blob: b023e5df527f4b4da3e356762430bb92104e9892 [file] [log] [blame]
import inspect
import sys
import os
import re
from core import xmldict
@author: Raghav Kashyap (
TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with TestON. If not, see <>.
class UpdateDriver:
def __init__(self):
self.default = ''
self.configFile = "/home/openflow/TestON/config/ofadriver.cfg"
self.methodDict = {}
self.fileDict = {}
def getmethods(self,modulePath,Class) :
This will get the list of methods in given module or class.
It accepts the module path and class name. If there is no
class name then it has be mentioned as None.
methodList = []
moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
print "Message : Method list is being obatined , Please wait ..."
try :
if Class :
Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [Class], -1)
ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
self.ClassList = ClassList
Class = vars(Module)[Class]
methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Class.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
else :
Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(),[moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2]], -1)
methodList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isfunction(x)]
ClassList = [x.__name__ for x in Module.__dict__.values() if inspect.isclass(x)]
self.ClassList = ClassList
except :
print "Error : " +str(sys.exc_info()[1])
self.method = methodList
return self.method
def echo(self) :
print "Echoing !!!!!!"
def getargs(self,moduleName,className,method) :
This will return the list of arguments in a method of python module of class.
It accepts method list as an argument.
print "Message : Argument list is being obtained for each method"
methodArgsDict = {}
if className == None:
moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
for index,name in enumerate(method) :
Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) -1], globals(), locals(), [moduleList[len(moduleList) -2]], -1)
try :
names = vars(Module)[name]
except KeyError:
print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with including it. "
return False
argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
else :
moduleList = moduleName.split(".")
for index,name in enumerate(method) :
Module = __import__(moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1], globals(), locals(), [className], -1)
Class = getattr(Module, className)
try :
names = vars(Class)[name]
except KeyError :
print "Message : method '" + name + "'does not exists,Continued with include it."
return False
argumentList = inspect.getargspec(names) #inspect.getargvalues(name)
methodArgsDict[name] = argumentList[0]
return methodArgsDict
def configparser(self,fileName):
It will parse the config file (ofa.cfg) and return as dictionary
matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.cfg', fileName, re.M | re.I)
if matchFileName:
self.configFile = fileName
try :
xml = open(fileName).read()
self.configDict = xmldict.xml_to_dict(xml)
return self.configDict
except :
print "Error : Config file " + self.configFile + " not defined properly or file path error"
def getList(self):
This method will maintain the hash with module->class->methodList or
module -> methodList .It will return the same Hash.
classList = []
try :
moduleList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'].keys()
except KeyError,e:
print "Error : Module Does not Exists"
print e
return False
for index,value in enumerate(moduleList):
modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['path']
moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['name']
try :
pathList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['set-path'].split(",")
except KeyError :
print "Error : No System Path is given "
try :
Class = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes']
except :
Class = None
if Class == None :
methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,None)
self.methodDict[moduleName] = methodList
else :
classList = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][value]['classes'].keys()
for indx,className in enumerate(classList):
if className == 'ignore-list' :
else :
methodList = self.getmethods(modulePath,className)
self.methodDict[moduleName] = {className : methodList}
def class_ignoreList(self,module) :
It removes the ignored classes for each module mention in ofadriver.cfg
class_ignoreList = []
if self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'] == None :
else :
try :
class_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes']['ignore-list']).split(",")
except KeyError :
print "Message : No Class Ignore List present"
return True
moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
try :
for index,className in enumerate(class_ignoreList):
if className in self.methodDict[moduleName].keys():
del self.methodDict[moduleName][className]
except AttributeError:
return self.methodDict
def method_ignoreList(self,module,className):
It removes the ignored methods of each module or class mentioned in ofadriver.cfg.
method_ignoreList = []
try :
if className == None :
try :
method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
except TypeError :
else :
try :
method_ignoreList = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['ignore-list']).split(",")
except TypeError :
except KeyError :
print "Message : No Ignore-List Exists , proceeding for looking add method"
return True
moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
#import pprint
for index, method in enumerate(method_ignoreList) :
if className == None :
try :
except ValueError:
print "Message : Method " + method + "Does not exist in module " + moduleName + ", Continue to rest execution"
else :
if method in self.methodDict[moduleName][className] :
return self.methodDict
def add_method(self,module,className) :
This will add the methods(mentioned in ofadriver.cfg file) into method list if it doesnot exists in list.
method_List = []
try :
if className == None :
try :
method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
except TypeError :
else :
try :
method_List = str(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['classes'][className]['methods']['add-list']).split(",")
except TypeError :
except KeyError :
print "Message : No Add-List Exists , Proceeding with all available methods"
return True
moduleName = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['name']
for index, method in enumerate(method_List) :
if className == None :
self.methodDict[moduleName] = []
else :
self.methodDict[moduleName][className] = []
def getMethodArgsHash(self,moduleName,module,className):
This will maintain a Hash of class->method->argumentsList
modulePath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['modules'][module]['path']
moduleList = modulePath.split("/")
newModule = ".".join([moduleList[len(moduleList) - 2],moduleList[len(moduleList) - 1]])
if className == None :
methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,None,self.methodDict[moduleName])
self.fileDict[moduleName] = methodArgs
else :
methodArgs = self.getargs(newModule,className,self.methodDict[moduleName][className])
self.fileDict[className] = methodArgs
return self.fileDict
def appendDriver(self,fileName):
This will append the given driver file with methods along with arguments.
matchFileName = re.match(r'(.*)\.py', fileName, re.M | re.I)
if matchFileName:
fileHandle = None
try :
print "Message : Writing Driver file at " + fileName
fileHandle = open(fileName,"a")
content = ''
for index, key in enumerate(self.fileDict.keys()):
try :
for ind, method in enumerate(self.fileDict[key].keys()):
if not method == "__init__" :
args = ''
args = ",".join(self.fileDict[key][method])
content = content + "\n" + " " * 4 + "def " + method + "(self," + args + ") :"
content = content + "\n" + " " * 8 + "return " + key + "." + method + "(" + args + ")\n"
except AttributeError :
return content
except :
print "Error : Driver file " + fileName + "does not exists"
else :
print "Error : File name " + fileName + "is not python module"
return False
def writeDriver(self, driver) :
This will accept the List of driver name and write those drivers if no driver name is specified
then it will write all of the driver specified in the ofadriver.cfg.
drivers = []
commaMatch =",", driver, flags=0)
if commaMatch:
drivers = driver.split(",")
else :
self.driverList = []
if len(drivers) == 0:
for index, driverName in enumerate(self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'].keys()):
self.driver = driverName
result = self.getList()
if result :
self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
else :
return False
else :
for index, driverName in enumerate(drivers) :
self.driver = driverName
result = self.getList()
if result :
self.appendDriver(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
self.driverList.append(self.driverPath + self.driver + ".py")
else :
return False
print "=" * 90
print " " * 30 + "Output Driver File :"
print ",\n".join(self.driverList)
print "=" * 90
return True
def getDriverPath(self):
It will set the driver path and returns it.If driver path is not specified then it will take
default path (/lib/updatedriver/).
self.driverPath = ''
try :
self.driverPath = self.configDict['config-driver']['importTypes'][self.driver]['driver-path']
except KeyError :
path = re.sub("(bin)$", "", os.getcwd())
self.driverPath = path + "/lib/updatedriver/"
return self.driverPath
def printHeader(self,driver):
content = ''
print " " * 10 +"=" * 90 + "\n"
content = content + " " * 30 + "*-- Welcome to Updated Driver --*\n"
content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Config File : " + "/home/openflow/TestON/config/"
content = content + "\n" + " " * 10 + " " * 10 + "Drivers Name : " + driver
print content
print " " * 10 + "=" * 90