blob: 13a75e2007899b1ffcc456151f839290f6cdb0fe [file] [log] [blame]
Libraries for creating L3 topologies with routing protocols.
from mininet.node import Host, OVSBridge
from mininet.nodelib import NAT
from mininet.log import info, debug, error
from mininet.cli import CLI
from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address, ip_interface
import os
class RoutedHost(Host):
"""Host that can be configured with multiple IP addresses."""
def __init__(self, name, ips, gateway, *args, **kwargs):
super(RoutedHost, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
self.ips = ips
self.gateway = gateway
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
self.cmd('ip -4 addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
for ip in self.ips:
self.cmd('ip addr add %s dev %s' % (ip, self.defaultIntf()))
self.cmd('ip route add default via %s' % self.gateway)
class RoutedHost6(Host):
"""Host that can be configured with multiple IP addresses."""
def __init__(self, name, ips, gateway, *args, **kwargs):
super(RoutedHost6, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs)
self.ips = ips
self.gateway = gateway
def config(self, **kwargs):
Host.config(self, **kwargs)
self.cmd('ip -6 addr flush dev %s' % self.defaultIntf())
for ip in self.ips:
self.cmd('ip -6 addr add %s dev %s' % (ip, self.defaultIntf()))
self.cmd('ip -6 route add default via %s' % self.gateway)
class Router(Host):
"""An L3 router.
Configures the Linux kernel for L3 forwarding and supports rich interface
configuration of IP addresses, MAC addresses and VLANs."""
def __init__(self, name, interfaces, *args, **kwargs):
super(Router, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
self.interfaces = interfaces
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(Host, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0')
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1')
for intf, configs in self.interfaces.items():
self.cmd('ip -4 addr flush dev %s' % intf)
self.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.conf.%s.rp_filter=0' % intf )
if not isinstance(configs, list):
configs = [configs]
for attrs in configs:
# Configure the vlan if there is one
if 'vlan' in attrs:
vlanName = '%s.%s' % (intf, attrs['vlan'])
self.cmd('ip link add link %s name %s type vlan id %s' %
(intf, vlanName, attrs['vlan']))
self.cmd('ip link set %s up' % vlanName)
addrIntf = vlanName
addrIntf = intf
# Now configure the addresses on the vlan/native interface
if 'mac' in attrs:
self.cmd('ip link set %s down' % addrIntf)
self.cmd('ip link set %s address %s' % (addrIntf, attrs['mac']))
self.cmd('ip link set %s up' % addrIntf)
for addr in attrs['ipAddrs']:
self.cmd('ip addr add %s dev %s' % (addr, addrIntf))
class QuaggaRouter(Router):
"""Runs Quagga to create a router that can speak routing protocols."""
binDir = '/usr/lib/quagga'
logDir = '/var/log/quagga'
def __init__(self, name, interfaces,
protocols= [],
runDir='/var/run/quagga', *args, **kwargs):
super(QuaggaRouter, self).__init__(name, interfaces, **kwargs)
self.protocols = protocols
self.fpm = fpm
for p in self.protocols:
self.runDir = runDir
self.defaultRoute = defaultRoute
# Ensure required directories exist
original_umask = os.umask(0)
if (not os.path.isdir(QuaggaRouter.logDir)):
os.makedirs(QuaggaRouter.logDir, 0777)
if (not os.path.isdir(self.runDir)):
os.makedirs(self.runDir, 0777)
self.zebraConfFile = zebraConfFile
if (self.zebraConfFile is None):
self.zebraConfFile = '%s/zebrad%s.conf' % (self.runDir,
self.socket = '%s/zebra%s.api' % (self.runDir,
self.zebraPidFile = '%s/' % (self.runDir,
def generateZebra(self):
configFile = open(self.zebraConfFile, 'w+')
configFile.write('log file %s/zebrad%s.log\n' % (QuaggaRouter.logDir,
configFile.write('hostname zebra-%s\n' %
configFile.write('password %s\n' % 'quagga')
if (self.fpm is not None):
configFile.write('fpm connection ip %s port 2620' % self.fpm)
def config(self, **kwargs):
super(QuaggaRouter, self).config(**kwargs)
self.cmd('%s/zebra -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.zebraConfFile, self.socket, self.zebraPidFile))
print('%s/zebra -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.zebraConfFile, self.socket, self.zebraPidFile))
for p in self.protocols:
if self.defaultRoute:
self.cmd('ip route add default via %s' % self.defaultRoute)
def stopProtocols(self, **kwargs):
for p in self.protocols:
def startProtocols(self, **kwargs):
for p in self.protocols:
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
self.cmd("ps ax | grep '%s' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill"
% (self.socket))
for p in self.protocols:
super(QuaggaRouter, self).terminate()
class Protocol(object):
"""Base abstraction of a protocol that the QuaggaRouter can run."""
def setQuaggaRouter(self, qr):
self.qr = qr
def config(self, **kwargs):
def stop(self, **kwargs):
def start(self, **kwargs):
def terminate(self, **kwargs):
class BgpProtocol(Protocol):
"""Configures and runs the BGP protocol in Quagga."""
def __init__(self, configFile=None, asNum=None, neighbors=[], routes=[], *args, **kwargs):
self.configFile = configFile
self.asNum = asNum
self.neighbors = neighbors
self.routes = routes
def config(self, **kwargs):
if self.configFile is None:
self.configFile = '%s/bgpd%s.conf' % (self.qr.runDir,
bgpdPidFile = '%s/' % (self.qr.runDir,
self.qr.cmd('%s/bgpd -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.configFile, self.qr.socket, bgpdPidFile))
def stop(self, **kwargs):
self.qr.cmd('pkill -f %s' % self.configFile)
def start(self, **kwargs):
bgpdPidFile = '%s/' % (self.qr.runDir,
self.qr.cmd('%s/bgpd -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.configFile, self.qr.socket, bgpdPidFile))
def generateConfig(self):
conf = ConfigurationWriter(self.configFile)
def getRouterId(interfaces):
intfAttributes = interfaces.itervalues().next()
print intfAttributes
if isinstance(intfAttributes, list):
# Try use the first set of attributes, but if using vlans they might not have addresses
intfAttributes = intfAttributes[1] if not intfAttributes[0]['ipAddrs'] else intfAttributes[0]
return intfAttributes['ipAddrs'][0].split('/')[0]
conf.writeLine('log file %s/bgpd%s.log' % (QuaggaRouter.logDir,
conf.writeLine('hostname bgp-%s' %
conf.writeLine('password %s' % 'quagga')
conf.writeLine('router bgp %s' % self.asNum)
conf.writeLine('bgp router-id %s' % getRouterId(self.qr.interfaces))
conf.writeLine('timers bgp %s' % '3 9')
for neighbor in self.neighbors:
conf.writeLine('neighbor %s remote-as %s' % (neighbor['address'], neighbor['as']))
conf.writeLine('neighbor %s ebgp-multihop' % neighbor['address'])
conf.writeLine('neighbor %s timers connect %s' % (neighbor['address'], '5'))
conf.writeLine('neighbor %s advertisement-interval %s' % (neighbor['address'], '5'))
if 'port' in neighbor:
conf.writeLine('neighbor %s port %s' % (neighbor['address'], neighbor['port']))
for route in self.routes:
conf.writeLine('network %s' % route)
class OspfProtocol(Protocol):
"""Configures and runs the OSPF protocol in Quagga."""
def __init__(self, configFile=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.configFile = configFile
def config(self, **kwargs):
if self.configFile is None:
self.configFile = '%s/ospfd%s.conf' % (self.qr.runDir,
ospfPidFile = '%s/' % (self.qr.runDir,
self.qr.cmd('%s/ospfd -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.configFile, self.qr.socket, ospfPidFile))
def generateConfig(self):
conf = ConfigurationWriter(self.configFile)
def getRouterId(interfaces):
intfAttributes = interfaces.itervalues().next()
print intfAttributes
if isinstance(intfAttributes, list):
# Try use the first set of attributes, but if using vlans they might not have addresses
intfAttributes = intfAttributes[1] if not intfAttributes[0]['ipAddrs'] else intfAttributes[0]
return intfAttributes['ipAddrs'][0].split('/')[0]
conf.writeLine('hostname ospf-%s' %
conf.writeLine('password %s' % 'hello')
conf.writeLine('router ospf')
conf.writeLine('ospf router-id %s' % getRouterId(self.qr.interfaces))
for name, intf in self.qr.interfaces.items():
for ip in intf['ipAddrs']:
conf.writeLine('network %s area 0' % ip)
# if intf['ipAddrs'][0].startswith('192.168'):
# writeLine(1, 'passive-interface %s' % name)
class PimProtocol(Protocol):
"""Configures and runs the PIM protcol in Quagga."""
def __init__(self, configFile=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.configFile = configFile
def config(self, **kwargs):
pimPidFile = '%s/' % (self.qr.runDir,
self.qr.cmd('%s/pimd -Z -d -f %s -z %s -i %s'
% (QuaggaRouter.binDir, self.configFile, self.qr.socket, pimPidFile))
class ConfigurationWriter(object):
"""Utility class for writing a configuration file."""
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.indentValue = 0
self.configFile = open(self.filename, 'w+')
def indent(self):
self.indentValue += 1
def unindent(self):
if (self.indentValue > 0):
self.indentValue -= 1
def write(self, string):
def writeLine(self, string):
intentStr = ''
for _ in range(0, self.indentValue):
intentStr += ' '
self.write('%s%s\n' % (intentStr, string))
def close(self):
# Backward compatibility for BGP-only use case
class BgpRouter(QuaggaRouter):
"""Quagga router running the BGP protocol."""
def __init__(self, name, interfaces,
asNum=0, neighbors=[], routes=[],
*args, **kwargs):
bgp = BgpProtocol(configFile=quaggaConfFile, asNum=asNum, neighbors=neighbors, routes=routes)
super(BgpRouter, self).__init__(name, interfaces,
*args, **kwargs)
class RouterData(object):
"""Internal data structure storing information about a router."""
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
self.neighbors = []
self.interfaces = {}
self.switches = []
def addNeighbor(self, theirAddress, theirAsNum):
self.neighbors.append({'address': theirAddress.ip, 'as': theirAsNum})
def addInterface(self, intf, vlan, address):
if intf not in self.interfaces:
self.interfaces[intf] = InterfaceData(intf)
self.interfaces[intf].addAddress(vlan, address)
def setSwitch(self, switch):
class InterfaceData(object):
"""Internal data structure storing information about an interface."""
def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number
self.addressesByVlan = {}
def addAddress(self, vlan, address):
if vlan not in self.addressesByVlan:
self.addressesByVlan[vlan] = []
class RoutedNetwork(object):
"""Creates a host behind a router. This is common boilerplate topology
segment in routed networks."""
def build(topology, router, hostName, networks):
# There's a convention that the router's addresses are already set up,
# and it has the last address in the network.
def getFirstAddress(network):
return '%s/%s' % (network[1], network.prefixlen)
defaultRoute = AutonomousSystem.getLastAddress(networks[0]).ip
host = topology.addHost(hostName, cls=RoutedHost,
ips=[getFirstAddress(network) for network in networks],
topology.addLink(router, host)
class AutonomousSystem(object):
"""Base abstraction of an autonomous system, which implies some internal
topology and connections to other topology elements (switches/other ASes)."""
psIdx = 1
def __init__(self, asNum, numRouters):
self.asNum = asNum
self.numRouters = numRouters
self.routers = {}
for i in range(1, numRouters + 1):
self.routers[i] = RouterData(i)
self.routerNodes = {}
self.neighbors = []
self.vlanAddresses = {}
def peerWith(self, myRouter, myAddress, theirAddress, theirAsNum, intf=1, vlan=None):
router = self.routers[myRouter]
router.addInterface(intf, vlan, myAddress)
router.addNeighbor(theirAddress, theirAsNum)
def getRouter(self, i):
return self.routerNodes[i]
def generatePeeringAddresses():
network = ip_network(u'10.0.%s.0/24' % AutonomousSystem.psIdx)
AutonomousSystem.psIdx += 1
return ip_interface('%s/%s' % (network[1], network.prefixlen)), \
ip_interface('%s/%s' % (network[2], network.prefixlen))
def addPeering(as1, as2, router1=1, router2=1, intf1=1, intf2=1, address1=None, address2=None, useVlans=False):
vlan = AutonomousSystem.psIdx if useVlans else None
if address1 is None or address2 is None:
(address1, address2) = AutonomousSystem.generatePeeringAddresses()
as1.peerWith(router1, address1, address2, as2.asNum, intf=intf1, vlan=vlan)
as2.peerWith(router2, address2, address1, as1.asNum, intf=intf2, vlan=vlan)
def getLastAddress(network):
return ip_interface(network.network_address + network.num_addresses - 2)
def getIthAddress(network, i):
return ip_interface('%s/%s' % (network[i], network.prefixlen))
class BasicAutonomousSystem(AutonomousSystem):
"""Basic autonomous system containing one host and one or more routers
which peer with other ASes."""
def __init__(self, num, routes, numRouters=1):
super(BasicAutonomousSystem, self).__init__(65000+num, numRouters)
self.num = num
self.routes = routes
def addLink(self, switch, router=1):
def build(self, topology):
def addRouterAndHost(self, topology):
# TODO implementation is messy and needs to be cleaned up
intfs = {}
router = self.routers[1]
for i, router in self.routers.items():
# routerName = 'r%i%i' % (self.num, i)
routerName = 'r%i' % self.num
if not i == 1:
routerName += ('%i' % i)
hostName = 'h%i' % self.num
for j, interface in router.interfaces.items():
nativeAddresses = interface.addressesByVlan.pop(None, [])
peeringIntf = [{'mac' : '00:00:%02x:00:%02x:%02x' % (self.num, i, j),
'ipAddrs' : nativeAddresses}]
for vlan, addresses in interface.addressesByVlan.items():
peeringIntf.append({'vlan': vlan,
'mac': '00:00:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' % (self.num, vlan, i, j),
'ipAddrs': addresses})
intfs.update({'%s-eth%s' % (routerName, j-1) : peeringIntf})
# Only add the host to the first router for now
if i == 1:
internalAddresses = []
for route in self.routes:
internalAddresses.append('%s/%s' % (AutonomousSystem.getLastAddress(route).ip, route.prefixlen))
internalIntf = {'ipAddrs' : internalAddresses}
# This is the configuration of the next interface after all the peering interfaces
intfs.update({'%s-eth%s' % (routerName, len(router.interfaces.keys())) : internalIntf})
routerNode = topology.addHost(routerName,
asNum=self.asNum, neighbors=router.neighbors,
cls=BgpRouter, interfaces=intfs)
self.routerNodes[i] = routerNode
for switch in router.switches:
topology.addLink(switch, routerNode)
# Only add the host to the first router for now
if i == 1:
defaultRoute = internalAddresses[0].split('/')[0]
host = topology.addHost(hostName, cls=RoutedHost,
ips=[self.getFirstAddress(route) for route in self.routes],
topology.addLink(routerNode, host)
# def getLastAddress(self, network):
# return ip_address(network.network_address + network.num_addresses - 2)
def getFirstAddress(self, network):
return '%s/%s' % (network[1], network.prefixlen)
# TODO fix this AS - doesn't currently work
class RouteServerAutonomousSystem(BasicAutonomousSystem):
def __init__(self, routerAddress, *args, **kwargs):
BasicAutonomousSystem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.routerAddress = routerAddress
def build(self, topology, connectAtSwitch):
switch = topology.addSwitch('as%isw' % self.num, cls=OVSBridge)
self.addRouterAndHost(topology, self.routerAddress, switch)
rsName = 'rs%i' % self.num
routeServer = topology.addHost(rsName,
self.asnum, self.neighbors,
interfaces={'%s-eth0' % rsName : {'ipAddrs': [self.peeringAddress]}})
topology.addLink(routeServer, switch)
topology.addLink(switch, connectAtSwitch)
class SdnAutonomousSystem(AutonomousSystem):
"""Runs the internal BGP speakers needed for ONOS routing apps like
routerIdx = 1
def __init__(self, onosIps, num=1, numBgpSpeakers=1, asNum=65000, externalOnos=True,
peerIntfConfig=None, withFpm=False):
super(SdnAutonomousSystem, self).__init__(asNum, numBgpSpeakers)
self.onosIps = onosIps
self.num = num
self.numBgpSpeakers = numBgpSpeakers
self.peerIntfConfig = peerIntfConfig
self.withFpm = withFpm
self.externalOnos = externalOnos
self.internalPeeringSubnet = ip_network(u'')
for router in self.routers.values():
# Add iBGP sessions to ONOS nodes
for onosIp in onosIps:
router.neighbors.append({'address': onosIp, 'as': asNum, 'port': 2000})
# Add iBGP sessions to other BGP speakers
for i, router2 in self.routers.items():
if router == router2:
cpIpBase = self.num*10
ip = AutonomousSystem.getIthAddress(self.internalPeeringSubnet, cpIpBase+i)
router.neighbors.append({'address': ip.ip, 'as': asNum})
def build(self, topology, connectAtSwitch, controlSwitch):
natIp = AutonomousSystem.getLastAddress(self.internalPeeringSubnet)
for i, router in self.routers.items():
num = SdnAutonomousSystem.routerIdx
SdnAutonomousSystem.routerIdx += 1
name = 'bgp%s' % num
cpIpBase = self.num*10
ip = AutonomousSystem.getIthAddress(self.internalPeeringSubnet, cpIpBase+i)
eth0 = { 'ipAddrs' : [ str(ip) ] }
if self.peerIntfConfig is not None:
eth1 = self.peerIntfConfig
nativeAddresses = router.interfaces[1].addressesByVlan.pop(None, [])
eth1 = [{ 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:%02x' % num,
'ipAddrs' : nativeAddresses }]
for vlan, addresses in router.interfaces[1].addressesByVlan.items():
eth1.append({'vlan': vlan,
'mac': '00:00:00:%02x:%02x:00' % (num, vlan),
'ipAddrs': addresses})
intfs = { '%s-eth0' % name : eth0,
'%s-eth1' % name : eth1 }
bgp = topology.addHost( name, cls=BgpRouter, asNum=self.asNum,
fpm=self.onosIps[0] if self.withFpm else None )
topology.addLink( bgp, controlSwitch )
topology.addLink( bgp, connectAtSwitch )
if self.externalOnos:
nat = topology.addHost('nat', cls=NAT,
ip='%s/%s' % (natIp.ip, self.internalPeeringSubnet.prefixlen),
subnet=str(self.internalPeeringSubnet), inNamespace=False)
topology.addLink(controlSwitch, nat)
def generateRoutes(baseRange, numRoutes, subnetSize=None):
baseNetwork = ip_network(baseRange)
# We need to get at least 2 addresses out of each subnet, so the biggest
# prefix length we can have is /30
maxPrefixLength = baseNetwork.max_prefixlen - 2
if subnetSize is not None:
return list(baseNetwork.subnets(new_prefix=subnetSize))
trySubnetSize = baseNetwork.prefixlen + 1
while trySubnetSize <= maxPrefixLength and \
len(list(baseNetwork.subnets(new_prefix=trySubnetSize))) < numRoutes:
trySubnetSize += 1
if trySubnetSize > maxPrefixLength:
raise Exception("Can't get enough routes from input parameters")
return list(baseNetwork.subnets(new_prefix=trySubnetSize))[:numRoutes]
class RoutingCli( CLI ):
"""CLI command that can bring a host up or down. Useful for simulating router failure."""
def do_host( self, line ):
args = line.split()
if len(args) != 2:
error( 'invalid number of args: host <host name> {up, down}\n' )
host = args[ 0 ]
command = args[ 1 ]
if host not in or host ) not in
error( 'invalid host: %s\n' % args[ 1 ] )
if command == 'up':
op = 'up'
elif command == 'down':
op = 'down'
error( 'invalid command: host <host name> {up, down}\n' )
for intf in host ).intfList( ): op ) op )