blob: 4ab2cc68787067508161a1c8560d4e01102c2ffd [file] [log] [blame]
This test is checking the functionality of onos-form-cluster.
It will first run 7 single node of ONOS and check the number of the node and app.
Since it is single node, each of them should have 1 node.
Then, it will form 7 clusters to the ONOS and re-check the number of the nodes, status of nodes,
and app.
This time, it should have 7 nodes and installing app from one node should affect the other nodes.
The status of the Nodes should be "READY"
Lastly, it will run the Mininet with controllers of 7 nodes to pingall and compare topology
of ONOS and Mininet.
Since it is fixed with 7 nodes, test will be forced to exit unless it has 7 clusters.