CORD-906 Support trunk and native VLAN

- Include trunk L2IG in L2F
- Populate bridging rules for trunk vlan
- Extend populateVlanMacFilters to generate filtering obj for trunk port
- Extend host handler to check vlan mismatch between host and interface
  (Temporarily disabled for now. Check TODOs in the code for detail.)
- Extend getForwardingObjectiveBuilder in RoutingRulePopulator to support tagged host

Change-Id: Id168a02015f58b0957ba43ad7c52798029d895bc
5 files changed
tree: accf0734701726e71c351d83782674a63d32d061
  1. BUCK
  2. app.xml
  3. features.xml
  4. pom.xml
  5. src/