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Custom topology for Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from import Mininet
from mininet.node import Host, RemoteController
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.node import CPULimitedHost
from import TCLink
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections
from mininet.node import ( UserSwitch, OVSSwitch, IVSSwitch )
import sys
coreSwitches = {}
spineSwitches = {}
leafSwitches = {}
endSwitches = {}
allSwitches = {}
# Counters for nodes
totalSwitches = 0
totalEndSwitches = 0
totalHosts = 0
endSwitchCount = 0 # total count of end switch in each row in gui
class spineTopo( Topo ):
def __init__( self, **opts ):
"Create a topology."
Topo.__init__( self, **opts )
def build( self, s, l, c, e, h, **opts ):
s = number of spine switches
l = number of leaf switches
c = number of core
e = number of end switch
h = number of end host
global totalSwitches
global coreSwitches
global spineSwitches
global leafSwitches
global endSwitches
global totalEndSwitches
global totalHosts
global allSwitches
global endSwitchCount
endSwitchCount = e
print "Creating topology with", s,"spine", l,"leaf", c,"core",\
e,"end switches and",h,"host for each end switches"
self.addCore( c )
self.addSpine( s )
self.addLeaf( l )
self.linkLayer( coreSwitches, spineSwitches )
self.linkLayer( spineSwitches, leafSwitches )
self.linkEndSwitch( e, leafSwitches )
self.linkHosts( h )
allSwitches = coreSwitches
allSwitches.update( spineSwitches )
allSwitches.update( leafSwitches )
allSwitches.update( endSwitches )
deviceData = self.createSwitchDict()
self.genCfgJson( deviceData )
def addCore( self, numSwitch ):
global totalSwitches
global coreSwitches
for i in range( numSwitch ):
coreSwitches[ 'core' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
totalSwitches += 1
def addSpine( self, numSwitch ):
global totalSwitches
global spineSwitches
for i in range( numSwitch ):
spineSwitches[ 'spine' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
totalSwitches += 1
def addLeaf( self, numSwitch ):
global totalSwitches
global leafSwitches
for i in range( numSwitch ):
leafSwitches[ 'leaf' + str( i + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
totalSwitches += 1
def addEnd( self ):
global totalSwitches
global totalEndSwitches
global endSwitches
endSwitches[ 'end' + str( totalEndSwitches + 1 ) ] = self.addSwitch(
's' + str( totalSwitches + 1 ) )
totalSwitches += 1
totalEndSwitches += 1
return endSwitches[ 'end' + str( totalEndSwitches ) ]
def addEndHosts( self ):
global totalHosts
totalHosts += 1
host = self.addHost( 'h' + str( totalHosts ) )
return host
def linkHosts( self, numHosts ):
global endSwitches
switches = sorted( endSwitches.values() )
for sw in switches:
for i in xrange( numHosts ):
self.addLink( sw, self.addEndHosts() )
def linkLayer( self, topLayer, botLayer ):
The top layer is the upper layer in the spine topology eg. top layer
can be the spine and the bottom layer is the leaf, another is the
core layer is the top layer and the spine is the bottom layer and
so on.
topLayer - Upper layer in the spine topology to be linked in the
layer below
botLater - Layer that is below the upper layer to be linked at
topSwitches = sorted( topLayer.keys() )
botSwitches = sorted( botLayer.keys() )
for topSw in topSwitches:
for botSw in botSwitches:
self.addLink( topLayer.get( topSw ), botLayer.get( botSw ) )
def linkEndSwitch( self, numSwitch, leafLayer ):
global totalSwitches
global totalEndSwitches
leaf = sorted( leafLayer.values() )
for i in xrange( len( leafSwitches ) ):
if len( leafSwitches ) == 1:
for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
self.addLink( leaf[ 0 ], self.addEnd() )
if len( leafSwitches ) == 2:
for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
endSw = self.addEnd()
self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
if i == ( len( leafSwitches ) - 1 ) and len( leafSwitches )%2:
for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
self.addLink( leaf[ i ], self.addEnd() )
if i == 0:
for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
endSw = self.addEnd()
self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
if i == 1:
if i%2 == 0:
for j in xrange( numSwitch ):
endSw = self.addEnd()
self.addLink( leaf[ i ], endSw )
self.addLink( leaf[ i + 1 ], endSw )
def genCfgJson( self, deviceData ):
import json
configJson = {}
configJson[ "devices" ] = deviceData
with open( 'spine.json', 'w+' ) as outfile:
json.dump( configJson, outfile )
#cfgFile = open( "spine.json" , 'w+' )
#cfgFile.write( configJson )
def createSwitchDict( self ):
global allSwitches
global endSwitchCount
latitude = 0
longitude = 0
coreLong = -70
spineLong = -80
leafLong = -90
endLat = 30
rowCount = 0 # count of end switches or rows
colOffSet = 0 # off set for end switches; longitude
#for i in xrange( len( allSwitches ) ):
deviceList = []
deviceDict = {}
for sw in allSwitches:
tempSw = allSwitches.get( sw )
uri = str( "{0:0>16}".format( str( hex( int( tempSw[ 1: ] ) )\
).split( "x" )[ 1 ] ) )
mac = str( "{0:0>12}".format( str( hex( int( tempSw[ 1: ] ) )\
).split( "x" )[ 1 ] ) )
if "core" in sw:
latitude = 45
longitude = coreLong
coreLong += 2.5
elif "spine" in sw:
latitude = 40
longitude = spineLong
spineLong += 1.5
elif "leaf" in sw:
latitude = 35
longitude = leafLong
leafLong += 1.5
elif "end" in sw:
# Reset position and move to the right once every
# number of end switches
if rowCount == endSwitchCount:
colOffSet += 2.5
rowCount = 0
endLat = 30
longitude = -80 + colOffSet
latitude = endLat
endLat -= 1
rowCount += 1
tempItem = { "alias": allSwitches.get( sw ) ,
"uri": "of:" + uri,
"mac": mac,
"annotations": { "name": sw,
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude },
"type": "SWITCH" }
deviceList.append( tempItem )
return deviceList
#def createHostsJson( hostDict ):
topos = { 'spine': ( lambda s=2, l=3, c=1, e=5, h=1: spineTopo( s=s,
h=h) ) }
def setupNetwork():
"Create network"
topo = spineTopo()
#if controller_ip == '':
#controller_ip = '';
# controller_ip = '';
network = Mininet( topo=topo,
controller=None )
CLI( network )
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'info' )