CORD-348 multicast support in SegmentRouting and vRouter

In this submission:
* Setup/teardown multicast route according to SinkAdded/SinkRemoved event
    - ingressVlan and egressVlan is configurable through network config
* Change behavior of OFDPA VLAN assignment
    - Always use the VLAN in metadata if present
* Bugfix of writing immutable object

NOT in this submission (coming soon):
* Error handling (e.g. link/device failure recovery)

Change-Id: I9be11af04eb2d6456b865c7e59e96cc02370f846
7 files changed
tree: 16bcbb0bc81911cc0579075a66ca696f5c9e98bb
  1. BUCK
  2. pom.xml
  3. src/