CORD-48 Added to support for OFDPA emulation with CPQD switch, via more table-miss-entries.
Fixed a race condition where device processing starts before config has fully loaded.
GroupHandler in SR app is now created only once, not every time a Device update happens.

Change-Id: I945c47ee9caa2f5740296f49d5d223783271bba4
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/ b/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
index 9d60b27..b82752d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
+++ b/src/main/java/org/onosproject/segmentrouting/
@@ -596,29 +596,35 @@
     private void processDeviceAdded(Device device) {
         log.debug("A new device with ID {} was added",;
+        if (deviceConfiguration == null) {
+            log.warn("Device configuration uploading. Device {} will be "
+                    + "processed after config completes.",;
+            return;
+        }
         // Irrespective of whether the local is a MASTER or not for this device,
         // we need to create a SR-group-handler instance. This is because in a
         // multi-instance setup, any instance can initiate forwarding/next-objectives
         // for any switch (even if this instance is a SLAVE or not even connected
         // to the switch). To handle this, a default-group-handler instance is necessary
         // per switch.
-        DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = DefaultGroupHandler.
-                createGroupHandler(,
-                                   appId,
-                                   deviceConfiguration,
-                                   linkService,
-                                   flowObjectiveService,
-                                   nsNextObjStore,
-                                   subnetNextObjStore);
-        groupHandlerMap.put(, groupHandler);
-        // Also, in some cases, drivers may need extra
-        // information to process rules (eg. Router IP/MAC); and so, we send
-        // port addressing rules to the driver as well irrespective of whether
-        // this instance is the master or not.
-        defaultRoutingHandler.populatePortAddressingRules(;
+        if (groupHandlerMap.get( == null) {
+            DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = DefaultGroupHandler.
+                    createGroupHandler(,
+                                       appId,
+                                       deviceConfiguration,
+                                       linkService,
+                                       flowObjectiveService,
+                                       nsNextObjStore,
+                                       subnetNextObjStore);
+            groupHandlerMap.put(, groupHandler);
+            // Also, in some cases, drivers may need extra
+            // information to process rules (eg. Router IP/MAC); and so, we send
+            // port addressing rules to the driver as well irrespective of whether
+            // this instance is the master or not.
+            defaultRoutingHandler.populatePortAddressingRules(;
+        }
         if (mastershipService.isLocalMaster( {
+            DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = groupHandlerMap.get(;
@@ -660,21 +666,23 @@
                 // for any switch (even if this instance is a SLAVE or not even connected
                 // to the switch). To handle this, a default-group-handler instance is necessary
                 // per switch.
-                DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = DefaultGroupHandler
-                        .createGroupHandler(, appId,
-                                            deviceConfiguration, linkService,
-                                            flowObjectiveService,
-                                            nsNextObjStore,
-                                            subnetNextObjStore);
-                groupHandlerMap.put(, groupHandler);
+                if (groupHandlerMap.get( == null) {
+                    DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = DefaultGroupHandler
+                            .createGroupHandler(, appId,
+                                                deviceConfiguration, linkService,
+                                                flowObjectiveService,
+                                                nsNextObjStore,
+                                                subnetNextObjStore);
+                    groupHandlerMap.put(, groupHandler);
-                // Also, in some cases, drivers may need extra
-                // information to process rules (eg. Router IP/MAC); and so, we send
-                // port addressing rules to the driver as well, irrespective of whether
-                // this instance is the master or not.
-                defaultRoutingHandler.populatePortAddressingRules(;
+                    // Also, in some cases, drivers may need extra
+                    // information to process rules (eg. Router IP/MAC); and so, we send
+                    // port addressing rules to the driver as well, irrespective of whether
+                    // this instance is the master or not.
+                    defaultRoutingHandler.populatePortAddressingRules(;
+                }
                 if (mastershipService.isLocalMaster( {
+                    DefaultGroupHandler groupHandler = groupHandlerMap.get(;