blob: 78d18b90d6ff1d966b76cdacef3b6bd50af7ba0e [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env python
from time import time, sleep
import time
import json
import requests
import urllib2
from urllib2 import URLError, HTTPError
This script is for Intent Throughput testing. Use linear 7-switch topo. Intents are from S1P1 to/from S7/P1, with incrementing src/dst Mac addresses.
def setIntentJSN(node_id, intPerGroup, group_id, intent_id):
intents = [None for i in range(intPerGroup)]
oper = {}
index = 0
for i in range(intPerGroup / 2):
smac = str("%x" %(node_id * 0x100000000000 + 0x010000000000 + (group_id * 0x000001000000) +i + 1))
dmac = str("%x" %(node_id * 0x100000000000 + 0x070000000000 + (group_id * 0x000001000000) +i + 1))
srcMac = ':'.join(smac[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(smac), 2))
dstMac = ':'.join(dmac[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(dmac), 2))
srcSwitch = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
dstSwitch = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:07"
srcPort = 1
dstPort = 1
oper['intentId'] = intent_id
oper['intentType'] = 'SHORTEST_PATH' # XXX: Hardcode
oper['staticPath'] = False # XXX: Hardcoded
oper['srcSwitchDpid'] = srcSwitch
oper['srcSwitchPort'] = srcPort
oper['dstSwitchDpid'] = dstSwitch
oper['dstSwitchPort'] = dstPort
oper['matchSrcMac'] = srcMac
oper['matchDstMac'] = dstMac
intents[index] = oper
#print ("perGroup Intents-0 are: " + json.dumps(intents) + "\n\n\n" )
index += 1
intent_id += 1
oper = {}
#print ("ID:" + str(id))
oper['intentId'] = intent_id
oper['intentType'] = 'SHORTEST_PATH' # XXX: Hardcoded
oper['staticPath'] = False # XXX: Hardcoded
oper['srcSwitchDpid'] = dstSwitch
oper['srcSwitchPort'] = dstPort
oper['dstSwitchDpid'] = srcSwitch
oper['dstSwitchPort'] = srcPort
oper['matchSrcMac'] = dstMac
oper['matchDstMac'] = srcMac
intents[index] = oper
index += 1
intent_id += 1
oper = {}
#print ("ID: " + str(id))
#print ("perGroup Intents-1 are: " + json.dumps(intents) + "\n\n\n" )
#print ("contructed intents are: " + json.dumps(intents) + "\n\n\n")
return intents, intent_id
def post_json(url, data):
"""Make a REST POST call and return the JSON result
url: the URL to call
data: the data to POST"""
posturl = "http://%s/wm/onos/intent/high" %(url)
#print ("\nPost url is : " + posturl + "\n")
parsed_result = []
data_json = json.dumps(data)
request = urllib2.Request(posturl, data_json)
request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result =
if len(result) != 0:
parsed_result = json.loads(result)
except HTTPError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST POST URL: %s" % posturl
# NOTE: exc.fp contains the object with the response payload
error_payload = json.loads(
print " REST Error Code: %s" % (error_payload['code'])
print " REST Error Summary: %s" % (error_payload['summary'])
print " REST Error Description: %s" % (error_payload['formattedDescription'])
print " HTTP Error Code: %s" % exc.code
print " HTTP Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
except URLError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST POST URL: %s" % posturl
print " URL Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
return parsed_result
def delete_json(self, url, intPerGroup, startID):
"""Make a REST DELETE call and return the JSON result
url: the URL to call"""
#url = "localhost:8080"
for i in range(intPerGroup):
posturl = "http://%s/wm/onos/intent/high/%s" %(url, str(i + startID))
parsed_result = []
request = urllib2.Request(posturl)
request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result =
#if len(result) != 0:
# parsed_result = json.loads(result)
except HTTPError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST DELETE URL: %s" % posturl
# NOTE: exc.fp contains the object with the response payload
error_payload = json.loads(
print " REST Error Code: %s" % (error_payload['code'])
print " REST Error Summary: %s" % (error_payload['summary'])
print " REST Error Description: %s" % (error_payload['formattedDescription'])
print " HTTP Error Code: %s" % exc.code
print " HTTP Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
except URLError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST DELETE URL: %s" % posturl
print " URL Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
return parsed_result
def delete_all_json(url):
"""Make a REST DELETE call and return the JSON result
url: the URL to call"""
#url = "localhost:8080"
posturl = "http://%s/wm/onos/intent/high" %(url)
parsed_result = []
request = urllib2.Request(posturl)
request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
result =
if len(result) != 0:
parsed_result = json.loads(result)
except HTTPError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST DELETE URL: %s" % posturl
# NOTE: exc.fp contains the object with the response payload
error_payload = json.loads(
print " REST Error Code: %s" % (error_payload['code'])
print " REST Error Summary: %s" % (error_payload['summary'])
print " REST Error Description: %s" % (error_payload['formattedDescription'])
print " HTTP Error Code: %s" % exc.code
print " HTTP Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
except URLError as exc:
print "ERROR:"
print " REST DELETE URL: %s" % posturl
print " URL Error Reason: %s" % exc.reason
return parsed_result
def loadIntents(node_id, urllist, intPerGroup, addrate, duration):
urlindex = 0
group = 0
start_id = 0
sleeptimer = (1.000/addrate)
tstart = time.time()
while ( (time.time() - tstart) <= duration ):
if urlindex < len(urllist):
realurlind = urlindex
realurlind = 0
urlindex = 0
u = str(urllist[realurlind])
gstart = time.time()
intents,start_id = setIntentJSN(node_id, intPerGroup, group, start_id)
#print (str(intents))
#print ("Starting intent id: " + str(start_id))
result = post_json(u, intents)
#print json.dumps(intents[group])
#print ("post result: " + str(result))
gelapse = time.time() - gstart
print ("Group: " + str(group) + " with " + str(intPerGroup) + " intents were added in " + str('%.3f' %gelapse) + " seconds.")
urlindex += 1
group += 1
telapse = time.time() - tstart
#print ( "Number of groups: " + str(group) + "; Totoal " + str(args.groups * args.intPerGroup) + " intents were added in " + str(telapse) + " seconds.")
return telapse, group
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="less script")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--node_id", dest="node_id", default = 1, type=int, help="id of the node generating the intents, this is used to distinguish intents when multiple nodes are use to generate intents")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--urls", dest="urls", default="", type=str, help="a string to show urls to post intents to separated by space, ex. '' ")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--intentsPerGroup", dest="intPerGroup", default=100, type=int, help="number of intents in one restcall group")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--addrate", dest="addrate", default=10, type=float, help="rate to add intents groups, groups per second")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--delrate", dest="delrate", default=100, type=float, help= "### Not Effective -for now intents are delete as bulk #### rate to delete intents, intents/second")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--length", dest="duration", default=300, type=int, help="duration/length of time the intents are posted")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pause", dest="pause", default=0, type=int, help= "pausing time between add and delete of intents")
args = parser.parse_args()
node_id = args.node_id
urllist = args.urls.split()
intPerGroup = args.intPerGroup
addrate = args.addrate
delrate = args.delrate
duration = args.duration
pause = args.pause
print ("Intent posting urls are: " + str(urllist))
print ("Number of Intents per group: " + str(intPerGroup))
print ("Intent group add rate: " + str(addrate) )
print ("Intent delete rate:" + str(delrate) )
print ("Duration: " + str(duration) )
print ("Pause between add and delete: " + str(args.pause))
telapse, group = loadIntents(node_id, urllist, intPerGroup, addrate, duration)
print ("\n\n#####################")
print ( str(group) + " groups " + " of " + str(intPerGroup) + " Intents per group - Total " + str(group * intPerGroup) + " intents were added in " + str('%.3f' %telapse) + " seconds.")
print ( "Effective intents posting rate is: " + str( '%.1f' %( (group * intPerGroup)/telapse ) ) + " Intents/second." )
print ("#####################\n\n")
print ("Sleep for " + str(pause) + " seconds before deleting all intents...")
print ("Cleaning up intents in all nodes...")
for url in urllist:
if __name__ == '__main__':