| #!groovy |
| // This is a Jenkinsfile for a scripted pipeline for the SCPF tests |
| // Define sets of tests |
| SCPF_Basic = "SCPFswitchLat,SCPFportLat,SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLat,SCPFintentEventTp,SCPFflowTp1g,SCPFcbench,SCPFbatchFlowResp" |
| SCPF_ExtraSetA = "SCPFintentRerouteLat,SCPFscalingMaxIntents,SCPFhostLat,SCPFscaleTopo,SCPFmastershipFailoverLat" |
| SCPF_NEW_TEST = "SCPFmastershipFailoverLat" |
| SCPF_ExtraSetB = "SCPFintentInstallWithdrawLatWithFlowObj,SCPFintentEventTpWithFlowObj,SCPFintentRerouteLatWithFlowObj,SCPFscalingMaxIntentsWithFlowObj,SCPFflowTp1gWithFlowObj" |
| FUNC_Basic = "FUNCipv6Intent,FUNCoptical,FUNCflow,FUNCnetCfg,FUNCovsdbtest,FUNCnetconf" |
| FUNC_ExtraSetA = "FUNCgroup,FUNCintent" |
| FUNC_ExtraSetB = "FUNCintentRest" |
| HA_Basic = "HAsanity,HAsingleInstanceRestart,HAclusterRestart" |
| HA_ExtraSetA = "HAstopNodes,HAfullNetPartition" |
| HA_ExtraSetB = "HAkillNodes,HAswapNodes,HAscaling" |
| USECASE_Basic = "FUNCvirNetNB,FUNCbgpls,VPLSBasic,PLATdockertest,SRSanity,SRSwitchFailure,SRLinkFailure,SROnosFailure,SRClusterRestart,SRDynamic,SRHA,USECASE_SdnipFunction,USECASE_SdnipFunctionCluster" |
| USECASE_NEW_TEST = "VPLSfailsafe" |
| testcases = [ |
| "FUNC" : [ tests : "" , nodeName : "VM"], |
| "HA" : [ tests : "" , nodeName : "VM"], |
| "SCPF" : [ tests : "" , nodeName : "BM"], |
| "USECASE" : [ tests : "" , nodeName : "BM"] |
| ] |
| Prefix_organizer = [ |
| "FU" : "FUNC", |
| "HA" : "HA", |
| "PL" : "USECASE", |
| "SA" : "USECASE", |
| "SC" : "SCPF", |
| "SR" : "USECASE", |
| "US" : "USECASE", |
| "VP" : "USECASE" |
| ] |
| |
| onos_branch = "master" |
| onos_tag = params.ONOSTag |
| // Set tests based on day of week |
| def now = new Date() |
| echo(now.toString()) |
| today = now[Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK] |
| day = "" |
| SCPF_choices = SCPF_Basic |
| USECASE_choices = "" |
| FUNC_choices = FUNC_Basic |
| HA_choices = HA_Basic |
| |
| switch (today) { |
| case Calendar.MONDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetB |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetA |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetA |
| day = "Monday" |
| break |
| case Calendar.TUESDAY: |
| day = "Tuesday" |
| USECASE_choices = USECASE_Basic + "," + USECASE_NEW_TEST |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetB |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetB |
| break |
| case Calendar.WEDNESDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetA + "," + SCPF_NEW_TEST |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetA |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetA |
| day = "Wednesday" |
| break |
| case Calendar.THURSDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetB |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetB |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetB |
| day = "Thursday" |
| break |
| case Calendar.FRIDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetA + "," + SCPF_NEW_TEST + "," + SCPF_ExtraSetB |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetA |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetA |
| day = "Friday" |
| break |
| case Calendar.SATURDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetA + "," + SCPF_ExtraSetB |
| USECASE_choices = USECASE_Basic |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetA + "," + FUNC_ExtraSetB |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetA + "," + HA_ExtraSetB |
| onos_branch= "1.10" |
| day = "Saturday" |
| break |
| case Calendar.SUNDAY: |
| SCPF_choices += "," + SCPF_ExtraSetA + "," + SCPF_NEW_TEST + "," + SCPF_ExtraSetB |
| USECASE_choices = USECASE_Basic + "," + USECASE_NEW_TEST |
| FUNC_choices += "," + FUNC_ExtraSetA + "," + FUNC_ExtraSetB |
| HA_choices += "," + HA_ExtraSetA + "," + HA_ExtraSetB |
| onos_branch= "1.11" |
| day = "Sunday" |
| break |
| } |
| |
| manually_run = params.manual_run |
| post_result = params.PostResult |
| if ( manually_run ){ |
| organize_tests( params.Tests ) |
| onos_branch = params.ONOSVersion |
| test_branch = params.TestONBranch |
| println "Tests to be run manually : " |
| }else{ |
| testcases["SCPF"]["tests"] = SCPF_choices |
| testcases["USECASE"]["tests"] = USECASE_choices |
| testcases["FUNC"]["tests"] = FUNC_choices |
| testcases["HA"]["tests"] = HA_choices |
| println "Defaulting to " + day + " tests:" |
| } |
| print_tests( testcases ) |
| |
| def runTest = [ |
| "VM" : [:], |
| "BM" : [:] |
| ] |
| for( String test in testcases.keySet() ){ |
| println test |
| if (testcases[test]["tests"] != ""){ |
| runTest[testcases[test]["nodeName"]][test] = trigger_pipeline( onos_branch, testcases[test]["tests"], testcases[test]["nodeName"], test, manually_run, onos_tag ) |
| } |
| } |
| def finalList = [:] |
| finalList["VM"] = runTestSeq( runTest["VM"] ) |
| finalList["BM"] = runTestSeq( runTest["BM"] ) |
| parallel finalList |
| |
| def runTestSeq( testList ){ |
| return{ |
| for ( test in testList.keySet() ){ |
| testList[test].call() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def print_tests( tests ){ |
| for( String test in tests.keySet() ){ |
| if( tests[test]["tests"] != "" ){ |
| println test + ":" |
| println tests[test]["tests"] |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| def organize_tests( tests ){ |
| testList = tests.tokenize("\n;, ") |
| for( String test in testList ) |
| testcases [ Prefix_organizer[ ( test == "FUNCbgpls" || test == "FUNCvirNetNB" ? "US" : ( test[ 0 ] + test[ 1 ] ) ) ] ][ "tests" ] += test + "," |
| } |
| def trigger_pipeline( branch, tests, nodeName, jobOn, manuallyRun, onosTag ){ |
| // nodeName : "BM" or "VM" |
| // jobOn : "SCPF" or "USECASE" or "FUNC" or "HA" |
| return{ |
| if (branch == "master"){ |
| onos_branch = branch |
| }else{ |
| onos_branch = "onos-" + branch |
| } |
| wiki = branch |
| if ( !manuallyRun ) |
| test_branch = onos_branch |
| if (onos_branch == "onos-1.11") |
| test_branch = "master" |
| println jobOn + "_Pipeline_" + manuallyRun ? "manually" : branch |
| node("TestStation-" + nodeName + "s"){ |
| if (!manuallyRun) |
| envSetup(onos_branch, test_branch, onosTag) |
| |
| exportEnvProperty( onos_branch, test_branch, wiki, tests, post_result, manuallyRun, onosTag ) |
| } |
| |
| jobToRun = jobOn + "_Pipeline_" + ( manuallyRun ? "manually" : branch ) |
| build job: jobToRun, propagate: false |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // export Environment properties. |
| def exportEnvProperty( onos_branch, test_branch, wiki, tests, postResult, manually_run, onosTag ){ |
| stage("export Property"){ |
| sh ''' |
| echo "ONOSBranch=''' + onos_branch +'''" > /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "TestONBranch=''' + test_branch +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "ONOSTag='''+ onosTag +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "WikiPrefix=''' + wiki +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "ONOSJVMHeap='''+ env.ONOSJVMHeap +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "Tests=''' + tests +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "postResult=''' + postResult +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| echo "manualRun=''' + manually_run +'''" >> /var/jenkins/TestONOS.property |
| ''' |
| } |
| } |
| // Initialize the environment Setup for the onos and OnosSystemTest |
| def envSetup( onos_branch, test_branch, onos_tag ){ |
| stage("envSetup") { |
| sh '''#!/bin/bash -l |
| set +e |
| . ~/.bashrc |
| env |
| |
| echo -e "\n##### Set TestON Branch #####" |
| echo "TestON Branch is set on: ''' + test_branch + '''" |
| |
| cd ~/OnosSystemTest/ |
| git checkout HEAD~1 # Make sure you aren't pn a branch |
| git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote |
| git branch -D ''' + test_branch + ''' # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error |
| git clean -df # clean any local files |
| git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes |
| git reset --hard origin/''' + test_branch +''' # force local index to match remote branch |
| git clean -df # clean any local files |
| git checkout ''' + test_branch + ''' #create new local branch |
| git branch |
| git log -1 --decorate |
| |
| |
| echo -e "\n##### Set ONOS Branch #####" |
| echo "ONOS Branch is set on: ''' + onos_branch + '''" |
| |
| echo -e "\n #### check karaf version ######" |
| env |grep karaf |
| |
| cd ~/onos |
| rm -rf buck-out/* |
| ~/onos/tools/build/onos-buck clean |
| git checkout HEAD~1 # Make sure you aren't pn a branch |
| git branch | grep -v "detached from" | xargs git branch -d # delete all local branches merged with remote |
| git branch -D ''' + onos_branch + ''' # just incase there are local changes. This will normally result in a branch not found error |
| git clean -df # clean any local files |
| git fetch --all # update all caches from remotes |
| git reset --hard origin/''' + onos_branch + ''' # force local index to match remote branch |
| git clean -df # clean any local files |
| ''' + tagCheck(onos_tag, onos_branch) + ''' |
| git branch |
| git log -1 --decorate |
| |
| |
| echo -e "\n##### set jvm heap size to 8G #####" |
| echo ${ONOSJVMHeap} |
| |
| inserted_line="export JAVA_OPTS=\"\${ONOSJVMHeap}\"" |
| sed -i "s/bash/bash\\n$inserted_line/" ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service |
| |
| echo "##### Check onos-service setting..... #####" |
| cat ~/onos/tools/package/bin/onos-service |
| |
| export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle |
| |
| echo -e "\n##### build ONOS skip unit tests ######" |
| #mvn clean install -DskipTests |
| # Force buck update |
| rm -f ~/onos/bin/buck |
| ~/onos/tools/build/onos-buck build onos |
| |
| sleep 30 |
| echo -e "\n##### Stop all running instances of Karaf #####" |
| kill $(ps -efw | grep karaf | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}') |
| sleep 30 |
| |
| git branch''' |
| } |
| } |
| def tagCheck(onos_tag, onos_branch){ |
| result = "git checkout " |
| if (onos_tag == "" ) |
| result += onos_branch //create new local branch |
| else |
| result += onos_tag //checkout the tag |
| return result |
| } |