Update Sphinx version and versioning process

- Updated to newer Sphinx version
- Changed to use doc8 to check .rst files
- Added a dictionary (dict.txt) and spellchecking
- Reformatted and fixed issues that were found in the content

Change-Id: If7b35e01ee8be25dbbd1ecd0e67b264aa6cc2a94
diff --git a/testing/control-plane-testing.rst b/testing/control-plane-testing.rst
index 7499296..4e6a8ac 100644
--- a/testing/control-plane-testing.rst
+++ b/testing/control-plane-testing.rst
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
 Setup ONOS Cluster
-Follow instructions in `Install ONOS Controller <../installation.html#install-controller-onos>`_ to setup and run ONOS cluster
+Follow instructions in `Install ONOS Controller
+<../installation.html#install-controller-onos>`_ to setup and run ONOS cluster
 Setup Mininet Environment
 - Clone Mininet and run the install script
     .. code-block:: console
@@ -23,39 +25,51 @@
         $ cd util
         $ sudo ./install.sh -3fvn                               # Install OpenFlow 1.3, Open Vswitch and Mininet dependencies
-- Follow `Trellis in a Box <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/routing/tree/master/trellis>`_ to install Trellis dependencies, such as DHCP server and Quagga.
+- Follow `Trellis in a Box
+  <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/routing/tree/master/trellis>`_ to
+  install Trellis dependencies, such as DHCP server and Quagga.
     .. note::
-        If DHCP server does not properly run because of a permission error, please see `this <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/    isc-dhcp-server#Permission_issues_with_ISC-DHCP_server>`_ to solve the problem.
+        If DHCP server does not properly run because of a permission error,
+        please see `this
+        <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/isc-dhcp-server#Permission_issues_with_ISC-DHCP_server>`_
+        to solve the problem.
-- Set environment variables as described in `Create a Cell File <../installation.html#create-a-cell-file>`_
+- Set environment variables as described in `Create a Cell File
+  <../installation.html#create-a-cell-file>`_
 Setup Test Station
-- Follow `TestON installation guide <https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Installation>`_ to install TestON
+- Follow `TestON installation guide
+  <https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Installation>`_ to install TestON
 - (Optional) Add ``OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin`` to ``$PATH`` for convenience
 Run Tests
-Before you run any test, it is recommended to run cleanup script to kill any TestON, ssh, and Mininet sessions that are running.
+Before you run any test, it is recommended to run cleanup script to kill any
+TestON, ssh, and Mininet sessions that are running.
 .. code-block:: console
     cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin
-Fabric-related tests are located in ``OnosSystemTest/TestON/tests/USECASE/SegmentRouting/``.
-Each individual test can be run by executing ``cli.py`` script with test name. For example:
+Fabric-related tests are located in
+Each individual test can be run by executing ``cli.py`` script with test name.
+For example:
 .. code-block:: console
     cd ~/OnosSystemTest/TestON/bin
     ./cli.py run SRSanity
 Test Plan
@@ -70,9 +84,10 @@
   - L1+L2 and L3+L4 are paired switches.
   - All spine links with L1-4 are double links.
-  - Hosts take ips with dhcp and there exist 2 external routers.
+  - Hosts take IPs with dhcp and there exist 2 external routers.
   - Hosts can use ipv4 or ipv6.
-  - We configure untagged/tagged single/dual home hosts in order to test every possible combination.
+  - We configure untagged/tagged single/dual home hosts in order to test every
+    possible combination.
   - Most of the hosts reside in different ip subnets.
 Tests Steps
@@ -84,8 +99,8 @@
   - pingall
   - (Optional) ``ping`` to check external IPv4 connectivity
   - (Optional) ``ping6 2000:9902`` to check external IPv6 connectivity
-- Additional actions and tests defined in each individual test case
+- Additional actions and tests defined in each individual test case
 Test Cases
@@ -97,4 +112,7 @@
 Test Results
 ONF runs all Mininet based Trellis tests nightly.
-Test results are automatically published `here <https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/1.12-Segment+Routing>`_
\ No newline at end of file
+Test results are automatically published `here