blob: f3f90a92f0d1e55a020b004f3abb74903b7457e7 [file] [log] [blame]
Startup related methods for ONOS
* Group sequential functionalities together
* Methods should not be dependent on platform
* Return main.TRUE on success or comprehensive error message
on failure (TBD)
* All methods should be consistent in expected behavior
import time
import json
def __init__( self ):
self.ip = ''
def gitPullAndMci( branchName, commitLog=False ):
Pull from branch repository specified and compile changes
If commitLog is True, report commit information
Any errors / warnings will be handled by respective
driver function calls
co = main.ONOSbench.gitCheckout( branchName )
gp = main.ONOSbench.gitPull()
ci = main.ONOSbench.cleanInstall()
if co and gp and ci == main.TRUE:
if commitLog: 'Commit information - ' )
return main.TRUE
# TODO: Comprehensive error message
return 'git pull and mci failed'
def initOnosStartupSequence( cellName, appStr, benchIp, mnIp, onosIps ):
Startup sequence includes the following:
* Create cell file
* Set cell variables on ONOS bench
* Verify cell
* Create ONOS package
* Force install ONOS package
* Start ONOS service
* Start ONOS cli
Also verifies that Onos is up and running by
'isup' driver function which executs
# NOTE: leave out create cell file until bug addressed
#cf = main.ONOSbench.createCellFile( benchIp, cellName, mnIp,
# str(appStr), *onosIps )
numNodes = len(onosIps)
sc = main.ONOSbench.setCell( cellName )
vc = main.ONOSbench.verifyCell()
op = main.ONOSbench.onosPackage()
for addr in onosIps:
oi = main.ONOSbench.onosInstall( node = addr )
time.sleep( 5 )
iu = main.TRUE
for node in onosIps:
iu = iu and main.ONOSbench.isup( node )
cli = main.TRUE
for node in range( 0, numNodes ):
cli = cli and main.CLIs[node].startOnosCli( onosIps[node] )
# Check if all nodes are discovered correctly using
# 'nodes' command in Onos Cli
na = main.TRUE
nodeCmdJson = json.loads( main.CLIs[0].nodes() )
for node in nodeCmdJson:
if node['state'] != 'ACTIVE':
main.log.warn( str( node['id'] ) +
' Node is not in ACTIVE state.' )
na = main.FALSE
if na != main.FALSE: 'All nodes discovered successfully' )
except Exception:
main.log.error( 'nodes command did not execute properly' )
return main.FALSE
if sc and vc and op and oi and iu and cli and na == main.TRUE:
return main.TRUE
return main.FALSE
def installOnosFromTar( wgetAddr, nodeIps ):
Install Onos directly from tar.gz file.
Due to the nature of the specific steps required
to startup Onos in this fashion, all commands
required to start Onos from tar.gz will be
grouped in this method.
1) wget latest onos tar.gz on onos node
2) untar package
3) specify onos-config cluster
4) start onos via onos-service
5) form onos cluster using onos-form-cluster
6) check for successful startup
Specify the download link for the tar.gz.
Provide a list of nodeIps
Ex) wgetAddr = ''
nodeIps = ['', '']
if isinstance( nodeIps, ( int, basestring ) ):
main.log.error( 'Please pass in a list of string nodes' )
return main.FALSE
# Obtain filename from provided address
# assumes that filename is separated by '/' character
f_name = ''
addr = str( wgetAddr ).split('/')
for phrase in addr:
if 'tar.gz' in phrase:
f_name = str( phrase ) 'Using ' + f_name + ' as file' )
clusterCount = len( nodeIps ) 'Initiating Onos installation sequence ' +
'using tar.gz ... This may take a few minutes' )
for node in range( 0, clusterCount ):
# Use the wgetAddr to download a new tar.gz from server
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( 'wget ' + wgetAddr )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( 'saved' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( '\$' ) 'Successfully downloaded tar.gz ' +
'on node: ' + str( main.ONOSips[node] ) )
except Exception:
# NOTE: Additional exception may be appropriate
main.log.error( 'Uncaught exception while ' +
'downloading Onos tar.gz: ' +
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.before )
return main.FALSE
for node in range( 0, clusterCount ):
# Untar files on all nodes, then enter the
# newly created directory
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( 'tar zxvf ' + f_name )
# Verbose output of tar will contain some onos returns
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( 'onos' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( '\$' )
# NOTE: Making an assumption here:
# the directory created by tar file has a name that
# starts with 'onos-' followed by version number
# '1.2.0'. If this is NOT true, this method must
# be changed to enter the correct directory.
# The directory name is currently dynamic
# and depends on the day at which you downloaded
# the tar file
# Enter onos- wildcard to disregard its version / date
# suffix
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( 'cd onos-*' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( '\$' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( 'pwd' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( 'pwd' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( '\$' )
pwd = main.ONOSnode[node].handle.before
if 'onos' in str(pwd): 'tar zxvf ' + f_name + ' successful ' +
'on node ' + str( main.ONOSips[node] ) )
except Exception:
main.log.error( 'Uncaught exception while executing ' +
'tar zxvf of ' + f_name + ': ' +
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.before +
return main.FALSE
for node in range( 0, clusterCount ):
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( 'bin/onos-service '+
'server &' )
# Send some extra characters to run the process
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( '' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.sendline( '' )
main.ONOSnode[node].handle.expect( '\$' )
except Exception:
main.log.error( 'Uncaught exception while executing ' +
'onos-service server command ' +
str( main.ONOSnode[node].handle.before ) )
return main.FALSE
iu = main.TRUE
for node in nodeIps:
iu = iu and main.ONOSbench.isup( node )
if iu == main.TRUE:
return main.TRUE
return main.FALSE
def addAndStartOnosNode( nodeIps ):
A scale-out scenario that adds specified list of
nodes and starts those instances.
Ex) nodeIps = ['', '',']
""" 'addAndStartOnosNode implement me!' )