| #!/usr/bin/env python |
| ''' |
| Created on 31-May-2013 |
| |
| @author: Anil Kumar (anilkumar.s@paxterrasolutions.com) |
| |
| TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| |
| ''' |
| import time |
| import pexpect |
| import struct, fcntl, os, sys, signal |
| import sys |
| import re |
| import json |
| sys.path.append("../") |
| from drivers.common.clidriver import CLI |
| |
| class OnosCliDriver(CLI): |
| |
| def __init__(self): |
| super(CLI, self).__init__() |
| |
| def connect(self,**connectargs): |
| ''' |
| Creates ssh handle for ONOS. |
| ''' |
| for key in connectargs: |
| vars(self)[key] = connectargs[key] |
| |
| |
| self.name = self.options['name'] |
| self.handle = super(OnosCliDriver,self).connect(user_name = self.user_name, ip_address = self.ip_address,port = self.port, pwd = self.pwd) |
| |
| if self.handle: |
| #self.start() |
| #self.start_rest() |
| return self.handle |
| else : |
| main.log.info("NO HANDLE") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def start(self): |
| ''' |
| Starts ONOS on remote machine. |
| Returns false if any errors were encountered. |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS") |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("./start-onos.sh start") |
| self.handle.expect("onos.sh start") |
| i=self.handle.expect(["Starting\sONOS\scontroller","Cassandra\sis\snot\srunning"]) |
| if i==0: |
| try: |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$", timeout=60) |
| main.log.info("ONOS Started ") |
| except: |
| main.log.info("ONOS NOT Started, stuck while waiting for it to start ") |
| return main.FALSE |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i==1: |
| main.log.error("ONOS didn't start because cassandra wasn't running.") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| main.log.error("ONOS expect script missed something... ") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def link_down(self, **linkParams): |
| ''' |
| Specifically used for the ONOS demo on the HW. |
| Should be replaced by actual switch drivers in the future. |
| ''' |
| args = utilities.parse_args(["SDPID","SPORT","DDPID","DPORT"], **linkParams) |
| sdpid = args["SDPID"] if args["SDPID"] != None else "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:13" |
| sport = args["SPORT"] if args["SPORT"] != None else "22" |
| ddpid = args["DDPID"] if args["DDPID"] != None else "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35" |
| dport = args["DPORT"] if args["DPORT"] != None else "22" |
| |
| cmd = "curl -s" + sdpid + "/" + sport + "/" + ddpid + "/" + dport + " > /tmp/log &" |
| os.popen( cmd ) |
| |
| def link_up(self, **linkParams): |
| ''' |
| Specifically used for the ONOS demo on the HW. |
| Should be replaced by actual switch drivers in the future. |
| ''' |
| args = utilities.parse_args(["SDPID","SPORT","DDPID","DPORT"], **linkParams) |
| sdpid = args["SDPID"] if args["SDPID"] != None else "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:13" |
| sport = args["SPORT"] if args["SPORT"] != None else "22" |
| ddpid = args["DDPID"] if args["DDPID"] != None else "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35" |
| dport = args["DPORT"] if args["DPORT"] != None else "22" |
| |
| cmd = "curl -s" + sdpid + "/" + sport + "/" + ddpid + "/" + dport + " > /tmp/log &" |
| os.popen( cmd ) |
| |
| def start_rest(self): |
| ''' |
| Starts the rest server on ONOS. |
| ''' |
| self.execute(cmd="cd ONOS",prompt="ONOS\$",timeout=10) |
| response = self.execute(cmd="start-rest.sh start",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| if re.search("admin",response): |
| main.log.info("Rest Server Started Successfully") |
| time.sleep(5) |
| return main.TRUE |
| else : |
| main.log.warn("Failed to start Rest Server") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def status(self): |
| ''' |
| Called start-onos.sh status and returns TRUE/FALSE accordingly |
| ''' |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| response = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/start-onos.sh status ",prompt="\d+\sinstance\sof\sonos\srunning",timeout=10) |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| if re.search("1\sinstance\sof\sonos\srunning",response): |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif re.search("0\sinstance\sof\sonos\srunning",response): |
| return main.FALSE |
| else : |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def isup(self): |
| ''' |
| A more complete check to see if ONOS is up and running properly. |
| First, it checks if the process is up. |
| Second, it reads the logs for "Exception: Connection refused" |
| Third, it makes sure the logs are actually moving. |
| returns TRUE/FALSE accordingly. |
| ''' |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| response = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/start-onos.sh status ",prompt="running",timeout=10) |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| tail1 = self.execute(cmd="tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| time.sleep(2) |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| tail2 = self.execute(cmd="tail ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| pattern = '(.*)1 instance(.*)' |
| pattern2 = '(.*)Exception: Connection refused(.*)' |
| if utilities.assert_matches(expect=pattern,actual=response,onpass="ONOS process is running...",onfail="ONOS process not running..."): |
| if tail1 == tail2: |
| main.log.error("ONOS is frozen...") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif re.search( pattern2,tail1 ): |
| main.log.info("Connection Refused found in onos log") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif re.search( pattern2,tail2 ): |
| main.log.info("Connection Refused found in onos log") |
| return main.FALSE |
| else: |
| main.log.info("Onos log is moving! It's looking good!") |
| return main.TRUE |
| else: |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| |
| def rest_status(self): |
| ''' |
| Checks if the rest server is running. |
| ''' |
| response = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/start-rest.sh status ",prompt="running",timeout=10) |
| if re.search("rest\sserver\sis\srunning",response): |
| main.log.info("Rest Server is running") |
| elif re.search("rest\sserver\sis\snot\srunning",response): |
| main.log.warn("Rest Server is not Running") |
| else : |
| main.log.error("No response" +response) |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| |
| return response |
| |
| def stop(self): |
| ''' |
| Runs ./start-onos.sh stop to stop ONOS |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS") |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("./start-onos.sh stop") |
| self.handle.expect("stop", 2) |
| result = self.handle.before |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$", 60) |
| if re.search("Killed", result): |
| main.log.info("ONOS Killed Successfully") |
| return main.TRUE |
| else : |
| main.log.warn("ONOS wasn't running") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def rest_stop(self): |
| ''' |
| Runs ./start-rest.sh stop to stop ONOS rest server |
| ''' |
| response = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/start-rest.sh stop ",prompt="killing",timeout=10) |
| self.execute(cmd="\r",prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| if re.search("killing", response): |
| main.log.info("Rest Server Stopped") |
| return main.TRUE |
| else : |
| main.log.error("Failed to Stop, Rest Server is not Running") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def disconnect(self): |
| ''' |
| Called when Test is complete to disconnect the ONOS handle. |
| ''' |
| response = '' |
| try: |
| self.handle.sendline("exit") |
| self.handle.expect("closed") |
| except: |
| main.log.error("Connection failed to the host") |
| response = main.FALSE |
| return response |
| |
| def get_version(self): |
| ''' |
| Writes the COMMIT number to the report to be parsed by Jenkins data collecter. |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("cat /home/admin/ONOS/.git/ORIG_HEAD") |
| self.handle.expect("ORIG_HEAD") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| main.log.report( "COMMIT: " + str(self.handle.before + self.handle.after)) |
| |
| def add_flow(self, path): |
| ''' |
| Copies the flowdef file from TestStation -> ONOS machine |
| Then runs ./add_flow.py to add the flows to ONOS |
| ''' |
| main.log.info("Adding Flows...") |
| self.handle.sendline("scp admin@ /tmp/flowtmp" % path) |
| self.handle.expect("100%") |
| self.handle.expect("\$", 30) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/add_flow.py -m onos -f /tmp/flowtmp") |
| self.handle.expect("add_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$", 1000) |
| main.log.info("Flows added") |
| |
| def delete_flow(self, *delParams): |
| ''' |
| Deletes a specific flow, a range of flows, or all flows. |
| ''' |
| if len(delParams)==1: |
| if str(delParams[0])=="all": |
| main.log.info("Deleting ALL flows...") |
| #self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_delete_flow.sh all",prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/delete_flow.py all") |
| self.handle.expect("delete_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",1000) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/clear_flow.py all") |
| self.handle.expect("clear_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",1000) |
| main.log.info("Flows deleted") |
| else: |
| main.log.info("Deleting flow "+str(delParams[0])+"...") |
| #self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_delete_flow.sh "+str(delParams[0]),prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| #self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/delete_flow.py %d" % int(delParams[0])) |
| self.handle.expect("delete_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",60) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/clear_flow.py %d" % int(delParams[0])) |
| self.handle.expect("clear_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",60) |
| main.log.info("Flow deleted") |
| elif len(delParams)==2: |
| main.log.info("Deleting flows "+str(delParams[0])+" through "+str(delParams[1])+"...") |
| #self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_delete_flow.sh "+str(delParams[0])+" "+str(delParams[1]),prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| #self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/delete_flow.py %d %d" % (int(delParams[0]), int(delParams[1]))) |
| self.handle.expect("delete_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",600) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/clear_flow.py %d %d" % (int(delParams[0]), int(delParams[1]))) |
| self.handle.expect("clear_flow") |
| self.handle.expect("\$",600) |
| main.log.info("Flows deleted") |
| |
| def check_flow(self): |
| ''' |
| Calls the ./get_flow.py all and checks: |
| - If each FlowPath has at least one FlowEntry |
| - That there are no "NOT"s found |
| returns TRUE/FALSE |
| ''' |
| flowEntryDetect = 1 |
| count = 0 |
| self.handle.sendline("clear") |
| time.sleep(1) |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/web/get_flow.py all") |
| self.handle.expect("get_flow") |
| while 1: |
| i=self.handle.expect(['FlowPath','FlowEntry','NOT','\$',pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=180) |
| if i==0: |
| count = count + 1 |
| if flowEntryDetect == 0: |
| main.log.info("FlowPath without FlowEntry") |
| return main.FALSE |
| else: |
| flowEntryDetect = 0 |
| elif i==1: |
| flowEntryDetect = 1 |
| elif i==2: |
| main.log.error("Found a NOT") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i==3: |
| if count == 0: |
| main.log.info("There don't seem to be any flows here...") |
| return main.FALSE |
| else: |
| main.log.info("All flows pass") |
| main.log.info("Number of FlowPaths: "+str(count)) |
| return main.TRUE |
| elif i==4: |
| main.log.error("Command Timeout!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| def get_flow(self, *flowParams): |
| ''' |
| Returns verbose output of ./get_flow.py |
| ''' |
| if len(flowParams)==1: |
| if str(flowParams[0])=="all": |
| self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| main.log.info("Getting all flow data...") |
| data = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_get_flow.sh all",prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| return data |
| else: |
| main.log.info("Retrieving flow "+str(flowParams[0])+" data...") |
| data = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_get_flow.sh "+str(flowParams[0]),prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| return data |
| elif len(flowParams)==5: |
| main.log.info("Retrieving flow installer data...") |
| data = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_get_flow.sh "+str(flowParams[0])+" "+str(flowParams[1])+" "+str(flowParams[2])+" "+str(flowParams[3])+" "+str(flowParams[4]),prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| return data |
| elif len(flowParams)==4: |
| main.log.info("Retrieving flow endpoints...") |
| data = self.execute(cmd="~/ONOS/scripts/TestON_get_flow.sh "+str(flowParams[0])+" "+str(flowParams[1])+" "+str(flowParams[2])+" "+str(flowParams[3]),prompt="done",timeout=150) |
| self.execute(cmd="\n",prompt="\$",timeout=60) |
| return data |
| |
| |
| # http://localhost:8080/wm/core/topology/switches/all/json |
| # http://localhost:8080/wm/core/topology/links/json |
| # http://localhost:8080/wm/registry/controllers/json |
| # http://localhost:8080/wm/registry/switches/json" |
| |
| def get_json(self, url): |
| ''' |
| Helper functions used to parse the json output of a rest call |
| ''' |
| try: |
| command = "curl -s %s" % (url) |
| result = os.popen(command).read() |
| parsedResult = json.loads(result) |
| except: |
| print "REST IF %s has issue" % command |
| parsedResult = "" |
| |
| if type(parsedResult) == 'dict' and parsedResult.has_key('code'): |
| print "REST %s returned code %s" % (command, parsedResult['code']) |
| parsedResult = "" |
| return parsedResult |
| |
| def check_switch(self,RestIP,correct_nr_switch ): |
| ''' |
| Used by check_status |
| ''' |
| buf = "" |
| retcode = 0 |
| RestPort="8080" |
| url="http://%s:%s/wm/core/topology/switches/all/json" % (RestIP, RestPort) |
| parsedResult = self.get_json(url) |
| if parsedResult == "": |
| retcode = 1 |
| return (retcode, "Rest API has an issue") |
| url = "http://%s:%s/wm/registry/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort) |
| registry = self.get_json(url) |
| |
| if registry == "": |
| retcode = 1 |
| return (retcode, "Rest API has an issue") |
| |
| cnt = 0 |
| active = 0 |
| |
| for s in parsedResult: |
| cnt += 1 |
| if s['state'] == "ACTIVE": |
| active += 1 |
| |
| buf += "switch: network %d : %d switches %d active\n" % (0+1, cnt, active) |
| if correct_nr_switch != cnt: |
| buf += "switch fail: network %d should have %d switches but has %d\n" % (1, correct_nr_switch, cnt) |
| retcode = 1 |
| |
| if correct_nr_switch != active: |
| buf += "switch fail: network %d should have %d active switches but has %d\n" % (1, correct_nr_switch, active) |
| retcode = 1 |
| |
| return (retcode, buf) |
| |
| def check_link(self,RestIP, nr_links): |
| ''' |
| Used by check_status |
| ''' |
| RestPort = "8080" |
| buf = "" |
| retcode = 0 |
| |
| url = "http://%s:%s/wm/core/topology/links/json" % (RestIP, RestPort) |
| parsedResult = self.get_json(url) |
| |
| if parsedResult == "": |
| retcode = 1 |
| return (retcode, "Rest API has an issue") |
| |
| buf += "link: total %d links (correct : %d)\n" % (len(parsedResult), nr_links) |
| intra = 0 |
| interlink=0 |
| |
| for s in parsedResult: |
| intra = intra + 1 |
| |
| if intra != nr_links: |
| buf += "link fail\n" |
| retcode = 1 |
| |
| return (retcode, buf) |
| |
| def check_status_report(self, ip, numoswitch, numolink): |
| ''' |
| Checks the number of swithes & links that ONOS sees against the supplied values. |
| Writes to the report log. |
| ''' |
| main.log.info("Making some rest calls...") |
| switch = self.check_switch(ip, int(numoswitch)) |
| link = self.check_link(ip, int(numolink)) |
| value = switch[0] |
| value += link[0] |
| main.log.report( "\n-----\n%s%s-----\n" % ( switch[1], link[1]) ) |
| if value != 0: |
| return 0 |
| else: |
| # "PASS" |
| return 1 |
| |
| def check_status(self, ip, numoswitch, numolink): |
| ''' |
| Checks the number of swithes & links that ONOS sees against the supplied values. |
| Writes to the main log. |
| ''' |
| main.log.info("Making some rest calls...") |
| switch = self.check_switch(ip, int(numoswitch)) |
| link = self.check_link(ip, int(numolink)) |
| value = switch[0] |
| value += link[0] |
| main.log.info( "\n-----\n%s%s-----\n" % ( switch[1], link[1]) ) |
| if value != 0: |
| return 0 |
| else: |
| # "PASS" |
| return 1 |
| |
| def drop_keyspace(self): |
| ''' |
| Drops the ONOS keyspace |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline("~/ONOS/scripts/test-drop-keyspace.sh") |
| self.handle.expect("keyspace") |
| self.handle.sendline("") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| |
| def ctrl_none(self): |
| ''' |
| Points all the mininet swithces to no controllers |
| *NOTE will only work if CLUSTER is set up on ONOS nodes |
| ''' |
| self.execute(cmd="switch none", prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| |
| def ctrl_one(self, ip): |
| ''' |
| Points all the mininet swithces to all controllers |
| *NOTE will only work if CLUSTER is set up on ONOS nodes |
| ''' |
| self.execute(cmd="switch one", prompt="\$",timeout=10) |
| |
| def check_for_no_exceptions(self): |
| ''' |
| Used by CassndraCheck.py to scan ONOS logs for Exceptions |
| ''' |
| self.handle.sendline(r"dsh 'grep Exception ~/ONOS/onos-logs/onos.*.log'") |
| self.handle.expect("\$ dsh") |
| self.handle.expect("\$") |
| output = self.handle.before |
| main.log.info( output ) |
| if re.search("Exception",output): |
| return main.FALSE |
| else : |
| return main.TRUE |
| |
| def git_pull(self): |
| ''' |
| Stops the ONOS, pulls the latest code, and builds with mvn. |
| Assumes that "git pull" works without login |
| ''' |
| main.log.info("Stopping onos") |
| self.stop() |
| self.handle.sendline("cd ~/ONOS") |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$") |
| self.handle.sendline("git pull") |
| |
| i=self.handle.expect(['fatal','Username\sfor\s(.*):\s','Unpacking\sobjects',pexpect.TIMEOUT,'Already up-to-date','Aborting'],timeout=180) |
| if i==0: |
| main.log.error("Git pull had some issue...") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i==1: |
| main.log.error("Asking for username!!! BADD!") |
| return false |
| |
| self.handle.expect('Password\sfor\s(.*):\s') |
| j = self.handle.expect(['Unpacking\sobjects','Already up-to-date']) |
| if j == 0: |
| main.log.info("pulling repository now") |
| elif j == 1: |
| main.log.info("Up to date!") |
| else: |
| main.log.error("something went wrong") |
| return main.FALSE |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$", 30) |
| elif i==2: |
| main.log.info("pulling repository now") |
| self.handle.expect("ONOS\$", 30) |
| elif i==3: |
| main.log.error("TIMEOUT") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i==4: |
| main.log.info("Already up to date") |
| elif i==5: |
| main.log.info("Aborting... Are there conflicting git files?") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| |
| main.log.info("./setup-local-maven.sh") |
| self.handle.sendline("./setup-local-maven.sh") |
| self.handle.expect("local-maven.sh") |
| while 1: |
| i=self.handle.expect(['BUILD\sFAILURE','BUILD\sSUCCESS','ONOS\$',pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=90) |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.error("Build failure!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("Build success!") |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info("Build complete") |
| break; |
| elif i == 3: |
| main.log.error("TIMEOUT!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| main.log.info("mvn clean") |
| self.handle.sendline("mvn clean") |
| while 1: |
| i=self.handle.expect(['BUILD\sFAILURE','BUILD\sSUCCESS','ONOS\$',pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=30) |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.error("Build failure!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("Build success!") |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info("Build complete") |
| break; |
| elif i == 3: |
| main.log.error("TIMEOUT!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |
| main.log.info("mvn compile") |
| self.handle.sendline("mvn compile") |
| while 1: |
| i=self.handle.expect(['BUILD\sFAILURE','BUILD\sSUCCESS','ONOS\$',pexpect.TIMEOUT],timeout=30) |
| if i == 0: |
| main.log.error("Build failure!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| elif i == 1: |
| main.log.info("Build success!") |
| elif i == 2: |
| main.log.info("Build complete") |
| break; |
| elif i == 3: |
| main.log.error("TIMEOUT!") |
| return main.FALSE |
| |