Enable ZooKeeper logging.

ZooKeeper log was not being correctly written
as a side-effect of ZK related environment variable
we've started using in onos.sh.

This patch will add an environment variable before running
ZK process to use the default log4j config
supplied with the ZooKeeper distribution.

Change-Id: I8ecb2f5a455bef16421811cf989afdd730992e5d
diff --git a/onos.sh b/onos.sh
index 6c0891c..c1e1b2b 100755
--- a/onos.sh
+++ b/onos.sh
@@ -456,8 +456,12 @@
   mkdir -p ${ZK_LOG_DIR}
-  ${ZK_HOME}/bin/zkServer.sh start
+  # log4j.properties is read from classpath if not found in CWD.
+  # Using the ZooKeeper supplied default in ZooKeeper conf dir.
+  # TODO: To explicitly specify our customized log4j config file:
+  #  export SERVER_JVMFLAGS="-Dlog4j.configuration=${ZK_LOG4J}"
+  env CLASSPATH="${ZK_HOME}/conf:${CLASSPATH}" ${ZK_HOME}/bin/zkServer.sh start
 function stop-zk {