Fix for Bug #308: Zombie Flows after Flow add/delete

Store the common matching conditions for all Flow Entries
in the FlowPath entry.
Thus, if the Shortest Path computation fails and the Flow Entries
are deleted, those common matching conditions are preserved.
diff --git a/web/ b/web/
index 5704457..033176d 100755
--- a/web/
+++ b/web/
@@ -42,6 +42,61 @@
   dstPort = parsedResult['dataPath']['dstPort']['port']['value']
   print "FlowPath: (flowId = %s installerId = %s src = %s/%s dst = %s/%s)" % (flowId, installerId, srcSwitch, srcPort, dstSwitch, dstPort)
+  match = parsedResult['flowEntryMatch'];
+  #
+  # Print the common conditions
+  #
+  if match == None:
+    print "   Match: %s" % (match)
+  else:
+    # inPort = match['inPort']
+    # matchInPort = match['matchInPort']
+    srcMac = match['srcMac']
+    matchSrcMac = match['matchSrcMac']
+    dstMac = match['dstMac']
+    matchDstMac = match['matchDstMac']
+    vlanId = match['vlanId']
+    matchVlanId = match['matchVlanId']
+    vlanPriority = match['vlanPriority']
+    matchVlanPriority = match['matchVlanPriority']
+    ethernetFrameType = match['ethernetFrameType']
+    matchEthernetFrameType = match['matchEthernetFrameType']
+    ipToS = match['ipToS']
+    matchIpToS = match['matchIpToS']
+    ipProto = match['ipProto']
+    matchIpProto = match['matchIpProto']
+    srcIPv4Net = match['srcIPv4Net']
+    matchSrcIPv4Net = match['matchSrcIPv4Net']
+    dstIPv4Net = match['dstIPv4Net']
+    matchDstIPv4Net = match['matchDstIPv4Net']
+    srcTcpUdpPort = match['srcTcpUdpPort']
+    matchSrcTcpUdpPort = match['matchSrcTcpUdpPort']
+    dstTcpUdpPort = match['dstTcpUdpPort']
+    matchDstTcpUdpPort = match['matchDstTcpUdpPort']
+    # if matchInPort == True:
+    #  print "    inPort: %s" % inPort['value']
+    if matchSrcMac == True:
+      print "    srcMac: %s" % srcMac['value']
+    if matchDstMac == True:
+      print "    dstMac: %s" % dstMac['value']
+    if matchVlanId == True:
+      print "    vlanId: %s" % vlanId
+    if matchVlanPriority == True:
+      print "    vlanPriority: %s" % vlanPriority
+    if matchEthernetFrameType == True:
+      print "    ethernetFrameType: %s" % hex(ethernetFrameType)
+    if matchIpToS == True:
+      print "    ipToS: %s" % ipToS
+    if matchIpProto == True:
+      print "    ipProto: %s" % ipProto
+    if matchSrcIPv4Net == True:
+      print "    srcIPv4Net: %s" % srcIPv4Net['value']
+    if matchDstIPv4Net == True:
+      print "    dstIPv4Net: %s" % dstIPv4Net['value']
+    if matchSrcTcpUdpPort == True:
+      print "    srcTcpUdpPort: %s" % srcTcpUdpPort
+    if matchDstTcpUdpPort == True:
+      print "    dstTcpUdpPort: %s" % dstTcpUdpPort
   for f in parsedResult['dataPath']['flowEntries']:
     flowEntryId = f['flowEntryId']