blob: 482101e68f0eb831a58f6f9c18c9a70ea8190438 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a scale test find the max number of switches that can connect to one ONOS Controller. The test script does not create a cluster of nodes, but that can be easily implemented.
Pre-conditions to running this test is Robot Framework + external robot libraries:
pip install pybot
pip install robotframework-ride
pip install robotframework-requests
pip install robotframework-sshlibrary
pip install robotframework-httplibrary
pip install robotframework-archivelibrary
Also, you must have a "test cell" as this test leverages the bash scripts that are used to install the controller.
To override any variables used in the suite, you can do so from the command line. eg "-v ONOS_HOME:/opt/onos"
Usage eg. "pybot -v USER_HOME:/home/fedora -v ONOS_HOME:/opt/onos -v start:10 -v end:30 -v increments:10 ScalePOC.robot"
After the test complete, three files will be generate from where you issued the "pybot" command. The "report.html" file will be your results!