Add a utility class checker for unit tests

Added a utility class checker and a unit test for it.  The
utility class checker makes sure that a utility class adheres
to the following rules:

    - the class must be declared final
    - the class must have only one constructor
    - the constructor must be private and inaccessible to callers
    - the class must have only static methods

Putting this checker in your unit tests will prevent future modifications
to your class that break the utility class assumptions.  The checker
also triggers an object creation through reflection that will
cause coverage events from the test.

Change-Id: Ia469908aefd5ad5c9a7387e6168576d50da01b3e
2 files changed
tree: ed27d83bb200ba8398840ab2f37b1838b9153fa0
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. Authors
  4. LICENSE.txt
  5. NOTICE.txt
  6. PARTNERS.txt
  9. cluster-mgmt/
  10. conf/
  12. lib/
  13. old-scripts/
  15. pom.xml
  17. ramcloud-build-scripts/
  18. sample/
  19. scripts/
  22. src/
  25. vm-utils/
  26. web/

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System)

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System) is an experimental distributed SDN OS. Currently, it is under active development. ONOS was announced and demonstrated at ONS'13, '14.


Apache 2.0

Steps to download and setup a development Virtual Machine

Building ONOS

  1. Cleanly build ONOS

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ mvn clean
     $ mvn compile

External Dependencies

  1. Required packages

     $ sudo apt-get install maven python-flask
  2. ZooKeeper

    Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5:

    By default ONOS expect ZooKeeper to be installed in ~/zookeeper-3.4.5.
    This can be changed by specifing the path using ZK_HOME environment variable.

    Data directory ZooKeeper uses by default is /var/lib/zookeeper. You will need to give current user permission to write to this directory.

    This directory can be changed using specifying ZK_LIB_DIR environment variable and running ./ setup to generate ${ONOS_HOME}/conf/zoo.cfg.

    See Configuration for details about ./ setup.

  3. RAMCloud

    Run to download and install RAMCloud to ~/ramcloud.
    Installation path can be changed by specifing RAMCLOUD_HOME environment variable.

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./


./ setup script is used to generate ONOS related configuration files. This script read configuration from "${ONOS_CONF_DIR}/onos_node.`hostname`.conf".

Copy the file "${ONOS_HOME}/conf/onos_node.conf" to match the hostname and configure the content appropriately.
e.g., To use RAMCloud as data store change host.backend to ramcloud

Once you're done with required configuration run following to generate configuration files.

    $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
    $ ./ setup

Running ONOS and required components

To start ZooKeeper, RAMCloud (if enabled in configuration) and ONOS core.

    $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
    $ ./ start single-node

To stop all the above

    $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
    $ ./ stop

If you need to use the REST APIs, follow the instruction for "Start ONOS REST API server" in next section.

Running ONOS and required components one by one

You can manually start/stop individual ONOS components as follows:

  1. Start Zookeeper

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./ zk start
     ## Confirm Zookeeper is running:
     $ ./ zk status
  2. Start RAMCloud Coordinator (only on one of the node in cluster)

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./ rc-coord start
     ## Confirm RAMCloud Coordinator is running:
     $ ./ rc-coord status
  3. Start RAMCloud Server

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./ rc-server start
     ## Confirm RAMCloud Server is running:
     $ ./ rc-server status
  4. Start ONOS

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./ core start
     ## Confirm ONOS is running:
     $ ./ core status
  5. Start ONOS REST API server

     $ cd ${ONOS_HOME}/
     $ ./ start
     ## Confirm the REST API server is running:
     $ ./ status

Developing ONOS in offline environment (Optional)

Maven need the Internet connection to download required dependencies and plugins, when they're used for the first time.

If you need to develop ONOS in an Internet unreachable environment you may want to run the following helper script before you go offline, so that required dependencies and plugins for frequently used maven target will be downloaded to your local environment.

    $ ./