Fixed to use new startup script.

Modified explanation of parameter in onos_node.conf.

Change-Id: I4aa45dc9bd542ef1db86123a4302d0a932482eda
diff --git a/conf/onos_node.conf b/conf/onos_node.conf
index 499283b..ac3225a 100644
--- a/conf/onos_node.conf
+++ b/conf/onos_node.conf
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
 host.ip =
 # Role of this host
-# single-node: run ONOS with RAMCloud coordinator and server
+# single-node: run ONOS with stand-alone RAMCloud
 # coord-node : run ONOS with RAMCloud coordinator
 # server-node: run ONOS with RAMCloud server
+# coord-and-server-node: run ONOS with RAMCloud coordinator and server
 host.role = single-node
 # Back-end module to store topology/flows
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@
 #ramcloud.server.port = 12242
 # List of hostname/ip[:port] which forms Hazelcast grid
-# If this value is empty, Hazelcast will be set to muticast mode.
+# If this value is empty, Hazelcast will be set to multicast mode.
 # Inversely, if this value is set, multicast settings will be ignored.
 #hazelcast.tcp-ip.members =,,,
diff --git a/vm-utils/ b/vm-utils/
index 58230d6..119df36 100755
--- a/vm-utils/
+++ b/vm-utils/
@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@
     proctag = 'mn-onos-id'
     # List of scripts that we need/use
-    scripts = ( '', '',
-                '', '', '' )
+#    scripts = ( '', '',
+#                '', '', '' )
+    scripts = ( '', '' )
     def __init__( self, name, n=1, reactive=True, runAsRoot=False, **params):
         """n: number of ONOS instances to run (1)
@@ -153,47 +154,45 @@
         """Start Ramcloud
            cpu: CPU usage limit (in seconds/s)"""
         # Edit configuration file
-        self.cmd( "sed -ibak -e 's/host=.*/host=' %s/conf/ramcloud.conf" %
-            self.onosDir)
+#         self.cmd( "sed -ibak -e 's/host=.*/host=' %s/conf/ramcloud.conf" %
+#             self.onosDir)
         # Create a cgroup so Ramcloud doesn't eat all of our CPU
         ramcloud = CPULimitedHost( 'ramcloud', inNamespace=False, period_us=5000 )
         ramcloud.setCPUFrac( cpu / numCores() )
         ramcloud.cmd( 'export PATH=%s:$PATH' % self.onosDir )
         ramcloud.cmd( 'export ONOS_LOGDIR=%s' % self.logDir )
-        for daemon in 'coordinator', 'server':
-            ramcloud.cmd( ' stop' % daemon )
-            ramcloud.cmd( ' start' % daemon )
+        for daemon in 'coord', 'server':
+            ramcloud.cmd( ' rc-%s start' % daemon )
             pid = self.waitStart( 'Ramcloud %s' % daemon, 'obj.master/' + daemon )
             self.waitNetstat( pid )
-            status = self.cmd( ' status' % daemon )
+            status = self.cmd( ' status' % daemon )
             if 'running' not in status:
                 raise Exception( 'Ramcloud %s startup failed: ' % daemon + status )
         self.ramcloud = ramcloud
     def stopRamcloud( self ):
         "Stop Ramcloud"
-        for daemon in 'coordinator', 'server':
-            self.ramcloud.cmd( './ stop' % daemon )
+        for daemon in 'coord', 'server':
+            self.ramcloud.cmd( './ rc-%s stop' % daemon )
     def startZookeeper( self, initcfg=True ):
         "Start Zookeeper"
-        # Reinitialize configuration file
-        if initcfg:
-            cfg = self.zookeeperDir + '/conf/zoo.cfg'
-            template = self.zookeeperDir + '/conf/zoo_sample.cfg'
-            copyfile( template, cfg )
-        self.cmd( ' stop' )
-        self.cmd( ' start' )
+#         # Reinitialize configuration file
+#         if initcfg:
+#             cfg = self.zookeeperDir + '/conf/zoo.cfg'
+#             template = self.zookeeperDir + '/conf/zoo_sample.cfg'
+#             copyfile( template, cfg )
+        self.cmd( ' zk start' )
         pid = self.waitStart( 'Zookeeper', 'zookeeper' )
         self.waitNetstat( pid )
-        status = self.cmd( ' status' )
+        status = self.cmd( ' zk status' )
         if 'Error' in status:
             raise Exception( 'Zookeeper startup failed: ' + status )
     def stopZookeeper( self ):
         "Stop Zookeeper"
-        self.cmd( ' stop' )
+        self.cmd( ' zk stop' )
     def genProperties( self, id, path='/tmp' ):
         "Generate ONOS properties file and return its full pathname"
@@ -241,7 +240,7 @@
         self.stopONOS( id )
         propsFile = self.genProperties( id )
         self.setVars( id, propsFile )
-        self.cmd( ' startnokill' )
+        self.cmd( ' core startnokill' )
         # waits for ONOS startup
         elapsed = time.time() - start
         info( '* ONOS %s started in %.2f seconds\n' % ( id, elapsed ) )