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These functions are for use with the Network config system
import time
def compareCfg( main, gossipTime=None ):
Compare the network configurations across all nodes in the network
gossipTime is the number of seconds each gossip round take for the netCfg maps
main.step( "Check net config" )
if gossipTime:
time.sleep( gossipTime * main.Cluster.numCtrls )
responses = []
result = utilities.retry( f=checkNodeResponses,
kwargs={'main' : main,'responses' : responses},
sleep = main.retrysleep,
attempts = main.retrytimes )
utilities.assert_equals( expect=True,
onpass="Net Cfg is the same on all nodes",
onfail="Check Net Cfg failed. Check above messages." )
def checkNodeResponses ( main, responses ):
numberOfFailedNodes = 0 # Tracks the number of nodes that failed to get net configuration
for ctrl in
response = ctrl.REST.getNetCfg( )
responses.append( ctrl.REST.pprint( response ) )
if response == main.FALSE:
numberOfFailedNodes += 1
compare = [ i == responses[ 0 ] for i in responses ]
if numberOfFailedNodes == 0 and all( compare ):
return True
# Failed, providing feedback on cli
if numberOfFailedNodes > 0:
main.log.warn( numberOfFailedNodes + " node(s) failed to GET Net Config" )
if not all( compare ):
main.log.debug( "Net Cfg is different on some nodes. Net Config results:" )
for i in responses:
main.log.debug( i )
return False
def checkDeviceAnnotations( main, jsonObj, sw ):
id = str( sw.get( 'id' ) )
keys = [ 'name', 'owner', 'rackAddress' ]
correct = True
for k in keys:
if str( sw.get( 'annotations', {} ).get( k ) ) != str( jsonObj[ k ] ) :
correct = False
main.log.debug( "{} is wrong on switch: ".format( k ) + id )
if not correct:
main.log.error( "Annotations for switch " + id + " are incorrect: {}".format( sw ) )
return correct
def checkAllDeviceAnnotations( main, json ):
devices = 0 ).REST.devices( )
id = "of:0000000000000001"
i = 1
result = [ ]
for sw in json.loads( devices ):
if id in sw.get( 'id' ):
jsonObj = getattr( main, "s" + str( i ) + "Json" )
isDeviceAnnotationCorrect = checkDeviceAnnotations( main, jsonObj, sw )
result.append( isDeviceAnnotationCorrect )
i += 1
id = "of:000000000000000" + str( i )
except( TypeError, ValueError ):
main.log.error( "Problem loading device" )
return False
return all( result )