blob: 60b1aa0046f0737a764cebde27279d03ed4b33b7 [file] [log] [blame]
A functional test designed to test the environment and
gather information on startup -> shutdown related issues.
Future works may also include security mode startup /
shutdown check and cfg get and set.
Abstracting the collection of commands that go hand in hand
should allow easy rearrangement of steps to replicate or
create scenarios.
For example:
CASE N - Represents a particular scenario
Steps - Represents abstraction methods called from
1. Bring ONOS 1 up
2. Activate application X
3. Activate application Y
4. Deactivate application X
The ideal platform test script should have incredible
robustness to possible exceptions and report the most
useful error messages.
contributers to contact for help:
class FuncPlatform:
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
def CASE1( self, main ):
Main scope initialization case
Must include to run any other test cases
import imp
# NOTE: Hardcoded application name subject to change
# closely monitor and make changes when necessary
# (or implement ways to dynamically get names)
main.appList = {
'bgprouter' : 'org.onosproject.bgprouter',
'config' : 'org.onosproject.config',
'cordfabric' : 'org.onosproject.cordfabric',
'demo' : 'org.onosproject.demo',
'distributedprimitives' : 'org.onosproject.distributedprimitives',
'election' : 'org.onosproject.election',
'flowrule' : 'org.onosproject.flowrule',
'fwd' : 'org.onosproject.fwd',
'intentperf' : 'org.onosproject.intentperf',
'messagingperf' : 'org.onosproject.messagingperf',
'metrics' : 'org.onosproject.metrics',
'mobility' : 'org.onosproject.mobility',
'netconf' : 'org.onosproject.netconf',
'null' : 'org.onosproject.null',
'optical' : 'org.onosproject.optical',
'pcep' : 'org.onosproject.pcep',
'proxyarp' : 'org.onosproject.proxyarp',
'reactive.routing' : 'org.onosproject.reactive.routing',
'sdnip' : 'org.onosproject.sdnip',
'segmentrouting' : 'org.onosproject.segmentrouting',
'tunnel' : 'org.onosproject.tunnel',
'virtualbng' : 'org.onosproject.virtualbng',
'xosintegration' : 'org.onosproject.xosintegration'
# List of ONOS ip's specififed in params
main.ONOSips = []
main.CLIs = []
main.ONOSnode = []
for node in range( 0, int(main.params['CTRL']['num']) ):
main.ONOSips.append( main.params['CTRL']['ip'+str(node+1)] )
getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str(node+1) + 'cli' ) )
getattr( main, 'ONOS' + str(node+1) ) )
# Application source and name definitions
startupSrc = main.params['DEP']['startupSrc']
startupClassName = main.params['DEP']['startupClassName']
appClassName = main.params['DEP']['appClassName']
appSrc = main.params['DEP']['appSrc']
logClassName = main.params['DEP']['logClassName']
logSrc = main.params['DEP']['logSrc']
shutdownClassName = main.params['DEP']['shutdownClassName']
shutdownSrc = main.params['DEP']['shutdownSrc']
# Importing dependency class(es)
# Refer to source files in Dependency folder to
# make changes to its respective methods
# Be weary of naming collisions
main.startup = imp.load_source( startupClassName, startupSrc ) = imp.load_source( appClassName, appSrc )
main.onosLog = imp.load_source( logClassName, logSrc )
main.shutdown = imp.load_source( shutdownClassName, shutdownSrc )
except ImportError:
main.log.error( 'Error importing class file(s). Please ' +
'check file location' )
def CASE2( self, main ):
import time
cellName = main.params['CELL']['name']
appStr = main.params['CELL']['appStr']
benchIp = main.params['BENCH']['ip']
branchName = main.params['GIT']['branchName']
gitPull = main.params['GIT']['pull']
mnIp = main.params['MN']['ip'] 'Setup environment and install ONOS' )
if gitPull == 'on':
main.step( 'Git pull and clean install' )
gitPullResult = main.startup.gitPullAndMci( branchName )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass='Git pull and install successful',
onfail='Git pull and install failed: ' +
str(gitPullResult) )
main.step( 'Initiate ONOS startup sequence' )
startupResult = main.startup.initOnosStartupSequence(
cellName, appStr, benchIp, mnIp, main.ONOSips )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass='ONOS startup sequence successful',
onfail='ONOS startup sequence failed: ' +
str(startupResult) )
def CASE3( self, main ):
import time 'Activate applications and check installation' )
# NOTE: Test only
# Unceremoniously kill onos 2
main.ONOSbench.onosDie( '' )
time.sleep( 30 )
main.step( 'Sample Onos log check' )
logResult = main.onosLog.checkOnosLog( main.ONOSips[0] ) logResult )
# TODO: Define pass criteria
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass= 'Logging successful',
onfail= 'Logging failed ' )
# Sample app activation
main.step( 'Activating applications metrics and fwd' )
appList = ['metrics', 'fwd']
appResult = appList )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass= 'App activation of ' + str(appList) + ' successful',
onfail= 'App activation failed ' + str(appResult) )
def CASE4( self, main ):
Download ONOS tar.gz built from latest nightly
(following tutorial on wiki) and run ONOS directly on the
import imp
targz = main.params['DEP']['targz']
clusterCount = main.params['CTRL']['num'] 'Install ONOS from onos.tar.gz file' )
main.step( 'Killing all ONOS instances previous started' )
killResult = main.shutdown.killOnosNodes( main.ONOSips )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
actual = killResult,
onpass = 'All Onos nodes successfully killed',
onfail = 'Onos nodes were not successfully killed' )
main.step( 'Starting ONOS using tar.gz on all nodes' )
installResult = main.startup.installOnosFromTar( targz, main.ONOSips )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
actual = installResult,
onpass= 'Onos tar.gz installation successful',
onfail= 'Onos tar.gz installation failed' )