| <PARAMS> |
| #List of test cases: |
| #CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines |
| #CASE2: Assign mastership to controllers |
| #CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers |
| #CASE102: Start Spine-Leaf Topology in Mininet |
| #CASE3: Assign intents |
| #CASE4: Ping across added host intents |
| #CASE104: Ping between all hosts |
| #CASE5: Reading state of ONOS |
| #CASE61: Kill a container |
| #CASE62: Restart a container |
| #CASE7: Check state after control plane failure |
| #CASE8: Compare topo |
| #CASE9: Link down |
| #CASE10: Link up |
| #CASE11: Switch down |
| #CASE12: Switch up |
| #CASE13: Clean up |
| #CASE14: Start election app on all onos nodes |
| #CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional |
| #CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app |
| #CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives |
| <testcases>1,2,8,21,3,4,5,14,15,16,17,[61,8,7,4,15,17,62],8,7,4,15,17,9,8,4,10,8,4,11,8,4,12,8,4,13</testcases> |
| |
| <GRAPH> |
| <nodeCluster>VM</nodeCluster> |
| <builds>20</builds> |
| </GRAPH> |
| |
| <apps></apps> |
| <ONOS_Configuration> |
| <org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.IntentConfigurableRegistrator> |
| <useFlowObjectives>false</useFlowObjectives> |
| <defaultFlowObjectiveCompiler>org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.LinkCollectionIntentObjectiveCompiler</defaultFlowObjectiveCompiler> |
| </org.onosproject.net.intent.impl.compiler.IntentConfigurableRegistrator> |
| <org.onosproject.store.flow.impl.ECFlowRuleStore> |
| <backupCount>3</backupCount> |
| </org.onosproject.store.flow.impl.ECFlowRuleStore> |
| </ONOS_Configuration> |
| <ONOS_Logging> |
| <org.onosproject.events>TRACE</org.onosproject.events> |
| </ONOS_Logging> |
| <ENV> |
| <cellName>HA</cellName> |
| <appString>events,drivers,openflow,proxyarp,mobility</appString> |
| </ENV> |
| <GIT> |
| <pull>False</pull> |
| <branch>master</branch> |
| </GIT> |
| <num_controllers> 7 </num_controllers> |
| <tcpdump> False </tcpdump> |
| |
| <CTRL> |
| <port1>6653</port1> |
| <port2>6653</port2> |
| <port3>6653</port3> |
| <port4>6653</port4> |
| <port5>6653</port5> |
| <port6>6653</port6> |
| <port7>6653</port7> |
| </CTRL> |
| <BACKUP> |
| <ENABLED> False </ENABLED> |
| </BACKUP> |
| <PING> |
| <source1>h8</source1> |
| <source2>h9</source2> |
| <source3>h10</source3> |
| <source4>h11</source4> |
| <source5>h12</source5> |
| <source6>h13</source6> |
| <source7>h14</source7> |
| <source8>h15</source8> |
| <source9>h16</source9> |
| <source10>h17</source10> |
| <target1></target1> |
| <target2></target2> |
| <target3></target3> |
| <target4></target4> |
| <target5></target5> |
| <target6></target6> |
| <target7></target7> |
| <target8></target8> |
| <target9></target9> |
| <target10></target10> |
| </PING> |
| <timers> |
| <LinkDiscovery>12</LinkDiscovery> |
| <SwitchDiscovery>12</SwitchDiscovery> |
| <gossip>5</gossip> |
| </timers> |
| <kill> |
| <linkSrc> s28 </linkSrc> |
| <linkDst> s3 </linkDst> |
| <switch> s5 </switch> |
| <dpid> 0000000000005000 </dpid> |
| <links> h5 s2 s1 s6 </links> |
| </kill> |
| <MNtcpdump> |
| <intf>eth0</intf> |
| <port> </port> |
| <folder>~/packet_captures/</folder> |
| </MNtcpdump> |
| </PARAMS> |