Added new cluster scripts.
Modified to use host-specific config file by default.
Modified interactive prompt to ignore the letter case.
Moved old cluster scripts to old-scripts dir.

Change-Id: I2d580bedeaec7dde2bab8a4a39a49752fbb3de0c
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/conf/onos-cluster.conf b/cluster-mgmt/conf/onos-cluster.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b228d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster-mgmt/conf/onos-cluster.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+### Cluster-wide settings ###
+# List of host names/addresses constitute ONOS cluster
+# NOTE: Order of names affects ZooKeeper myid
+cluster.hosts.names = onosdev1, onosdev2, onosdev3, onosdev4
+# Back-end module to store topology/flows
+cluster.hosts.backend = ramcloud
+#cluster.hosts.backend = hazelcast
+# Protocol used by RAMCloud cluster (fast+udp by default)
+#cluster.hosts.ramcloud.protocol = fast+udp
+# Communication method used for Hazelcast communication = multicast = tcp-ip
+# Multicast address used by Hazelcast datagrid ( by default)
+# Valid only if is set to "multicast"
+#cluster.hosts.hazelcast.multicast.address =
+# Multicast port used by Hazelcast datagrid (54327 by default)
+# Valid only if is set to "multicast"
+#cluster.hosts.hazelcast.multicast.port = 54327
+### Host-specific settings ###
+# IP address of host used for ONOS communication (resolved hostname by default)
+#cluster.onosdev1.ip =
+# Role of host
+cluster.onosdev1.role = rc-coord-and-server
+# IP address or hostname of host used for ZooKeeper communication (cluster.onosdev1.ip by default) =
+# IP address of host used for RAMCloud communication (cluster.onosdev1.ip by default)
+#cluster.onosdev1.ramcloud.ip =
+# Port number used by RAMCloud coordinator (12246 by default)
+#cluster.onosdev1.ramcloud.coordinator.port = 12246
+# Port number used by RAMCloud server (12242 by default)
+#cluster.onosdev1.ramcloud.server.port = 12242
+# IP address of host used for Hazelcast communication (cluster.onosdev1.ip by default)
+# Valid only if is set to "tcp-ip"
+#cluster.onosdev1.hazelcast.ip =
+# At least role must be specified for all hosts
+cluster.onosdev2.role = rc-server
+cluster.onosdev3.role = rc-server
+cluster.onosdev4.role = rc-server
+### SSH settings used for delivering config files ###
+# Common username used to login host (current user by default)
+#remote.common.ssh.user = mininet
+# Host-specific username settings
+#remote.onosdev1.ssh.user = mininet
+#remote.onosdev2.ssh.user = mininet
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/conf/template/onos_node.conf.template b/cluster-mgmt/conf/template/onos_node.conf.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e069d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster-mgmt/conf/template/onos_node.conf.template
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Name of this host (`hostname` by default) = __HOST_NAME__
+# IP address of this host used for ONOS communication
+host.ip = __HOST_IP__
+# Role of this host
+host.role = __ONOS_ROLE__
+# Back-end module to store topology/flows
+host.backend = __BACKEND__
+# List of host name/IPs that constitute ZooKeeper cluster
+# myid will be assigned incrementally according to order of list
+zookeeper.hosts = __ZK_HOSTS__
+# Protocol used by RAMCloud coordinator (fast+udp by default)
+ramcloud.coordinator.protocol = __RAMCLOUD_PROTOCOL__
+# IP address of RAMCloud coordinator (host.ip by default)
+ramcloud.coordinator.ip = __RAMCLOUD_IP__
+# Port number of RAMCloud coordinator (12246 by default)
+ramcloud.coordinator.port = __RAMCLOUD_COORD_PORT__
+# Protocol used by RAMCloud server (fast+udp by default)
+ramcloud.server.protocol = __RAMCLOUD_PROTOCOL__
+# IP address of RAMCloud server (host.ip by default)
+ramcloud.server.ip = __RAMCLOUD_IP__
+# Port number of RAMCloud server (12242 by default)
+ramcloud.server.port = __RAMCLOUD_SERVER_PORT__
+# List of hostname/ip[:port] which forms Hazelcast datagrid
+# If this value is empty, Hazelcast will be set to multicast mode.
+# Inversely, if this value is set, multicast settings will be ignored.
+hazelcast.tcp-ip.members = __HAZELCAST_MEMBERS__
+# Multicast address used by Hazelcast. ( by default) = __HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_GROUP__
+# Multicast port used by Hazelcast. (54327 by default)
+#hazelcast.multicast.port = __HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_PORT__
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/cluster-mgmt/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1cceb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cluster-mgmt/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -e
+### Env vars used by this script. (default value) ###
+# $ONOS_HOME         : path of root directory of ONOS repository (~/ONOS)
+# $ONOS_CLUSTER_HOME : path of ONOS cluster tools directory (this script's dir)
+# $REMOTE_ONOS_HOME  : path of root directory of ONOS repository in remote hosts (ONOS)
+# $SSH               : command name to access host
+# $PSSH              : command name to access hosts in parallel
+# $SCP               : command name to copy config file to each host
+### Variables read from ONOS config file ###
+source ${ONOS_HOME}/scripts/common/
+CLUSTER_HOME=${ONOS_CLUSTER_HOME:-$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)}
+if [ ! -f ${CLUSTER_CONF} ]; then
+  echo "${CLUSTER_CONF} not found."
+  exit 1
+CLUSTER_HOSTS=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF}       cluster.hosts.names             `hostname` | tr ',' ' ')
+CLUSTER_BACKEND=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF}     cluster.hosts.backend)
+CLUSTER_RC_PROTOCOL=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} cluster.hosts.ramcloud.protocol "fast+udp")
+CLUSTER_HC_ADDR=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF}     cluster.hosts.hazelcast.multicast.address "")
+CLUSTER_HC_PORT=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF}     cluster.hosts.hazelcast.multicast.port    "54327")
+### Parallel SSH settings ###
+############# Common functions #############
+function print_usage {
+  local filename=`basename ${ONOS_CLUSTER_CONF}`
+  local usage="Usage: setup/deploy/start/stop/status ONOS cluster.
+ \$ $0 setup [-f]
+    Set up ONOS cluster using ${filename}.
+    If -f option is used, all existing files will be overwritten without confirmation.
+ \$ $0 deploy [-f]
+    Deliver node config files to cluster nodes.
+    If -f option is used, all existing files will be overwritten without confirmation.
+ \$ $0 start
+    Start ONOS cluster
+ \$ $0 stop
+    Stop ONOS cluster
+ \$ $0 status
+    Show status of ONOS-cluster"
+  echo "${usage}"	
+############# Setup functions ##############
+function list-zk-hosts {
+  local list=()
+  for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do 
+    local zk_host_string=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "cluster.${host}")
+    if [ -z ${zk_host_string} ]; then
+      # falling back to ip
+      zk_host_string=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "cluster.${host}.ip")
+    fi
+    if [ -z ${zk_host_string} ]; then
+      # falling back to hostname
+      zk_host_string=${host}
+    fi
+    list=("${list[@]}" ${zk_host_string})
+  done
+  # join with comma
+  local IFS=,
+  echo "${list[*]}"
+function list-hc-hosts {
+  local list=()
+  for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do 
+    local hc_host_string=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "cluster.${host}.hazelcast.ip")
+    if [ -z ${hc_host_string} ]; then
+      # falling back to ip
+      hc_host_string=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "cluster.${host}.ip")
+    fi
+    if [ -z ${hc_host_string} ]; then
+      # falling back to hostname
+      hc_host_string=${host}
+    fi
+    list=("${list[@]}" ${hc_host_string})
+  done
+  local IFS=,
+  echo "${list[*]}"
+function create-pssh-conf {
+  local tempfile=`begin-conf-creation ${PSSH_CONF}`
+  # creation of pssh config file
+  for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do
+    local user=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} remote.${host}.ssh.user)
+    if [ -z ${user} ]; then
+      # falling back to common setting
+      user=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} remote.common.ssh.user)
+    fi
+    if [ -z ${user} ]; then
+      echo ${host} >> ${tempfile}
+    else
+      echo ${user}@${host} >> ${tempfile}
+    fi
+  done
+  end-conf-creation ${PSSH_CONF}
+# create-onos-conf {hostname}
+function create-onos-conf {
+  local host_name=${1}
+  if [ -z ${host_name} ]; then
+    echo "FAILED"
+    echo "[ERROR] invalid hostname ${host_name}"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  local onos_conf="${CLUSTER_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.${host_name}.conf"
+  local tempfile=`begin-conf-creation ${onos_conf}`
+  cp ${ONOS_CONF_TEMPLATE} ${tempfile}
+  local prefix="cluster.${host}"
+  local host_ip=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "${prefix}.ip")
+  local host_string=${host_ip}
+  if [ -z "${host_string}" ]; then
+    host_string=${host_name}
+  fi
+  local host_role=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "${prefix}.role")
+  local zk_hosts=`list-zk-hosts`
+  local rc_ip=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "${prefix}.ramcloud.ip" ${host_string})
+  local rc_coord_port=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "${prefix}.ramcloud.coordinator.port" 12246)
+  local rc_server_port=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "${prefix}.ramcloud.server.port" 12242)
+  local hc_hosts=`list-hc-hosts`
+  # creation of ONOS node config file
+  sed -i -e "s|__HOST_NAME__|${host_name}|" ${tempfile}
+  if [ -z "${host_ip}" ]; then
+    # comment out
+    sed -i -e "s|^\(.*__HOST_IP__.*\)$|#\1|" ${tempfile}
+  else
+    sed -i -e "s|__HOST_IP__|${host_ip}|" ${tempfile}
+  fi
+  sed -i -e "s|__ONOS_ROLE__|${host_role}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__BACKEND__|${CLUSTER_BACKEND}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__ZK_HOSTS__|${zk_hosts}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__RAMCLOUD_PROTOCOL__|${CLUSTER_RC_PROTOCOL}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__RAMCLOUD_IP__|${rc_ip}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__RAMCLOUD_COORD_PORT__|${rc_coord_port}|" ${tempfile}
+  sed -i -e "s|__RAMCLOUD_SERVER_PORT__|${rc_server_port}|" ${tempfile}
+  if [ ${CLUSTER_HC_NETWORK} = "tcp-ip" ]; then
+    sed -i -e "s|__HAZELCAST_MEMBERS__|${hc_hosts}|" ${tempfile}
+    # Comment out unused parameters
+    sed -i -e "s|^\(.*__HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_GROUP__.*\)$|#\1|" ${tempfile}
+    sed -i -e "s|^\(.*__HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_PORT__.*\)$|#\1|" ${tempfile}
+  elif [ ${CLUSTER_HC_NETWORK} = "multicast" ]; then
+    sed -i -e "s|__HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_GROUP__|${CLUSTER_HC_ADDR}|" ${tempfile}
+    sed -i -e "s|__HAZELCAST_MULTICAST_PORT__|${CLUSTER_HC_PORT}|" ${tempfile}
+    sed -i -e "s|^\(.*__HAZELCAST_MEMBERS__.*\)$|#\1|" ${tempfile}
+  fi
+  end-conf-creation ${onos_conf}
+# setup -f : force overwrite existing files
+function setup {
+  if [ "${1}" = "-f" ]; then
+    create-pssh-conf
+    for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do 
+      create-onos-conf ${host}
+    done
+  else
+    create-conf-interactive ${PSSH_CONF} create-pssh-conf
+    for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do 
+      local filename="${CLUSTER_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.${host}.conf"
+      create-conf-interactive ${filename} create-onos-conf ${host}
+    done
+  fi
+############ Deploy functions ##############
+function deploy {
+  if [ ! -f ${PSSH_CONF} ]; then
+    echo "[ERROR] ${PSSH_CONF} not found"
+    local command=`basename ${0}`
+    echo "[ERROR] Try \"${command} setup\" to create files."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  for host in ${CLUSTER_HOSTS}; do
+    local conf=${CLUSTER_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.${host}.conf
+    if [ ! -f ${conf} ]; then
+      echo "[ERROR] ${conf} not found"
+      local command=`basename ${0}`
+      echo "[ERROR] Try \"${command} setup\" to create files."
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    local user=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "remote.${host}.ssh.user")
+    if [ -z ${user} ]; then
+      # falling back to common setting
+      user=$(read-conf ${CLUSTER_CONF} "remote.common.ssh.user")
+    fi
+    ${SCP} ${conf} ${user}@${host}:${REMOTE_ONOS_CONF_DIR}
+    ${SSH} ${user}@${host} "cd ${REMOTE_ONOS_HOME}; ./ setup -f"
+  done
+# TODO: Replacing per-host ssh command with pssh command below.
+#       Need to solve concurrency problem when ONOS directory is shared among hosts.
+#  ${PSSH} -i -h ${PSSH_CONF} "cd ${REMOTE_ONOS_HOME}; ./ setup -f"
+############# Start functions ##############
+function start {
+  if [ ! -f ${PSSH_CONF} ]; then
+    echo "[ERROR] ${PSSH_CONF} not found"
+    local command=`basename ${0}`
+    echo "[ERROR] Try \"${command} setup\" to create files."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  ${PSSH} -i -h ${PSSH_CONF} "cd ${REMOTE_ONOS_HOME}; ./ start"
+############# Stop functions $##############
+function stop {
+  if [ ! -f ${PSSH_CONF} ]; then
+    echo "[ERROR] ${PSSH_CONF} not found"
+    local command=`basename ${0}`
+    echo "[ERROR] Try \"${command} setup\" to create files."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  ${PSSH} -i -h ${PSSH_CONF} "cd ${REMOTE_ONOS_HOME}; ./ stop"
+############ Status functions ##############
+function status {
+  if [ ! -f ${PSSH_CONF} ]; then
+    echo "[ERROR] ${PSSH_CONF} not found"
+    local command=`basename ${0}`
+    echo "[ERROR] Try \"${command} setup\" to create files."
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  ${PSSH} -i -h ${PSSH_CONF} "cd ${REMOTE_ONOS_HOME}; ./ status"
+################## Main ####################
+case "$1" in
+  setup)
+    setup $2
+    ;;
+  deploy)
+    deploy
+    ;;
+  start)
+    start
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    stop
+    ;;
+  stat*) # <- status
+    status
+    ;;
+  *)
+    print_usage
+    exit 1
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/README.txt b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/README.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/README.txt
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/README.txt
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bash_profile b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bash_profile
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bash_profile
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bash_profile
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/cassandra b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/cassandra
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/cassandra
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/cassandra
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/cmd b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/cmd
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/cmd
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/cmd
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/onos b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/onos
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/onos
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/onos
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ssh_exec b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/ssh_exec
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/ssh_exec
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/ssh_exec
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/switch b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/switch
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/switch
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/switch
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/bin/zk b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/zk
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/bin/zk
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/bin/zk
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/common/authorized_keys b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/authorized_keys
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/common/authorized_keys
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/authorized_keys
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/common/hosts b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/hosts
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/common/hosts
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/hosts
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/common/known_hosts b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/known_hosts
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/common/known_hosts
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/known_hosts
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/common/zoo.cfg b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/zoo.cfg
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/common/zoo.cfg
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/common/zoo.cfg
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ssh/authorized_keys b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/ssh/authorized_keys
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/ssh/authorized_keys
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/ssh/authorized_keys
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ssh/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/ssh/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/ssh/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/ssh/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/cassandra.yaml b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/cassandra.yaml
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/cassandra.yaml
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/cassandra.yaml
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/hosts b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/hosts
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/hosts
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/hosts
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/ b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/
diff --git a/cluster-mgmt/template/zoo.cfg b/old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/zoo.cfg
similarity index 100%
rename from cluster-mgmt/template/zoo.cfg
rename to old-scripts/cluster-mgmt/template/zoo.cfg
diff --git a/ b/
index d10f907..039f806 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ### Env vars used by this script. (default value) ###
 # $ONOS_HOME       : path of root directory of ONOS repository (this script's dir)
 # $ONOS_CONF_DIR   : path of ONOS config directory (~/ONOS/conf)
-# $ONOS_CONF       : path of ONOS node config file (~/ONOS/conf/onos_node.conf)
+# $ONOS_CONF       : path of ONOS node config file (~/ONOS/conf/onos_node.`hostname`.conf or onos_node.conf)
 # $ONOS_PROPS      : path of ONOS properties file (~/ONOS/conf/
 # $ONOS_LOGBACK    : path of logback config file (~/ONOS/conf/logback.`hostname`.xml)
 # $LOGDIR          : path of log output directory (~/ONOS/onos-logs)
@@ -28,11 +28,15 @@
 ONOS_HOME=${ONOS_HOME:-$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)}
 if [ ! -f ${ONOS_CONF} ]; then
-  echo "${ONOS_CONF} not found."
-  exit 1
+  # falling back to default config file
+  ONOS_CONF=${ONOS_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.conf
+  if [ ! -f ${ONOS_CONF} ]; then
+    echo "${ONOS_CONF} not found."
+    exit 1
+  fi
@@ -191,6 +195,16 @@
+function handle-error {
+  set -e
+  revert-confs
+  set +e
+  exit 1
 # revert-file {filename}
 # revert "filename" from "filename.bak" if "filename.tmp" exists.
 function revert-file {
@@ -208,8 +222,6 @@
 # revert-confs [error message]
 function revert-confs {
-  set -e
   echo -n "ERROR occurred ... "
   revert-file `basename ${ZK_CONF}`
@@ -220,10 +232,6 @@
   if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
     echo $1
-  set +e
-  exit 1
 function create-zk-conf {
@@ -248,7 +256,7 @@
   local i=1
   local myid=
   for host in ${hostarr}; do
-    if [ ${host} = ${ONOS_HOST_NAME} ]; then
+    if [ "${host}" = "${ONOS_HOST_NAME}" -o "${host}" = "${ONOS_HOST_IP}" ]; then
@@ -257,7 +265,7 @@
   if [ -z "${myid}" ]; then
     local filename=`basename ${ONOS_CONF}`
-    revert-confs "[ERROR in ${filename}] zookeeper.hosts must have hostname \"${ONOS_HOST_NAME}\""
+    revert-confs "[ERROR in ${filename}] zookeeper.hosts must have hostname \"${ONOS_HOST_NAME}\" or IP address"
   if [ -f "${ZK_MY_ID}" ]; then
@@ -369,10 +377,10 @@
     echo -n "Overwriting ${filename} [Y/n]? "
     while [ 1 ]; do
       read key
-      if [ -z "${key}" -o "${key}" == "Y" ]; then
+      if [ -z "${key}" -o "${key}" == "Y" -o "${key}" == "y" ]; then
-      elif [ "${key}" == "n" ]; then
+      elif [ "${key}" == "N" -o "${key}" == "n" ]; then
       echo "[Y/n]?"
@@ -386,7 +394,7 @@
   local key
   local filename
-  trap revert-confs ERR
+  trap handle-error ERR
   if [ "$1" == "-f" ]; then
@@ -397,7 +405,6 @@
     create-conf-interactive ${HC_CONF} create-hazelcast-conf
     create-conf-interactive ${ONOS_LOGBACK} create-logback-conf
   trap - ERR
diff --git a/scripts/common/ b/scripts/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eaf0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# read-conf {filename} {parameter name} [default value]
+function read-conf {
+  local value=`grep ^${2} ${1} | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'`
+  if [ -z "${value}" ]; then
+    echo $3
+  else
+    echo ${value}
+  fi
+# revert-file {filename}
+# revert "filename" from "filename.bak" if "filename.tmp" exists.
+function revert-file {
+  local filename=$1
+  local temp="${filename}.tmp"
+  local backup="${filename}.bak"
+  if [ -f "${temp}" ]; then
+    echo -n "reverting ${filename} ... "
+    mv ${backup} ${filename}
+    rm ${temp}
+    echo "DONE"
+  fi
+# create-conf-interactive {filename} {function to create conf} [param to function]
+function create-conf-interactive {
+  local filepath=$1
+  local filename=`basename ${filepath}`
+  local func=$2
+  if [ -f ${filepath} ]; then
+    # confirmation to overwrite existing config file
+    echo -n "Overwriting ${filename} [Y/n]? "
+    while [ 1 ]; do
+      read key
+      if [ -z "${key}" -o "${key}" == "Y" -o "${key}" == "y" ]; then
+        ${func} $3
+        break
+      elif [ "${key}" == "N" -o "${key}" == "n" ]; then
+        break
+      fi
+      echo "[Y/n]?"
+    done
+  else
+    ${func} $3
+  fi
+# begin-conf-creation {config file name}
+function begin-conf-creation {
+  local conf=${1}
+  local backup="${conf}.bak"
+  local temp="${conf}.tmp"
+  if [ -f ${conf} ]; then
+    mv ${conf} ${backup}
+    local filename=`basename ${backup}`
+  fi
+  if [ -f ${temp} ]; then
+    rm ${temp}
+  fi
+  touch ${temp}
+  echo ${temp}
+# end-conf-creation {config file name}
+function end-conf-creation {
+  local conf=${1}
+  local temp="${conf}.tmp"
+  mv ${temp} ${conf}