blob: 23214b8914a779bba83ac33556bab5b7edb2c65f [file] [log] [blame]
Driver for blank dataplane VMs. Created for SDNIP test.
import pexpect
from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI
class DPCliDriver( CLI ):
def __init__( self ):
super( CLI, self ).__init__()
def connect( self, **connectargs ):
for key in connectargs:
vars( self )[ key ] = connectargs[ key ] = self.options[ 'name' ]
self.handle = super( DPCliDriver, self ).connect( user_name=self.user_name,
pwd=self.pwd )
if self.handle:
return self.handle
else: "NO HANDLE" )
return main.FALSE
def create_interfaces( self, net, number, start ):
Creates a number,specified by 'number,' of subinterfaces on eth0.
Ip addresses start at 'net'.'start'.1.1 with a 24 bit netmask.
Addresses increment sequentially in the third quad, therefore all
interfaces are in different subnets on the same machine. When the
third quad reaches 255, it is reset to 1 and the second quad is
incremented. Every single ip address is placed in a file in /tmp
titled 'ip_table{net}.txt'. The file is used by 'pingall_interfaces()'
as a fping argument
This method returns true if all interfaces are created without a hitch,
and false if a single interface has issues
self.handle.sendline( "" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" )
self.handle.sendline( "rm /tmp/local_ip.txt" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" )
self.handle.sendline( "touch /tmp/local_ip.txt" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" ) "Creating interfaces" )
k = 0
intf = 0
while number != 0:
k = k + 1
if k == 256:
k = 1
start = start + 1
number = number - 1
intf = intf + 1
ip = net + "." + str( start ) + "." + str( k ) + ".1"
"sudo ifconfig eth0:" + str(
intf ) + " " + ip + " netmask" )
i = self.handle.expect( [
pexpect.EOF ],
timeout=120 )
if i == 0:
"echo " + str( ip ) + " >> /tmp/local_ip.txt" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" )
elif i == 1: "Sending sudo password" )
self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
self.handle.expect( "\$" )
main.log.error( "INTERFACES NOT CREATED" )
return main.FALSE
def pingall_interfaces( self, netsrc, netstrt, netdst, destlogin, destip ):
Copies the /tmp/ip_table{ net }.txt file from the machine you wish to
ping, then runs fping with a source address of
{ netsrc }.{ netstrt }.1.1 on the copied file.
Check every single response for reachable or unreachable. If all are
reachable, function returns true. If a SINGLE host is unreachable,
then the function stops and returns false. If fping is not installed,
this function will install fping then run the same command
self.handle.sendline( "" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" )
self.handle.sendline( "scp " + str( destlogin ) + "@" +
str( destip ) +
":/tmp/local_ip.txt /tmp/ip_table" +
str( netsrc ) + ".txt" )
i = self.handle.expect( [
pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
timeout=30 )
if i == 0: "Copied ping file successfully" )
elif i == 1:
self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
self.handle.expect( "100%" ) "Copied ping file successfully" )
elif i == 2:
main.log.error( "COULD NOT COPY PING FILE FROM " + str( destip ) )
result = main.FALSE
return result
self.handle.sendline( "" )
self.handle.expect( "\$" ) "Pinging interfaces on the " + str( netdst ) +
" network from " + str( netsrc ) + "." +
str( netstrt ) + ".1.1" )
self.handle.sendline( "sudo fping -S " + str( netsrc ) + "." +
str( netstrt ) + ".1.1 -f /tmp/ip_table" +
str( netdst ) + ".txt" )
while 1:
i = self.handle.expect( [
"not installed" ],
timeout=45 )
if i == 0:
result = main.TRUE
elif i == 1:
main.log.error( "An interface was unreachable" )
result = main.FALSE
return result
elif i == 2: "All interfaces reachable" )
result = main.FALSE
return result
elif i == 3:
self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
elif i == 4:
main.log.error( "Unable to fping" )
result = main.FALSE
return result
elif i == 5: "fping not installed, installing fping" )
self.handle.sendline( "sudo apt-get install fping" )
i = self.handle.expect( [ "password",
pexpect.TIMEOUT ],
timeout=60 )
if i == 0:
self.handle.sendline( self.pwd )
self.handle.expect( "\$", timeout=30 ) "fping installed, now pinging interfaces" )
"sudo fping -S " + str(
netsrc ) + "." + str(
netstrt ) + ".1.1 -f /tmp/ip_table" + str(
netdst ) + ".txt" )
elif i == 1: "fping installed, now pinging interfaces" )
"sudo fping -S " + str(
netsrc ) + "." + str(
netstrt ) + ".1.1 -f /tmp/ip_table" + str(
netdst ) + ".txt" )
elif i == 2:
main.log.error( "Could not install fping" )
result = main.FALSE
return result
def disconnect( self ):
response = ''
self.handle.sendline( "exit" )
self.handle.expect( "closed" )
except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
main.log.exception( "Connection failed to the host" )
response = main.FALSE
return response