blob: ca8b443d5f5d254e3bb2cdba600b2306564334ed [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import argparse
import json
import httplib
import urllib2
class RestApi(object):
def __init__(self, server,port):
self.server = server
self.port = port
def get(self, path):
#ret = self.rest_call(path, {}, 'GET')
#return ret[2]
f = urllib2.urlopen('http://'+self.server+':'+str(self.port)+path)
ret =
return json.loads(ret)
def set(self, path, data):
ret = self.rest_call(path, data, 'POST')
return ret[0] == 200
def remove(self, objtype, data):
#ret = self.rest_call(data, 'DELETE')
return ret[0] == 200
def rest_call(self, path, data, action):
headers = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
body = json.dumps(data)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.server, self.port)
conn.request(action, path, body, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
ret = (response.status, response.reason,
print str(ret[2])
return ret
usage_desc = """
Command descriptions:
host [debug]
link [tunnellinks]
port <blocked | broadcast>
counter [DPID] <name>
switch_stats [DPID] <port | queue | flow | aggregate | desc | table | features | host>
def lookupPath(cmd):
path = ''
numargs = len(args.otherargs)
if args.cmd == 'switch_stats':
if numargs == 1:
path = '/wm/core/switch/all/'+args.otherargs[0]+'/json'
elif numargs == 2:
path = '/wm/core/switch/'+args.otherargs[0]+'/'+args.otherargs[1]+'/json'
elif args.cmd == 'switch':
path = '/wm/core/controller/switches/json'
elif args.cmd == 'counter':
if numargs == 1:
path = '/wm/core/counter/'+args.otherargs[0]+'/json'
elif numargs == 2:
path = '/wm/core/counter/'+args.otherargs[0]+'/'+args.otherargs[1]+'/json'
elif args.cmd == 'memory':
path = '/wm/core/memory/json'
elif args.cmd == 'link':
if numargs == 0:
path = '/wm/topology/links/json'
elif numargs == 1:
path = '/wm/topology/'+args.otherargs[0]+'/json'
elif args.cmd == 'port' and numargs == 1:
if args.otherargs[0] == "blocked":
path = '/wm/topology/blockedports/json'
elif args.otherargs[0] == "broadcast":
path = '/wm/topology/broadcastdomainports/json'
elif args.cmd == 'switchclusters':
path = '/wm/topology/switchclusters/json'
elif args.cmd == 'host':
path = '/wm/device/'
if len(args.otherargs) == 1 and args.otherargs[0] == 'debug':
path = '/wm/device/debug'
print usage_desc
path = ''
return path
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='process args', usage=usage_desc, epilog='foo bar help')
parser.add_argument('--ip', default='localhost')
parser.add_argument('--port', default=8080)
parser.add_argument('otherargs', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args()
#print args
rest = RestApi(args.ip, args.port)
path = lookupPath(args.cmd)
out = rest.get(path)
print json.dumps(out,sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print "Number of items: " + str(len(out))