Changed folders composition. No file is deleted.

  - Created "old-scripts" folder to store obsolete files.
  - Created "sample" folder to store scripts about demo GUI.
  - Added to start ONS 2014 demo GUI.
  - Modified web/* and sample/ONS2014demo/* scripts to adapt new composition.
  NOTE: No adaptation to current REST API. Those GUI won't work until adapted.

Change-Id: I98bdd7d45f0a43731bd0264c9815a0e46e06c097
diff --git a/sample/ONS2014demo/scripts/ b/sample/ONS2014demo/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9871057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/ONS2014demo/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+import pprint
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import json
+import argparse
+import io
+import time
+import random
+import re
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
+from flask import Flask, json, Response, render_template, make_response, request
+# paths for local access
+ONOS_DIR = os.getenv("HOME") + "/ONOS"
+ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR = ONOS_DIR + "/sample/ONS2014demo/scripts"
+ONS2014_DEMO_WEB_DIR = ONOS_DIR + "/sample/ONS2014demo/web"
+LINK_FILE = ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR + "/link.json"
+CONFIG_FILE = ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR + "/config.json"
+# paths for remote access
+REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR = "ONOS/sample/ONS2014demo/scripts"
+## Global Var for this proxy script setting.
+# "" means any interface
+## Global Var for ON.Lab local REST ##
+ONOS_DEFAULT_HOST="localhost" ;# Has to set if LB=False
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+app = Flask(__name__)
+def read_config():
+  global LB, TESTBED, controllers, core_switches, ONOS_GUI3_HOST, ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST
+  f = open(CONFIG_FILE)
+  conf = json.load(f)
+  LB = conf['LB']
+  TESTBED = conf['TESTBED']
+  controllers = conf['controllers']
+  core_switches=conf['core_switches']
+  f.close()
+def read_link_def():
+  global link_def
+  f=open(LINK_FILE)
+  try:
+    link_def=json.load(f)
+    f.close()
+  except:
+    print "Can't read link def file (link.json)"
+    sys.exit(1)
+def get_link_ports(src_dpid, dst_dpid):
+  ret = (-1, -1)
+  for link in link_def:
+    if link['src-switch'] == src_dpid and link['dst-switch'] == dst_dpid:
+        ret = (link['src-port'], link['dst-port'])
+        break
+  return ret
+## Worker Functions ##
+def log_error(txt):
+  print '%s' % (txt)
+def debug(txt):
+  if DEBUG:
+    print '%s' % (txt)
+### File Fetch ###
+@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/js/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/d3/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/css/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/assets/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/data/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+def return_file(filename="index.html"):
+  if request.path == "/":
+    fullpath = ONS2014_DEMO_WEB_DIR + "/index.html"
+  else:
+    fullpath = ONS2014_DEMO_WEB_DIR + "/" + str(request.path)[1:]
+  try:
+    open(fullpath)
+  except:
+    response = make_response("Cannot find a file: %s" % (fullpath), 500)
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/html"
+    return response
+  response = make_response(open(fullpath).read())
+  suffix = fullpath.split(".")[-1]
+  if suffix == "html" or suffix == "htm":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/html"
+  elif suffix == "js":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "application/javascript"
+  elif suffix == "css":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/css"
+  elif suffix == "png":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "image/png"
+  elif suffix == "svg":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "image/svg+xml"
+  return response
+## Proxy ##
+def proxy_link_change(cmd, src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port):
+  url = "%s/gui/link/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, cmd, src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_switch_controller_setting(cmd):
+  url = "%s/gui/switchctrl/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, cmd)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_switch_status_change(cmd, dpid):
+  url = "%s/gui/switch/%s/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, cmd, dpid)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_controller_status_change(cmd, controller_name):
+  url = "%s/gui/controller/%s/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, cmd, controller_name)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_add_flow(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port, srcMAC, dstMAC):
+  try:
+    url = "%s/gui/addflow/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port, srcMAC, dstMAC)
+    #print "proxy gui addflow " + url
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  except:
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+    print "Result %s" % result
+    exit()
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_del_flow(flow_id):
+  url = "%s/gui/delflow/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, flow_id)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_iperf_start(flow_id,duration,samples):
+  url = "%s/gui/iperf/start/%s/%s/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, flow_id, duration, samples)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_iperf_rate(flow_id):
+  url = "%s/gui/iperf/rate/%s" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST, flow_id)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_gui_reset():
+  url = "%s/gui/reset" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def proxy_gui_scale():
+  url = "%s/gui/scale" % (ONOS_GUI3_CONTROL_HOST)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    result = ""
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+###### ONOS REST API ##############################
+## Worker Func ###
+def get_json(url):
+  code = 200;
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+  except URLError, e:
+    print "get_json: REST IF %s has issue. Reason: %s" % (url, e.reason)
+    result = ""
+    return (500, result)
+  except HTTPError, e:
+    print "get_json: REST IF %s has issue. Code %s" % (url, e.code)
+    result = ""
+    return (e.code, result)
+  result =
+#  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  return (code, result)
+def pick_host():
+  if LB == True:
+    nr_host=len(controllers)
+    r=random.randint(0, nr_host - 1)
+    host=controllers[r]
+  else:
+  return "http://" + host + ":8080"
+## Switch ##
+def switches():
+  if request.args.get('proxy') == None:
+    host = pick_host()
+  else:
+    host = ONOS_GUI3_HOST
+  url ="%s/wm/onos/topology/switches/json" % (host)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  resp = Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+## Link ##
+def links():
+  if request.args.get('proxy') == None:
+    host = pick_host()
+  else:
+    host = ONOS_GUI3_HOST
+  url ="%s/wm/onos/topology/links/json" % (host)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  resp = Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+## FlowSummary ##
+def flows(start, range):
+  if request.args.get('proxy') == None:
+    host = pick_host()
+  else:
+    host = ONOS_GUI3_HOST
+  url ="%s/wm/onos/flows/getsummary/%s/%s/json" % (host, start, range)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  resp = Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def registry_controllers():
+  if request.args.get('proxy') == None:
+    host = pick_host()
+  else:
+    host = ONOS_GUI3_HOST
+  url= "%s/wm/onos/registry/controllers/json" % (host)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  resp = Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def registry_switches():
+  if request.args.get('proxy') == None:
+    host = pick_host()
+  else:
+    host = ONOS_GUI3_HOST
+  url="%s/wm/onos/registry/switches/json" % (host)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  resp = Response(result, status=code, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def node_id(switch_array, dpid):
+  id = -1
+  for i, val in enumerate(switch_array):
+    if val['name'] == dpid:
+      id = i
+      break
+  return id
+## API for ON.Lab local GUI ##
+@app.route('/topology', methods=['GET'])
+def topology_for_gui():
+  try:
+    url="http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+  topo = {}
+  switches = []
+  links = []
+  devices = []
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    if v.has_key('dpid'):
+#      if v.has_key('dpid') and str(v['state']) == "ACTIVE":#;if you want only ACTIVE nodes
+      dpid = str(v['dpid'])
+      state = str(v['state'])
+      sw = {}
+      sw['name']=dpid
+      sw['group']= -1
+      if state == "INACTIVE":
+        sw['group']=0
+      switches.append(sw)
+  try:
+    url="http://%s:%s/wm/onos/registry/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+  for key in parsedResult:
+    dpid = key
+    ctrl = parsedResult[dpid][0]['controllerId']
+    sw_id = node_id(switches, dpid)
+    if sw_id != -1:
+      if switches[sw_id]['group'] != 0:
+        switches[sw_id]['group'] = controllers.index(ctrl) + 1
+  try:
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/links/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+#    sys.exit(0)
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    link = {}
+    if v.has_key('dst-switch'):
+      dst_dpid = str(v['dst-switch'])
+      dst_id = node_id(switches, dst_dpid)
+    if v.has_key('src-switch'):
+      src_dpid = str(v['src-switch'])
+      src_id = node_id(switches, src_dpid)
+    link['source'] = src_id
+    link['target'] = dst_id
+    #onpath = 0
+    #for (s,d) in path:
+    #  if s == v['src-switch'] and d == v['dst-switch']:
+    #    onpath = 1
+    #    break
+    #link['type'] = onpath
+    links.append(link)
+  topo['nodes'] = switches
+  topo['links'] = links
+  js = json.dumps(topo)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def shortest_path(v1, p1, v2, p2):
+  try:
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % command)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+  topo = {}
+  switches = []
+  links = []
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    if v.has_key('dpid'):
+      dpid = str(v['dpid'])
+      state = str(v['state'])
+      sw = {}
+      sw['name']=dpid
+      if str(v['state']) == "ACTIVE":
+        if dpid[-2:-1] == "a":
+         sw['group']=1
+        if dpid[-2:-1] == "b":
+         sw['group']=2
+        if dpid[-2:-1] == "c":
+         sw['group']=3
+      if str(v['state']) == "INACTIVE":
+         sw['group']=0
+      switches.append(sw)
+  try:
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/route/%s/%s/%s/%s/json" % (RestIP, RestPort, v1, p1, v2, p2)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("No route")
+    parsedResult = []
+  path = [];
+  for i, v in enumerate(parsedResult):
+    if i < len(parsedResult) - 1:
+      sdpid= parsedResult['flowEntries'][i]['dpid']['value']
+      ddpid= parsedResult['flowEntries'][i+1]['dpid']['value']
+      path.append( (sdpid, ddpid))
+  try:
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/links/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % command)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    link = {}
+    if v.has_key('dst-switch'):
+      dst_dpid = str(v['dst-switch'])
+      dst_id = node_id(switches, dst_dpid)
+    if v.has_key('src-switch'):
+      src_dpid = str(v['src-switch'])
+      src_id = node_id(switches, src_dpid)
+    link['source'] = src_id
+    link['target'] = dst_id
+    onpath = 0
+    for (s,d) in path:
+      if s == v['src-switch'] and d == v['dst-switch']:
+        onpath = 1
+        break
+    link['type'] = onpath
+    links.append(link)
+  topo['nodes'] = switches
+  topo['links'] = links
+  js = json.dumps(topo)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def query_switch():
+  try:
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+#    sys.exit(0)
+#  print command
+#  print result
+  switches_ = []
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    if v.has_key('dpid'):
+      if v.has_key('dpid') and str(v['state']) == "ACTIVE":#;if you want only ACTIVE nodes
+        dpid = str(v['dpid'])
+        state = str(v['state'])
+        sw = {}
+        sw['dpid']=dpid
+        sw['active']=state
+        switches_.append(sw)
+#  pp.pprint(switches_)
+  js = json.dumps(switches_)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+## return fake stat for now
+def switch_stat(switchId, statType):
+    if statType == "desc":
+        desc=[{"length":1056,"serialNumber":"None","manufacturerDescription":"Nicira Networks, Inc.","hardwareDescription":"Open vSwitch","softwareDescription":"1.4.0+build0","datapathDescription":"None"}]
+        ret = {}
+        ret[switchId]=desc
+    elif statType == "aggregate":
+        aggr = {"packetCount":0,"byteCount":0,"flowCount":0}
+        ret = {}
+        ret[switchId]=aggr
+    else:
+        ret = {}
+    js = json.dumps(ret)
+    resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+    return resp
+def controller_status():
+  url= "http://%s:%d/wm/onos/registry/controllers/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  cont_status=[]
+  for i in controllers:
+    status={}
+    if i in parsedResult:
+      onos=1
+    else:
+      onos=0
+    status["name"]=i
+    status["onos"]=onos
+    status["cassandra"]=0
+    cont_status.append(status)
+  js = json.dumps(cont_status)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+### Command ###
+def controller_status_change(cmd, controller_name):
+  if (TESTBED == "hw"):
+    start_onos="/home/admin/bin/onos start %s" % (controller_name[-1:])
+#    start_onos="/home/admin/bin/onos start %s > /tmp/debug " % (controller_name[-1:])
+    stop_onos="/home/admin/bin/onos stop %s" % (controller_name[-1:])
+#    stop_onos="/home/admin/bin/onos stop %s > /tmp/debug " % (controller_name[-1:])
+#    print "Debug: Controller command %s called %s" % (cmd, controller_name)
+  else:
+    # No longer use -i to specify keys (use .ssh/config to specify it)
+    start_onos="ssh %s \"cd ONOS; ./ core start\"" % (controller_name)
+    stop_onos="ssh %s \"cd ONOS; ./ core stop\"" % (controller_name)
+#    start_onos="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s ONOS/ start" % (controller_name)
+#    stop_onos="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s ONOS/ stop" % (controller_name)
+  if cmd == "up":
+    result=os.popen(start_onos).read()
+    ret = "controller %s is up: %s" % (controller_name, result)
+  elif cmd == "down":
+    result=os.popen(stop_onos).read()
+    ret = "controller %s is down: %s" % (controller_name, result)
+  return ret
+def switch_controller_setting(cmd):
+  if cmd =="local":
+    print "All aggr switches connects to local controller only"
+    result=""
+    if (TESTBED == "sw"):
+      for i in range(1, len(controllers)):
+          cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; ./'" % (controllers[i], REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+          result += os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+    else:
+      cmd_string="cd; switch local > /tmp/watch"
+      result += os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+  elif cmd =="all":
+    print "All aggr switches connects to all controllers except for core controller"
+    result=""
+    if (TESTBED == "sw"):
+      for i in range(1, len(controllers)):
+        cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; ./'" % (controllers[i], REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+#        cmd_string="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s 'cd %s; ./'" % (controllers[i], REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+        print "cmd is: "+cmd_string
+        result += os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+    else:
+      cmd_string="/home/admin/bin/switch all > /tmp/watch"
+      result += os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+  return result
+def reset_demo():
+  if (TESTBED == "hw"):
+    cmd_string="cd ~/bin; ./ > /tmp/watch &"
+  else:
+    cmd_string="cd %s; ./ > /tmp/watch &" % (REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  os.popen(cmd_string)
+  return "Reset" 
+def scale_demo():
+  if (TESTBED == "hw"):
+    cmd_string="cd ~/bin;  ~/bin/ > /tmp/watch &"
+  else:
+    cmd_string="cd %s; ./ > /tmp/watch &" % (REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  os.popen(cmd_string)
+  return "scale"
+def switch_status_change(cmd, dpid):
+  result = ""
+  if (TESTBED == "hw"):
+    return result
+  r = re.compile(':')
+  dpid = re.sub(r, '', dpid)
+  host=controllers[0]
+  cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid, cmd)
+#  cmd_string="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid, cmd)
+  get_status="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s 'cd %s; ./ %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid)
+  print "cmd_string"
+  if cmd =="up" or cmd=="down":
+    print "make dpid %s %s" % (dpid, cmd)
+    os.popen(cmd_string)
+    result=os.popen(get_status).read()
+  return result
+#* Link Up
+def link_up(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port):
+  result = ""
+  if (TESTBED == "sw"):
+    result = link_up_sw(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port)
+  else:
+    result = link_up_hw(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port)
+  return result
+# Link up on software testbed
+def link_up_sw(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port):
+  cmd = 'up'
+  result=""
+  for dpid in (src_dpid, dst_dpid):
+    if dpid in core_switches:
+      host = controllers[0]
+    else:
+      hostid=int(dpid.split(':')[-2])
+      host = controllers[hostid-1]
+    if dpid == src_dpid:
+      (port, dontcare) = get_link_ports(dpid, dst_dpid)
+    else:
+      (port, dontcare) = get_link_ports(dpid, src_dpid)
+#    cmd_string="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid, port, cmd)
+    cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid, port, cmd)
+    print cmd_string
+    res=os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+    result = result + ' ' + res
+  return result
+#      if hostid == 2 :
+#        src_ports = [51]
+#      else :
+#        src_ports = [26]
+#    for port in src_ports :
+#      cmd_string="ssh -i ~/.ssh/onlabkey.pem %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dpid, port, cmd)
+#      print cmd_string
+#      res=os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+# Link up on hardware testbed
+def link_up_hw(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port):
+	port1 = src_port
+	port2 = dst_port
+	if src_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:11":
+		if dst_dpid == "00:00:00:08:a2:08:f9:01":
+			port1 = 24
+			port2 = 24
+		elif dst_dpid == "00:01:00:16:97:08:9a:46":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+	elif src_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:13":
+                if dst_dpid == "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35":
+			port1 = 22
+			port2 = 22
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:00:00:ba:12":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+	elif src_dpid == "00:00:00:00:00:00:ba:12":
+                if dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:13":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:00:08:a2:08:f9:01":
+			port1 = 22
+			port2 = 22
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35":
+			port1 = 24
+			port2 = 21
+	elif src_dpid == "00:01:00:16:97:08:9a:46":
+                if dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:11":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35":
+			port1 = 24
+			port2 = 24
+	elif src_dpid == "00:00:00:08:a2:08:f9:01":
+                if dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:11":
+			port1 = 24
+			port2 = 24
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:00:00:ba:12":
+			port1 = 22
+			port2 = 22
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+	elif src_dpid == "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35":
+                if dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:00:00:ba:12":
+			port1 = 21
+			port2 = 24
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:13":
+			port1 = 22
+			port2 = 22
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:01:00:16:97:08:9a:46":
+			port1 = 24
+			port2 = 24
+                elif dst_dpid == "00:00:00:08:a2:08:f9:01":
+			port1 = 23
+			port2 = 23
+	cmd = 'up'
+	result=""
+	host = controllers[0]
+	cmd_string="%s/ %s %s %s " % (ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, src_dpid, port1, cmd)
+	print cmd_string
+	res=os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+	result = result + ' ' + res
+	cmd_string="%s/ %s %s %s " % (ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dst_dpid, port2, cmd)
+	print cmd_string
+	res=os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+	result = result + ' ' + res
+	return result
+#* Link Down
+def link_down(cmd, src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port):
+  if src_dpid in core_switches:
+    host = controllers[0]
+  else:
+    hostid=int(src_dpid.split(':')[-2])
+    host = controllers[hostid-1]
+  if (TESTBED == "sw"):
+    cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; ./ %s %s %s'" % (host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, src_dpid, src_port, cmd)
+  else:
+    if ( src_dpid == "00:00:00:08:a2:08:f9:01" ):
+      cmd_string="%s/ %s %s %s " % (ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, dst_dpid, dst_port, cmd)
+    else:
+      cmd_string="%s/ %s %s %s " % (ONS2014_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR, src_dpid, src_port, cmd)
+  print cmd_string
+  result=os.popen(cmd_string).read()
+  return result
+#* Create Flow
+#1 FOOBAR 00:00:00:00:00:00:01:01 1 00:00:00:00:00:00:01:0b 1 matchSrcMac 00:00:00:00:00:00 matchDstMac 00:01:00:00:00:00
+def add_flow(src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port, srcMAC, dstMAC):
+  host = pick_host()
+  url ="%s/wm/onos/flows/getsummary/%s/%s/json" % (host, 0, 0)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  if len(parsedResult) > 0:
+    if parsedResult[-1].has_key('flowId'):
+      flow_nr = int(parsedResult[-1]['flowId']['value'], 16)
+  else:
+    flow_nr = -1  # first flow
+    print "first flow"
+  flow_nr += 1
+  command =  "%s/ -m onos %d %s %s %s %s %s matchSrcMac %s matchDstMac %s" % (ONOS_SCRIPTS_DIR, flow_nr, "dummy", src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port, srcMAC, dstMAC)
+  flow_nr += 1
+  command1 = "%s/ -m onos %d %s %s %s %s %s matchSrcMac %s matchDstMac %s" % (ONOS_SCRIPTS_DIR, flow_nr, "dummy", dst_dpid, dst_port, src_dpid, src_port, dstMAC, srcMAC)
+  print "add flow: %s, %s" % (command, command1)
+  errcode = os.popen(command).read()
+  errcode1 = os.popen(command1).read()
+  ret=command+":"+errcode+" "+command1+":"+errcode1
+  print ret 
+  return ret
+#* Delete Flow
+def del_flow(flow_id):
+  command = "%s/ %s" % (ONOS_SCRIPTS_DIR, flow_id)
+  print command
+  errcode = os.popen(command).read()
+  return errcode
+#* Start Iperf Througput
+def iperf_start(flow_id,duration,samples):
+  url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/flows/get/%s/json" % (RestIP, RestPort, flow_id)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+    if len(result) == 0:
+      print "No Flow found"
+      return "Flow %s not found" % (flow_id);
+  except:
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+    return "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  flowId = int(parsedResult['flowId']['value'], 16)
+  src_dpid = parsedResult['dataPath']['srcPort']['dpid']['value']
+  src_port = parsedResult['dataPath']['srcPort']['port']['value']
+  dst_dpid = parsedResult['dataPath']['dstPort']['dpid']['value']
+  dst_port = parsedResult['dataPath']['dstPort']['port']['value']
+#  print "FlowPath: (flowId = %s src = %s/%s dst = %s/%s" % (flowId, src_dpid, src_port, dst_dpid, dst_port)
+  if src_dpid in core_switches:
+      src_host = controllers[0]
+  else:
+      hostid=int(src_dpid.split(':')[-2])
+      if TESTBED == "hw":
+        src_host = "mininet%i" % hostid
+      else:
+        src_host = controllers[hostid-1]
+  if dst_dpid in core_switches:
+      dst_host = controllers[0]
+  else:
+      hostid=int(dst_dpid.split(':')[-2])
+      if TESTBED == "hw":
+        dst_host = "mininet%i" % hostid
+      else:
+        dst_host = controllers[hostid-1]
+# / <flowid> <src_dpid> <dst_dpid> hw:svr|sw:svr|hw:client|sw:client <proto>/<duration>/<interval>/<samples>
+  protocol="udp"
+  interval=0.1
+  if TESTBED == "hw":
+    cmd_string="dsh -w %s 'cd %s; " % (dst_host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  else:
+    cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s; " % (dst_host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  cmd_string += "./ %d %s %s %s:%s %s/%s/%s/%s'" % (flowId, src_dpid, dst_dpid, TESTBED, "svr", protocol, duration, interval, samples)
+  print cmd_string
+  os.popen(cmd_string)
+  if TESTBED == "hw":
+    cmd_string="dsh -w %s 'cd %s; " % (src_host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  else:
+    cmd_string="ssh %s 'cd %s;" % (src_host, REMOTE_DEMO_SCRIPTS_DIR)
+  cmd_string+="./ %d %s %s %s:%s %s/%s/%s/%s'" % (flowId, src_dpid, dst_dpid, TESTBED, "client", protocol, duration, interval, samples)
+  print cmd_string
+  os.popen(cmd_string)
+  return cmd_string
+#* Get Iperf Throughput
+def iperf_rate(flow_id):
+  url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/flows/get/%s/json" % (RestIP, RestPort, flow_id)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+    if len(result) == 0:
+      return "no such iperf flow (flowid %s)" % flow_id
+  except:
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+    exit
+  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  flowId = int(parsedResult['flowId']['value'], 16)
+  src_dpid = parsedResult['dataPath']['srcPort']['dpid']['value']
+  src_port = parsedResult['dataPath']['srcPort']['port']['value']
+  dst_dpid = parsedResult['dataPath']['dstPort']['dpid']['value']
+  dst_port = parsedResult['dataPath']['dstPort']['port']['value']
+  if dst_dpid in core_switches:
+    host = controllers[0]
+  else:
+    hostid=int(dst_dpid.split(':')[-2])
+    if TESTBED == "hw":
+      host = "mininet%i" % hostid
+    else:
+      host = controllers[hostid-1]
+  url="http://%s:%s/log/iperfsvr_%s.out" % (host, 9000, flow_id)
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+    result =
+  except:
+    print "REST IF has issue %s" % url
+    return 
+  if re.match("Cannot", result):
+    resp = Response(result, status=400, mimetype='text/html')
+    return "no iperf file found (host %s flowid %s): %s" % (host, flow_id, result)
+  else:
+    resp = Response(result, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+    return resp
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  random.seed()
+  read_config()
+  read_link_def()
+  if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "-d":
+    # for debugging
+    #add_flow("00:00:00:00:00:00:02:02", 1, "00:00:00:00:00:00:03:02", 1, "00:00:00:00:02:02", "00:00:00:00:03:0c")
+    #proxy_link_change("up", "00:00:00:00:ba:5e:ba:11", 1, "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00", 1)
+    #proxy_link_change("down", "00:00:20:4e:7f:51:8a:35", 1, "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00", 1)
+    #proxy_link_change("up", "00:00:00:00:00:00:02:03", 1, "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00", 1)
+    #proxy_link_change("down", "00:00:00:00:00:00:07:12", 1, "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00", 1)
+    #print "-- query all switches --"
+    #query_switch()
+    #print "-- query topo --"
+    #topology_for_gui()
+    ##print "-- query all links --"
+    ##query_links()
+    #print "-- query all devices --"
+    #devices()
+    #links()
+    #switches()
+    #reset_demo()
+    pass
+  else:
+    app.debug = True
+, host=ProxyIP, port=ProxyPort)