blob: e3e8179f1d3556e2821daea13c2b2cc7d9c8a664 [file] [log] [blame]
One of Floodlight's main goals is extensibility and flexibility.
To prove that point, this directory includes a number of useful
utilities as examples of what can do with this extensibility.
-------------------------- and
Read the module dependencies ( or the topology
from the REST API and output it in the 'dot' format used by the
popular graphviz ( package so that they can
be visualized.
Example usage:
./ $hostname # generate .dot file
dot -Tpdf -o $hostname.pdf $ # convert to PDF
open $hostname.pdf # open to view topology
Example client for the packet streamer server in floodlight.
Allows you to intercept packets from floodlight's packet_in
processing chain and read them.