loggerClass = "Logger" |
| self.logs_path = logs_path |
| self.driver = '' |
| self.Thread = Thread |
| self.cleanupFlag = False |
| self.cleanupLock = threading.Lock() |
| self.initiated = False |
| self.executedCase = [] |
| self.leftCase = [] |
| self.failedCase = [] |
| self.noResultCase = [] |
| |
| self.config = self.configparser() |
| verifyOptions( options ) |
| load_logger() |
| self.componentDictionary = {} |
| self.componentDictionary = self.topology[ 'COMPONENT' ] |
| self.driversList = [] |
| if isinstance( self.componentDictionary, str ): |
| self.componentDictionary = dict( self.componentDictionary ) |
| |
| for component in self.componentDictionary: |
| self.driversList.append( self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'type' ] ) |
| |
| self.driversList = list( set( self.driversList ) ) # Removing duplicates. |
| # Checking the test_target option set for the component or not |
| if isinstance( self.componentDictionary, dict ): |
| for component in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| if 'test_target' in self.componentDictionary[ component ].keys(): |
| self.test_target = component |
| |
| # Checking for the openspeak file and test script |
| self.logger.initlog( self ) |
| |
| # Creating Drivers Handles |
| initString = "\n" + "*" * 30 + "\n CASE INIT \n" + "*" * 30 + "\n" |
| self.log.exact( initString ) |
| self.driverObject = {} |
| self.random_order = 111 # Random order id to connect the components |
| components_connect_order = {} |
| if isinstance( self.componentDictionary, dict ): |
| for component in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| if 'connect_order' not in self.componentDictionary[ component ].keys(): |
| self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'connect_order' ] = str( self.get_random() ) |
| components_connect_order[ component ] = eval( self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'connect_order' ] ) |
| # Ordering components based on the connect order. |
| ordered_component_list = sorted( components_connect_order, |
| key=lambda key: components_connect_order[ key ] ) |
| print ordered_component_list |
| for component in ordered_component_list: |
| self.componentInit( component ) |
| |
| def configparser( self ): |
| ''' |
| It will parse the config file (teston.cfg) and return as dictionary |
| ''' |
| matchFileName = re.match( r'(.*)\.cfg', self.configFile, re.M | re.I ) |
| if matchFileName: |
| xml = open( self.configFile ).read() |
| try: |
| self.configDict = xmldict.xml_to_dict( xml ) |
| return self.configDict |
| except IOError: |
| print "There is no such file to parse " + self.configFile |
| else: |
| print "There is no such file to parse " + self.configFile |
| |
| def componentInit( self, component ): |
| ''' |
| This method will initialize specified component |
| ''' |
| global driver_options |
| self.initiated = False |
| self.log.info( "Creating component Handle: " + component ) |
| driver_options = {} |
| if 'COMPONENTS' in self.componentDictionary[ component ].keys(): |
| driver_options = dict( self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'COMPONENTS' ] ) |
| driver_options[ 'name' ] = component |
| driverName = self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'type' ] |
| driver_options[ 'type' ] = driverName |
| driver_home = self.componentDictionary[ component ].get( 'home' ) |
| if driver_home: |
| driver_options[ 'home' ] = driver_home |
| |
| classPath = self.getDriverPath( driverName.lower() ) |
| driverModule = importlib.import_module( classPath ) |
| driverClass = getattr( driverModule, driverName ) |
| driverObject = driverClass() |
| |
| if "OCN" in self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'host' ] and\ |
| main.onoscell: |
| self.componentDictionary[ component ][ 'host' ] = main.mnIP |
| |
| user_name = self.componentDictionary[ component ].get( 'user', getpass.getuser() ) |
| ip_address = self.componentDictionary[ component ].get( 'host', 'localhost' ) |
| pwd = self.componentDictionary[ component ].get( 'password', 'changeme' ) |
| port = self.componentDictionary[ component ].get( 'port' ) |
| connect_result = driverObject.connect( user_name=user_name, |
| ip_address=ip_address, |
| pwd=pwd, |
| port=port, |
| options=driver_options ) |
| |
| if not connect_result: |
| self.log.error( "Exiting from the test execution because connecting to the " + |
| component + " component failed." ) |
| self.exit() |
| |
| vars( self )[ component ] = driverObject |
| self.initiated = True |
| return driverObject |
| |
| def run( self ): |
| ''' |
| The Execution of the test script's cases listed in the Test params |
| file will be done here then update each test case result. |
| This method will return main.TRUE if it executed all the test cases |
| successfully, else will retun main.FALSE |
| ''' |
| self.testCaseResult = {} |
| self.TOTAL_TC = 0 |
| self.TOTAL_TC_RUN = 0 |
| self.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED = 0 |
| self.TOTAL_TC_NORESULT = 0 |
| self.TOTAL_TC_FAIL = 0 |
| self.TOTAL_TC_PASS = 0 |
| self.TEST_ITERATION = 0 |
| |
| # NOTE: number of main.step statements in the |
| # outer most level of the test case. used to |
| # execute code in smaller steps |
| self.stepCount = 0 |
| |
| import testparser |
| test = testparser.TestParser( main.testFile ) |
| self.testscript = test.testscript |
| self.code = test.getStepCode() |
| repeat = int( self.params.get( 'repeat', 1 ) ) |
| self.TOTAL_TC_PLANNED = len( self.testcases_list ) * repeat |
| |
| result = self.TRUE |
| while repeat: |
| self.leftCase.extend( self.testcases_list ) |
| for self.CurrentTestCaseNumber in self.testcases_list: |
| self.executedCase.append( self.leftCase.pop( 0 ) ) |
| result = self.runCase( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) |
| repeat -= 1 |
| return result |
| |
| def runCase( self, testCaseNumber ): |
| self.CurrentTestCaseNumber = testCaseNumber |
| self.CurrentTestCase = "" |
| |
| # List of step results in a case. ANDed together to get the result |
| self.stepResultsList = [] |
| self.stepName = "" |
| self.caseExplanation = "" |
| result = self.TRUE |
| |
| # NOTE: number of main.step statements in the |
| # outer most level of the test case. used to |
| # execute code in smaller steps |
| self.stepCount = 0 |
| |
| # NOTE: This is the current number of main.step()'s executed |
| # in a case. Used for logging. |
| self.stepNumber = 0 |
| self.addCaseHeader() |
| self.log.debug( "Case Executed : " + str( self.executedCase ) ) |
| self.log.debug( "Case to be executed : " + str( self.leftCase ) ) |
| self.testCaseNumber = str( testCaseNumber ) |
| stopped = False |
| try: |
| self.code[ self.testCaseNumber ] |
| except KeyError: |
| self.log.error( "There is no Test-Case " + self.testCaseNumber ) |
| return self.FALSE |
| self.stepCount = 0 |
| while self.stepCount < len( self.code[ self.testCaseNumber ].keys() ): |
| result = self.runStep( self.code, self.testCaseNumber ) |
| if result == self.FALSE: |
| break |
| elif result == self.TRUE: |
| continue |
| # stepResults format: ( stepNo[], stepName[], stepResult[], onFail[] ) |
| stepResults = self.stepResultsList |
| if not stopped: |
| if self.CASERESULT == self.TRUE or self.CASERESULT == self.FALSE: |
| # Result was already explitily set somewhere else like |
| # in skipCase() |
| pass |
| elif all( self.TRUE == i for i in stepResults ): |
| self.CASERESULT = self.TRUE |
| elif self.FALSE in stepResults: |
| self.CASERESULT = self.FALSE |
| elif self.TRUE in stepResults: |
| self.CASERESULT = self.TRUE |
| else: |
| self.testCaseResult[ str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) ] = self.CASERESULT |
| self.organizeResult( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber, self.CASERESULT ) |
| self.logger.updateCaseResults( self ) |
| self.log.wiki( "<p>" + self.caseExplanation + "</p>" ) |
| self.log.summary( self.caseExplanation ) |
| self.log.wiki( "<ul>" ) |
| subcaseMessage = False |
| for line in self.stepCache.splitlines(): |
| if re.search( "[0-9]\.[0-9]", line ): # Step |
| if subcaseMessage: # End of Failure Message Printout |
| self.log.wiki( "</ul>\n" ) |
| subcaseMessage = False |
| if re.search( " - PASS$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"tick\" /></li>\n" ) |
| elif re.search( " - FAIL$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"cross\" /></li>\n" ) |
| elif re.search( " - No Result$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"warning\" /></li>\n" ) |
| else: # Substep |
| if not subcaseMessage: # Open Failure Message Printout |
| self.log.wiki( "<ul><li>" + line + "</li>\n" ) |
| subcaseMessage = True |
| else: # Add to Failure Message Printout |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + "</li>\n" ) |
| if subcaseMessage: # End of Failure Message Printout for last item |
| self.log.wiki( "</ul>\n" ) |
| self.log.wiki( "</ul>" ) |
| self.log.summary( self.stepCache ) |
| self.stepCache = "" |
| return result |
| |
| def organizeResult( self, caseNum, result ): |
| """ |
| Organize the result and put the current number into either |
| failed/noResult lists. |
| * caseNum - number of the case |
| * result - result of the case |
| """ |
| if result == main.FALSE: |
| self.failedCase.append( caseNum ) |
| elif result == self.NORESULT: |
| self.noResultCase.append( caseNum ) |
| |
| def runStep( self, code, testCaseNumber ): |
| if not cli.pause: |
| try: |
| step = self.stepCount |
| # stepResults format: ( stepNo, stepName, stepResult, onFail ) |
| # NOTE: This is needed to catch results of main.step()'s |
| # called inside functions or loops |
| self.stepResults = ( [], [], [], [] ) |
| exec code[ testCaseNumber ][ step ] in module.__dict__ |
| self.stepCount = self.stepCount + 1 |
| self.parseStepResults( testCaseNumber ) |
| except SkipCase: # Raised in self.skipCase() |
| self.log.warn( "Skipping the rest of CASE" + |
| str( testCaseNumber ) ) |
| self.parseStepResults( testCaseNumber ) |
| self.stepResultsList.append( self.STEPRESULT ) |
| self.stepCache += "\t\t" + self.onFailMsg + "\n" |
| self.stepCount = self.stepCount + 1 |
| return self.FALSE |
| except StandardError as e: |
| try: |
| stepNo = self.stepResults[ 0 ][ self.stepNumber - 1 ] |
| except IndexError: |
| stepNo = "<IndexError>" |
| main.log.warn( "Error trying to get step number. " + |
| "It is likely between step " + |
| str( self.stepNumber ) + " and step " + |
| str( self.stepNumber + 1 ) ) |
| try: |
| stepName = self.stepResults[ 1 ][ self.stepNumber - 1 ] |
| except IndexError: |
| stepName = "<IndexError>" |
| self.log.error( "\nException in the following section of" + |
| " code: " + str( testCaseNumber ) + "." + |
| str( stepNo ) + ": " + stepName ) |
| self.log.error( str( e.__class__ ) + str( e.message ) ) |
| self.stepCount = self.stepCount + 1 |
| self.logger.updateCaseResults( self ) |
| # WIKI results |
| self.log.wiki( "<ul>" ) |
| for line in self.stepCache.splitlines(): |
| if re.search( " - PASS$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"tick\" /></li>\n" ) |
| elif re.search( " - FAIL$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"cross\" /></li>\n" ) |
| elif re.search( " - No Result$", line ): |
| self.log.wiki( "<li>" + line + " <ac:emoticon ac:name=\"warning\" /></li>\n" ) |
| else: # Should only be on fail message |
| self.log.wiki( "<ul><li>" + line + "</li></ul>\n" ) |
| self.log.wiki( "</ul>" ) |
| # summary results |
| self.log.summary( self.stepCache ) |
| self.stepCache = "" |
| self.cleanup() |
| self.exit() |
| return self.TRUE |
| if cli.stop: |
| cli.stop = False |
| self.testCaseResult[ str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) ] = "Stopped" |
| self.logger.updateCaseResults( self ) |
| result = self.cleanup() |
| return self.FALSE |
| |
| def parseStepResults( self, testCaseNumber ): |
| """ |
| Parse throught the step results for the wiki |
| """ |
| try: |
| # Iterate through each of the steps and print them |
| for index in range( len( self.stepResults[ 0 ] ) ): |
| # stepResults = ( stepNo, stepName, stepResult, onFail ) |
| stepNo = self.stepResults[ 0 ][ index ] |
| stepName = self.stepResults[ 1 ][ index ] |
| stepResult = self.stepResults[ 2 ][ index ] |
| onFail = self.stepResults[ 3 ][ index ] |
| self.stepCache += "\t" + str( testCaseNumber ) + "." |
| self.stepCache += str( stepNo ) + " " |
| self.stepCache += stepName + " - " |
| if stepResult == self.TRUE: |
| self.stepCache += "PASS\n" |
| elif stepResult == self.FALSE: |
| self.stepCache += "FAIL\n" |
| self.stepCache += "\t\t" + onFail + "\n" |
| else: |
| self.stepCache += "No Result\n" |
| self.stepResultsList.append( stepResult ) |
| except Exception: |
| self.log.exception( "Error parsing step results" ) |
| |
| def skipCase( self, result="DEFAULT", msg=None ): |
| """ |
| Will skip the rest of the code in a test case. The case results will be |
| determined as normal based on completed assertions unless the result |
| argument is given. |
| |
| Optional Arguments: |
| result: Case insensitive string. Can be 'PASS' or 'FAIL' and will set |
| the case result accordingly. |
| msg: Message to be printed when the case is skipped in the reports. |
| """ |
| result = result.upper().strip() |
| if result == "PASS": |
| self.CASERESULT = self.TRUE |
| elif result == "FAIL": |
| self.CASERESULT = self.FALSE |
| self.onFailMsg = "Skipping the rest of this case. " |
| if msg: |
| self.onFailMsg += str( msg ) |
| raise SkipCase |
| |
| def addCaseHeader( self ): |
| caseHeader = "\n" + "*" * 30 + "\n Result summary for Testcase" + \ |
| str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + "\n" + "*" * 30 + "\n" |
| self.log.exact( caseHeader ) |
| caseHeader = "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\nStart of Test Case" + \ |
| str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + " : " |
| for driver in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| vars( self )[ driver + 'log' ].info( caseHeader ) |
| |
| def addCaseFooter( self ): |
| stepNo = self.stepResults[ 0 ][ -2 ] |
| if stepNo > 0: |
| previousStep = " " + str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + "." + \ |
| str( stepNo ) + ": " + str( self.stepName ) |
| stepHeader = "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\nEnd of Step " + previousStep + \ |
| "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\n" |
| |
| caseFooter = "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\nEnd of Test case " + \ |
| str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\n" |
| |
| for driver in self.driversList: |
| vars( self )[ driver ].write( stepHeader + "\n" + caseFooter ) |
| |
| def setCheckingPoint( self ): |
| ''' |
| Using when running findPatchScript.sh. This function needs to be placed |
| on the point that has the problem. |
| |
| For example, if you see unusual behavior or from the portion of the code, |
| this is where you need to put with the conditional statement. |
| If some of the latency result is much greater than usual, have if statement |
| that checks if the result is greater than some point and include this function. |
| |
| This will mark the 0 to findPatchResult.txt in /tmp/ and exit the test. |
| Then from findPatchScript, it will move onto the next commit and re-run the |
| test. |
| ''' |
| self.log.error( "Reached to the checking point. Will mark the result and exit the test" ) |
| resultFile = open( "/tmp/findPatchResult.txt", "w" ) |
| resultFile.write( "0" ) |
| resultFile.close() |
| self.cleanAndExit() |
| |
| def cleanup( self ): |
| ''' |
| Print a summary of the current test's results then attempt to release |
| all the component handles and the close opened file handles. |
| |
| This function shouldbe threadsafe such that cleanup will only be |
| executed once per test. |
| |
| This will return TRUE if all the component handles and log handles |
| closed properly, else return FALSE. |
| ''' |
| result = self.TRUE |
| lock = self.cleanupLock |
| if lock.acquire( False ): |
| try: |
| if self.cleanupFlag is False: # First thread to run this |
| self.cleanupFlag = True |
| if self.initiated: |
| self.logger.testSummary( self ) |
| components = self.componentDictionary |
| for component in sorted( components, |
| key=lambda item: components[ item ][ 'connect_order' ], |
| reverse=True ): |
| try: |
| tempObject = vars( self )[ component ] |
| print "Disconnecting from " + str( tempObject.name ) + \ |
| ": " + str( tempObject.__class__ ) |
| tempObject.disconnect() |
| except KeyboardInterrupt: |
| pass |
| except KeyError: |
| # Component not created yet |
| self.log.warn( "Could not find the component " + |
| str( component ) ) |
| except StandardError: |
| self.log.exception( "Exception while disconnecting from " + |
| str( component ) ) |
| result = self.FALSE |
| # Closing all the driver's session files |
| for driver in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| try: |
| vars( self )[ driver ].close_log_handles() |
| except KeyboardInterrupt: |
| pass |
| except KeyError: |
| # Component not created yet |
| self.log.warn( "Could not find the component " + |
| str( driver ) + " while trying to" + |
| " close log file" ) |
| except StandardError: |
| self.log.exception( "Exception while closing log files for " + |
| str( driver ) ) |
| result = self.FALSE |
| else: |
| pass # Someone else already ran through this function |
| finally: |
| lock.release() |
| else: # Someone already has a lock |
| # NOTE: This could cause problems if we don't release the lock |
| # correctly |
| lock.acquire() # Wait for the other thread to finish |
| # NOTE: If we don't wait, exit could be called while the thread |
| # with the lock is still cleaning up |
| lock.release() |
| return result |
| |
| def pause( self ): |
| ''' |
| This function will pause the test's execution, and will continue after |
| user provide 'resume' command. |
| ''' |
| __builtin__.testthread.pause() |
| |
| def onfail( self, *components ): |
| ''' |
| When test step failed, calling all the components onfail. |
| ''' |
| if not components: |
| try: |
| for component in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| tempObject = vars( self )[ component ] |
| result = tempObject.onfail() |
| except StandardError as e: |
| print str( e ) |
| result = self.FALSE |
| else: |
| try: |
| for component in components: |
| tempObject = vars( self )[ component ] |
| result = tempObject.onfail() |
| except StandardError as e: |
| print str( e ) |
| result = self.FALSE |
| |
| def getDriverPath( self, driverName ): |
| ''' |
| Based on the component 'type' specified in the params , this method |
| will find the absolute path, by recursively searching the name of |
| the component. |
| |
| NOTE: This function requires the linux 'find' command. |
| ''' |
| import commands |
| |
| cmd = "find " + drivers_path + " -name " + driverName + ".py" |
| result = commands.getoutput( cmd ) |
| |
| result_array = str( result ).split( '\n' ) |
| result_count = 0 |
| |
| for drivers_list in result_array: |
| result_count = result_count + 1 |
| if result_count > 1: |
| print "Found " + driverName + " " + str( result_count ) + " times:" |
| print str( result_array ) |
| self.exit() |
| |
| result = re.sub( "(.*)drivers", "", result ) |
| result = re.sub( "\/\/", "/", result ) |
| result = re.sub( "\.py", "", result ) |
| result = re.sub( "\.pyc", "", result ) |
| result = re.sub( "\/", ".", result ) |
| result = "drivers" + result |
| return result |
| |
| def step( self, stepDesc ): |
| ''' |
| The step information of the test-case will append to the logs. |
| ''' |
| previousStep = " " + str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + "." + \ |
| str( self.stepNumber ) + ": " + str( self.stepName ) |
| self.stepName = stepDesc |
| self.stepNumber += 1 |
| self.stepResults[ 0 ].append( self.stepNumber ) |
| self.stepResults[ 1 ].append( stepDesc ) |
| self.stepResults[ 2 ].append( self.NORESULT ) |
| self.stepResults[ 3 ].append( "No on fail message given" ) |
| |
| stepName = " " + str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) + "." + \ |
| str( self.stepNumber ) + ": " + str( stepDesc ) |
| self.log.step( stepName ) |
| stepHeader = "" |
| line = "\n" + "-" * 45 + "\n" |
| if self.stepNumber > 1: |
| stepHeader = line + "End of Step " + previousStep + line |
| stepHeader += line + "Start of Step" + stepName + line |
| for driver in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| vars( self )[ driver + 'log' ].info( stepHeader ) |
| |
| def case( self, testCaseName ): |
| ''' |
| Test's each test-case information will append to the logs. |
| ''' |
| self.CurrentTestCase = testCaseName |
| testCaseName = " " + str( testCaseName ) |
| self.log.case( testCaseName ) |
| caseHeader = testCaseName + "\n" + "*" * 40 + "\n" |
| for driver in self.componentDictionary.keys(): |
| vars( self )[ driver + 'log' ].info( caseHeader ) |
| |
| def testDesc( self, description ): |
| ''' |
| Test description will append to the logs. |
| ''' |
| description = "Test Description : " + str( description ) |
| self.log.info( description ) |
| |
| def _getTest( self ): |
| ''' |
| This method will parse the test script to find required test |
| information. |
| ''' |
| testFileHandler = open( main.testFile, 'r' ) |
| testFileList = testFileHandler.readlines() |
| testFileHandler.close() |
| counter = 0 |
| for index in range( len( testFileList ) ): |
| lineMatch = re.match( '\s+def CASE(\d+)(.*):', |
| testFileList[ index ], |
| 0 ) |
| if lineMatch: |
| counter = counter + 1 |
| self.TC_PLANNED = len( self.testcases_list ) |
| |
| def response_parser( self, response, return_format ): |
| ''' It will load the default response parser ''' |
| response_dict = {} |
| response_dict = self.response_to_dict( response, return_format ) |
| return_format_string = self.dict_to_return_format( response, |
| return_format, |
| response_dict ) |
| return return_format_string |
| |
| def response_to_dict( self, response, return_format ): |
| response_dict = {} |
| json_match = re.search( '^\s*{', response ) |
| xml_match = re.search( '^\s*\<', response ) |
| ini_match = re.search( '^\s*\[', response ) |
| if json_match: |
| self.log.info( "Response is in 'JSON' format, converting to '" + |
| return_format + "' format" ) |
| # Formatting the json string |
| response = re.sub( r"{\s*'?(\w)", r'{"\1', response ) |
| response = re.sub( r",\s*'?(\w)", r',"\1', response ) |
| response = re.sub( r"(\w)'?\s*:", r'\1":', response ) |
| response = re.sub( r":\s*'(\w)'\s*([,}])", r':"\1"\2', response ) |
| try: |
| import json |
| response_dict = json.loads( response ) |
| except StandardError: |
| self.log.exception( "Json Parser is unable to parse the string" ) |
| return response_dict |
| elif ini_match: |
| self.log.info( "Response is in 'INI' format, converting to '" + |
| return_format + "' format" ) |
| from configobj import ConfigObj |
| response_file = open( "respnse_file.temp", 'w' ) |
| response_file.write( response ) |
| response_file.close() |
| response_dict = ConfigObj( "respnse_file.temp" ) |
| return response_dict |
| elif xml_match: |
| self.log.info( "Response is in 'XML' format, converting to '" + |
| return_format + "' format" ) |
| try: |
| response_dict = xmldict.xml_to_dict( "<response> " + |
| str( response ) + |
| " </response>" ) |
| except StandardError: |
| self.log.exception() |
| return response_dict |
| |
| def dict_to_return_format( self, response, return_format, response_dict ): |
| if return_format == 'table': |
| ''' Will return in table format''' |
| to_do = "Call the table output formatter" |
| global response_table |
| response_table = '\n' |
| response_table = response_table + '\t'.join( response_dict ) + "\n" |
| |
| def get_table( value_to_convert ): |
| ''' This will parse the dictionary recusrsively and print as |
| table format''' |
| table_data = "" |
| if isinstance( value_to_convert, dict ): |
| table_data = table_data + '\t'.join( value_to_convert ) + \ |
| "\n" |
| for temp_val in value_to_convert.values(): |
| table_data = table_data + get_table( temp_val ) |
| else: |
| table_data = table_data + str( value_to_convert ) + "\t" |
| return table_data |
| |
| for value in response_dict.values(): |
| response_table = response_table + get_table( value ) |
| return response_table |
| |
| elif return_format == 'config': |
| ''' Will return in config format''' |
| to_do = 'Call dict to config coverter' |
| response_string = str( response_dict ) |
| print response_string |
| response_config = re.sub( ",", "\n\t", response_string ) |
| response_config = re.sub( "u\'", "\'", response_config ) |
| response_config = re.sub( "{", "", response_config ) |
| response_config = re.sub( "}", "\n", response_config ) |
| response_config = re.sub( ":", " =", response_config ) |
| return "[response]\n\t " + response_config |
| elif return_format == 'xml': |
| ''' Will return in xml format''' |
| response_xml = xmldict.dict_to_xml( response_dict ) |
| response_xml = re.sub( ">\s*<", ">\n<", response_xml ) |
| return "\n" + response_xml |
| elif return_format == 'json': |
| ''' Will return in json format''' |
| to_do = 'Call dict to xml coverter' |
| import json |
| response_json = json.dumps( response_dict ) |
| return response_json |
| |
| def get_random( self ): |
| self.random_order = self.random_order + 1 |
| return self.random_order |
| |
| def exit( self ): |
| __builtin__.testthread = None |
| for thread in threading.enumerate(): |
| if thread.isAlive(): |
| try: |
| thread._Thread__stop() |
| except: |
| # NOTE: We should catch any exceptions while trying to |
| # close the thread so that we can try to close the other |
| # threads as well |
| print str( thread.getName() ) + \ |
| ' could not be terminated' |
| os.system( "stty sane" ) # fix format if necessary |
| sys.exit() |
| |
| def cleanAndExit( self, alarm=True, msg="" ): |
| """ |
| It will set the testcase result to be FAILED and update it |
| before cleaning up and exitting the test. |
| alarm: when set to True, it will write to the alarm log before |
| cleaning up and exitting; otherwise it will write to error log. |
| msg: message that will be written to the log if specified; |
| otherwise a default message will be written. |
| :return: |
| """ |
| if self.CurrentTestCaseNumber: |
| self.testCaseResult[ str( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber ) ] = self.FALSE |
| self.organizeResult( self.CurrentTestCaseNumber, self.FALSE ) |
| self.logger.updateCaseResults( self ) |
| if alarm: |
| if msg: |
| self.log.alarm( "Test exited unexpectedly: {}".format( msg ) ) |
| else: |
| self.log.alarm( "Test exited unexpectedly" ) |
| else: |
| if msg: |
| self.log.error( "Test exited unexpectedly: {}".format( msg ) ) |
| else: |
| self.log.error( "Test exited unexpectedly" ) |
| self.cleanup() |
| self.exit() |
| |
| def stop( self, email=False ): |
| """ |
| Stop the test until Ctrl-D is entered. |
| Ctrl-C will kill the test |
| |
| Optional arguments: |
| email can either be a bool, or you can specify the email address |
| to send the email to |
| """ |
| try: |
| if email: |
| if '@' in email: |
| main.mail = email |
| utilities.send_warning_email() |
| self.log.debug( "Test execution suspended. \n" |
| "- Type 'c' to resume the test.\n" |
| "- Type Ctrl-C to exit the test.\n" |
| "- Enter interactive python interpreter commands.\n" |
| "\t- ie: main.Mininet1.pingall()\n" |
| "- Type 'help' for help with pdb." ) |
| pdb.set_trace() |
| except EOFError: |
| return |
| # Pass all other exceptions up to caller |
| |
| |
| def verifyOptions( options ): |
| ''' |
| This will verify the command line options and set to default values, |
| if any option not given in command line. |
| ''' |
| verifyTest( options ) |
| verifyExample( options ) |
| verifyTestScript( options ) |
| verifyParams( options ) |
| verifyLogdir( options ) |
| verifyMail( options ) |
| verifyTestCases( options ) |
| verifyOnosCell( options ) |
| |
| def verifyTest( options ): |
| try: |
| if options.testname: |
| main.TEST = options.testname |
| main.classPath = "tests." + main.TEST + "." + main.TEST |
| main.tests_path = tests_path |
| elif options.example: |
| main.TEST = options.example |
| main.tests_path = path + "/examples/" |
| main.classPath = "examples." + main.TEST + "." + main.TEST |
| except AttributeError: |
| print "Test or Example not specified please specify the --test <test name > or --example <example name>" |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def verifyExample( options ): |
| if options.example: |
| main.testDir = path + '/examples/' |
| main.tests_path = path + "/examples/" |
| main.classPath = "examples." + main.TEST + "." + main.TEST |
| |
| def verifyLogdir( options ): |
| # Verifying Log directory option |
| if options.logdir: |
| main.logdir = options.logdir |
| else: |
| main.logdir = main.FALSE |
| |
| def verifyMail( options ): |
| # Mail-To: field |
| if options.mail: # Test run specific |
| main.mail = options.mail |
| elif main.params.get( 'mail' ): # Test suite specific |
| main.mail = main.params.get( 'mail' ) |
| else: # TestON specific |
| main.mail = main.config[ 'config' ].get( 'mail_to' ) |
| # Mail-From: field |
| main.sender = main.config[ 'config' ].get( 'mail_from' ) |
| # Mail smtp server |
| main.smtp = main.config[ 'config' ].get( 'mail_server' ) |
| # Mail-From account password |
| main.senderPwd = main.config[ 'config' ].get( 'mail_pass' ) |
| |
| def evalTestCase( tempList ): |
| tList = [] |
| for tcase in tempList: |
| if isinstance( tcase, list ): |
| tList.extend( evalTestCase( tcase ) ) |
| else: |
| tList.extend( [ tcase ] ) |
| return tList |
| |
| def verifyTestCases( options ): |
| # Getting Test cases list |
| if options.testcases: |
| testcases_list = options.testcases |
| # sys.exit() |
| testcases_list = re.sub( "(\[|\])", "", options.testcases ) |
| main.testcases_list = eval( testcases_list + "," ) |
| else: |
| if 'testcases' in main.params.keys(): |
| temp = eval( main.params[ 'testcases' ] + "," ) |
| main.testcases_list = evalTestCase( list( temp ) ) |
| else: |
| print "Testcases not specifed in params, please provide in " + \ |
| "params file or 'testcases' commandline argument" |
| sys.exit() |
| |
| def verifyOnosCell( options ): |
| # Verifying onoscell option |
| if options.onoscell: |
| main.onoscell = options.onoscell |
| main.ONOSip = [] |
| main.mnIP = "" |
| cellCMD = ". ~/onos/tools/dev/bash_profile; cell " + main.onoscell |
| output = subprocess.check_output( [ "bash", '-c', cellCMD ] ) |
| splitOutput = output.splitlines() |
| main.apps = "" |
| for i in range( len( splitOutput ) ): |
| if re.match( "OCN", splitOutput[ i ] ): |
| mnNode = splitOutput[ i ].split( "=" ) |
| main.mnIP = mnNode[ 1 ] |
| # cell already sorts OC variables in bash, so no need to |
| # sort in TestON |
| elif re.match( "OC[1-9]", splitOutput[ i ] ): |
| onosNodes = splitOutput[ i ].split( "=" ) |
| main.ONOSip.append( onosNodes[ 1 ] ) |
| elif re.match( "ONOS_APPS", splitOutput[ i ] ): |
| main.apps = ( splitOutput[ i ].split( "=" ) )[ 1 ] |
| else: |
| main.onoscell = main.FALSE |
| |
| def verifyTestScript( options ): |
| ''' |
| Verifyies test script. |
| ''' |
| main.openspeak = openspeak.OpenSpeak() |
| directory = main.testDir + "/" + main.TEST |
| if os.path.exists( directory ): |
| pass |
| else: |
| directory = "" |
| for root, dirs, files in os.walk( main.testDir, topdown=True ): |
| if not directory: |
| for name in dirs: |
| if name == main.TEST: |
| directory = ( os.path.join( root, name ) ) |
| index = directory.find( "/tests/" ) + 1 |
| main.classPath = directory[ index: ].replace( '/', '.' ) + "." + main.TEST |
| break |
| openspeakfile = directory + "/" + main.TEST + ".ospk" |
| main.testDir = directory |
| main.testFile = directory + "/" + main.TEST + ".py" |
| if os.path.exists( openspeakfile ): |
| # Openspeak file found, compiling to python |
| main.openspeak.compiler( openspeakfile=openspeakfile, writetofile=1 ) |
| elif os.path.exists( main.testFile ): |
| # No openspeak found, using python file instead |
| pass |
| else: |
| print "\nThere is no \"" + main.TEST + "\" test script.\nPlease provide a " + \ |
| "Python or OpenSpeak test script in the tests folder: " + \ |
| main.testDir + "/" + main.TEST + "/" |
| __builtin__.testthread = None |
| main.exit() |
| try: |
| testModule = __import__( main.classPath, |
| globals(), |
| locals(), |
| [ main.TEST ], |
| -1 ) |
| except ImportError: |
| print "There was an import error, it might mean that there is " + \ |
| "no test named " + main.TEST |
| main.exit() |
| |
| testClass = getattr( testModule, main.TEST ) |
| main.testObject = testClass() |
| load_parser() |
| main.paramsFile = main.TEST + ".params" if options.paramsFile is None else options.paramsFile |
| main.topoFile = main.TEST + ".topo" if options.topoFile is None else options.topoFile |
| main.params = main.parser.parseFile( main.testDir + "/" + main.paramsFile ) |
| main.topology = main.parser.parseFile( main.testDir + "/" + main.topoFile ) |
| |
| def verifyParams( options ): |
| try: |
| main.params = main.params[ 'PARAMS' ] |
| except KeyError: |
| print "Error with the params file: Either the file not specified " + \ |
| "or the format is not correct" |
| main.exit() |
| try: |
| main.topology = main.topology[ 'TOPOLOGY' ] |
| except KeyError: |
| print "Error with the Topology file: Either the file not specified " + \ |
| "or the format is not correct" |
| main.exit() |
| # Overwrite existing params variables if they are specified from command line |
| if len( options.params ) > 0: |
| # Some params variables are specified from command line |
| for param in options.params: |
| if not re.search( ".=.", param ): |
| print( "Error when parsing params: params should follow key=value format" ) |
| continue |
| # Split the param string to catch nested keys and the value |
| [ keys, value ] = param.split( "=" ) |
| # Split the nested keys according to its hierarchy |
| keyList = keys.split( "/" ) |
| # Get the outermost dictionary |
| paramDict = main.params |
| # Get the innermost dictionary |
| try: |
| while len( keyList ) > 1: |
| key = keyList.pop( 0 ) |
| assert isinstance( paramDict[ key ], dict ) |
| paramDict = paramDict[ key ] |
| except KeyError: |
| print( "Error when parsing params: key \"" + key + "\" not found in main.params" ) |
| main.exit() |
| except AssertionError: |
| print( "Error when parsing params: \"" + key + "\" is already the innermost level in main.params" ) |
| main.exit() |
| # Change the value |
| if keyList[ 0 ] not in paramDict: |
| print( "Error when parsing params: key \"" + keyList[ 0 ] + "\" not found in main.params" ) |
| main.exit() |
| elif isinstance( paramDict[ keyList[ 0 ] ], dict ): |
| print( "Error when parsing params: more levels under key \"" + keyList[ 0 ] + "\" in main.params" ) |
| main.exit() |
| else: |
| paramDict[ keyList[ 0 ] ] = value |
| |
| def load_parser(): |
| ''' |
| It facilitates the loading customised parser for topology and params file. |
| It loads parser mentioned in tab named parser of teston.cfg file. |
| It also loads default xmlparser if no parser have specified in teston.cfg |
| file. |
| |
| ''' |
| confighash = main.configDict |
| if 'file' in confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ] and\ |
| 'class' in confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ]: |
| path = confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'file' ] |
| if path is not None or\ |
| confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'class' ] is not None: |
| try: |
| module = re.sub( r".py\s*$", "", path ) |
| moduleList = module.split( "/" ) |
| newModule = ".".join( moduleList[ -2: ] ) |
| parsingClass = confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'class' ] |
| parsingModule = __import__( newModule, |
| globals(), |
| locals(), |
| [ parsingClass ], |
| -1 ) |
| parsingClass = getattr( parsingModule, parsingClass ) |
| main.parser = parsingClass() |
| if hasattr( main.parser, "parseFile" ) and\ |
| hasattr( main.parser, "parse" ): |
| pass |
| else: |
| print "Invalid parser format" |
| main.exit() |
| except ImportError: |
| print "Could not find the file " + path + \ |
| " using default parser." |
| load_defaultParser() |
| elif confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'file' ] is None or\ |
| confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'class' ] is None: |
| load_defaultParser() |
| else: |
| load_defaultParser() |
| |
| def load_defaultParser(): |
| ''' |
| It will load the default parser which is xml parser to parse the params and |
| topology file. |
| ''' |
| moduleList = main.parserPath.split( "/" ) |
| newModule = ".".join( moduleList[ -2: ] ) |
| try: |
| parsingClass = main.parsingClass |
| parsingModule = __import__( newModule, |
| globals(), |
| locals(), |
| [ parsingClass ], |
| -1 ) |
| parsingClass = getattr( parsingModule, parsingClass ) |
| main.parser = parsingClass() |
| if hasattr( main.parser, "parseFile" ) and\ |
| hasattr( main.parser, "parse" ): |
| pass |
| else: |
| main.exit() |
| except ImportError: |
| print sys.exc_info()[ 1 ] |
| |
| def load_logger(): |
| ''' |
| It facilitates the loading customised parser for topology and params file. |
| It loads parser mentioned in tab named parser of teston.cfg file. |
| It also loads default xmlparser if no parser have specified in teston.cfg |
| file. |
| ''' |
| confighash = main.configDict |
| if 'file' in confighash[ 'config' ][ 'logger' ] and\ |
| 'class' in confighash[ 'config' ][ 'logger' ]: |
| path = confighash[ 'config' ][ 'logger' ][ 'file' ] |
| if path is not None or\ |
| confighash[ 'config' ][ 'logger' ][ 'class' ] is not None: |
| try: |
| module = re.sub( r".py\s*$", "", path ) |
| moduleList = module.split( "/" ) |
| newModule = ".".join( moduleList[ -2: ] ) |
| loggerClass = confighash[ 'config' ][ 'logger' ][ 'class' ] |
| loggerModule = __import__( newModule, |
| globals(), |
| locals(), |
| [ loggerClass ], |
| -1 ) |
| loggerClass = getattr( loggerModule, loggerClass ) |
| main.logger = loggerClass() |
| except ImportError: |
| print "Could not find the file " + path + \ |
| " using default logger." |
| load_defaultlogger() |
| elif confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'file' ] is None or\ |
| confighash[ 'config' ][ 'parser' ][ 'class' ] is None: |
| load_defaultlogger() |
| else: |
| load_defaultlogger() |
| |
| def load_defaultlogger(): |
| ''' |
| It will load the default parser which is xml parser to parse the params and |
| topology file. |
| ''' |
| moduleList = main.loggerPath.split( "/" ) |
| newModule = ".".join( moduleList[ -2: ] ) |
| try: |
| loggerClass = main.loggerClass |
| loggerModule = __import__( newModule, |
| globals(), |
| locals(), |
| [ loggerClass ], |
| -1 ) |
| loggerClass = getattr( loggerModule, loggerClass ) |
| main.logger = loggerClass() |
| |
| except ImportError: |
| print sys.exc_info()[ 1 ] |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def _echo( self ): |
| print "THIS IS ECHO" |