Adding back the file to repo
diff --git a/cli/cli/ b/cli/cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e53fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,1295 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012,2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+#  sdnsh - The Controller Shell
+import base64
+import struct
+import time
+import re
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
+from calendar import timegm
+from timesince import timesince, timesince_sec
+import doctest
+import traceback
+import utif
+# Timezone constants
+class Utc(tzinfo):
+    def utcoffset(self, dt):
+        return timedelta(0)
+    def tzname(self, dt):
+        return "UTC"
+    def dst(self, dt):
+        return timedelta(0)
+UTC = Utc()
+class Pst(tzinfo):
+    def utcoffset(self, dt):
+        return timedelta(0,0,0,0,0,-8)
+    def tzname(self, dt):
+        return "PST"
+    def dst(self, dt):
+        return timedelta(0,0,0,0,0,-7)
+PST = Pst()
+alias_dicts = {}
+def update_alias_dict(obj_type, dict):
+    """
+    Update alias dictionaries: for switch, host, etc.
+    """
+    global alias_dicts
+    alias_dicts[obj_type] = dict
+def convert_mac_in_base64_byte_array_to_hex_string(i, data=None):
+    # hmmm - tasty python
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    return ":".join(["%0.2x" % x for x in struct.unpack('BBBBBB', base64.b64decode(i))])
+def convert_mac_in_decimal_to_hex_string(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "":
+        return "*"
+    mac = hex(i)
+    # some python implementations append 'L' to hex() so we need to remove it
+    if mac[len(mac)-1] == 'L':
+        mac = mac[:len(mac)-1]
+    mac = ('0' * (14 - len(mac)) + mac[2:])
+    return ':'.join([mac[x:x+2] for x in xrange(0, len(mac), 2)])
+def convert_ip_in_integer_to_dotted_decimal(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    return '.'.join(reversed([ (str((i >> (8*x)) & 0xff)) for x in range(0,4)]))
+def convert_integer_to_bitmask(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    return bin(i)
+def convert_long_to_dpid(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    i = int(i)
+    return ':'.join(reversed([ "%-.2x" % ((i >> (8*x)) & 0xff) for x in range(0,8)]))
+def convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i, data=None):
+    try:
+        i = int(i)
+    except:
+        return i
+    if i < 0: 
+        return i + 2**16
+    else: 
+        return i
+def convert_signed_short_for_vlan(i, data=None):
+    if i == -1:
+        return "-"
+    else:
+        return convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i, data)
+def convert_to_string(i, data=None):
+    if type(i) == list:
+        return ', '.join(i)
+    elif type(i) == dict:
+        return ', '.join(["%s:%s" % x for x in i.dict()])
+    else:
+        return str(i)
+def print_hex(i, data=None):
+    if i == "" or not int(i): 
+        return ""
+    else: 
+        return hex(i)
+def timestamp_to_local_timestr(i, data=None):
+    if i == '':
+        return ''
+    return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", time.localtime(i/1000))
+def utc_timestr_to_timestamp(s):
+    return timegm(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) * 1000
+def print_from_utc_timestr(s, data=None):
+    """Converts from a UTC time string like 2010-12-12 15:27:41.650000
+    to time string in local timezone like 2011-06-23 02:51:41 PDT
+    # Doctest only valid in Pacific Time ;-|
+    >>> print_from_utc_timestr('2010-12-12 15:27:41.650000')
+    '2010-12-12 07:27:41 PST'
+    >>> print_from_utc_timestr('2010-06-12 15:27:41.650000')
+    '2010-06-12 08:27:41 PDT'
+    >>> print_from_utc_timestr('')
+    ''
+    >>> print_from_utc_timestr(None)
+    ''
+    >>> print_from_utc_timestr('Not a valid timestamp')
+    ''
+    """
+    ret = ''
+    try:
+        ret = timestamp_to_local_timestr(utc_timestr_to_timestamp(s))
+    except:
+        pass
+    return ret
+def print_time_since_utc(i, data=None):
+    if i == None or i == '':
+        return ''
+    return timesince(datetime.fromtimestamp((i/1000)))
+def print_time_since_utc_timestr(s, data=None, now=None):
+    """Converts from a UTC time string like 2010-12-12 15:27:41.65000
+    to human readabel string like 'Last seen 4 minutes ago'
+    >>> now = datetime(*(time.strptime('2010-12-12 15:27:41.650000', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[0:6]+(0, PST)))
+    >>> print_time_since_utc_timestr('2010-12-12 15:27:41.650000', now=now)
+    '8 hours'
+    >>> print_time_since_utc_timestr('')
+    ''
+    >>> print_time_since_utc_timestr(None)
+    ''
+    >>> print_time_since_utc_timestr('Not a valid timestamp')
+    ''
+    """
+    ret = ''
+    if s == '':
+        return ''
+    try:
+        date_obj = datetime(*(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[0:6] + (0, UTC)))
+        ret = timesince(date_obj, now)
+    except Exception, e:
+        try:
+            date_obj = datetime(*(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[0:6] + (0, UTC)))
+            ret = timesince(date_obj, now)
+        except Exception, e:
+            try:
+                date_obj = datetime(*(time.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")[0:6] + (0, UTC)))
+                ret = timesince(date_obj, now)
+            except Exception, e:
+                ret = "<fail>"
+                pass
+    return ret
+def print_timesince_msec_since(i, data=None):
+    if i == '':
+        return i
+    return timesince_sec(int(i)/1000)
+def print_enum_string_and_int(values, i, not_found_val = None):
+    if values and i in values:
+        return "%s(%s)" % (values[i], i)
+    else:
+        if not_found_val:
+            return not_found_val
+        else:
+            return i
+def print_enum_string_and_hex_int(values, i, not_found_val = None):
+    if values and i in values:
+        return "%s(%#x)" % (values[i], int(i))
+    else:
+        if not_found_val:
+            return not_found_val
+        else:
+            return i
+def print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, bits):
+    if bits == "": 
+        return bits
+    bits_copy = bits
+    enums = []
+    bit_test = 1
+    while bits_copy:
+        if bit_test & bits_copy:
+            if bit_test in values:
+                enums.append(values[bit_test])
+            bits_copy &= bits_copy-1
+        bit_test <<= 1
+    if enums:
+        return ",".join(enums) + "(%s)" % (hex(bits) if bits > 9 else bits)
+    else:
+        if bits > 9:
+            return hex(int(bits))
+        return "0"
+def print_physical_port(i, data=None, switch_key=None):
+    global alias_dicts
+    if not data:
+        return str(i)
+    name_dict = alias_dicts.get("portNames")
+    if not name_dict:
+        return str(i)
+    if switch_key:
+        key_string = data[switch_key] + '.' + "%d" % i
+    elif 'switch' in data:
+        key_string = data['switch'] + '.' + "%d" % i
+    elif 'Switch' in data:
+        key_string = data['Switch'] + '.' + "%d" % i
+    # return the physical name if it exists, otherwise i
+    return str(name_dict.get(key_string, i))
+def print_byte_unit(i, data=None, suffix=None):
+    """
+    Convert the value of 'i' into a byte rate value,
+    for example '10 GB'
+    """
+    try:
+        value = int(i)
+    except:
+        if i == '':
+            return 'Unknown'
+        return i
+    converter = (
+                    (1024 * 1028 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 , ' PB'),
+                    (1024 * 1028 * 1024 * 1024 ,        ' TB'),
+                    (1024 * 1028 * 1024 ,               ' GB'),
+                    (1028 * 1024 ,                      ' MB'),
+                    (1024 ,                             ' KB'),
+                )
+    if suffix == None:
+        suffix = ''
+    for idx, (boundary, name) in enumerate(converter):
+        value = i / boundary
+        if value:
+            return '%s%s%s' % (value, name, suffix)
+    else:
+        return '%s B%s' % (i, suffix)
+def print_byte_rate(i, data=None):
+    return print_byte_unit(i, data, 'ps')
+def print_bit_unit(i, data=None, suffix=None):
+    """
+    Convert the value of 'i' into a bit rate value,
+    for example '10 Gb'
+    """
+    try:
+        value = int(i)
+    except:
+        if i == '':
+            return 'Unknown'
+        return i
+    converter = (
+                    (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 , ' Pb'),
+                    (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ,        ' Tb'),
+                    (1000 * 1000 * 1000 ,               ' Gb'),
+                    (1000 * 1000 ,                      ' Mb'),
+                    (1000 ,                             ' Kb'),
+                )
+    if suffix == None:
+        suffix = ''
+    for idx, (boundary, name) in enumerate(converter):
+        value = i / boundary
+        if value:
+            return '%s%s%s' % (value, name, suffix)
+    else:
+        return '%s b%s' % (i, suffix)
+def print_bit_rate(i, data=None):
+    return print_bit_unit(i, data, 'ps')
+def decode_openflow_port(i, data=None, switch_key=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    # If the first character of the port name is a plus sign ('+')
+    # this is intended to bypass any lookup -- its a way to indicate
+    # the field is already an openflow interface.
+    if isinstance(i, unicode) and  i[0] == '+':
+        return i[1:]
+    i = convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i)
+    i &= 0xffff
+    values = { 
+        0xfff8 : "input",
+        0xfff9 : "table",
+        0xfffa : "normal",
+        0xfffb : "flood",
+        0xfffc : "all",
+        0xfffd : "controller",
+        0xfffe : "local",
+        0xffff : "none",
+        }
+    if i >= 0xff00:
+        if i in values:
+            return "%s (%s)" % (i, values[i])
+        else:
+            return "%s" % values[i]
+    phys_port = print_physical_port(i, data, switch_key)
+    if str(i) != phys_port:
+        return str(i) + ' (' + phys_port + ')'
+    return str(i)
+def decode_openflow_port_src_switch(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'src-switch')
+def decode_openflow_port_source_switch(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'Source-Switch')
+def decode_openflow_port_dst_switch(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'dst-switch')
+def decode_openflow_port_dest_switch(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'Dest-Switch')
+def decode_openflow_port_inputSwitch(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'inputSwitch')
+def decode_openflow_port_dpid(i, data=None):
+    return decode_openflow_port(i, data, 'dpid')
+# well known cookie id's managed directly, other's can be registered
+cookie_app_ids = {
+    1: "lswitch",
+    2: "FL:forw",
+    3: "TUN:forw",
+    4: "VTA:forw",
+   10: "static",
+flow_cookie_registry = { }
+def register_flow_cookie_decoder(name, app_id, encoder_proc, decoder_proc, conversion_dict_name):
+    """
+    Register a flow encoding/decoding strategy
+    """
+    # should be provide a return code?
+    cookie_app_ids[app_id] = name
+    flow_cookie_registry[int(app_id)] = {
+                                          'name'    : name,
+                                          'encoder' : encoder_proc,
+                                          'decoder' : decoder_proc,
+                                          'cvt'     : conversion_dict_name
+                                        }
+def callout_flow_encoders(context):
+    for (registrant, registry) in flow_cookie_registry.items():
+        dict_name = registry['cvt']
+        alias_dicts[dict_name] = registry['encoder'](context)
+def decode_flow_cookie(i, data=None):
+    cookie = i
+    new_cookie = None
+    # 12 bits app id - 20 bits flow hash - 32 bits user cookie
+    app_id = (cookie >> 52) & ((1 << 12) - 1)
+    flow_hash = (cookie >> 32) & ((1 << 20) - 1)
+    if app_id in cookie_app_ids:
+        new_cookie = cookie_app_ids[app_id]
+        if cookie_app_ids[app_id] == "static":
+            global alias_dicts
+            flow_map = alias_dicts.get("staticflow", [])
+            if flow_hash in flow_map:
+                new_cookie += "-%s" % flow_map[flow_hash]
+            else:
+                new_cookie += "-flow_hash: %s" % flow_hash
+        else:
+            if flow_hash != 0:
+                new_cookie += "-flow_hash: %s" % flow_hash
+        user_cookie = (cookie & ((1 << 32) - 1))
+        if user_cookie:
+            if app_id in flow_cookie_registry:
+                # Call registered function with the conversion dictionary
+                # and the cookie
+                conversion_dict_name = flow_cookie_registry[app_id]['cvt']
+                new_cookie = (flow_cookie_registry[app_id]['decoder'])(
+                                alias_dicts.get(conversion_dict_name), cookie)
+            else:
+                new_cookie += ", cookie: %#x" % user_cookie
+    else:
+        # if the app_id isn't known, display all 64 bits of the cookie
+        new_cookie = "unknown %s, cookie %s" % (app_id, cookie)
+    if new_cookie:
+        return new_cookie
+    return '%#x' % cookie
+ether_type_to_name_dict = {
+    0x0800 : "ip",
+    0x0806 : "arp",
+    0x8035 : "rarp",
+    0x809B : "appletalk",
+    0x809B : "appletalk-aarp",
+    0x8100 : "802.1Q",
+    0x8137 : "ipx",
+    0x8138 : "novell",
+    0x86dd : "ipv6",
+    0x8847 : "mpls",
+    0x8848 : "mpls-mc",
+    0x88cc : "lldp",
+ether_type_to_number_dict = dict([[v, n] for (n,v) in ether_type_to_name_dict.items()])
+def decode_ether_type(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    if type(i) != int and i.startswith("0x"):
+        i = int(i, 16) # i is in hex
+    i = convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i)
+    try:
+        i &= 0xffff
+    except:
+        return '*cvt %s %s*' % (i, type(i))
+    return print_enum_string_and_hex_int(ether_type_to_name_dict, i)
+def decode_network_protocol(i, data=None):
+    if i == "*" or i == "": 
+        return "*"
+    ether_type = "ip" # default
+    if data:
+        if 'ether-type' in data:
+            ether_type = decode_ether_type(data['ether-type'])
+        elif 'dataLayerType' in data:
+            ether_type = decode_ether_type(data['dataLayerType'])
+        ether_type = str(ether_type).split('(')[0]
+    net_proto_hash = {
+        "ip" : {
+            1  : "icmp",
+            2  : "igmp",
+            3  : "ggp",
+            4  : "ip-in-ip",
+            6  : "tcp",
+            17 : "udp",
+            50 : "esp",
+            51 : "ah"
+            },
+        "arp": {
+            1  : "arp-req",
+            2  : "arp-rep",
+            3  : "rarp-req",
+            4  : "rarp-rep",
+            5  : "drarp-req",
+            6  : "drarp-rep",
+            7  : "drarp-err",
+            8  : "inarp-req",
+            9  : "inarp-rep",
+            }
+        }
+    return print_enum_string_and_int(net_proto_hash.get(ether_type, None), i)
+tcp_decode_port_dict = {
+    22   : "ssh",
+    53   : "dns",
+    80   : 'http',
+    443  : 'https'
+tcp_name_to_number_dict = dict([[v, n] for (n,v) in tcp_decode_port_dict.items()])
+# fill in values if we want!
+def decode_tcp_port(i): 
+    return print_enum_string_and_int(tcp_decode_port_dict, i)
+udp_decode_port_dict = {
+    53 : "dns",
+udp_name_to_number_dict = dict([[v, n] for (n,v) in udp_decode_port_dict.items()])
+def decode_udp_port(i): 
+    values = { 
+        }
+    return print_enum_string_and_int(values, i)
+icmp_type_code_hash = {
+    0 : { "name"  : "echo-rep" },
+    3 : { "name"  : "dest-unreach",
+          "codes" : { 0 : "net-unreach",
+                      1 : "host-unreach",
+                      2 : "proto-unreach",
+                      3 : "port-unreach",
+                      4 : "frag-needed",
+                      5 : "src-rt-fail",
+                      6 : "dest-net-unk",
+                      7 : "dest-host-unk",
+                      8 : "src-host-isol",
+                      9 : "prohibit-dest-net",
+                      10 : "prohibit-dest-host",
+                      11 : "dest-net-unreach-for-tos",
+                      12 : "dest-host-unreach-for-tos",
+                      13 : "prohibit-comm" } },
+    4 : { "name"  : "src-quench" },
+    5 : { "name"  : "redirect",
+          "codes" : { 0 : "redir-for-net",
+                      1 : "redir-for-host",
+                      2 : "redir-for-net-for-tos",
+                      3 : "redir-for-host-for-tos" } },
+    6 : { "name"  : "alt-addr-for-host" },
+    8 : { "name"  : "echo-req" },
+    9 : { "name"  : "router-advert" },
+    10: { "name"  : "router-sel" },
+    11: { "name"  : "time-exceeded",
+          "codes" : { 0 : "ttl-exceeded",
+                      1 : "frag-reassemble-exceeded" } },
+    12: { "name"  : "param-problem",
+          "codes" : { 0 : "pointer-error",
+                      1 : "missing-opt",
+                      2 : "bad-length" } },
+    13: { "name" : "timestamp-request" },
+    14: { "name" : "timestamp-reply" },
+    15: { "name" : "info-request" },
+    16: { "name" : "info-reply" },
+    17: { "name" : "addr-mask-request" },
+    18: { "name" : "addr-mask-reply" },
+    30: { "name" : "traceroute" }
+def decode_icmp_type(i, data=None):
+    if i in icmp_type_code_hash:
+        return "%s(%s)" % (icmp_type_code_hash[i]['name'], i)
+    else:
+        return i
+def decode_icmp_code(i, data=None):
+    if data and 'transportSource' in data:
+        icmp_type = decode_icmp_type(data['transportSource'], data)
+    elif data and 'src-port' in data:
+        icmp_type = decode_icmp_type(data['src-port'], data)
+    try:
+        return print_enum_string_and_int(icmp_type_code_hash[icmp_type]["codes"], i, "-")
+    except:
+        return "-"
+def decode_src_port(i, data=None):
+    i = convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i)
+    if data:
+        if 'networkProtocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['networkProtocol'], data)
+        elif 'protocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['protocol'], data)
+        elif 'Protocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['Protocol'], data)
+        else:
+            return i
+        net_proto = str(net_proto).split('(')[0]
+        if net_proto == "icmp":
+            return decode_icmp_type(i)
+        elif net_proto == "tcp":
+            return decode_tcp_port(i)
+        elif net_proto == "udp":
+            return decode_udp_port(i)
+    return i
+def decode_dst_port(i, data=None):
+    i = convert_signed_short_to_unsigned(i)
+    if data:
+        if 'networkProtocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['networkProtocol'], data)
+        elif 'protocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['protocol'], data)
+        elif 'Protocol' in data:
+            net_proto = decode_network_protocol(data['Protocol'], data)
+        else:
+            return i
+        net_proto = str(net_proto).split('(')[0]
+        if net_proto == "icmp":
+            return decode_icmp_code(i, data)
+        elif net_proto == "tcp":
+            return decode_tcp_port(i)
+        elif net_proto == "udp":
+            return decode_udp_port(i)
+    return i
+def decode_actions(action_list, data=None):
+    NICIRA_VENDOR_ID=8992  #0x00002320
+    BSN_VENDOR_ID=6035143  #0x5c16c7
+    decoded_actions = []
+    for a in action_list:
+        decoded_action = a['type']
+        if decoded_action == "OUTPUT":
+            port = decode_openflow_port(a['port'], data)
+            decoded_action = "output=%s" % (port,)
+        elif decoded_action == "OPAQUE_ENQUEUE":
+            # LOOK! Not decoded to physical port since the configuration part of CLI does not do the translation either
+            decoded_action = "enqueue=%d:0x%02x" % (a['port'], a['queueId'])
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_VLAN_ID":
+            decoded_action = "set-vlan-id=%d" % a['virtualLanIdentifier']
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_VLAN_PCP":
+            decoded_action = "set-vlan-priority=0x%02x" % a['virtualLanPriorityCodePoint']
+        elif decoded_action == "STRIP_VLAN":
+            decoded_action = "strip-vlan"
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_DL_SRC":
+            decoded_action = "set-src-mac=%s" % a['dataLayerAddress']
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_DL_DST":
+            decoded_action = "set-dst-mac=%s" % a['dataLayerAddress']
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_NW_SRC":
+            decoded_action = "set-src-ip=%s" % decode_ipaddr(a['networkAddress'])
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_NW_DST":
+            decoded_action = "set-dst-ip=%s" % decode_ipaddr(a['networkAddress'])
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_NW_TOS":
+            decoded_action = "set-tos-bits=0x%02x" % a['networkTypeOfService']
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_TP_SRC":
+            decoded_action = "set-src-port=%d" % a['transportPort']
+        elif decoded_action == "SET_TP_DST":
+            decoded_action = "set-dst-port=%d" % a['transportPort']
+        elif decoded_action =="VENDOR":
+            if 'vendor' in a:
+                if a['vendor']==NICIRA_VENDOR_ID:
+                    if 'vendorData' in a:
+                        vendordata=a['vendorData'].decode('base64','strict')
+                        vendordata=vendordata.encode('hex')
+                        if vendordata.startswith('0012'):
+                            decoded_action="nicira_vendor:dec TTL"
+                        else:
+                            decoded_action="nicira_vendor:unknown"
+                if a['vendor']==BSN_VENDOR_ID:
+                    if 'vendorData' in a:
+                        vendordata=a['vendorData'].decode('base64','strict')
+                        vendordata=vendordata.encode('hex')
+                        if vendordata.startswith('00000001'):  #BSN_ACTION_MIRROR
+                            decoded_action="bsn_vendor:MIRROR"
+                        elif vendordata.startswith('00000002'): #SET_TUNNEL_DST_SUBTYPE
+                            ip=vendordata[8:]
+                            ipaddr=[]
+                            for i in [6,4,2,0]:
+                                ipint= ip[i:i+2]
+                                ipint= str(int(ipint,16))
+                                ipaddr.append(ipint)
+                            ipstr='.'.join(ipaddr)
+                            decoded_action="bsn_vendor:TUNNL:" + ipstr
+                        else:
+                            decoded_action="bsn_vendor:unknown"
+        decoded_actions.append(decoded_action)
+    if len(decoded_actions) == 0:
+        return "drop"
+    else:
+        return ",".join(decoded_actions)
+def decode_port_counter(i, data=None):
+    if i == -1: 
+        return "n/a"
+    else: 
+        return i
+def decode_macaddr(addr):
+    ret = 'invalid-mac-addr'
+    try:
+        macbytes = base64.b64decode(addr)
+        ret = ':'.join(["%02x" % ord(b) for b in macbytes])
+    except:
+        # ignore exception, the address is already set to invalid
+        pass
+    return ret
+def decode_ipaddr(addr):
+    ret = 'invalid-ip-addr'
+    try:
+        ipbytes = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+        for i in range(4):
+            ipbytes[3-i] = addr & 0x000000ff
+            addr = addr>>8
+        ret = '.'.join(["%d" % b for b in ipbytes])
+    except:
+        # ignore exception, the address is already set to invalid
+        pass
+    return ret
+def decode_port_config(i, data=None):
+    i = abs(i)
+    values = {
+        1 << 0 : "port-down",
+        1 << 1 : "no-stp",
+        1 << 2 : "no-recv",
+        1 << 3 : "no-recv-stp",
+        1 << 4 : "no-flood",
+        1 << 5 : "no-fwd",
+        1 << 6 : "no-pkt-in",
+        1 << 31 : "mirror",
+        }
+    if i == 0 or i == '':
+        return ''
+    return print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, i)
+def decode_port_state(i, data=None):
+    if i == '':
+        return 'Unknown'
+    # The two bits at (3 << 8) are a mask for the STP value
+    # which are listed in the following dictionary. Note that these
+    # aren't simply bit masks, so we can't use print_mask_enum_string_and_int
+    # here. So instead we special case the formatting of this field. We could
+    # probably factor some of this logic into a utility function, but
+    # this works for now.
+    stp_values = {
+        0 << 8 : ": stp-listen",
+        1 << 8 : ": stp-learn-no-relay",
+        2 << 8 : ": stp-forward",
+        3 << 8 : ": stp-block-broadcast",
+        }
+    value = "link-down" if i == 1 else "link-up" + stp_values.get(i, '')
+    return "%s(%s)" % (value, hex(i) if i > 9 else i)
+def decode_port_up_down(i, data=None):
+    if i == '':
+        return 'Unknown'
+    return "down" if i == 1 else 'up'
+def decode_port_stp_state(i, data=None):
+    if i == '':
+        return ''
+    stp_values = {
+        0 << 8 : "listen",
+        1 << 8 : "learn-no-relay",
+        2 << 8 : "forward",
+        3 << 8 : "block-broadcast",
+        }
+    value = '' if i == 1 else stp_values.get(i)
+    return "%s(%s)" % (value, hex(i) if i > 9 else i)
+def decode_port_linkrate(i, data=None):
+    values = {
+        1 << 0 : "10mb-hd",
+        1 << 1 : "10mb-fd",
+        1 << 2 : "100mb-hd",
+        1 << 3 : "100mb-fd",
+        1 << 4 : "1gb-hd",
+        1 << 5 : "1gb-fd",
+        1 << 6 : "10gb-fd",
+        }
+    if type(i) != int:
+        return "Unknown"
+    if (int(i) & 0x7f) == 0:
+        return "Unknown"
+    return print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, int(i) & 0x7f)
+def decode_port_features(i, data=None):
+    values = {
+        1 << 0 : "10mb-hd",
+        1 << 1 : "10mb-fd",
+        1 << 2 : "100mb-hd",
+        1 << 3 : "100mb-fd",
+        1 << 4 : "1gb-hd",
+        1 << 5 : "1gb-fd",
+        1 << 6 : "10gb-fd",
+        1 << 7 : "copper",
+        1 << 8 : "fiber",
+        1 << 9 : "autoneg",
+        1 << 10 : "pause",
+        1 << 11 : "pause-asym",
+        }
+    return print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, i)
+def decode_switch_capabilities(i, data=None):
+    values = {
+        1 << 0 : "flow",
+        1 << 1 : "tbl",
+        1 << 2 : "port",
+        1 << 3 : "stp",
+        1 << 5 : "ip-reasm",
+        1 << 6 : "queue-stats",
+        1 << 7 : "match-ip-in-arp",
+        }
+    return print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, i)
+def decode_switch_actions(i, data=None):
+    values = {
+        1 << 0 : "output",
+        1 << 1 : "vlan-vid",
+        1 << 2 : "vlan-pcp",
+        1 << 3 : "strip-vlan",
+        1 << 4 : "dl-src",
+        1 << 5 : "dl-dst",
+        1 << 6 : "nw-src",
+        1 << 7 : "nw-dst",
+        1 << 8 : "nw-tos",
+        1 << 9 : "tp-src",
+        1 << 10 : "tp-dst",
+        1 << 11 : "enqueue",
+        }
+    if (i == 0):
+        return "mirror"
+    return print_mask_enum_string_and_int(values, i)
+wildcards = {
+    1 << 0 : 'in port',
+    1 << 1 : 'vlan',
+    1 << 2 : 'pri',
+    1 << 3 : 'eth',
+    1 << 4 : 'tos',
+    1 << 5 : 'proto',
+    1 << 6 : 'src',
+    1 << 7 : 'dst',
+    1 << 8 : 'mpls',
+    1 << 9 : 'tc',
+def realtime_flow_brief(i, data=None):
+    brief = []
+    wildcard = data['wildcards']
+    # wild = print_mask_enum_string_and_int(wildcards, wildcard)
+    try:
+        i = int(wildcard)
+    except:
+        return ''
+    if not wildcard & 0x1:
+        brief.append('rx=%s' % decode_openflow_port(data['inputPort'], data))
+    if (not wildcard & 0x2) and (data['dataLayerVirtualLan'] != -1):
+        brief.append('vlan:%s' % data['dataLayerVirtualLan'])
+    if (not wildcard & 0x4) and (data['dataLayerVirtualLanPriorityCodePoint'] != '*'):
+        brief.append('pri:%s' % data['dataLayerVirtualLanPriorityCodePoint'])
+    if (not wildcard & 0x8) and (data['dataLayerType'] != '*') :
+        brief.append('eth:%s' % data['dataLayerType'])
+    if not wildcard & 0x10:
+        brief.append('tos:%s' % data['networkTypeOfService'])
+    if not wildcard & 0x20:
+        brief.append('ip:%s' % data['networkProtocol'])
+    if data['networkSourceMaskLen']:
+        brief.append('src:%s' % utif.ip_and_neg_mask(data['networkSource'],
+                                                  data['networkSourceMaskLen']))
+    if not wildcard & 0x40:
+        brief.append('sport:%s' % data['transportSource'])
+    if data['networkSourceMaskLen']:
+        brief.append('src:%s' % utif.ip_and_neg_mask(data['networkSource'],
+                                                  data['networkSourceMaskLen']))
+    if not wildcard & 0x80:
+        brief.append('dport:%s' % data['transportDestination'])
+    # mpls not in OF1.0
+    #if not wildcard & 0x100:
+        #brief.append('mpls: ?')
+    #if not wildcard & 0x200:
+        #brief.append('mpls-tc: ?')
+    return ', '.join(brief)
+def formatter_to_alias_update(formatter, update):
+    """
+    Associate the items which need updating with the formatter.
+    the update parameter is a dict, allowing multiple updates
+    over several distinct fields
+    Update this procedure as new decoding procedures are
+    added which require some alias translation to be updated
+    @param formatter function which is called to format a field
+    @param update dictionry passed in, updated with alias types to update
+    """
+    name = formatter.__name__
+    if name in ['print_host_and_alias',
+                'print_all_host_attachment_points',
+                'print_devicemanager_attachment_points',
+                'replace_host_with_alias',
+                ]:
+        update['host'] = True
+    if name in ['print_host_attachment_point',
+                'print_vns_physical_interface_id',
+                'decode_openflow_port',
+                'decode_openflow_port_src_switch',
+                'decode_openflow_port_dst_switch',
+                'decode_openflow_port_source_switch',
+                'decode_openflow_port_inputSwitch',
+                'decode_openflow_port_dpid',
+                'realtime_flow_brief',
+                ]:
+        update['switch'] = True # port implies switch
+        update['port'] = True
+    if name in ['print_switch_and_alias',
+                'print_switch_and_alias_dpid_as_long',
+                'print_switches',
+                'replace_switch_with_alias',
+                ]:
+        update['switch'] = True
+    if name in ['decode_flow_cookie'
+                ]:
+        update['flow'] = True
+    if name in ['replace_controller_node_with_alias',
+               ]:
+        update['controller-node'] = True
+    return update
+def print_switch_port_list(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ' '.join([replace_switch_with_alias(x['switch']) + \
+                    '/' + decode_openflow_port(x['port']) for x in i])
+def print_switch_port(i):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return replace_switch_with_alias(x['switch']) + \
+                    '/' + decode_openflow_port(x['port'])
+def print_host_attachment_point(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return "Inactive"
+    if len(i) == 1:
+        if_name = decode_openflow_port(i[0]['ingress-port'],
+                                       data['attachment-points'][0])
+        return replace_switch_with_alias(i[0]['switch']) + '/' + if_name
+    if len(i) == 0:
+        return ""
+    first = i[0]
+    if 'prime' in first:
+        if_name = decode_openflow_port(i[0]['ingress-port'],
+                                            data['attachment-points'][0])
+        return "%s/%s+[%s]" % (replace_switch_with_alias(i[0]['switch']),
+                               if_name, str(len(i)-1))
+    return "multiple (" + str(len(i)) + ")"
+def print_all_host_attachment_points(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ' '.join([replace_switch_with_alias(x['switch']) + \
+                     '/' + decode_openflow_port(x['ingress-port'],
+                                                data['attachment-points'][0])
+                        for x in i])
+def print_devicemanager_attachment_points(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ' '.join([replace_switch_with_alias(x['switch']) + \
+                     '/' + decode_openflow_port(x['port'],
+                                                data['attachment-points'][0])
+                        for x in i])
+def print_cluster_id(i, data=None):
+    return str(i)
+def print_switches(i, data=None):
+    return ' '.join([replace_switch_with_alias(dpid) for dpid in i])
+def print_single_tag(tag):
+    fields = tag.split('|')
+    return "%s.%s=%s" % (fields[0],fields[1],fields[2])
+def print_host_tags(i, data=None):
+    if i == None or len(i) == 0:
+        return ""
+    tag = i
+    if type(tag) == dict:
+        tag = [i]
+    if len(tag) == 1:
+        # 'tag' is a complete row from the store, specifically 'tag-mapping'
+        # the 'tag' key holds a name which looks like: <namespace>|<name>|<value>
+        # which is then split, and recombined for display
+        return print_single_tag(tag[0]['tag'])
+    if len(tag) == 0:
+        return ""
+    return "multiple (" + str(len(tag)) + ")"
+def print_all_host_tags(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    if i == dict:
+        return print_single_tag(i['tag'])
+    return ' '.join([print_single_tag(x['tag']) for x in i])
+def print_ip_addresses(i, data=None):
+    if i != None:
+        if len(i) == 1:
+            return str(i[0]['ip-address'])
+        if len(i) == 0:
+            return ""
+        # if there are multiple addressed, see if some of the addresses
+        # are "less" important than others.
+        less_interesting = 0
+        more_interesting = None
+        for ips in i:
+            if ips['ip-address'] == '':
+                less_interesting += 1
+            elif re.match(r'169.254.*', ips['ip-address']):
+                less_interesting += 1
+            else:
+                more_interesting = ips['ip-address']
+        if len(i) == less_interesting + 1:
+            return "%s+(%d)" % (more_interesting, less_interesting)
+        s = sorted(i, key=lambda k: k['last-seen'])
+        return "%s+(%d)" % (s[-1]['ip-address'], len(s) - 1)
+        # return "multiple (" + str(len(i)) + ")"    
+    return "Unknown"
+def print_all_ip_addresses(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ' '.join([x['ip-address'] for x in i])
+def print_devicemanager_ip_addresses(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ' '.join([x['ip'] for x in i])
+def print_join_list(i, data=None):
+    return ', '.join(i)
+def replace_with_alias(object_type, i, data=None):
+    """
+    use when we have aliases for other objects
+    """
+    global alias_dicts
+    alias_dict = alias_dicts.get(object_type, {i : i})
+    if not alias_dict:
+        return i
+    return alias_dict.get(i, i)
+def print_switch_and_alias(i, data=None):
+    """
+    """
+    dpid = str(i)
+    alias = replace_switch_with_alias(i, data)
+    if dpid == alias:
+        return dpid
+    else:
+        return dpid + ' (' + alias + ')'
+def print_switch_and_alias_dpid_as_long(i, data=None):
+    dpid = convert_long_to_dpid(i)
+    return print_switch_and_alias(dpid)
+def print_switch_interface_and_alias(i, data=None):
+    """
+    """
+    switch_interface = str(i)
+    return switch_interface
+def print_host_and_alias(i, data=None):
+    # The value of 'i' here ought to be the primary key
+    # for the host, which is a compound key.  Try hard to
+    # not deal with the construction of the key.
+    mac = str(i)
+    # if the host address is eight hex values, chop off the prefix
+    # nasty hack to deal with the use of a int64 to hold a host
+    if len(mac) == 23:
+        mac = mac[6:]
+        i = mac
+    name = replace_host_with_alias(mac, data)
+    if data == None:
+        data = {}
+    mac_in_data  = data.get('mac')
+    suffix = ''
+    if name != mac:
+        suffix = ' (%s)' % name
+    if mac_in_data:
+        return mac_in_data + suffix
+    return mac + suffix
+def print_vlan_and_alias(i, data=None):
+    vlan = int(i)
+    # if the host address is eight hex values, chop off the prefix
+    # nasty hack to deal with the use of a int64 to hold a host
+    return vlan
+def print_host_and_alias_mac_as_long(i, data=None):
+    mac = convert_mac_in_decimal_to_hex_string(i)
+    return print_host_and_alias(mac, data)
+def print_host_and_alias_mac_as_long_str(i, data=None):
+    # i is long decimal as string, e.g. "1342"
+    mac_decimal = int(i)
+    mac = convert_mac_in_decimal_to_hex_string(mac_decimal)
+    return print_host_and_alias(mac, data)
+# host list may also contain other items (ie: not macs)
+def print_host_list_and_alias(i, data=None):
+    # use at most 60 columns
+    more = 0
+    output = ""
+    for host in i:
+        mac = str(host)
+        name = replace_host_with_alias(host, data)
+        if name != mac:
+            mac +=  ' (' + name + ')'
+        if len(output) + len(mac) > 60:
+            more += 1
+        else:
+            output += mac
+            output += ' '
+    if more:
+        return "%s+(%s)" % (output, more)
+    return output
+def replace_switch_with_alias(i, data=None):
+    return replace_with_alias("switch-config", i, data)
+def convert_inverse_netmask_handler(i, data=None):
+    if not '.' in i:
+        return i
+    split_bytes = i.split('.')
+    return "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (255-int(split_bytes[0]),
+                            255-int(split_bytes[1]),
+                            255-int(split_bytes[2]),
+                            255-int(split_bytes[3]))
+def replace_host_with_alias(i, data=None):
+    return replace_with_alias("host-config", i, data)
+def replace_controller_node_with_alias(i, data=None):
+    return replace_with_alias("controller-node", i, data)
+def print_vns_count_dict(i, data=None):
+    output = ""
+    more = 0
+    for vns in i:
+        # possibly vns:refs instead?
+        #item = '%s:%s ' % (vns, i[vns])
+        item = '%s ' % vns
+        if len(output) > 40:
+            more += 1
+        else:
+            output += item
+    if more:
+        return "%s +(%s)" % (output, more)
+    return output
+def print_vns_physical_interface_id(i, data=None):
+    return i.split('|')[2]
+def print_domain_name_servers(i, data=None):
+    if len(i) == 0:
+        return 'None'
+    result = i[0]
+    if len(i) > 1:
+        result += ' +(%d)' % (len(i)-1)
+    return result
+def print_all_domain_name_servers(i, data=None):
+    if i == None:
+        return ''
+    return ', '.join(i)
+def print_clock_string(i, data = None):
+    print i, data
+def replace_boolean_with_enable_disable(i, data=None):
+    return { True : 'enabled', False : 'disabled' } [i]
+def sanitize_unicode(i, data=None):
+    return unicode(i, errors='ignore')
+def controller_node_me_entry(i, data=None):
+    if data.get('me', '') == '':
+        return 'Not current controller'
+    return 'current controller'
+def controller_node_me(i, data=None):
+    if 'me' in data:
+        return '*'
+    return ''
+def print_ipv4addr(i, data=None):
+    ipaddr = data['ip']
+    mask = data['masklen']
+    if (ipaddr != "*"):
+        ipaddr_int = reduce(lambda a,b: a<<8 | b, map(int, ipaddr.split(".")))
+        mask = (1 << mask) - 1
+        ipaddr_int = ipaddr_int & ~mask
+        ipaddr = ".".join(map(lambda n: str(ipaddr_int >>n & 0xFF), [24,16,8,0]))
+    return ipaddr