| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| |
| ''' |
| This driver interacts with ONOS bench, the OSGi platform |
| that configures the ONOS nodes. (aka ONOS-next) |
| |
| Please follow the coding style demonstrated by existing |
| functions and document properly. |
| |
| If you are a contributor to the driver, please |
| list your email here for future contact: |
| |
| jhall@onlab.us |
| andrew@onlab.us |
| |
| OCT 9 2014 |
| |
| ''' |
| |
| import sys |
| import time |
| import pexpect |
| import re |
| import traceback |
| import os.path |
| import pydoc |
| sys.path.append("../") |
| from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI |
| |
| class OnosDriver(CLI): |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| ''' |
| Initialize client |
| ''' |
| super(CLI, self).__init__() |
| |
| def connect(self,**connectargs): |
| ''' |
| Creates ssh handle for ONOS "bench". |
| ''' |
| try: |
| for key in connectargs: |
| vars(self)[key] = connectargs[key] |
| self.home = "~/ONOS" |
| for key in self.options: |
| if key == "home": |
| self.home = self.options['home'] |
| break |
| |
| |
| self.name = self.options['name'] |
| self.handle = super(OnosDriver,self).connect( |
| user_name = self.user_name, |
| ip_address = self.ip_address, |
| port = self.port, |
| pwd = self.pwd, |
| home = self.home) |
| |
| self.handle.sendline("cd "+ self.home) |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| if self.handle: |
| return self.handle |
| else : |
| main.log.info("NO ONOS HANDLE") |
| return main.FALSE |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def disconnect(self): |
| ''' |
| Called when Test is complete to disconnect the ONOS handle. |
| ''' |
| response = '' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("\n") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("exit") |
| self.handle.expect("closed") |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| except: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Connection failed to the host") |
| response = main.FALSE |
| return response |
| |
| def onos_package(self): |
| ''' |
| Produce a self-contained tar.gz file that can be deployed |
| and executed on any platform with Java 7 JRE. |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-package") |
| self.handle.expect("onos-package") |
| self.handle.expect("tar.gz",timeout=10) |
| handle = str(self.handle.before) |
| main.log.info("onos-package command returned: "+ |
| handle) |
| #As long as the sendline does not time out, |
| #return true. However, be careful to interpret |
| #the results of the onos-package command return |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| except: |
| main.log.error("Failed to package ONOS") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_build(self): |
| ''' |
| Use the pre defined script to build onos via mvn |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-build") |
| self.handle.expect("onos-build") |
| i = self.handle.expect([ |
| "ERROR", |
| "BUILD FAILED"], timeout=120) |
| handle = str(self.handle.before) |
| |
| main.log.info("onos-build command returned: "+ |
| handle) |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| return main.TRUE |
| else: |
| return handle |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| except: |
| main.log.error("Failed to build ONOS") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def clean_install(self): |
| ''' |
| Runs mvn clean install in the root of the ONOS directory. |
| This will clean all ONOS artifacts then compile each module |
| |
| Returns: main.TRUE on success |
| On Failure, exits the test |
| ''' |
| try: |
| main.log.info("Running 'mvn clean install' on " + str(self.name) + |
| ". This may take some time.") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd "+ self.home) |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| self.handle.sendline("\n") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("mvn clean install") |
| self.handle.expect("mvn clean install") |
| while 1: |
| i=self.handle.expect([ |
| 'There\sis\sinsufficient\smemory\sfor\sthe\sJava\s\ |
| Runtime\sEnvironment\sto\scontinue', |
| 'ONOS\$', |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=600) |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ":There is insufficient memory \ |
| for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.") |
| #return main.FALSE |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| if i == 1: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Build failure!") |
| #return main.FALSE |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Build success!") |
| elif i == 3: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Build complete") |
| #Print the build time |
| for line in self.handle.before.splitlines(): |
| if "Total time:" in line: |
| main.log.info(line) |
| self.handle.sendline("\n") |
| self.handle.expect("\$", timeout=60) |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 4: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": mvn clean install TIMEOUT!") |
| #return main.FALSE |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| else: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": unexpected response from \ |
| mvn clean install") |
| #return main.FALSE |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def git_pull(self, comp1=""): |
| ''' |
| Assumes that "git pull" works without login |
| |
| This function will perform a git pull on the ONOS instance. |
| If used as git_pull("NODE") it will do git pull + NODE. This is |
| for the purpose of pulling from other nodes if necessary. |
| |
| Otherwise, this function will perform a git pull in the |
| ONOS repository. If it has any problems, it will return main.ERROR |
| If it successfully does a git_pull, it will return a 1 (main.TRUE) |
| If it has no updates, it will return 3. |
| |
| ''' |
| try: |
| # main.log.info(self.name + ": Stopping ONOS") |
| #self.stop() |
| self.handle.sendline("cd " + self.home) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| if comp1=="": |
| self.handle.sendline("git pull") |
| else: |
| self.handle.sendline("git pull " + comp1) |
| |
| uptodate = 0 |
| i=self.handle.expect(['fatal', |
| 'Username\sfor\s(.*):\s', |
| '\sfile(s*) changed,\s', |
| 'Already up-to-date', |
| 'Aborting', |
| 'You\sare\snot\scurrently\son\sa\sbranch', |
| 'You\sasked\sme\sto\spull\swithout\stelling\sme\swhich\sbranch\syou', |
| 'Pull\sis\snot\spossible\sbecause\syou\shave\sunmerged\sfiles', |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT], |
| timeout=300) |
| #debug |
| #main.log.report(self.name +": DEBUG: \n"+"git pull response: " + str(self.handle.before) + str(self.handle.after)) |
| if i==0: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git pull had some issue...") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==1: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git Pull Asking for username. ") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==2: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - pulling repository now") |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$", 120) |
| return main.TRUE # So that only when git pull is done, we do mvn clean compile |
| elif i==3: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - Already up to date") |
| return i |
| elif i==4: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - Aborting... Are there conflicting git files?") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==5: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - You are not currently on a branch so git pull failed!") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==6: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - You have not configured an upstream branch to pull from. Git pull failed!") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==7: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Pull - Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files.") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==8: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git Pull - TIMEOUT") |
| main.log.error(self.name + " Response was: " + str(self.handle.before)) |
| return main.ERROR |
| else: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git Pull - Unexpected response, check for pull errors") |
| return main.ERROR |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def git_checkout(self, branch="master"): |
| ''' |
| Assumes that "git pull" works without login |
| |
| This function will perform a git git checkout on the ONOS instance. |
| If used as git_checkout("branch") it will do git checkout of the "branch". |
| |
| Otherwise, this function will perform a git checkout of the master |
| branch of the ONOS repository. If it has any problems, it will return |
| main.ERROR. |
| If the branch was already the specified branch, or the git checkout was |
| successful then the function will return main.TRUE. |
| |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("cd " + self.home) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Checking out git branch: " + branch + "...") |
| cmd = "git checkout "+branch |
| self.handle.sendline(cmd) |
| self.handle.expect(cmd) |
| i=self.handle.expect(['fatal', |
| 'Username\sfor\s(.*):\s', |
| 'Already\son\s\'', |
| 'Switched\sto\sbranch\s\'' + str(branch), |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT, |
| 'error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:', |
| 'error: you need to resolve your current index first'],timeout=60) |
| |
| if i==0: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git checkout had some issue...") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==1: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git checkout asking for username."\ |
| +" Please configure your local git repository to be able "\ |
| +"to access your remote repository passwordlessly") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==2: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git Checkout %s : Already on this branch" %branch) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| #main.log.info("DEBUG: after checkout cmd = "+ self.handle.before) |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i==3: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": Git checkout %s - Switched to this branch" %branch) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| #main.log.info("DEBUG: after checkout cmd = "+ self.handle.before) |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i==4: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git Checkout- TIMEOUT") |
| main.log.error(self.name + " Response was: " + str(self.handle.before)) |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==5: |
| self.handle.expect("Aborting") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git checkout error: \n" + \ |
| "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:" + \ |
| str(self.handle.before)) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| return main.ERROR |
| elif i==6: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git checkout error: \n" + \ |
| "You need to resolve your current index first:" + \ |
| str(self.handle.before)) |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| return main.ERROR |
| else: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": Git Checkout - Unexpected response, check for pull errors") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| return main.ERROR |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def get_version(self, report=False): |
| ''' |
| Writes the COMMIT number to the report to be parsed by Jenkins data collecter. |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("export TERM=xterm-256color") |
| self.handle.expect("xterm-256color") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("\n") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd " + self.home + "; git log -1 --pretty=fuller --decorate=short | grep -A 6 \"commit\" --color=never") |
| self.handle.expect("--color=never") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| response=(self.name +": \n"+ str(self.handle.before + self.handle.after)) |
| self.handle.sendline("cd " + self.home) |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| lines=response.splitlines() |
| for line in lines: |
| print line |
| if report: |
| for line in lines[2:-1]: |
| main.log.report(line) |
| return lines[2] |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def create_cell_file(self, bench_ip, file_name, mn_ip_addrs, |
| extra_feature_string, *onos_ip_addrs): |
| ''' |
| Creates a cell file based on arguments |
| Required: |
| * Bench IP address (bench_ip) |
| - Needed to copy the cell file over |
| * File name of the cell file (file_name) |
| * Mininet IP address (mn_ip_addrs) |
| - Note that only 1 ip address is |
| supported currently |
| * ONOS IP addresses (onos_ip_addrs) |
| - Must be passed in as last arguments |
| |
| NOTE: Assumes cells are located at: |
| ~/<self.home>/tools/test/cells/ |
| ''' |
| |
| #Variable initialization |
| cell_directory = self.home + "/tools/test/cells/" |
| #We want to create the cell file in the dependencies directory |
| #of TestON first, then copy over to ONOS bench |
| temp_directory = "/tmp/" |
| #Create the cell file in the directory for writing (w+) |
| cell_file = open(temp_directory+file_name , 'w+') |
| |
| comment = "" |
| comment_string = "#"+ comment |
| #Feature string is hardcoded environment variables |
| #That you may wish to use by default on startup. |
| #Note that you may not want certain features listed |
| #on here. |
| core_feature_string = "export ONOS_FEATURES=webconsole,onos-api,"+\ |
| "onos-cli,onos-openflow,onos-app-mobility,onos-app-tvue,"+\ |
| "onos-app-proxyarp,"+extra_feature_string |
| mn_string = "export OCN=" |
| onos_string = "export OC" |
| temp_count = 1 |
| |
| #Create ONOS_NIC ip address prefix |
| temp_onos_ip = onos_ip_addrs[0] |
| temp_list = [] |
| temp_list = temp_onos_ip.split(".") |
| #Omit last element of list to format for NIC |
| temp_list = temp_list[:-1] |
| #Structure the nic string ip |
| nic_addr = ".".join(temp_list) + ".*" |
| onos_nic_string = "export ONOS_NIC="+nic_addr |
| |
| try: |
| #Start writing to file |
| cell_file.write(onos_nic_string + "\n") |
| |
| for arg in onos_ip_addrs: |
| #For each argument in onos_ip_addrs, write to file |
| #Output should look like the following: |
| # export OC1="" |
| # export OC2="" |
| cell_file.write(onos_string + str(temp_count) + |
| "=" + "\"" + arg + "\"" + "\n" ) |
| temp_count = temp_count + 1 |
| |
| cell_file.write(mn_string +"\""+ mn_ip_addrs +"\""+ "\n") |
| cell_file.write(core_feature_string + "\n") |
| cell_file.close() |
| |
| #We use os.system to send the command to TestON cluster |
| #to account for the case in which TestON is not located |
| #on the same cluster as the ONOS bench |
| #Note that even if TestON is located on the same cluster |
| #as ONOS bench, you must setup passwordless ssh |
| #between TestON and ONOS bench in order to automate the test. |
| os.system("scp "+temp_directory+file_name+ |
| " admin@"+bench_ip+":"+cell_directory) |
| |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ":::::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc() ) |
| main.log.info(":::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def set_cell(self, cellname): |
| ''' |
| Calls 'cell <name>' to set the environment variables on ONOSbench |
| ''' |
| try: |
| if not cellname: |
| main.log.error("Must define cellname") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| else: |
| self.handle.sendline("cell "+str(cellname)) |
| #Expect the cellname in the ONOS_CELL variable. |
| #Note that this variable name is subject to change |
| # and that this driver will have to change accordingly |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS_CELL="+str(cellname)) |
| handle_before = self.handle.before |
| handle_after = self.handle.after |
| #Get the rest of the handle |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| handle_more = self.handle.before |
| |
| main.log.info("Cell call returned: "+handle_before+ |
| handle_after + handle_more) |
| |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def verify_cell(self): |
| ''' |
| Calls 'onos-verify-cell' to check for cell installation |
| ''' |
| #TODO: Add meaningful expect value |
| |
| try: |
| #Clean handle by sending empty and expecting $ |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-verify-cell") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| handle_before = self.handle.before |
| handle_after = self.handle.after |
| #Get the rest of the handle |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| handle_more = self.handle.before |
| |
| main.log.info("Verify cell returned: "+handle_before+ |
| handle_after + handle_more) |
| |
| return main.TRUE |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_cli(self, ONOS_ip, cmdstr): |
| ''' |
| Uses 'onos' command to send various ONOS CLI arguments. |
| Required: |
| * ONOS_ip: specify the ip of the cell machine |
| * cmdstr: specify the command string to send |
| |
| This function is intended to expose the entire karaf |
| CLI commands for ONOS. Try to use this function first |
| before attempting to write a ONOS CLI specific driver |
| function. |
| You can see a list of available 'cmdstr' arguments |
| by starting onos, and typing in 'onos' to enter the |
| onos> CLI. Then, type 'help' to see the list of |
| available commands. |
| ''' |
| try: |
| if not ONOS_ip: |
| main.log.error("You must specify the IP address") |
| return main.FALSE |
| if not cmdstr: |
| main.log.error("You must specify the command string") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| cmdstr = str(cmdstr) |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| self.handle.sendline("onos -w " + ONOS_ip + " " + cmdstr) |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| handle_before = self.handle.before |
| print "handle_before = ", self.handle.before |
| handle_after = str(self.handle.after) |
| |
| #self.handle.sendline("") |
| #self.handle.expect("\$") |
| #handle_more = str(self.handle.before) |
| |
| main.log.info("Command sent successfully") |
| |
| #Obtain return handle that consists of result from |
| #the onos command. The string may need to be |
| #configured further. |
| #return_string = handle_before + handle_after |
| return_string = handle_before |
| print "return_string = ", return_string |
| return return_string |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_install(self, options="-f", node = ""): |
| ''' |
| Installs ONOS bits on the designated cell machine. |
| If -f option is provided, it also forces an uninstall. |
| Presently, install also includes onos-push-bits and |
| onos-config within. |
| The node option allows you to selectively only push the jar |
| files to certain onos nodes |
| |
| Returns: main.TRUE on success and main.FALSE on failure |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-install " + options + " " + node) |
| self.handle.expect("onos-install ") |
| #NOTE: this timeout may need to change depending on the network and size of ONOS |
| i=self.handle.expect(["Network\sis\sunreachable", |
| "onos\sstart/running,\sprocess", |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=60) |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.warn("Network is unreachable") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("ONOS was installed on " + node + " and started") |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info("Installation of ONOS on " + node + " timed out") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_start(self, node_ip): |
| ''' |
| Calls onos command: 'onos-service [<node-ip>] start' |
| This command is a remote management of the ONOS upstart daemon |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-service "+str(node_ip)+ |
| " start") |
| i = self.handle.expect([ |
| "Job\sis\salready\srunning", |
| "start/running", |
| "Unknown\sinstance", |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=120) |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.info("Service is already running") |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("ONOS service started") |
| return main.TRUE |
| else: |
| main.log.error("ONOS service failed to start") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_stop(self, node_ip): |
| ''' |
| Calls onos command: 'onos-service [<node-ip>] stop' |
| This command is a remote management of the ONOS upstart daemon |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-service "+str(node_ip)+ |
| " stop") |
| i = self.handle.expect([ |
| "stop/waiting", |
| "Unknown\sinstance", |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=60) |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.info("ONOS service stopped") |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("Unknown ONOS instance specified: "+ |
| str(node_ip)) |
| return main.FALSE |
| else: |
| main.log.error("ONOS service failed to stop") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_uninstall(self): |
| ''' |
| Calls the command: 'onos-uninstall' |
| Uninstalls ONOS from the designated cell machine, stopping |
| if needed |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-uninstall") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| main.log.info("ONOS cell machine was uninstalled") |
| #onos-uninstall command does not return any text |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_kill(self, node_ip): |
| ''' |
| Calls the command: 'onos-kill [<node-ip>]' |
| "Remotely, and unceremoniously kills the ONOS instance running on |
| the specified cell machine" - Tom V |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-kill " + str(node_ip)) |
| i = self.handle.expect([ |
| "\$", |
| "No\sroute\sto\shost", |
| "password:", |
| pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=20) |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.info("ONOS instance "+str(node_ip)+" was killed") |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("No route to host") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info("Passwordless login for host: "+str(node_ip)+ |
| " not configured") |
| return main.FALSE |
| else: |
| main.log.info("ONOS instasnce was not killed") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def onos_start_network(self, mntopo): |
| ''' |
| Calls the command 'onos-start-network [<mininet-topo>] |
| "remotely starts the specified topology on the cell's |
| mininet machine against all controllers configured in the |
| cell." |
| * Specify mininet topology file name for mntopo |
| * Topo files should be placed at: |
| ~/<your-onos-directory>/tools/test/topos |
| |
| NOTE: This function will take you to the mininet prompt |
| ''' |
| try: |
| if not mntopo: |
| main.log.error("You must specify a topo file to execute") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| mntopo = str(mntopo) |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-start-network " + mntopo) |
| self.handle.expect("mininet>") |
| main.log.info("Network started, entered mininet prompt") |
| |
| #TODO: Think about whether return is necessary or not |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| |
| def isup(self, node = ""): |
| ''' |
| Run's onos-wait-for-start which only returns once ONOS is at run |
| level 100(ready for use) |
| |
| Returns: main.TRUE if ONOS is running and main.FALSE on timeout |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("onos-wait-for-start " + node ) |
| self.handle.expect("onos-wait-for-start") |
| #NOTE: this timeout is arbitrary" |
| i = self.handle.expect(["\$", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 300) |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.info(self.name + ": " + node + " is up") |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i == 1: |
| #NOTE: since this function won't return until ONOS is ready, |
| # we will kill it on timeout |
| self.handle.sendline("\003") #Control-C |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| return main.FALSE |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| |
| def get_topology(self,topology_output): |
| ''' |
| parses the onos:topology output |
| Returns: a topology dict populated by the key values found in |
| the cli command. |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| #call the cli to get the topology summary |
| #cmdstr = "onos:topology" |
| #cli_result = self.onos_cli(ip, cmdstr) |
| #print "cli_result = ", cli_result |
| |
| #Parse the output |
| topology = {} |
| #for line in cli_result.split("\n"): |
| for line in topology_output.splitlines(): |
| if not line.startswith("time="): |
| continue |
| #else |
| print line |
| for var in line.split(","): |
| #print "'"+var+"'" |
| #print "'"+var.strip()+"'" |
| key, value = var.strip().split("=") |
| topology[key] = value |
| print "topology = ", topology |
| devices = topology.get('devices', False) |
| print "devices = ", devices |
| links = topology.get('links', False) |
| print "links = ", links |
| clusters = topology.get('clusters', False) |
| print "clusters = ", clusters |
| paths = topology.get('paths', False) |
| print "paths = ", paths |
| |
| return topology |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| |
| |
| def check_status(self, topology_result, numoswitch, numolink, log_level="info"): |
| ''' |
| Checks the number of swithes & links that ONOS sees against the |
| supplied values. By default this will report to main.log, but the |
| log level can be specifid. |
| |
| Params: ip = ip used for the onos cli |
| numoswitch = expected number of switches |
| numlink = expected number of links |
| log_level = level to log to. Currently accepts 'info', 'warn' and 'report' |
| |
| |
| log_level can |
| |
| Returns: main.TRUE if the number of switchs and links are correct, |
| main.FALSE if the numer of switches and links is incorrect, |
| and main.ERROR otherwise |
| ''' |
| |
| try: |
| topology = self.get_topology(topology_result) |
| if topology == {}: |
| return main.ERROR |
| output = "" |
| #Is the number of switches is what we expected |
| devices = topology.get('devices',False) |
| links = topology.get('links',False) |
| if devices == False or links == False: |
| return main.ERROR |
| switch_check = ( int(devices) == int(numoswitch) ) |
| #Is the number of links is what we expected |
| link_check = ( int(links) == int(numolink) ) |
| if (switch_check and link_check): |
| #We expected the correct numbers |
| output = output + "The number of links and switches match "\ |
| + "what was expected" |
| result = main.TRUE |
| else: |
| output = output + \ |
| "The number of links and switches does not match what was expected" |
| result = main.FALSE |
| output = output + "\n ONOS sees %i devices (%i expected) and %i links (%i expected)"\ |
| % ( int(devices), int(numoswitch), int(links), int(numolink) ) |
| if log_level == "report": |
| main.log.report(output) |
| elif log_level == "warn": |
| main.log.warn(output) |
| else: |
| main.log.info(output) |
| return result |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def tshark_pcap(self, interface, dir_file): |
| ''' |
| Capture all packet activity and store in specified |
| directory/file |
| |
| Required: |
| * interface: interface to capture |
| * dir: directory/filename to store pcap |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| self.handle.sendline("tshark -i "+str(interface)+ |
| " -t e -w "+str(dir_file)+ " &") |
| self.handle.sendline("\r") |
| self.handle.expect("Capturing on") |
| self.handle.sendline("\r") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| main.log.info("Tshark started capturing files on "+ |
| str(interface)+ " and saving to directory: "+ |
| str(dir_file)) |
| |
| |
| def run_onos_topo_cfg(self): |
| ''' |
| On ONOS bench, run this command: ./~/ONOS/tools/test/bin/onos-topo-cfg |
| which starts the rest and copies the json file to the onos instance |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS/tools/test/bin") |
| self.handle.expect("/bin$") |
| self.handle.sendline("./onos-topo-cfg") |
| self.handle.expect("{}admin@onosTestBench") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd ~") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| |
| def tshark_grep(self, grep, directory, interface='eth0'): |
| ''' |
| Required: |
| * grep string |
| * directory to store results |
| Optional: |
| * interface - default: eth0 |
| Description: |
| Uses tshark command to grep specific group of packets |
| and stores the results to specified directory. |
| The timestamp is hardcoded to be in epoch |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.sendline("tshark -i "+str(interface)+ |
| " -t e | grep --line-buffered \""+str(grep)+"\" >"+directory+" &") |
| self.handle.sendline("\r") |
| self.handle.expect("Capturing on") |
| self.handle.sendline("\r") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| def tshark_stop(self): |
| ''' |
| Removes wireshark files from /tmp and kills all tshark processes |
| ''' |
| #Remove all pcap from previous captures |
| self.execute(cmd="sudo rm /tmp/wireshark*") |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.sendline("sudo kill -9 `ps -ef | grep \"tshark -i\" |"+ |
| " grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`") |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| main.log.info("Tshark stopped") |
| |
| def ptpd(self, args): |
| ''' |
| Initiate ptp with user-specified args. |
| Required: |
| * args: specify string of args after command |
| 'sudo ptpd' |
| ''' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("sudo ptpd "+str(args)) |
| i = self.handle.expect([ |
| "Multiple", |
| "Error", |
| "\$"]) |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| if i == 0: |
| handle = self.handle.before |
| main.log.info("ptpd returned an error: "+ |
| str(handle)) |
| return handle |
| elif i == 1: |
| handle = self.handle.before |
| main.log.error("ptpd returned an error: "+ |
| str(handle)) |
| return handle |
| else: |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| except: |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.cleanup() |
| main.exit() |
| |
| def cp_logs_to_dir(self, log_to_copy, |
| dest_dir, copy_file_name=""): |
| ''' |
| Copies logs to a desired directory. |
| Current implementation of ONOS deletes its karaf |
| logs on every iteration. For debugging purposes, |
| you may want to use this function to capture |
| certain karaf logs. (or any other logs if needed) |
| Localtime will be attached to the filename |
| |
| Required: |
| * log_to_copy: specify directory and log name to |
| copy. |
| ex) /opt/onos/log/karaf.log.1 |
| For copying multiple files, leave copy_file_name |
| empty and only specify dest_dir - |
| ex) /opt/onos/log/karaf* |
| * dest_dir: specify directory to copy to. |
| ex) /tmp/ |
| Optional: |
| * copy_file_name: If you want to rename the log |
| file, specify copy_file_name. This will not work |
| with multiple file copying |
| ''' |
| try: |
| localtime = time.strftime('%x %X') |
| localtime = localtime.replace("/","") |
| localtime = localtime.replace(" ","_") |
| localtime = localtime.replace(":","") |
| if dest_dir[-1:] != "/": |
| dest_dir += "/" |
| |
| if copy_file_name: |
| self.handle.sendline("cp "+str(log_to_copy)+ |
| " "+str(dest_dir)+str(copy_file_name)+ |
| localtime) |
| self.handle.expect("cp") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| else: |
| self.handle.sendline("cp "+str(log_to_copy)+ |
| " "+str(dest_dir)) |
| self.handle.expect("cp") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| return self.handle.before |
| |
| except pexpect.EOF: |
| main.log.error("Copying files failed") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": EOF exception found") |
| main.log.error(self.name + ": " + self.handle.before) |
| except: |
| main.log.error("Copying files failed") |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| main.log.error( traceback.print_exc()) |
| main.log.info(self.name+" ::::::") |
| |
| |
| |