Merge branch 'master' of
diff --git a/TestON/RobotTests/README b/TestON/RobotTests/README
index 9d719c3..482101e 100644
--- a/TestON/RobotTests/README
+++ b/TestON/RobotTests/README
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
 pip install robotframework-sshlibrary
 pip install robotframework-httplibrary
 pip install robotframework-archivelibrary
-Also, you must have a "test cell" as this test leverages the bash scripts that are used to install the controller.
+Also, you must have a "test cell" as this test leverages the bash scripts that are used to install the controller.
+To override any variables used in the suite, you can do so from the command line. eg "-v ONOS_HOME:/opt/onos"
 Usage eg. "pybot -v USER_HOME:/home/fedora -v ONOS_HOME:/opt/onos -v start:10 -v end:30 -v increments:10 ScalePOC.robot"
 After the test complete, three files will be generate from where you issued the "pybot" command. The "report.html" file will be your results!
diff --git a/TestON/RobotTests/ScalePOC.robot b/TestON/RobotTests/ScalePOC.robot
index 9ce62a7..e8e10af 100644
--- a/TestON/RobotTests/ScalePOC.robot
+++ b/TestON/RobotTests/ScalePOC.robot
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 *** Settings ***
 Documentation     ONOS Sanity Test Suite
-Suite Setup       ONOS Suite Setup    ${CONTROLLER_IP}    ${CONTROLLER_USER}
-Suite Teardown    ONOS Suite Teardown
+Suite Setup       ONOS Suite Setup    ${CONTROLLER_IP}    ${CONTROLLER_USER} ##Things to be done prior to running tests
+Suite Teardown    ONOS Suite Teardown ##Things to be done after test suite is finished. 
 Library           SSHLibrary
 Library           Collections
 Library           OperatingSystem
@@ -10,20 +10,25 @@
 Library           HttpLibrary.HTTP
 *** Variables ***
+##Grab the environment variables sources from your "cell"
 ${MININET_IP}    %{OCN}
+##USER_HOME used for public key
 ${USER_HOME}    /home/fedora
+##ONOS_HOME is where the onos dist will be deployed on the controller vm
 ${ONOS_HOME}    /opt/onos
 ${RESTCONFPORT}    8181
+##SWITCHES_RESULT_FILE and JENKINS_WORKSPACE can be overriding variables in README
 ${SWITCHES_RESULT_FILE}    ${USER_HOME}/workspace/tools/switches.csv
 ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}    ${USER_HOME}/workspace/ONOS-Stable/
 ${prompt_timeout}    30s
 ${start}    10
 ${end}    100
 ${increments}    10
+##Number of nodes in cluster. To add more nodes, create CONTROLLER_IP2/3/4 etc. variables above and change this cluster variable
 ${cluster}    1
 *** Test Cases ***