blob: 74b2fc1bb90f9ecc9a83a84bf463762c3ad443c5 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 Open Networking Foundation ( ONF )
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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( at your option ) any later version.
TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Description: This test is to determine if a single
instance ONOS 'cluster' can handle a restart
List of test cases:
CASE1: Compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
CASE2: Assign devices to controllers
CASE21: Assign mastership to controllers
CASE3: Assign intents
CASE4: Ping across added host intents
CASE5: Reading state of ONOS
CASE6: The Failure case.
CASE7: Check state after control plane failure
CASE8: Compare topo
CASE9: Link s3-s28 down
CASE10: Link s3-s28 up
CASE11: Switch down
CASE12: Switch up
CASE13: Clean up
CASE14: start election app on all onos nodes
CASE15: Check that Leadership Election is still functional
CASE16: Install Distributed Primitives app
CASE17: Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
class HAsingleInstanceRestart:
def __init__( self ):
self.default = ''
def CASE1( self, main ):
CASE1 is to compile ONOS and push it to the test machines
Startup sequence:
cell <name>
NOTE: temporary - onos-remove-raft-logs
start mininet
git pull
mvn clean install
onos-install -f
start cli sessions
start tcpdump
import imp
import time
import json "ONOS Single node cluster restart " +
"HA test - initialization" ) "Setting up test environment" )
main.caseExplanation = "Setup the test environment including " +\
"installing ONOS, starting Mininet and ONOS" +\
"cli sessions."
# set global variables
# These are for csv plotting in jenkins
main.HAlabels = []
main.HAdata = []
from tests.dependencies.ONOSSetup import ONOSSetup
main.testSetUp = ONOSSetup()
except ImportError:
main.log.error( "ONOSSetup not found. exiting the test" )
from tests.HA.dependencies.HA import HA
main.HA = HA()
# load some variables from the params file
cellName = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'cellName' ]
main.apps = main.params[ 'ENV' ][ 'appString' ]
main.numCtrls = int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] )
stepResult = main.testSetUp.envSetup()
except Exception as e:
main.testSetUp.envSetupException( e )
main.testSetUp.evnSetupConclusion( stepResult )
main.Cluster.setRunningNode( int( main.params[ 'num_controllers' ] ) )
ip = main.Cluster.getIps( allNode=True )
main.testSetUp.ONOSSetUp( main.Mininet1, main.Cluster, cellName="SingleHA", removeLog=True,
extraApply=[ main.testSetUp.createApplyCell,
main.testSetUp.createApplyCell ],
applyArgs=[ [ main.Cluster, True, cellName, main.Mininet1, True, ip ],
[ main.Cluster, True, "SingleHA", main.Mininet1,
True, main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].ipAddress ] ] )
def CASE2( self, main ):
Assign devices to controllers
main.HA.assignDevices( main )
def CASE21( self, main ):
Assign mastership to controllers
main.HA.assignMastership( main )
def CASE3( self, main ):
Assign intents
main.HA.assignIntents( main )
def CASE4( self, main ):
Ping across added host intents
main.HA.pingAcrossHostIntent( main )
def CASE5( self, main ):
Reading state of ONOS
import json
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Setting up and gathering data for current state" )
# The general idea for this test case is to pull the state of
# ( intents,flows, topology,... ) from each ONOS node
# We can then compare them with each other and also with past states
main.step( "Check that each switch has a master" )
global mastershipState
mastershipState = '[]'
# Assert that each device has a master
main.step( "Get the Mastership of each switch" )
main.step( "Get the intents from each controller" )
global intentState
intentState = []
ONOSIntents = main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.intents( jsonFormat=True )
intentCheck = main.FALSE
if "Error" in ONOSIntents or not ONOSIntents:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS intents" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents response: " + repr( ONOSIntents ) )
intentCheck = main.TRUE
main.step( "Get the flows from each controller" )
global flowState
flowState = []
flowCheck = main.FALSE
ONOSFlows = main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.flows( jsonFormat=True )
if "Error" in ONOSFlows or not ONOSFlows:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS flows" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 flows repsponse: " + ONOSFlows )
# TODO: Do a better check, maybe compare flows on switches?
flowState = ONOSFlows
flowCheck = main.TRUE
main.step( "Get the OF Table entries" )
global flows
flows = []
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
flows.append( main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i ), version="1.3", debug=False ) )
if flowCheck == main.FALSE:
for table in flows:
main.log.warn( table )
# TODO: Compare switch flow tables with ONOS flow tables
main.step( "Collecting topology information from ONOS" )
devices = []
devices.append( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.devices() )
hosts = []
hosts.append( json.loads( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.hosts() ) )
ports = []
ports.append( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.ports() )
links = []
links.append( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.links() )
clusters = []
clusters.append( main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.clusters() )
main.step( "Each host has an IP address" )
ipResult = main.TRUE
for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
controllerStr = str( controller ) )
if hosts[ controller ]:
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
if not host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ):
main.log.error( "Error with host ips on controller" +
controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
ipResult = main.FALSE
onpass="The ips of the hosts aren't empty",
onfail="The ip of at least one host is missing" )
# there should always only be one cluster
main.step( "There is only one dataplane cluster" )
numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
repr( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
numClusters = "ERROR"
clusterResults = main.FALSE
if numClusters == 1:
clusterResults = main.TRUE
onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN" )
devicesResults = main.TRUE
linksResults = main.TRUE
hostsResults = main.TRUE
mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
for controller in main.Cluster.getRunningPos():
controllerStr = str( controller ) )
if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is incorrect" )
if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
mnSwitches, mnLinks,
json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is incorrect" )
if hosts[ controller ] and "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
hosts[ controller ] )
currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts exist in Mininet",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts don't match Mininet" )
devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
main.step( "Device information is correct" )
onpass="Device information is correct",
onfail="Device information is incorrect" )
main.step( "Links are correct" )
onpass="Link are correct",
onfail="Links are incorrect" )
main.step( "Hosts are correct" )
onpass="Hosts are correct",
onfail="Hosts are incorrect" )
ONOSMastership, rolesResult, consistentMastership = main.HA.checkTheRole()
mastershipState = ONOSMastership[ 0 ]
def CASE6( self, main ):
The Failure case.
import time
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined"
# Reset non-persistent variables
iCounterValue = 0
except NameError:
main.log.error( "iCounterValue not defined, setting to 0" )
iCounterValue = 0 "Restart ONOS node" )
main.caseExplanation = "Killing ONOS process and restart cli " +\
"sessions once onos is up."
main.step( "Checking ONOS Logs for errors" )
for ctrl in
main.log.debug( "Checking logs for errors on " + + ":" )
main.log.warn( main.ONOSbench.checkLogs( ctrl.ip_address ) )
ctrl = main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ]
main.step( "Killing ONOS processes" )
killResult = main.ONOSbench.onosKill( ctrl.ipAddress )
start = time.time()
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=killResult,
onpass="ONOS Killed",
onfail="Error killing ONOS" )
main.step( "Checking if ONOS is up yet" )
count = 0
while count < 10:
onos1Isup = main.ONOSbench.isup( ctrl.ipAddress )
if onos1Isup == main.TRUE:
elapsed = time.time() - start
count = count + 1
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=onos1Isup,
onpass="ONOS is back up",
onfail="ONOS failed to start" )
main.step( "Starting ONOS CLI sessions" )
cliResults = ctrl.CLI.startOnosCli( ctrl.ipAddress )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResults,
onpass="ONOS cli startup successful",
onfail="ONOS cli startup failed" )
if elapsed: "ESTIMATE: ONOS took %s seconds to restart" %
str( elapsed ) )
main.restartTime = elapsed
main.restartTime = -1
time.sleep( 5 )
# rerun on election apps
def CASE7( self, main ):
Check state after ONOS failure
import json
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Running ONOS Constant State Tests" )
# Assert that each device has a master
main.step( "Check if switch roles are consistent across all nodes" )
ONOSMastership, rolesResult, consistentMastership = main.HA.checkTheRole()
ONOSMastership = ONOSMastership[ 0 ]
description2 = "Compare switch roles from before failure"
main.step( description2 )
currentJson = json.loads( ONOSMastership )
oldJson = json.loads( mastershipState )
mastershipCheck = main.TRUE
for i in range( 1, 29 ):
switchDPID = str(
main.Mininet1.getSwitchDPID( switch="s" + str( i ) ) )
current = [ switch[ 'master' ] for switch in currentJson
if switchDPID in switch[ 'id' ] ]
old = [ switch[ 'master' ] for switch in oldJson
if switchDPID in switch[ 'id' ] ]
if current == old:
mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and main.TRUE
main.log.warn( "Mastership of switch %s changed; old: %s, new: %s" % ( switchDPID,
old, current ) )
mastershipCheck = main.FALSE
onpass="Mastership of Switches was not changed",
onfail="Mastership of some switches changed" )
mastershipCheck = mastershipCheck and consistentMastership
main.step( "Get the intents and compare across all nodes" )
ONOSIntents = main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].CLI.intents( jsonFormat=True )
intentCheck = main.FALSE
if "Error" in ONOSIntents or not ONOSIntents:
main.log.error( "Error in getting ONOS intents" )
main.log.warn( "ONOS1 intents response: " + repr( ONOSIntents ) )
intentCheck = main.TRUE
onpass="Intents are consistent across all ONOS nodes",
onfail="ONOS nodes have different views of intents" )
# Print the intent states
intents = []
intents.append( ONOSIntents )
intentStates = []
for node in intents: # Iter through ONOS nodes
nodeStates = []
# Iter through intents of a node
for intent in json.loads( node ):
nodeStates.append( intent[ 'state' ] )
intentStates.append( nodeStates )
out = [ ( i, nodeStates.count( i ) ) for i in set( nodeStates ) ] dict( out ) )
# NOTE: Store has no durability, so intents are lost across system
# restarts
main.step( "Get the OF Table entries and compare to before " +
"component failure" )
FlowTables = main.TRUE
for i in range( 28 ): "Checking flow table on s" + str( i + 1 ) )
tmpFlows = main.Mininet1.getFlowTable( "s" + str( i + 1 ), version="1.3", debug=False )
curSwitch = main.Mininet1.flowTableComp( flows[ i ], tmpFlows )
FlowTables = FlowTables and curSwitch
if curSwitch == main.FALSE:
main.log.warn( "Differences in flow table for switch: s{}".format( i + 1 ) )
onpass="No changes were found in the flow tables",
onfail="Changes were found in the flow tables" )
main.step( "Leadership Election is still functional" )
# Test of LeadershipElection
leader = main.Cluster.runningNodes[ 0 ].ipAddress
leaderResult = main.TRUE
for ctrl in
# loop through ONOScli handlers
leaderN = ctrl.CLI.electionTestLeader()
# verify leader is ONOS1
# NOTE even though we restarted ONOS, it is the only one so onos 1
# must be leader
if leaderN == leader:
# all is well
elif leaderN == main.FALSE:
# error in response
main.log.error( "Something is wrong with " +
"electionTestLeader function, check the" +
" error logs" )
leaderResult = main.FALSE
elif leader != leaderN:
leaderResult = main.FALSE
main.log.error( + " sees " +
str( leaderN ) +
" as the leader of the election app. " +
"Leader should be " + str( leader ) )
onpass="Leadership election passed",
onfail="Something went wrong with Leadership election" )
def CASE8( self, main ):
Compare topo
import json
import time
assert main, "main not defined"
assert utilities.assert_equals, "utilities.assert_equals not defined" "Compare ONOS Topology view to Mininet topology" )
main.caseExplanation = "Compare topology objects between Mininet" +\
" and ONOS"
topoResult = main.FALSE
elapsed = 0
count = 0
main.step( "Comparing ONOS topology to MN topology" )
startTime = time.time()
ctrl = 0 )
# Give time for Gossip to work
while topoResult == main.FALSE and ( elapsed < 60 or count < 3 ):
devicesResults = main.TRUE
linksResults = main.TRUE
hostsResults = main.TRUE
hostAttachmentResults = True
count += 1
cliStart = time.time()
devices = []
devices.append( ctrl.CLI.devices() )
hosts = []
hosts.append( json.loads( ctrl.CLI.hosts() ) )
ipResult = main.TRUE
for controller in range( 0, len( hosts ) ):
controllerStr = str( controller + 1 )
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
if host is None or host.get( 'ipAddresses', [] ) == []:
"DEBUG:Error with host ips on controller" +
controllerStr + ": " + str( host ) )
ipResult = main.FALSE
ports = []
ports.append( ctrl.CLI.ports() )
links = []
links.append( ctrl.CLI.links() )
clusters = []
clusters.append( ctrl.CLI.clusters() )
elapsed = time.time() - startTime
cliTime = time.time() - cliStart
print "CLI time: " + str( cliTime )
mnSwitches = main.Mininet1.getSwitches()
mnLinks = main.Mininet1.getLinks()
mnHosts = main.Mininet1.getHosts()
for controller in main.Cluster.getRunningPos():
controllerStr = str( controller )
if devices[ controller ] and ports[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in devices[ controller ] and\
"Error" not in ports[ controller ]:
currentDevicesResult = main.Mininet1.compareSwitches(
json.loads( devices[ controller ] ),
json.loads( ports[ controller ] ) )
except ( TypeError, ValueError ) as e:
main.log.exception( "Object not as expected; devices={!r}\nports={!r}".format(
devices[ controller ], ports[ controller ] ) )
currentDevicesResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" Switches view is incorrect" )
if links[ controller ] and "Error" not in links[ controller ]:
currentLinksResult = main.Mininet1.compareLinks(
mnSwitches, mnLinks,
json.loads( links[ controller ] ) )
currentLinksResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is correct",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" links view is incorrect" )
if hosts[ controller ] or "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
currentHostsResult = main.Mininet1.compareHosts(
hosts[ controller ] )
currentHostsResult = main.FALSE
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE,
onpass="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts exist in Mininet",
onfail="ONOS" + controllerStr +
" hosts don't match Mininet" )
hostAttachment = True
zeroHosts = False
# FIXME: topo-HA/obelisk specific mappings:
# key is mac and value is dpid
mappings = {}
for i in range( 1, 29 ): # hosts 1 through 28
# set up correct variables:
macId = "00:" * 5 + hex( i ).split( "0x" )[ 1 ].upper().zfill( 2 )
if i == 1:
deviceId = "1000".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 2:
deviceId = "2000".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 3:
deviceId = "3000".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 4:
deviceId = "3004".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 5:
deviceId = "5000".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 6:
deviceId = "6000".zfill( 16 )
elif i == 7:
deviceId = "6007".zfill( 16 )
elif i >= 8 and i <= 17:
dpid = '3' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = dpid.zfill( 16 )
elif i >= 18 and i <= 27:
dpid = '6' + str( i ).zfill( 3 )
deviceId = dpid.zfill( 16 )
elif i == 28:
deviceId = "2800".zfill( 16 )
mappings[ macId ] = deviceId
if hosts[ controller ] or "Error" not in hosts[ controller ]:
if hosts[ controller ] == []:
main.log.warn( "There are no hosts discovered" )
zeroHosts = True
for host in hosts[ controller ]:
mac = None
location = None
device = None
port = None
mac = host.get( 'mac' )
assert mac, "mac field could not be found for this host object"
location = host.get( 'locations' )[ 0 ]
assert location, "location field could not be found for this host object"
# Trim the protocol identifier off deviceId
device = str( location.get( 'elementId' ) ).split( ':' )[ 1 ]
assert device, "elementId field could not be found for this host location object"
port = location.get( 'port' )
assert port, "port field could not be found for this host location object"
# Now check if this matches where they should be
if mac and device and port:
if str( port ) != "1":
main.log.error( "The attachment port is incorrect for " +
"host " + str( mac ) +
". Expected: 1 Actual: " + str( port ) )
hostAttachment = False
if device != mappings[ str( mac ) ]:
main.log.error( "The attachment device is incorrect for " +
"host " + str( mac ) +
". Expected: " + mappings[ str( mac ) ] +
" Actual: " + device )
hostAttachment = False
hostAttachment = False
except AssertionError:
main.log.exception( "Json object not as expected" )
main.log.error( repr( host ) )
hostAttachment = False
main.log.error( "No hosts json output or \"Error\"" +
" in output. hosts = " +
repr( hosts[ controller ] ) )
if zeroHosts is False:
hostAttachment = True
devicesResults = devicesResults and currentDevicesResult
linksResults = linksResults and currentLinksResult
hostsResults = hostsResults and currentHostsResult
hostAttachmentResults = hostAttachmentResults and\
# "consistent" results don't make sense for single instance
# there should always only be one cluster
clusterResults = main.FALSE
numClusters = len( json.loads( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
except ( ValueError, TypeError ):
main.log.exception( "Error parsing clusters[0]: " +
repr( clusters[ 0 ] ) )
numClusters = "ERROR"
clusterResults = main.FALSE
if numClusters == 1:
clusterResults = main.TRUE
onpass="ONOS shows 1 SCC",
onfail="ONOS shows " + str( numClusters ) + " SCCs" )
topoResult = ( devicesResults and linksResults
and hostsResults and ipResult and clusterResults and
hostAttachmentResults )
topoResult = topoResult and int( count <= 2 )
note = "note it takes about " + str( int( cliTime ) ) + \
" seconds for the test to make all the cli calls to fetch " +\
"the topology from each ONOS instance"
"Very crass estimate for topology discovery/convergence( " +
str( note ) + " ): " + str( elapsed ) + " seconds, " +
str( count ) + " tries" )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topoResult,
onpass="Topology Check Test successful",
onfail="Topology Check Test NOT successful" )
main.step( "Checking ONOS nodes" )
nodeResults = utilities.retry( main.Cluster.nodesCheck,
attempts=5 )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True, actual=nodeResults,
onpass="Nodes check successful",
onfail="Nodes check NOT successful" )
if not nodeResults:
for ctrl in
main.log.debug( "{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(,
ctrl.CLI.sendline( "scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE" ) ) )
if not topoResult:
def CASE9( self, main ):
Link s3-s28 down
main.HA.linkDown( main )
def CASE10( self, main ):
Link s3-s28 up
main.HA.linkUp( main )
def CASE11( self, main ):
Switch Down
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
main.HA.switchDown( main )
def CASE12( self, main ):
Switch Up
# NOTE: You should probably run a topology check after this
main.HA.switchUp( main )
def CASE13( self, main ):
Clean up
main.HAlabels.append( "Restart" )
main.HAdata.append( str( main.restartTime ) )
main.HA.cleanUp( main )
def CASE14( self, main ):
start election app on all onos nodes
main.HA.startElectionApp( main )
def CASE15( self, main ):
Check that Leadership Election is still functional
15.1 Run election on each node
15.2 Check that each node has the same leaders and candidates
15.3 Find current leader and withdraw
15.4 Check that a new node was elected leader
15.5 Check that that new leader was the candidate of old leader
15.6 Run for election on old leader
15.7 Check that oldLeader is a candidate, and leader if only 1 node
15.8 Make sure that the old leader was added to the candidate list
old and new variable prefixes refer to data from before vs after
withdrawl and later before withdrawl vs after re-election
main.HA.isElectionFunctional( main )
def CASE16( self, main ):
Install Distributed Primitives app
main.HA.installDistributedPrimitiveApp( main )
def CASE17( self, main ):
Check for basic functionality with distributed primitives
main.HA.checkDistPrimitivesFunc( main )