| """ |
| Wrapper function for FuncTopo |
| Includes onosclidriver and mininetclidriver functions |
| """ |
| import time |
| import json |
| import re |
| |
| def __init__( self ): |
| self.default = '' |
| |
| def getTimestampFromString( main, targetString ): |
| #Get time string from the target string |
| try: |
| assert type( targetString ) is str |
| timeString = targetString.split( ' | ' ) |
| timeString = timeString[ 0 ] |
| from datetime import datetime |
| # convert time string to timestamp |
| t = datetime.strptime( timeString, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f" ) |
| import time |
| timestamp = time.mktime( t.timetuple() ) |
| timestamp += int( t.microsecond / 1000 ) / 1000.0 |
| return timestamp |
| except AssertionError: |
| main.log.error( "Got nothing firom log" ) |
| return -1 |
| except IndexError: |
| main.log.error( "Time string index error" ) |
| return -1 |
| except ValueError: |
| main.log.error( "Got wrong string from log" ) |
| return -1 |
| |
| def getRoleRequestTimeFromTshark( main ): |
| try: |
| main.log.info( "Get role request time" ) |
| with open(main.tsharkResultPath, "r" ) as resultFile: |
| resultText = resultFile.readlines() |
| # select the last role request string |
| roleRequestString = resultText[ len( resultText ) - 1 ] |
| main.log.info( roleRequestString ) |
| # get timestamp from role request string |
| roleRequestTime = roleRequestString.split( " " ) |
| resultFile.close() |
| return float(roleRequestTime[1]) |
| except IndexError: |
| main.log.error("Got wrong role request string from Tshark file") |
| return -1 |
| |
| def compareTimeDiffWithRoleRequest(main, term, Mode, index=0 ): |
| ''' |
| Description: |
| Compare the time difference between the time of target term and the time of role request |
| Inclides onosclidriver functions |
| |
| ''' |
| try: |
| termInfo = main.CLIs[ index ].logSearch( term, mode=Mode) |
| termTime = getTimestampFromString( main, termInfo[ 0 ] ) |
| roleRequestTime = getRoleRequestTimeFromTshark( main ) |
| if termTime == -1 or roleRequestTime == -1: |
| main.writeData = -1 |
| main.log.error( "Can't compare the difference with role request time" ) |
| return -1 |
| # Only concern about the absolute value of difference. |
| return abs( roleRequestTime - termTime ) |
| except IndexError: |
| main.log.error( "Catch the wrong information of search term " ) |
| main.writeData = -1 |
| return -1 |
| |
| def getInfoFromLog( main, term1, mode1, term2, mode2, index=0, funcMode='TD' ): |
| ''' |
| Description: |
| Get needed informations of the search term from karaf.log |
| Includes onosclidriver functions |
| Function mode: |
| TD (time difference): |
| Get time difference between start and end |
| Term1: startTerm |
| Term2: endTerm |
| DR (disconnect rate): |
| Get switch disconnect rate |
| Term1: disconnectTerm |
| Term2: connectTerm |
| |
| ''' |
| try: |
| termInfo1 = main.CLIs[ index ].logSearch( term1, mode=mode1 ) |
| termInfo2 = main.CLIs[ index ].logSearch( term2, mode=mode2 ) |
| if funcMode == 'TD': |
| startTime = getTimestampFromString( main, termInfo1[0] ) |
| endTime = getTimestampFromString ( main, termInfo2[0] ) |
| if startTime == -1 or endTime == -1: |
| main.log.error( "Wrong Time!" ) |
| main.writeData = -1 |
| return -1 |
| return endTime - startTime |
| if funcMode == 'DR': |
| #In this mode, termInfo1 means the total number of switch disconnection and |
| #termInfo2 means the total number of new switch connection |
| #termInfo2 - termInfo1 means the actual real number of switch connection. |
| disconnection = int( termInfo1 ) * 1.0 |
| expectConnection = int( main.currScale ) ** 2 |
| realConnection = int( termInfo2 ) - int( termInfo1 ) |
| if expectConnection != realConnection: |
| main.log.error( "The number of real switch connection doesn't match the number of expected connection" ) |
| main.writeData = -1 |
| return -1 |
| rate = disconnection / expectConnection |
| return rate |
| except IndexError: |
| main.log.error( "Catch the wrong information of search term" ) |
| main.writeData = -1 |
| return -1 |
| |
| def testTopology( main, topoFile='', args='', mnCmd='', timeout=300, clean=True ): |
| """ |
| Description: |
| This function combines different wrapper functions in this module |
| to simulate a topology test |
| Test Steps: |
| - Load topology |
| - Discover topology |
| - Compare topology |
| - pingall |
| - Bring links down |
| - Compare topology |
| - pingall |
| - Bring links up |
| - Compare topology |
| - pingall |
| Options: |
| clean: Does sudo mn -c to clean mininet residue |
| Please read mininetclidriver.py >> startNet( .. ) function for details |
| Returns: |
| Returns main.TRUE if the test is successful, main.FALSE otherwise |
| """ |
| testTopoResult = main.TRUE |
| compareTopoResult = main.TRUE |
| topoObjectResult = main.TRUE |
| stopResult = main.TRUE |
| |
| if clean: |
| # Cleans minient |
| stopResult = stopMininet( main ) |
| |
| # Restart ONOS to clear hosts test new mininet topology |
| reinstallOnosResult = reinstallOnos( main ) |
| |
| # Starts topology |
| startResult = startNewTopology( main, topoFile, args, mnCmd, timeout=timeout ) |
| # onos needs time to see the links |
| time.sleep(15) |
| |
| # Gets list of switches in mininet |
| #assignSwitch( main ) |
| |
| testTopoResult = startResult and topoObjectResult |
| |
| |
| return testTopoResult |
| |
| def startNewTopology( main, topoFile='', args='', mnCmd='', timeout=900 ): |
| """ |
| Description: |
| This wrapper function starts new topology |
| Options: |
| Please read mininetclidriver.py >> startNet( .. ) function for details |
| Return: |
| Returns main.TRUE if topology is successfully created by mininet, |
| main.FALSE otherwise |
| NOTE: |
| Assumes Mininet1 is the name of the handler |
| """ |
| assert main, "There is no main variable" |
| assert main.Mininet1, "Mininet 1 is not created" |
| result = main.TRUE |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Starting new Mininet topology" ) |
| |
| # log which method is being used |
| if topoFile: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Starting topology with " + |
| topoFile + "topology file" ) |
| elif not topoFile and not mnCmd: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Starting topology using" + |
| " the topo file" ) |
| elif topoFile and mnCmd: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": You can only use one " + |
| "method to start a topology" ) |
| elif mnCmd: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Starting topology with '" + |
| mnCmd + "' Mininet command" ) |
| |
| |
| result = main.Mininet1.startNet( topoFile=topoFile, |
| args=args, |
| mnCmd=mnCmd, |
| timeout=timeout) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def stopMininet( main ): |
| """ |
| Stops current topology and execute mn -c basically triggers |
| stopNet in mininetclidrivers |
| |
| NOTE: Mininet should be running when issuing this command other wise |
| the this function will cause the test to stop |
| """ |
| stopResult = main.TRUE |
| stopResult = main.Mininet1.stopNet() |
| time.sleep( 30 ) |
| if not stopResult: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Did not stop Mininet topology" ) |
| return stopResult |
| |
| def compareTopo( main ): |
| """ |
| Compare topology( devices, links, ports, hosts ) between ONOS and |
| mininet using sts |
| """ |
| devices = [] |
| links = [] |
| ports = [] |
| hosts = [] |
| switchResult = [] |
| linksResult = [] |
| portsResult = [] |
| hostsResult = [] |
| mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches() |
| mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks() |
| mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts() |
| compareTopoResult = main.TRUE |
| |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| devices.append( json.loads( main.CLIs[ i ].devices() ) ) |
| links.append( json.loads( main.CLIs[ i ].links() ) ) |
| ports.append( json.loads( main.CLIs[ i ].ports() ) ) |
| hosts.append( json.loads( main.CLIs[ i ].hosts() ) ) |
| |
| # Comparing switches |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Comparing switches in each ONOS nodes" + |
| " with Mininet" ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| tempResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches( mnSwitches, |
| devices[ i ], |
| ports[ i ] ) |
| switchResult.append( tempResult ) |
| if tempResult == main.FALSE: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": ONOS-" + str( i + 1 ) + |
| " switch view is incorrect " ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in switchResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Switch view in all ONOS nodes "+ |
| "are correct " ) |
| else: |
| compareTopoResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| # Comparing links |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Comparing links in each ONOS nodes" + |
| " with Mininet" ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| tempResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks( mnSwitches, |
| mnLinks, |
| links[ i ] ) |
| linksResult.append( tempResult ) |
| if tempResult == main.FALSE: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": ONOS-" + str( i + 1 ) + |
| " links view are incorrect " ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in linksResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Links view in all ONOS nodes "+ |
| "are correct " ) |
| else: |
| compareTopoResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| # Comparing hosts |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Comparing hosts in each ONOS nodes" + |
| " with Mininet" ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| tempResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts( mnHosts, hosts[ i ] ) |
| hostsResult.append( tempResult ) |
| if tempResult == main.FALSE: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": ONOS-" + str( i + 1 ) + |
| " hosts view are incorrect " ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in hostsResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Hosts view in all ONOS nodes "+ |
| "are correct " ) |
| else: |
| compareTopoResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| return compareTopoResult |
| |
| def assignSwitch( main ): |
| """ |
| Returns switch list using getSwitch in Mininet driver |
| """ |
| switchList = [] |
| assignResult = main.TRUE |
| switchList = main.Mininet1.getSwitch() |
| assignResult = main.Mininet1.assignSwController( sw=switchList, |
| ip=main.ONOSip[ 0 ], |
| port=6633 ) |
| |
| for sw in switchList: |
| response = main.Mininet1.getSwController( sw ) |
| if re.search( "tcp:" + main.ONOSip[ 0 ], response ): |
| assignResult = assignResult and main.TRUE |
| else: |
| assignResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| return switchList |
| |
| def connectivity( main, timeout=900, shortCircuit=True, acceptableFailed=20 ): |
| """ |
| Use fwd app and pingall to discover all the hosts |
| """ |
| activateResult = main.TRUE |
| appCheck = main.TRUE |
| getDataResult = main.TRUE |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Activating reactive forwarding app " ) |
| activateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" ) |
| |
| if main.hostsData: |
| main.hostsData = {} |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| appCheck = appCheck and main.CLIs[ i ].appToIDCheck() |
| if appCheck != main.TRUE: |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].apps() ) |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].appIDs() ) |
| |
| time.sleep( main.fwdSleep ) |
| |
| # Discover hosts using pingall |
| pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall( timeout=timeout, |
| shortCircuit=shortCircuit, |
| acceptableFailed=acceptableFailed ) |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Deactivate reactive forwarding app " ) |
| activateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| appCheck = appCheck and main.CLIs[ i ].appToIDCheck() |
| if appCheck != main.TRUE: |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].apps() ) |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].appIDs() ) |
| |
| return pingResult |
| |
| def getHostsData( main ): |
| """ |
| Use fwd app and pingall to discover all the hosts |
| """ |
| activateResult = main.TRUE |
| appCheck = main.TRUE |
| getDataResult = main.TRUE |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Activating reactive forwarding app " ) |
| activateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].activateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" ) |
| |
| if main.hostsData: |
| main.hostsData = {} |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| appCheck = appCheck and main.CLIs[ i ].appToIDCheck() |
| if appCheck != main.TRUE: |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].apps() ) |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].appIDs() ) |
| |
| time.sleep( main.fwdSleep ) |
| # Discover hosts using pingall |
| pingResult = main.Mininet1.pingall( timeout=900 ) |
| |
| hostsJson = json.loads( main.CLIs[ 0 ].hosts() ) |
| hosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts().keys() |
| |
| for host in hosts: |
| main.hostsData[ host ] = {} |
| main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] = \ |
| main.Mininet1.getMacAddress( host ).upper() |
| for hostj in hostsJson: |
| if main.hostsData[ host ][ 'mac' ] == hostj[ 'mac' ]: |
| main.hostsData[ host ][ 'id' ] = hostj[ 'id' ] |
| main.hostsData[ host ][ 'vlan' ] = hostj[ 'vlan' ] |
| main.hostsData[ host ][ 'location' ] = \ |
| hostj[ 'location' ][ 'elementId' ] + '/' + \ |
| hostj[ 'location' ][ 'port' ] |
| main.hostsData[ host ][ 'ipAddresses' ] = hostj[ 'ipAddresses' ] |
| |
| if activateResult and main.hostsData: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully used fwd app" + |
| " to discover hosts " ) |
| getDataResult = main.TRUE |
| else: |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Failed to use fwd app" + |
| " to discover hosts " ) |
| getDataResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Deactivate reactive forwarding app " ) |
| activateResult = main.CLIs[ 0 ].deactivateApp( "org.onosproject.fwd" ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| appCheck = appCheck and main.CLIs[ i ].appToIDCheck() |
| if appCheck != main.TRUE: |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].apps() ) |
| main.log.warn( main.CLIs[ i ].appIDs() ) |
| |
| # This data can be use later for intents |
| print main.hostsData |
| |
| return getDataResult |
| |
| def reinstallOnos( main ): |
| """ |
| Description: |
| Stop and start ONOS that clears hosts,devices etc. in order to test |
| new mininet topology |
| Return: |
| Retruns main.TRUE for a successful restart, main.FALSE otherwise. |
| """ |
| uninstallResult = [] |
| installResult = [] |
| stopResult = [] |
| startResult = [] |
| onosIsUpResult = [] |
| restartResult = main.TRUE |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Uninstall ONOS cluster" ) |
| for ip in main.ONOSip: |
| uninstallResult.append( main.ONOSbench.onosUninstall( nodeIp=ip ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in uninstallResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully uninstall ONOS cluster" ) |
| else: |
| restartResult = main.FALSE |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to uninstall ONOS cluster" ) |
| |
| time.sleep( main.startUpSleep ) |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Installing ONOS cluster" ) |
| |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| installResult.append( main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( |
| node=main.ONOSip[ i ] ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in installResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully installed ONOS cluster" ) |
| else: |
| restartResult = main.FALSE |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to install ONOS cluster" ) |
| |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| onosIsUpResult.append( main.ONOSbench.isup( main.ONOSip[ i ] ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in onosIsUpResult ): |
| main.log.report( "ONOS instance is up and ready" ) |
| else: |
| main.log.report( "ONOS instance may not be up, stop and " + |
| "start ONOS again " ) |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| stopResult.append( main.ONOSbench.onosStop( main.ONOSip[ i ] ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in stopResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully stop ONOS cluster" ) |
| else: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to stop ONOS cluster" ) |
| |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| startResult.append( main.ONOSbench.onosStart( main.ONOSip[ i ] ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in startResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully start ONOS cluster" ) |
| else: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to start ONOS cluster" ) |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": set up ONOS secure SSH" ) |
| secureSshResult = [] |
| for i in range( int( main.numCtrls ) ): |
| secureSshResult.append( main.onosSecureSSH( node=main.ONOSip[i] ) ) |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in secureSshResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully set up ONOS secure SSH" ) |
| else: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to set up ONOS secure SSH" ) |
| restartResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Starting ONOS CLI" ) |
| cliResult = [] |
| for i in range( main.numCtrls ): |
| cliResult.append( main.CLIs[ i ].startOnosCli( main.ONOSip[ i ] ) ) |
| |
| if all( result == main.TRUE for result in cliResult ): |
| main.log.info( main.topoName + ": Successfully start ONOS cli" ) |
| else: |
| main.log.error( main.topoName + ": Failed to start ONOS cli" ) |
| restartResult = main.FALSE |
| |
| |
| return restartResult |
| |
| |
| |