Remove old intent prototype codes

Change-Id: I1e2c175793b7e4ee6b7eda0a5444ed47e13947ac
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index 6aa435c..0000000
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- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public interface BaseApplication {
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-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class ConstrainedFlow extends Flow {
-	public double bandwidth;
-	/**
-	 * 
-	 * @param srcPort
-	 * @param dstPort
-	 * @param bandwidth
-	 */
-	public ConstrainedFlow(NetworkGraph graph, String name, SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort, double bandwidth) {
-		super(graph, name, srcPort, dstPort);
-		this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * calculate available bandwidth of specified link	
-	 * @param link
-	 * @return
-	 */
-	protected Double getAvailableBandwidth(Link link) {
-		Double capacity = link.getCapacity();
-		if (capacity.isInfinite()) {
-			return capacity;
-		}
-		Double bandwidth = capacity;
-		for (Flow flow: link.getFlows()) {
-			if (flow instanceof ConstrainedFlow) {
-				bandwidth -= ((ConstrainedFlow)flow).getBandwidth();
-			}
-		}
-		return bandwidth;
-	}
-	public Double getBandwidth() {
-		return bandwidth;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * calculate path by creating BFS tree satisfying the bandwidth condition
-	 */
-	@Override
-	public boolean calcPath() {
-		LinkedList<Switch> switchQueue = new LinkedList<Switch>();
-		HashSet<Switch> switchSearched = new HashSet<Switch>();
-		HashMap<Switch, Link> upstreamLinks = new HashMap<Switch, Link>();
-		Switch srcSwitch = srcPort.getSwitch();
-		Switch dstSwitch = dstPort.getSwitch();
-		switchQueue.add(srcSwitch);
-		switchSearched.add(srcSwitch);
-		while (!switchQueue.isEmpty()) {
-			Switch sw = switchQueue.poll();
-			if (sw == dstSwitch) {
-				// path has been searched.
-				// store path into itself
-				path.clear();
-				while (sw != srcSwitch) {
-					Link upstreamLink = upstreamLinks.get(sw);
-					path.add(0, upstreamLink);
-					sw = upstreamLink.getSrcPort().getSwitch();
-				}
-				state = FlowState.PathCalculated;
-				return true;
-			}
-			for (Link link: sw.getAdjLinks()) {
-				Switch reachedSwitch = link.getDstPort().getSwitch();
-				Double availableBandwidth = getAvailableBandwidth(link);
-				if (availableBandwidth < bandwidth || switchSearched.contains(reachedSwitch)) continue;
-				switchQueue.add(reachedSwitch);
-				switchSearched.add(reachedSwitch);
-				upstreamLinks.put(reachedSwitch, link);
-			}
-		}
-		state = FlowState.PathCalculationFailed;
-		return false;
-	}
-	@Override
-	void calcFlowEntries() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		// not implemented yet
-	}
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-import java.util.Map;
- * Base class for Flow representation
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public abstract class Flow extends NetworkGraphEntity {
-	public enum FlowState {
-		Created,
-		Configuring,
-		Configured,
-		PathCalculating,
-		PathCalculated,
-		PathCalculationFailed,
-		PathInstalled,
-		PathInstallationFailed,
-		FlowEntriesCalculating,
-		FlowEntriesCalculated,
-		FlowEntriesCalculationFailed,
-		FlowEntriesInstalling,
-		FlowEntriesInstalled,
-		FlowEntriesInstallationFailed,
-		FlowEntriesRemoving,
-		FlowEntriesRemoved,
-		FlowEntriesRemovalFailed,
-		PathRemoved,
-		PathRemovalFailed,
-	}
-	protected FlowState state = FlowState.Created;
-	// configurations
-	protected SwitchPort srcPort = null;
-	protected SwitchPort dstPort = null;
-	// path
-	protected Path path = new Path();
-	// flow entries
-	protected Map<SwitchPort, FlowEntry> flowEntries = null;
-	// abstract methods
-	abstract boolean calcPath();
-	abstract void calcFlowEntries();
-	public Flow(NetworkGraph graph, String name, SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort) {
-		super(graph);
-		this.srcPort = srcPort;
-		this.dstPort = dstPort;
-		state = FlowState.Created;
-	}
-	FlowState getState() {
-		return state;
-	}
-	boolean isState(FlowState state) {
-		return this.state == state;
-	}
-	public Path getPath() {
-		return path;
-	}
-	public boolean installPath() {
-		for (Link link: path) {
-			link.addFlow(this);
-		}
-		state = FlowState.PathInstalled;
-		return true;
-	}
-	public boolean uninstallPath() {
-		for (Link link: path) {
-			link.removeFlow(this);
-		}
-		state = FlowState.PathRemoved;
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * not implemented yet
-	 */
-	public void installFlowEntries() {
-		state = FlowState.FlowEntriesInstalled;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * not implemented yet
-	 */
-	public void uninstallFlowEntries() {
-		state = FlowState.FlowEntriesRemoved;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public String toString() {
-		return String.format("srcPort:%s, dstPort:%s, Path: %s",
-				srcPort.toString(),
-				dstPort.toString(),
-				path.toString());
-	}
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- * Base class for Link representation
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- *
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- * 
- */
-public class FlowEntry {
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-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashSet;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * Base class for Link representation
- *
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- * 
- */
-public class Link extends NetworkGraphEntity {
-	protected SwitchPort srcPort;
-	protected SwitchPort dstPort;
-	protected HashSet<Flow> flows;
-	protected Double capacity;
-	public Link(SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort) {
-		super(srcPort.getNetworkGraph());
-		this.srcPort = srcPort;
-		this.dstPort = dstPort;
-		this.flows = new HashSet<Flow>();
-		this.capacity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
-		setToPorts();
-	}
-	public void setToPorts() {
-		srcPort.setOutgoingLink(this);
-		dstPort.setIncomingLink(this);		
-	}
-	public void unsetFromPorts() {
-		srcPort.setOutgoingLink(null);
-		dstPort.setIncomingLink(null);
-	}
-	public void setCapacity(Double capacity) {
-		this.capacity = capacity;
-	}
-	public Double getCapacity() {
-		return capacity;
-	}
-	public boolean addFlow(Flow flow) {
-		return flows.add(flow);
-	}
-	public boolean removeFlow(Flow flow) {
-		return flows.remove(flow);
-	}
-	public Collection<Flow> getFlows() {
-		return flows;
-	}
-	public SwitchPort getSrcPort() {
-		return srcPort;
-	}
-	public SwitchPort getDstPort() {
-		return dstPort;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public String toString() {
-		return String.format("%s --(%f Mbps, %d flows)--> %s",
-				getSrcPort().toString(),
-				getCapacity(),
-				getFlows().size(),
-				getDstPort().toString());
-	}
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--- a/src/test/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/app/
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class NetworkGraph {
-	protected HashSet<Flow> flows;
-	protected HashMap<String, Switch> switches;
-	public NetworkGraph() {
-		flows = new HashSet<Flow>();
-		switches = new HashMap<String, Switch>();
-	}
-	// Switch operations
-	public Switch addSwitch(String name) {
-		if (switches.containsKey(name)) {
-			return null; // should throw exception
-		}
-		Switch sw = new Switch(this, name);
-		switches.put(sw.getName(), sw);
-		return sw;
-	}
-	public Switch getSwitch(String switchName) {
-		return switches.get(switchName);
-	}
-	// Link operations
-	public Link addLink(String srcSwitchName, Integer srcPortNo, String dstSwitchName, Integer dstPortNo) {
-		return new Link(
-				getSwitch(srcSwitchName).getPort(srcPortNo),
-				getSwitch(dstSwitchName).getPort(dstPortNo));
-	}
-	public Link[] addBidirectionalLinks(String srcSwitchName, Integer srcPortNo, String dstSwitchName, Integer dstPortNo) {
-		Link[] links = new Link[2];
-		links[0] = addLink(srcSwitchName, srcPortNo, dstSwitchName, dstPortNo);
-		links[1] = addLink(dstSwitchName, dstPortNo, srcSwitchName, srcPortNo);
-		return links;
-	}
-	public Collection<Link> getLinks() {
-		LinkedList<Link> links = new LinkedList<Link>();
-		for (Switch sw: switches.values()) {
-			for (SwitchPort port: sw.getPorts()) {
-				Link link = port.outgoingLink;
-				if (link != null) {
-					links.add(link);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return links;
-	}
-	// Flow operations
-	public boolean addFlow(Flow flow) {
-		return flows.add(flow);
-	}
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- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class NetworkGraphEntity {
-	protected NetworkGraph graph;
-	public NetworkGraphEntity(NetworkGraph graph) {
-		this.graph = graph;
-	}
-	public NetworkGraph getNetworkGraph() {
-		return graph;
-	}
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-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
- * Base class for Path representation
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class Path extends LinkedList<Link> {
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 7127274096495173415L;
-	@Override
-	public String toString() {
-		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
-		Iterator<Link> i = this.iterator();
-		while (i.hasNext()) {
-			builder.append(;
-			if (i.hasNext())
-				builder.append(", ");
-		}
-		return builder.toString();
-	}
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- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class ShortestPath implements BaseApplication {
-	NetworkGraph graph;
-	/**
-	 * Instantiate SimpleTrafficEngineering application
-	 * 
-	 * 1. store NetworkGraph as a cache
-	 * 
-	 * @param graph
-	 */
-	public ShortestPath(NetworkGraph graph) {
-		this.graph = graph;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Allocate specified bandwidth between specified switch ports
-	 * 
-	 * @param srcPort
-	 * @param dstPort
-	 * @param bandWidth
-	 * @return
-	 */
-	public ShortestPathFlow install(SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort) {
-		ShortestPathFlow flow = new ShortestPathFlow(this.graph, null, srcPort, dstPort);
-		// 1. store Flow object to NetworkGraph
-		if (!graph.addFlow(flow)) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// 2. calculate path from srcPort to dstPort under condition of bandWidth
-		if (!flow.calcPath()) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("path was calculated:");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// 3. install path in NetworkGraph
-		if (!flow.installPath()) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("path was installed.");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// (then, flow entries are created and installed from stored path information in the Flow object by another processes)
-		return flow;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Release specified Flow object
-	 * 
-	 * @param flow
-	 */
-	public void release(ShortestPathFlow flow) {
-		// 1. release bandwidth (remove property of links) in NetworkGraph
-		flow.uninstallPath();
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("path was released.");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// 2. deactivate Flow object
-		// (then, flow entries are removed by another processes)
-		// (retain flow object in NetworkGraph as a removed flow object)
-	}
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index 6a179a1..0000000
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-public class ShortestPathFlow extends Flow {
-	public ShortestPathFlow(NetworkGraph graph, String name, SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort) {
-		super(graph, name, srcPort, dstPort);
-		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
-	}
-	@Override
-	boolean calcPath() {
-		LinkedList<Switch> switchQueue = new LinkedList<Switch>();
-		HashSet<Switch> switchSearched = new HashSet<Switch>();
-		HashMap<Switch, Link> upstreamLinks = new HashMap<Switch, Link>();
-		Switch srcSwitch = srcPort.getSwitch();
-		Switch dstSwitch = dstPort.getSwitch();
-		switchQueue.add(srcSwitch);
-		switchSearched.add(srcSwitch);
-		while (!switchQueue.isEmpty()) {
-			Switch sw = switchQueue.poll();
-			if (sw == dstSwitch) {
-				// path has been searched.
-				// store path into itself
-				path.clear();
-				while (sw != srcSwitch) {
-					Link upstreamLink = upstreamLinks.get(sw);
-					path.add(0, upstreamLink);
-					sw = upstreamLink.getSrcPort().getSwitch();
-				}
-				state = FlowState.PathCalculated;
-				return true;
-			}
-			for (Link link: sw.getAdjLinks()) {
-				Switch reachedSwitch = link.getDstPort().getSwitch();
-				if (switchSearched.contains(reachedSwitch)) continue;
-				switchQueue.add(reachedSwitch);
-				switchSearched.add(reachedSwitch);
-				upstreamLinks.put(reachedSwitch, link);
-			}
-		}
-		state = FlowState.PathCalculationFailed;
-		return false;
-	}
-	@Override
-	void calcFlowEntries() {
-		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
-		// not implemented yet
-	}
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index 011a49f..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class ShortestPathTest {
-	NetworkGraph g;
-	@Before
-	public void setUp() {
-		g = new NetworkGraph();
-		// add 10 switches (24 ports switch)
-		for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++) {
-			Switch sw = g.addSwitch("v" + i.toString());
-			for (Integer j=1; j<=24; j++) {
-				sw.addPort(j);
-			}
-		}
-		// add loop path
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v1", 1, "v2", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v2", 1, "v3", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v3", 1, "v4", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v4", 1, "v5", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v5", 1, "v6", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v6", 1, "v7", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v7", 1, "v8", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v8", 1, "v9", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v9", 1, "v1", 2);
-		// add other links
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v1", 3, "v2", 3);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v2", 4, "v3", 4);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v4", 5, "v3", 5);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v5", 6, "v6", 6);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v7", 7, "v6", 7);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v8", 8, "v1", 8);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v9", 9, "v1", 9);
-		// set capacity of all links to 1000Mbps
-		for (Link link: g.getLinks()) {
-			link.setCapacity(1000.0);
-		}
-	}
-	@After
-	public void tearDown() {
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void useCase1() {
-		// load TE algorithm
-		ShortestPath spf = new ShortestPath(g);
-		// get edge ports
-		SwitchPort srcPort = g.getSwitch("v1").getPort(20);
-		SwitchPort dstPort = g.getSwitch("v6").getPort(20);
-		// setup path
-		ShortestPathFlow flow = spf.install(srcPort, dstPort);
-		assertTrue(flow.isState(FlowState.PathInstalled));
-		// release flow
-		spf.release(flow);
-		assertTrue(flow.isState(FlowState.PathRemoved));
-	}
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index 3714da0..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class SimpleTrafficEngineering implements BaseApplication {
-	NetworkGraph graph;
-	/**
-	 * Instantiate SimpleTrafficEngineering application
-	 * 
-	 * 1. store NetworkGraph as a cache
-	 * 
-	 * @param graph
-	 */
-	public SimpleTrafficEngineering(NetworkGraph graph) {
-		this.graph = graph;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Allocate specified bandwidth between specified switch ports
-	 * 
-	 * @param srcPort
-	 * @param dstPort
-	 * @param bandWidth
-	 * @return
-	 */
-	public ConstrainedFlow allocate(SwitchPort srcPort, SwitchPort dstPort, double bandWidth) {
-		ConstrainedFlow flow = new ConstrainedFlow(this.graph, null, srcPort, dstPort, bandWidth);
-		// 1. store Flow object to NetworkGraph
-		if (!graph.addFlow(flow)) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// 2. calculate path from srcPort to dstPort under condition of bandWidth
-		if (!flow.calcPath()) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("path was calculated:");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// 3. allocate bandwidth in NetworkGraph
-		if (!flow.installPath()) {
-			return flow;
-		}
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("bandwidth was allocated.");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// (then, flow entries are created and installed from stored path information in the Flow object by another processes)
-		return flow;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Release specified Flow object
-	 * 
-	 * @param flow
-	 */
-	public void release(ConstrainedFlow flow) {
-		// 1. release bandwidth (remove property of links) in NetworkGraph
-		flow.uninstallPath();
-		// debug (show path)
-		System.out.println("bandwidth was released.");
-		System.out.println("[Flow] " + flow.toString());
-		// 2. deactivate Flow object
-		// (then, flow entries are removed by another processes)
-		// (retain flow object in NetworkGraph as a removed flow object)
-	}
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-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class SimpleTrafficEngineeringTest {
-	NetworkGraph g;
-	@Before
-	public void setUp() {
-		g = new NetworkGraph();
-		// add 10 switches (24 ports switch)
-		for (Integer i=1; i<10; i++) {
-			Switch sw = g.addSwitch("v" + i.toString());
-			for (Integer j=1; j<=24; j++) {
-				sw.addPort(j);
-			}
-		}
-		// add loop path
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v1", 1, "v2", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v2", 1, "v3", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v3", 1, "v4", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v4", 1, "v5", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v5", 1, "v6", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v6", 1, "v7", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v7", 1, "v8", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v8", 1, "v9", 2);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v9", 1, "v1", 2);
-		// add other links
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v1", 3, "v2", 3);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v2", 4, "v3", 4);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v4", 5, "v3", 5);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v5", 6, "v6", 6);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v7", 7, "v6", 7);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v8", 8, "v1", 8);
-		g.addBidirectionalLinks("v9", 9, "v1", 9);
-		// set capacity of all links to 1000Mbps
-		for (Link link: g.getLinks()) {
-			link.setCapacity(1000.0);
-		}
-	}
-	@After
-	public void tearDown() {
-	}
-	@Test
-	public void useCase1() {
-		// load TE algorithm
-		SimpleTrafficEngineering te = new SimpleTrafficEngineering(g);
-		// get edge ports
-		SwitchPort srcPort = g.getSwitch("v1").getPort(20);
-		SwitchPort dstPort = g.getSwitch("v6").getPort(20);
-		// specify bandwidth (Mbps)
-		double bandWidth = 1000.0;
-		// allocate flow
-		ConstrainedFlow flow = te.allocate(srcPort, dstPort, bandWidth);
-		assertTrue(flow.isState(FlowState.PathInstalled));
-		// release flow
-		te.release(flow);
-		assertTrue(flow.isState(FlowState.PathRemoved));
-	}
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7b75c..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class Switch extends NetworkGraphEntity {
-	protected HashMap<Integer, SwitchPort> ports;
-	protected String name;
-	public Switch(NetworkGraph graph, String name) {
-		super(graph);
- = name;
-		ports = new HashMap<Integer, SwitchPort>();
-	}
-	public SwitchPort addPort(Integer i) {
-		SwitchPort port = new SwitchPort(this, i);
-		ports.put(port.getPortNumber(), port);
-		return port;
-	}
-	public SwitchPort getPort(Integer i) {
-		return ports.get(i);
-	}
-	public Collection<SwitchPort> getPorts() {
-		return ports.values();
-	}
-	public Collection<Link> getAdjLinks() {
-		LinkedList<Link> links = new LinkedList<Link>();
-		for (SwitchPort port: getPorts()) {
-			Link link = port.getOutgointLink(); 
-			if (link != null) {
-				links.add(link);
-			}
-		}
-		return links;
-	}
-	public String getName() {
-		return name;
-	}
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7bea465..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/app/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * This code is valid for the architectural study purpose only.
- * @author Toshio Koide (
- */
-public class SwitchPort extends NetworkGraphEntity {
-	protected Switch parentSwitch;
-	protected Integer portNumber;
-	protected Link outgoingLink;
-	protected Link incomingLink;
-	public SwitchPort(Switch parentSwitch, Integer portNumber) {
-		super(parentSwitch.getNetworkGraph());
-		this.parentSwitch = parentSwitch;
-		this.portNumber = portNumber;
-	}
-	public Switch getSwitch() {
-		return parentSwitch;
-	}
-	public void setOutgoingLink(Link link) {
-		outgoingLink = link;
-	}
-	public Link getOutgointLink() {
-		return outgoingLink;
-	}
-	public void setIncomingLink(Link link) {
-		incomingLink = link;
-	}
-	public Link getIncomingLink() {
-		return incomingLink;
-	}
-	public Integer getPortNumber() {
-		return portNumber;
-	}
-	@Override
-	public String toString() {
-		return String.format("%s:%d",
-				getSwitch().getName(),
-				getPortNumber());
-	}