blob: 2063ba5665608f0061a318ab34919e6e089d225f [file] [log] [blame]
global variables
the latest update to the model
var model;
cached JSON representation of the model. used to detect model changes and update the UI.
var modelString;
the root element for the topology view
var topology;
links that were created in the webui but which have not appeared in the links API response yet
these timeout after pendingTimeout
var pendingLinks = {};
current links including pending
var links;
a map from srcDPID => map of dstDPID=>link
var linkMap;
the flows that are displayed in the selected flow table
this may include pending flows which have not appeared in the flows API response yet
var selectedFlows = [];
a mapping from controller name to color used for color coding the topology and ONOS nodes views
var controllerColorMap = {};
defined by rings.js or map.js this is where the flows are drawn.
var flowLayer;
hack to make the old ring drawing code compatible with the shared flow drawing code
will be obsoleted once the ring drawing code is disposed of
var drawingRings;