In this commit: CORD-799
   Bug fix for host-update to not remove and add the same IP addr
   NPE fix in ofdpa3pipeline
   Removing unused code in ofdpa2pipeline
   Ability to add or revoke port filters for port-updates
   Retry filters retry for a longer time
   Bug fix for suppress ports to not suppress filters
   Filters now sent only by master instance
   Removing the MPLS BOS=0 rules for now until inconsitent hardware behavior is fixed

Change-Id: I8b4ee4af6de263531e0696af86e65f1c502f5f85
6 files changed
tree: 84ac198bf890a49c20a249c9f5387f508bde8ca2
  1. BUCK
  2. app.xml
  3. features.xml
  4. pom.xml
  5. src/