| #!groovy |
| // Copyright 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF) |
| // |
| // Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <onos-test@onosproject.org>, |
| // the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/voMg>, |
| // or the System Testing Guide page at <https://wiki.onosproject.org/x/WYQg> |
| // |
| // TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or |
| // (at your option) any later version. |
| // |
| // TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| // GNU General Public License for more details. |
| // |
| // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| // along with TestON. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| // This is the dependency Jenkins script. |
| // it has some common functions that runs test and generate graph. |
| |
| import groovy.time.TimeCategory |
| import groovy.time.TimeDuration |
| |
| generalFuncs = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/GeneralFuncs.groovy' ) |
| fileRelated = evaluate readTrusted( 'TestON/JenkinsFile/dependencies/JenkinsPathAndFiles.groovy' ) |
| |
| fileRelated.init() |
| |
| def initializeTrend( machine ){ |
| // For initializing any trend graph jobs |
| // machine : Either VM,BM, or Fabric# |
| |
| table_name = "executed_test_tests" |
| result_name = "executed_test_results" |
| testMachine = "TestStation-" + machine + "s" |
| this.machine = machine |
| isSCPF = false |
| hasArgs = false |
| isTrend = true |
| } |
| |
| def initialize( type, SCPFfuncs ){ |
| // Initializing for SCPF tests |
| // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... ) |
| // Passing the SCPFfunction which will be PerformanceFuncs.groovy |
| |
| init( type ) |
| SCPFfunc = SCPFfuncs |
| isSCPF = true |
| hasArgs = true // Has TestON cli arguments to be added when running the test |
| machine = machineType[ type ] |
| } |
| |
| def initialize( type ){ |
| // initializing for FUNC,HA,SR, and USECASE |
| // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... ) |
| |
| init( type ) |
| SCPFfunc = null |
| table_name = "executed_test_tests" |
| result_name = "executed_test_results" |
| trend_generator_file = fileRelated.trendMultiple |
| build_stats_generator_file = fileRelated.histogramMultiple |
| isSCPF = false |
| hasArgs = false |
| } |
| |
| def init( type ){ |
| // type : type of the test ( SR,FUNC,SCPF... ) |
| |
| machineType = [ "FUNC": "VM", |
| "HA": "VM", |
| "SR": "Fabric", |
| "SCPF": "BM", |
| "USECASE": "BM" ] |
| testType = type |
| testMachine = "TestStation-" + machineType[ type ] + "s" |
| isTrend = false |
| } |
| |
| def additionalInitForSR( branch ){ |
| // additional setup for SegmentRouting tests to determine the machine depends on the branch it is running. |
| // branch : branch of the onos. ( master, 2.0, 1.15... ) |
| |
| testMachine = ( ( new StringBuilder( testMachine ) ).insert( testMachine.size() - 1, fabricOn( branch ) ) ). |
| toString() |
| if ( isTrend ){ |
| machine += fabricOn( branch ) |
| } |
| else { |
| machineType[ testType ] += fabricOn( branch ) |
| } |
| print testMachine |
| } |
| |
| def fabricOn( branch ){ |
| // gets the fabric machines with the branch of onos. |
| // branch : master, 2.0, 1.15... |
| // branch.reverse().take(4).reverse() will get last 4 characters of the string. |
| switch ( branch.reverse().take( 3 ).reverse() ){ |
| case "ter": return "4" |
| case "2.0": return "3" |
| case ".15": return "2" |
| case ".14": return "3" |
| case ".13": return "2" |
| case ".12": return "3" |
| default: return "4" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def printType(){ |
| // print the test type and test machine that was initialized. |
| |
| echo testType |
| echo testMachine |
| } |
| |
| def getProperties(){ |
| // get the properties of the test by reading the TestONOS.property |
| |
| node( testMachine ) { |
| return readProperties( file: '/var/jenkins/TestONOS.property' ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def getTestsToRun( testList ){ |
| // get test to run by tokenizing the list. |
| |
| testList.tokenize( "\n;, " ) |
| } |
| |
| def getCurrentTime(){ |
| // get time of the PST zone. |
| |
| TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone( 'PST' ) ) |
| return new Date() |
| } |
| |
| def getTotalTime( start, end ){ |
| // get total time of the test using start and end time. |
| |
| return TimeCategory.minus( end, start ) |
| } |
| |
| def printTestToRun( testList ){ |
| // printout the list of the test in the list. |
| |
| for ( String test : testList ){ |
| println test |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def sendResultToSlack( start, isManualRun, branch ){ |
| // send the result of the test to the slack when it is not manually running. |
| // start : start time of the test |
| // isManualRun : string that is whether "false" or "true" |
| // branch : branch of the onos. |
| |
| try { |
| if ( isManualRun == "false" ){ |
| end = getCurrentTime() |
| TimeDuration duration = TimeCategory.minus( end, start ) |
| slackSend( color: "#5816EE", |
| message: testType + "-" + branch + " tests ended at: " + end.toString() + |
| "\nTime took : " + duration ) |
| } |
| } |
| catch ( all ){ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory ){ |
| // Bash script that will |
| // Initialize the environment to the machine and run the test. |
| // testName : name of the test |
| // testCategory : (SR,FUNC ... ) |
| |
| return '''#!/bin/bash -l |
| set -i # interactive |
| set +e |
| shopt -s expand_aliases # expand alias in non-interactive mode |
| ifconfig |
| echo "ONOS Branch is: $ONOSBranch" |
| echo "TestON Branch is: $TestONBranch" |
| echo "Test date: " |
| date |
| cd ~ |
| export PATH=$PATH:onos/tools/test/bin |
| timeout 240 stc shutdown | head -100 |
| timeout 240 stc teardown | head -100 |
| timeout 240 stc shutdown | head -100 |
| cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin |
| git log | head |
| ./cleanup.sh -f |
| ''' + "./cli.py run " + |
| ( !hasArgs ? testName : testCategory[ testName ][ 'test' ] ) + |
| " --params GRAPH/nodeCluster=" + machineType[ testType ] + ''' |
| ./cleanup.sh -f |
| # cleanup config changes |
| cd ~/onos/tools/package/config |
| git clean -df''' |
| } |
| |
| def copyLogs(){ |
| // bash script to copy the logs and other necessary element for SR tests. |
| |
| result = "" |
| if ( testType == "SR" ){ |
| result = ''' |
| sudo rm /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/* |
| sudo cp *karaf.log.* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/ |
| sudo cp *Flows* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/ |
| sudo cp *Groups* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/ |
| sudo cp *.tar.gz /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/ |
| sudo cp t3-* /var/jenkins/workspace/SR-log-${WikiPrefix}/ |
| ''' |
| } |
| return result |
| } |
| |
| def cleanAndCopyFiles( testName ){ |
| // clean up some files that were in the folder and copy the new files from the log |
| // testName : name of the test |
| |
| return '''#!/bin/bash -i |
| set +e |
| echo "ONOS Branch is: ${ONOSBranch}" |
| echo "TestON Branch is: ${TestONBranch}" |
| echo "Job name is: "''' + testName + ''' |
| echo "Workspace is: ${WORKSPACE}/" |
| echo "Wiki page to post is: ${WikiPrefix}-" |
| # remove any leftover files from previous tests |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*Wiki.txt |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*Summary.txt |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*Result.txt |
| sudo rm ${WORKSPACE}/*.csv |
| #copy files to workspace |
| cd `ls -t ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs/*/ | head -1 | sed 's/://'` |
| ''' + copyLogs() + ''' |
| sudo cp *.txt ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| sudo cp *.csv ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| cd ${WORKSPACE}/ |
| for i in *.csv |
| do mv "$i" "$WikiPrefix"-"$i" |
| done |
| ls -al |
| cd ''' |
| } |
| |
| def fetchLogs( testName ){ |
| // fetch the logs of onos from onos nodes to onos System Test logs |
| // testName: name of the test |
| |
| return '''#!/bin/bash |
| set +e |
| cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/logs |
| echo "TestON test name is: "''' + testName + ''' |
| TestONlogDir=$(ls -t | grep ${TEST_NAME}_ |head -1) |
| echo "########################################################################################" |
| echo "##### copying ONOS logs from all nodes to TestON/logs directory: ${TestONlogDir}" |
| echo "########################################################################################" |
| cd $TestONlogDir |
| if [ $? -eq 1 ] |
| then |
| echo "Job name does not match any test suite name to move log!" |
| else |
| pwd |
| for i in $OC{1..7}; do onos-fetch-logs $i || echo log does not exist for onos $i; done |
| for i in $OC{1..7}; do atomix-fetch-logs $i || echo log does not exist for atomix $i; done |
| fi |
| cd''' |
| } |
| |
| def isPostingResult( manual, postresult ){ |
| // check if it is posting the result. |
| // posting when it is automatically running or has postResult condition from the manual run |
| |
| return manual == "false" || postresult == "true" |
| } |
| |
| def postResult( prop, graphOnly ){ |
| // post the result by triggering postjob. |
| // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine. |
| // graphOnly : if it is graph generating job |
| |
| if ( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){ |
| def post = build job: "postjob-" + ( graphOnly ? machine : machineType[ testType ] ), propagate: false |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def postLogs( testName, prefix ){ |
| // posting logs of the onos jobs specifically SR tests |
| // testName : name of the test |
| // prefix : branch prefix ( master, 2.0, 1.15 ... ) |
| |
| resultURL = "" |
| if ( testType == "SR" ){ |
| def post = build job: "SR-log-" + prefix, propagate: false |
| resultURL = post.getAbsoluteUrl() |
| } |
| return resultURL |
| } |
| |
| def getSlackChannel(){ |
| // get name of the slack channel. |
| // if the test is SR, it will return sr-failures |
| |
| return "#" + ( testType == "SR" ? "sr-failures" : "jenkins-related" ) |
| } |
| |
| def analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, pureTestName, testName, resultURL, wikiLink, isSCPF ){ |
| // analyzing the result of the test and send to slack if the test was failed. |
| // prop : property dictionary |
| // workSpace : workSpace where the result file is saved |
| // pureTestName : TestON name of the test |
| // testName : Jenkins name of the test. Example: SCPFflowTPFobj |
| // resultURL : url for the logs for SR tests. Will not be posted if it is empty |
| // wikiLink : link of the wiki page where the result was posted |
| // isSCPF : Check if it is SCPF. If so, it won't post the wiki link. |
| |
| node( testMachine ) { |
| def resultContents = readFile( workSpace + "/" + pureTestName + "Result.txt" ) |
| resultContents = resultContents.split( "\n" ) |
| if ( resultContents[ 0 ] == "1" ){ |
| print "All passed" |
| } |
| else { |
| print "Failed" |
| if ( prop[ "manualRun" ] == "false" ){ |
| slackSend( channel: getSlackChannel(), |
| color: "FF0000", |
| message: "[" + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] + "]" + testName + " : Failed!\n" + |
| resultContents[ 1 ] + "\n" + |
| "[TestON log] : \n" + |
| "https://jenkins.onosproject.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/${ env.JOB_NAME }/detail/${ env.JOB_NAME }/${ env.BUILD_NUMBER }/pipeline" + |
| ( isSCPF ? "" : ( "\n[Result on Wiki] : \n" + |
| "https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/" + |
| wikiLink.replaceAll( "\\s", "+" ) ) ) + |
| ( resultURL != "" ? ( "\n[Karaf log] : \n" + |
| resultURL + "artifact/" ) : "" ), |
| teamDomain: 'onosproject' ) |
| } |
| Failed |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def publishToConfluence( isManualRun, isPostResult, wikiLink, file ){ |
| // publish HTML script to wiki confluence |
| // isManualRun : string "true" "false" |
| // isPostResult : string "true" "false" |
| // wikiLink : link of the wiki page to publish |
| // file : name of the file to be published |
| |
| if ( isPostingResult( isManualRun, isPostResult ) ){ |
| publishConfluence siteName: 'wiki.onosproject.org', pageName: wikiLink, spaceName: 'ONOS', |
| attachArchivedArtifacts: true, buildIfUnstable: true, |
| editorList: [ confluenceWritePage( confluenceFile( file ) ) ] |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| def runTest( testName, toBeRun, prop, pureTestName, graphOnly, testCategory, graph_generator_file, |
| graph_saved_directory ){ |
| // run the test on the machine that contains all the steps : init and run test, copy files, publish result ... |
| // testName : name of the test in Jenkins |
| // toBeRun : boolean value whether the test will be run or not. If not, it won't be run but shows up with empty |
| // result on pipeline view |
| // prop : dictionary property on the machine |
| // pureTestName : Pure name of the test. ( ex. pureTestName of SCPFflowTpFobj will be SCPFflowTp ) |
| // graphOnly : check if it is generating graph job. If so, it will only generate the generating graph part |
| // testCategory : Map for the test suit ( SCPF, SR, FUNC, ... ) which contains information about the tests |
| // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path. |
| // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to. |
| |
| return { |
| catchError { |
| stage( testName ) { |
| if ( toBeRun ){ |
| def workSpace = "/var/jenkins/workspace/" + testName |
| def fileContents = "" |
| node( testMachine ) { |
| withEnv( [ 'ONOSBranch=' + prop[ "ONOSBranch" ], |
| 'ONOSJVMHeap=' + prop[ "ONOSJVMHeap" ], |
| 'TestONBranch=' + prop[ "TestONBranch" ], |
| 'ONOSTag=' + prop[ "ONOSTag" ], |
| 'WikiPrefix=' + prop[ "WikiPrefix" ], |
| 'WORKSPACE=' + workSpace ] ) { |
| if ( !graphOnly ){ |
| if ( isSCPF ){ |
| // Remove the old database file |
| sh SCPFfunc.cleanupDatabaseFile( testName ) |
| } |
| sh initAndRunTest( testName, testCategory ) |
| // For the Wiki page |
| sh cleanAndCopyFiles( pureTestName ) |
| } |
| databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, pureTestName, graphOnly, |
| graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ) |
| if ( !graphOnly ){ |
| sh fetchLogs( pureTestName ) |
| if ( !isSCPF ){ |
| publishToConfluence( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ], |
| testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ], |
| workSpace + "/" + testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_file' ] ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| postResult( prop, graphOnly ) |
| if ( !graphOnly ){ |
| def resultURL = postLogs( testName, prop[ "WikiPrefix" ] ) |
| analyzeResult( prop, workSpace, pureTestName, testName, resultURL, |
| isSCPF ? "" : testCategory[ testName ][ 'wiki_link' ], |
| isSCPF ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def databaseAndGraph( prop, testName, pureTestName, graphOnly, graph_generator_file, graph_saved_directory ){ |
| // part where it insert the data into the database. |
| // It will use the predefined encrypted variables from the Jenkins. |
| // prop : property dictionary that was read from the machine |
| // testName : Jenkins name for the test |
| // pureTestName : TestON name for the test |
| // graphOnly : boolean whether it is graph only or not |
| // graph_generator_file : Rscript file with the full path. |
| // graph_saved_directory : where the generated graph will be saved to. |
| if ( graphOnly || isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){ |
| // Post Results |
| withCredentials( [ |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) { |
| def database_command = generalFuncs.database_command_create( pass, host, port, user ) + |
| ( !isSCPF ? sqlCommand( testName ) : SCPFfunc.sqlCommand( testName ) ) |
| sh '''#!/bin/bash |
| export DATE=\$(date +%F_%T) |
| cd ~ |
| pwd ''' + ( graphOnly ? "" : |
| ( !isSCPF ? databasePart( prop[ "WikiPrefix" ], pureTestName, database_command ) : |
| SCPFfunc.databasePart( testName, database_command ) ) ) + ''' |
| ''' + ( !isSCPF ? graphGenerating( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop, graph_saved_directory, |
| graph_generator_file ) : |
| SCPFfunc.getGraphGeneratingCommand( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop ) ) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, manualRun, postresult, stat_file, pie_file, type, branch, testListPart, |
| save_path, pieTestListPart ){ |
| // function that will generate the category stat graphs for the overall test. |
| // testMachineOn : the machine the graph will be generated. It will be TestStation-VMs for the most cases |
| // manualRun : string of "true" or "false" |
| // postresult : string of "true" or "false" |
| // stat_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the stat graph |
| // pie_file : file name with full path for Rscript for the pie graph |
| // type : type of the test ( USECASE, FUNC, HA ) |
| // branch : branch of the test ( master, onos-2.0, onos-1.15 ) |
| // testListPart : list of the test to be included |
| // save_path : path that will save the graphs to |
| // pieTestListPart : list of the test for pie graph |
| |
| if ( isPostingResult( manualRun, postresult ) ){ |
| node( testMachineOn ) { |
| |
| withCredentials( [ |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) { |
| sh '''#!/bin/bash |
| ''' + generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( stat_file, host, port, user, pass, type, |
| branch ) + " \"" + testListPart + "\" latest " + save_path + ''' |
| ''' + getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'y', |
| save_path ) + ''' |
| ''' + |
| getOverallPieGraph( pie_file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, pieTestListPart, 'n', save_path ) |
| } |
| } |
| postResult( [ ], true ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def makeTestList( list, commaNeeded ){ |
| // make the list of the test in to a string. |
| // list : list of the test |
| // commaNeeded : if comma is needed for the string |
| |
| return generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( commaNeeded ? "," : "" ) |
| } |
| |
| def createStatsList( testCategory, list, semiNeeded ){ |
| // make the list for stats |
| // testCategory : category of the test |
| // list : list of the test |
| // semiNeeded: if semi colon is needed |
| |
| return testCategory + "-" + generalFuncs.getTestList( list ) + ( semiNeeded ? ";" : "" ) |
| } |
| |
| def generateOverallGraph( prop, testCategory, graph_saved_directory ){ |
| // generate the overall graph for the test |
| |
| if ( isPostingResult( prop[ "manualRun" ], prop[ "postResult" ] ) ){ |
| node( testMachine ) { |
| |
| withCredentials( [ |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_pass', variable: 'pass' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_user', variable: 'user' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_host', variable: 'host' ), |
| string( credentialsId: 'db_port', variable: 'port' ) ] ) { |
| testList = generalFuncs.getTestList( testCategory ) |
| sh '''#!/bin/bash |
| ''' + |
| generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( trend_generator_file, host, port, |
| user, pass, testType, |
| prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " " + testList + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory |
| } |
| } |
| postResult( prop, false ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| def getOverallPieGraph( file, host, port, user, pass, branch, type, testList, yOrN, path ){ |
| // Rcommand for the pie graph |
| |
| return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( file, host, port, user, pass, type, branch ) + |
| " \"" + testList + "\" latest " + yOrN + " " + path |
| } |
| |
| def sqlCommand( testName ){ |
| // get the inserting sqlCommand for non-SCPF tests. |
| |
| return "\"INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES('\$DATE','" + result_name + "','" + |
| testName + "',\$BUILD_NUMBER, '\$ONOSBranch', \$line);\" " |
| } |
| |
| def graphGenerating( host, port, user, pass, testName, prop, graph_saved_directory, graph_generator_file ){ |
| // get the graphGenerating R command for non-SCPF tests |
| |
| return generalFuncs.basicGraphPart( graph_generator_file, host, port, user, pass, testName, |
| prop[ "ONOSBranch" ] ) + " 20 " + graph_saved_directory |
| } |
| |
| def databasePart( wikiPrefix, testName, database_command ){ |
| // to read and insert the data from .csv to the database |
| |
| return ''' |
| sed 1d ''' + workSpace + "/" + wikiPrefix + "-" + testName + '''.csv | while read line |
| do |
| echo \$line |
| echo ''' + database_command + ''' |
| done ''' |
| } |
| |
| def generateStatGraph( testMachineOn, onos_branch, AllTheTests, stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file, |
| graph_saved_directory ){ |
| // Will generate the stats graph. |
| |
| testListPart = createStatsList( "FUNC", AllTheTests[ "FUNC" ], true ) + |
| createStatsList( "HA", AllTheTests[ "HA" ], true ) + |
| createStatsList( "USECASE", AllTheTests[ "USECASE" ], false ) |
| pieTestList = makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "FUNC" ], true ) + |
| makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "HA" ], true ) + |
| makeTestList( AllTheTests[ "USECASE" ], false ) |
| generateCategoryStatsGraph( testMachineOn, "false", "true", stat_graph_generator_file, pie_graph_generator_file, |
| "ALL", onos_branch, testListPart, graph_saved_directory, pieTestList ) |
| } |
| |
| def branchWithPrefix( branch ){ |
| // get the branch with the prefix ( "onos-" ) |
| return ( ( branch != "master" ) ? "onos-" : "" ) + branch |
| } |
| |
| def testBranchWithPrefix( branch ){ |
| // get TestON branch with the prefix ( "onos-" ) |
| if ( branch == "1.12" ) |
| return "onos-1.13" |
| else if ( branch == "1.13" ) |
| return "onos-1.13" |
| else if ( branch == "1.14" ) |
| return "onos-1.15" |
| else if ( branch == "1.15" ) |
| return "onos-1.15" |
| else if ( branch == "2.0" ) |
| return "master" |
| else |
| return "master" |
| } |
| |
| return this |