blob: 871000fd94a52ed15f0e382466efa91d7635243b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 Open Networking Foundation (ONF)
# Please refer questions to either the onos test mailing list at <>,
# the System Testing Plans and Results wiki page at <>,
# or the System Testing Guide page at <>
# TestON is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TestON is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with TestON. If not, see <>.
# Example script:
# Cbench Graph (
# Rscript SCPFspecificGraphRScripts/SCPFcbench.R <url> <port> <username> <pass> SCPFcbench master /path/to/save/directory/
# **********************************************************
# STEP 1: Data management.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 1: Data management." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
save_directory <- 7
# Command line arguments are read.
print( "Reading commmand-line args." )
args <- commandArgs( trailingOnly=TRUE )
# ----------------
# Import Libraries
# ----------------
print( "Importing libraries." )
library( ggplot2 )
library( reshape2 )
library( RPostgreSQL ) # For databases
source( "dependencies/saveGraph.R" )
source( "dependencies/fundamentalGraphData.R" )
source( "dependencies/initSQL.R" )
source( "dependencies/cliArgs.R" )
# -------------------
# Check CLI Arguments
# -------------------
print( "Verifying CLI args." )
if ( length( args ) != save_directory ){
usage( "SCPFcbench.R" )
quit( status = 1 )
# -----------------
# Create File Names
# -----------------
print( "Creating filenames and title of graph." )
errBarOutputFile <- paste( args[ save_directory ],
args[ graph_title ],
args[ branch_name ],
sep="" )
chartTitle <- paste( "Single-Node CBench Throughput", "Last 3 Builds", sep = "\n" )
# ------------------
# SQL Initialization
# ------------------
print( "Initializing SQL" )
con <- initSQL( args[ database_host ],
args[ database_port ],
args[ database_u_id ],
args[ database_pw ] )
# ------------------
# Cbench SQL Command
# ------------------
print( "Generating Scale Topology SQL Command" )
command <- paste( "SELECT * FROM cbench_bm_tests WHERE branch='",
args[ branch_name ],
sep="" )
fileData <- retrieveData( con, command )
# **********************************************************
# STEP 2: Organize data.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 2: Organize Data." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
# ------------
# Data Sorting
# ------------
print( "Sorting data." )
requiredColumns <- c( "avg" )
tryCatch( avgs <- c( fileData[ requiredColumns] ),
error = function( e ) {
print( "[ERROR] One or more expected columns are missing from the data. Please check that the data and SQL command are valid, then try again." )
print( "Required columns: " )
print( requiredColumns )
print( "Actual columns: " )
print( names( fileData ) )
print( "Error dump:" )
print( e )
quit( status = 1 )
# --------------------
# Construct Data Frame
# --------------------
print( "Constructing Data Frame" )
dataFrame <- melt( avgs )
dataFrame$std <- c( fileData$std )
dataFrame$date <- c( fileData$date )
dataFrame$iterative <- rev( seq( 1, nrow( fileData ), by = 1 ) )
colnames( dataFrame ) <- c( "ms",
"iterative" )
dataFrame <- na.omit( dataFrame ) # Omit any data that doesn't exist
print( "Data Frame Results:" )
print( dataFrame )
# **********************************************************
# STEP 3: Generate graphs.
# **********************************************************
print( "**********************************************************" )
print( "STEP 3: Generate Graph." )
print( "**********************************************************" )
# ------------------
# Generate Main Plot
# ------------------
print( "Creating main plot." )
mainPlot <- ggplot( data = dataFrame, aes( x = iterative,
y = ms,
ymin = ms,
ymax = ms + std ) )
# ------------------------------
# Fundamental Variables Assigned
# ------------------------------
print( "Generating fundamental graph data." )
barWidth <- 0.3
xScaleConfig <- scale_x_continuous( breaks = dataFrame$iterative,
label = dataFrame$date )
xLabel <- xlab( "Build Date" )
yLabel <- ylab( "Responses / sec" )
fillLabel <- labs( fill = "Type" )
theme <- graphTheme()
title <- labs( title = chartTitle, subtitle = lastUpdatedLabel() )
fundamentalGraphData <- mainPlot +
xScaleConfig +
xLabel +
yLabel +
fillLabel +
theme +
# ---------------------------
# Generating Bar Graph Format
# ---------------------------
print( "Generating bar graph with error bars." )
barGraphFormat <- geom_bar( stat = "identity",
position = position_dodge(),
width = barWidth,
fill = webColor( "green" ) )
errorBarFormat <- geom_errorbar( width = barWidth,
color = webColor( "darkerGray" ) )
values <- geom_text( aes( x=dataFrame$iterative,
y=fileData[ 'avg' ] + 0.025 * max( fileData[ 'avg' ] ),
label = format( fileData[ 'avg' ],
big.mark = ",",
scientific = FALSE ) ),
size = 7.0,
fontface = "bold" )
result <- fundamentalGraphData +
barGraphFormat +
errorBarFormat +
# -----------------------
# Exporting Graph to File
# -----------------------
saveGraph( errBarOutputFile ) # from saveGraph.R