- Process the Flow Path events
- Recompute the affected Flow Paths.
1 file changed
tree: be92e6105e593cd9d957c698ffff383221164588
  1. .gitignore
  2. Authors
  3. Documentation/
  4. README.md
  5. cluster-mgmt/
  6. conf/
  7. demo-scripts/
  8. kryo2/
  9. lib/
  10. onos-embedded.sh
  11. pom.xml
  12. scripts/
  13. setup-eclipse.sh
  14. setup-local-maven.sh
  15. src/
  16. start-cassandra.sh
  17. start-onos-embedded.sh
  18. start-onos.sh
  19. start-rest.sh
  20. start-zk.sh
  21. test-network/
  22. testbed-ctrl-add-ext.sh
  23. testbed-ctrl-none.sh
  24. titan/
  25. web/

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System)

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System) is an experimental distributed SDN OS. Currently, it is under active development. ONOS was announced and demonstrated at ONS'13.

Steps to download and setup a development Virtual Machine


Building ONOS

  1. Install custom jars and dependencies (needs to be run only once)

    $ ./setup-local-maven.sh

  2. Cleanly build ONOS

    $ mvn clean $ mvn compile

    NOTE: installing maven for the first time may switch java version from 1.7 to 1.6. This might prevent Cassandra to run.


  1. Zookeeper Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5: http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html

    Edit file (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/start-zk.sh and set variable "ZK_DIR" to point to the Zookeeper directory.

  2. Cassandra Download and install apache-cassandra-1.2.4: http://cassandra.apache.org/download/

    Edit file (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/start-cassandra.sh and set variable "CASSANDRA_DIR" to point to the Cassandra directory.

Running ONOS with Cassandra as a separate process

[See below for information how to run ONOS with Embedded Cassandra]

  1. Start Zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-zk.sh start

    Confirm Zookeeper is running:

    $ ./start.zk.sh status

  2. Start Cassandra

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-cassandra.sh start

    Confirm Cassandra is running:

    $ ./start-cassandra.sh status

  3. Start ONOS

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-onos.sh start

    Confirm ONOS is running:

    $ ./start-onos.sh status

  4. Start ONOS REST API server

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-rest.sh start

    Confirm the REST API server is running:

    $ ./start-rest.sh status

Running ONOS with Cassandra embedded (Optional)

  1. Start Zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-zk.sh start

    Confirm Zookeeper is running:

    $ ./start.zk.sh status

  2. Start ONOS and Cassandra embedded

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL_DIR)/ $ ./start-onos-embedded.sh start

    Confirm ONOS is running:

    $ ./start-onos-embedded.sh status

  3. Start ONOS REST API server

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/ $ ./start-rest.sh start

    Confirm the REST API server is running:

    $ ./start-rest.sh status

Running in offline mode (Optional)

Maven is used to build and run ONOS. By default, maven tries to reach the repositories. The '-o' option can be given to the 'mvn' command to suppress this behavior. The MVN environmental variable can be used to set additional options to the 'mvn' command used in ONOS.

  • Example: Running in offline mode

    $ env MVN="mvn -o" ./start-onos.sh start