Refactor the FlowManager:
 * Moved Flow GraphDB specific operations to class FlowDatabaseOperation
   inside file flowmanager/
 * Moved Flow Switch specific operations to class FlowSwitchOperation
   inside file flowmanager/
 * Temporary disable all the tests inside FlowManagerTest, because
   many don't work anymore after the above refactoring.
   Those will be fixed after all the FlowManager refactoring is completed.
 * Apply minor (incomplete) fix to FlowManagerTest, which will be needed later
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/flowmanager/ b/src/main/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/flowmanager/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7550b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/net/onrc/onos/ofcontroller/flowmanager/
@@ -0,0 +1,926 @@
+package net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.flowmanager;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
+import net.floodlightcontroller.util.MACAddress;
+import net.onrc.onos.graph.GraphDBOperation;
+import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.INetMapTopologyObjects.IFlowEntry;
+import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.INetMapTopologyObjects.IFlowPath;
+import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.INetMapTopologyObjects.IPortObject;
+import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.core.INetMapTopologyObjects.ISwitchObject;
+import net.onrc.onos.ofcontroller.util.*;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+ * Class for performing Flow-related operations on the Database.
+ */
+class FlowDatabaseOperation {
+    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlowDatabaseOperation.class);
+    /**
+     * Add a flow.
+     *
+     * @param flowManager the Flow Manager to use.
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowPath the Flow Path to install.
+     * @param flowId the return-by-reference Flow ID as assigned internally.
+     * @param dataPathSummaryStr the data path summary string if the added
+     * flow will be maintained internally, otherwise null.
+     * @return true on success, otherwise false.
+     */
+    static boolean addFlow(FlowManager flowManager,
+			   GraphDBOperation dbHandler,
+			   FlowPath flowPath, FlowId flowId,
+			   String dataPathSummaryStr) {
+	IFlowPath flowObj = null;
+	boolean found = false;
+	try {
+	    if ((flowObj = dbHandler.searchFlowPath(flowPath.flowId())) != null) {
+		found = true;
+	    } else {
+		flowObj = dbHandler.newFlowPath();
+	    }
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+	    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
+	    String stacktrace = sw.toString();
+	    log.error(":addFlow FlowId:{} failed: {}",
+		      flowPath.flowId().toString(),
+		      stacktrace);
+	    return false;
+	}
+	if (flowObj == null) {
+	    log.error(":addFlow FlowId:{} failed: Flow object not created",
+		      flowPath.flowId().toString());
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    return false;
+	}
+	//
+	// Set the Flow key:
+	// - flowId
+	//
+	flowObj.setFlowId(flowPath.flowId().toString());
+	flowObj.setType("flow");
+	//
+	// Set the Flow attributes:
+	// - flowPath.installerId()
+	// - flowPath.flowPathFlags()
+	// - flowPath.dataPath().srcPort()
+	// - flowPath.dataPath().dstPort()
+	// - flowPath.matchSrcMac()
+	// - flowPath.matchDstMac()
+	// - flowPath.matchEthernetFrameType()
+	// - flowPath.matchVlanId()
+	// - flowPath.matchVlanPriority()
+	// - flowPath.matchSrcIPv4Net()
+	// - flowPath.matchDstIPv4Net()
+	// - flowPath.matchIpProto()
+	// - flowPath.matchIpToS()
+	// - flowPath.matchSrcTcpUdpPort()
+	// - flowPath.matchDstTcpUdpPort()
+	// - flowPath.flowEntryActions()
+	//
+	flowObj.setInstallerId(flowPath.installerId().toString());
+	flowObj.setFlowPathFlags(flowPath.flowPathFlags().flags());
+	flowObj.setSrcSwitch(flowPath.dataPath().srcPort().dpid().toString());
+	flowObj.setSrcPort(flowPath.dataPath().srcPort().port().value());
+	flowObj.setDstSwitch(flowPath.dataPath().dstPort().dpid().toString());
+	flowObj.setDstPort(flowPath.dataPath().dstPort().port().value());
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcMac()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchSrcMac(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().srcMac().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchDstMac()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchDstMac(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().dstMac().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchEthernetFrameType()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchEthernetFrameType(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().ethernetFrameType());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchVlanId()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchVlanId(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().vlanId());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchVlanPriority()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchVlanPriority(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().vlanPriority());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcIPv4Net()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchSrcIPv4Net(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().srcIPv4Net().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchDstIPv4Net()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchDstIPv4Net(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().dstIPv4Net().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchIpProto()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchIpProto(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().ipProto());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchIpToS()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchIpToS(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().ipToS());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcTcpUdpPort()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchSrcTcpUdpPort(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().srcTcpUdpPort());
+	}
+	if (flowPath.flowEntryMatch().matchDstTcpUdpPort()) {
+	    flowObj.setMatchDstTcpUdpPort(flowPath.flowEntryMatch().dstTcpUdpPort());
+	}
+	if (! flowPath.flowEntryActions().actions().isEmpty()) {
+	    flowObj.setActions(flowPath.flowEntryActions().toString());
+	}
+	if (dataPathSummaryStr != null) {
+	    flowObj.setDataPathSummary(dataPathSummaryStr);
+	} else {
+	    flowObj.setDataPathSummary("");
+	}
+	if (found)
+	    flowObj.setUserState("FE_USER_MODIFY");
+	else
+	    flowObj.setUserState("FE_USER_ADD");
+	// Flow edges:
+	//   HeadFE
+	//
+	// Flow Entries:
+	// flowPath.dataPath().flowEntries()
+	//
+	for (FlowEntry flowEntry : flowPath.dataPath().flowEntries()) {
+	    if (addFlowEntry(flowManager, dbHandler, flowObj, flowEntry) == null) {
+		dbHandler.rollback();
+		return false;
+	    }
+	}
+	dbHandler.commit();
+	//
+	// TODO: We need a proper Flow ID allocation mechanism.
+	//
+	flowId.setValue(flowPath.flowId().value());
+	return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Add a flow entry to the Network MAP.
+     *
+     * @param flowManager the Flow Manager to use.
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowObj the corresponding Flow Path object for the Flow Entry.
+     * @param flowEntry the Flow Entry to install.
+     * @return the added Flow Entry object on success, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static IFlowEntry addFlowEntry(FlowManager flowManager,
+				   GraphDBOperation dbHandler,
+				   IFlowPath flowObj,
+				   FlowEntry flowEntry) {
+	// Flow edges
+	//   HeadFE (TODO)
+	//
+	// Assign the FlowEntry ID.
+	//
+	if ((flowEntry.flowEntryId() == null) ||
+	    (flowEntry.flowEntryId().value() == 0)) {
+	    long id = flowManager.getNextFlowEntryId();
+	    flowEntry.setFlowEntryId(new FlowEntryId(id));
+	}
+	IFlowEntry flowEntryObj = null;
+	boolean found = false;
+	try {
+	    if ((flowEntryObj =
+		 dbHandler.searchFlowEntry(flowEntry.flowEntryId())) != null) {
+		found = true;
+	    } else {
+		flowEntryObj = dbHandler.newFlowEntry();
+	    }
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    log.error(":addFlow FlowEntryId:{} failed",
+		      flowEntry.flowEntryId().toString());
+	    return null;
+	}
+	if (flowEntryObj == null) {
+	    log.error(":addFlow FlowEntryId:{} failed: FlowEntry object not created",
+		      flowEntry.flowEntryId().toString());
+	    return null;
+	}
+	//
+	// Set the Flow Entry key:
+	// - flowEntry.flowEntryId()
+	//
+	flowEntryObj.setFlowEntryId(flowEntry.flowEntryId().toString());
+	flowEntryObj.setType("flow_entry");
+	// 
+	// Set the Flow Entry Edges and attributes:
+	// - Switch edge
+	// - InPort edge
+	// - OutPort edge
+	//
+	// - flowEntry.dpid()
+	// - flowEntry.flowEntryUserState()
+	// - flowEntry.flowEntrySwitchState()
+	// - flowEntry.flowEntryErrorState()
+	// - flowEntry.matchInPort()
+	// - flowEntry.matchSrcMac()
+	// - flowEntry.matchDstMac()
+	// - flowEntry.matchEthernetFrameType()
+	// - flowEntry.matchVlanId()
+	// - flowEntry.matchVlanPriority()
+	// - flowEntry.matchSrcIPv4Net()
+	// - flowEntry.matchDstIPv4Net()
+	// - flowEntry.matchIpProto()
+	// - flowEntry.matchIpToS()
+	// - flowEntry.matchSrcTcpUdpPort()
+	// - flowEntry.matchDstTcpUdpPort()
+	// - flowEntry.actionOutputPort()
+	// - flowEntry.actions()
+	//
+	ISwitchObject sw = dbHandler.searchSwitch(flowEntry.dpid().toString());
+	flowEntryObj.setSwitchDpid(flowEntry.dpid().toString());
+	flowEntryObj.setSwitch(sw);
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchInPort()) {
+	    IPortObject inport =
+		dbHandler.searchPort(flowEntry.dpid().toString(),
+					flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().inPort().value());
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchInPort(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().inPort().value());
+	    flowEntryObj.setInPort(inport);
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcMac()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchSrcMac(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().srcMac().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchDstMac()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchDstMac(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().dstMac().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchEthernetFrameType()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchEthernetFrameType(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().ethernetFrameType());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchVlanId()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchVlanId(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().vlanId());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchVlanPriority()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchVlanPriority(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().vlanPriority());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcIPv4Net()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchSrcIPv4Net(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().srcIPv4Net().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchDstIPv4Net()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchDstIPv4Net(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().dstIPv4Net().toString());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchIpProto()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchIpProto(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().ipProto());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchIpToS()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchIpToS(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().ipToS());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchSrcTcpUdpPort()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchSrcTcpUdpPort(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().srcTcpUdpPort());
+	}
+	if (flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().matchDstTcpUdpPort()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setMatchDstTcpUdpPort(flowEntry.flowEntryMatch().dstTcpUdpPort());
+	}
+	for (FlowEntryAction fa : flowEntry.flowEntryActions().actions()) {
+	    if (fa.actionOutput() != null) {
+		IPortObject outport =
+		    dbHandler.searchPort(flowEntry.dpid().toString(),
+					      fa.actionOutput().port().value());
+		flowEntryObj.setActionOutputPort(fa.actionOutput().port().value());
+		flowEntryObj.setOutPort(outport);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (! flowEntry.flowEntryActions().isEmpty()) {
+	    flowEntryObj.setActions(flowEntry.flowEntryActions().toString());
+	}
+	// TODO: Hacks with hard-coded state names!
+	if (found)
+	    flowEntryObj.setUserState("FE_USER_MODIFY");
+	else
+	    flowEntryObj.setUserState("FE_USER_ADD");
+	flowEntryObj.setSwitchState("FE_SWITCH_NOT_UPDATED");
+	//
+	// TODO: Take care of the FlowEntryErrorState.
+	//
+	// Flow Entries edges:
+	//   Flow
+	//   NextFE (TODO)
+	if (! found) {
+	    flowObj.addFlowEntry(flowEntryObj);
+	    flowEntryObj.setFlow(flowObj);
+	}
+	return flowEntryObj;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete all previously added flows.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @return true on success, otherwise false.
+     */
+    static boolean deleteAllFlows(GraphDBOperation dbHandler) {
+	final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<FlowId> concurrentAllFlowIds =
+	    new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<FlowId>();
+	// Get all Flow IDs
+	Iterable<IFlowPath> allFlowPaths = dbHandler.getAllFlowPaths();
+	for (IFlowPath flowPathObj : allFlowPaths) {
+	    if (flowPathObj == null)
+		continue;
+	    String flowIdStr = flowPathObj.getFlowId();
+	    if (flowIdStr == null)
+		continue;
+	    FlowId flowId = new FlowId(flowIdStr);
+	    concurrentAllFlowIds.add(flowId);
+	}
+	// Delete all flows one-by-one
+	for (FlowId flowId : concurrentAllFlowIds)
+	    deleteFlow(dbHandler, flowId);
+	/*
+	 * TODO: A faster mechanism to delete the Flow Paths by using
+	 * a number of threads. Commented-out for now.
+	 */
+	/*
+	//
+	// Create the threads to delete the Flow Paths
+	//
+	List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>();
+	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+	    Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
+		@Override
+		public void run() {
+		    while (true) {
+			FlowId flowId = concurrentAllFlowIds.poll();
+			if (flowId == null)
+			    return;
+			deleteFlow(dbHandler, flowId);
+		    }
+		}}, "Delete All Flow Paths");
+	    threads.add(thread);
+	}
+	// Start processing
+	for (Thread thread : threads) {
+	    thread.start();
+	}
+	// Wait for all threads to complete
+	for (Thread thread : threads) {
+	    try {
+		thread.join();
+	    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+		log.debug("Exception waiting for a thread to delete a Flow Path: ", e);
+	    }
+	}
+	*/
+	return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete a previously added flow.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowId the Flow ID of the flow to delete.
+     * @return true on success, otherwise false.
+     */
+    static boolean deleteFlow(GraphDBOperation dbHandler, FlowId flowId) {
+	IFlowPath flowObj = null;
+	//
+	// We just mark the entries for deletion,
+	// and let the switches remove each individual entry after
+	// it has been removed from the switches.
+	//
+	try {
+	    flowObj = dbHandler.searchFlowPath(flowId);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // TODO: handle exceptions
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    log.error(":deleteFlow FlowId:{} failed", flowId.toString());
+	    return false;
+	}
+	if (flowObj == null) {
+	    dbHandler.commit();
+	    return true;		// OK: No such flow
+	}
+	//
+	// Find and mark for deletion all Flow Entries,
+	// and the Flow itself.
+	//
+	flowObj.setUserState("FE_USER_DELETE");
+	Iterable<IFlowEntry> flowEntries = flowObj.getFlowEntries();
+	boolean empty = true;	// TODO: an ugly hack
+	for (IFlowEntry flowEntryObj : flowEntries) {
+	    empty = false;
+	    // flowObj.removeFlowEntry(flowEntryObj);
+	    // conn.utils().removeFlowEntry(conn, flowEntryObj);
+	    flowEntryObj.setUserState("FE_USER_DELETE");
+	    flowEntryObj.setSwitchState("FE_SWITCH_NOT_UPDATED");
+	}
+	// Remove from the database empty flows
+	if (empty)
+	    dbHandler.removeFlowPath(flowObj);
+	dbHandler.commit();
+	return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Clear the state for all previously added flows.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @return true on success, otherwise false.
+     */
+    static boolean clearAllFlows(GraphDBOperation dbHandler) {
+	List<FlowId> allFlowIds = new LinkedList<FlowId>();
+	// Get all Flow IDs
+	Iterable<IFlowPath> allFlowPaths = dbHandler.getAllFlowPaths();
+	for (IFlowPath flowPathObj : allFlowPaths) {
+	    if (flowPathObj == null)
+		continue;
+	    String flowIdStr = flowPathObj.getFlowId();
+	    if (flowIdStr == null)
+		continue;
+	    FlowId flowId = new FlowId(flowIdStr);
+	    allFlowIds.add(flowId);
+	}
+	// Clear all flows one-by-one
+	for (FlowId flowId : allFlowIds) {
+	    clearFlow(dbHandler, flowId);
+	}
+	return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Clear the state for a previously added flow.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowId the Flow ID of the flow to clear.
+     * @return true on success, otherwise false.
+     */
+    static boolean clearFlow(GraphDBOperation dbHandler, FlowId flowId) {
+	IFlowPath flowObj = null;
+	try {
+	    flowObj = dbHandler.searchFlowPath(flowId);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // TODO: handle exceptions
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    log.error(":clearFlow FlowId:{} failed", flowId.toString());
+	    return false;
+	}
+	if (flowObj == null) {
+	    dbHandler.commit();
+	    return true;		// OK: No such flow
+	}
+	//
+	// Remove all Flow Entries
+	//
+	Iterable<IFlowEntry> flowEntries = flowObj.getFlowEntries();
+	for (IFlowEntry flowEntryObj : flowEntries) {
+	    flowObj.removeFlowEntry(flowEntryObj);
+	    dbHandler.removeFlowEntry(flowEntryObj);
+	}
+	// Remove the Flow itself
+	dbHandler.removeFlowPath(flowObj);
+	dbHandler.commit();
+	return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get a previously added flow.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowId the Flow ID of the flow to get.
+     * @return the Flow Path if found, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static FlowPath getFlow(GraphDBOperation dbHandler, FlowId flowId) {
+	IFlowPath flowObj = null;
+	try {
+	    flowObj = dbHandler.searchFlowPath(flowId);
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // TODO: handle exceptions
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    log.error(":getFlow FlowId:{} failed", flowId.toString());
+	    return null;
+	}
+	if (flowObj == null) {
+	    dbHandler.commit();
+	    return null;		// Flow not found
+	}
+	//
+	// Extract the Flow state
+	//
+	FlowPath flowPath = extractFlowPath(flowObj);
+	dbHandler.commit();
+	return flowPath;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all installed flows by all installers.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @return the Flow Paths if found, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static ArrayList<FlowPath> getAllFlows(GraphDBOperation dbHandler) {
+	Iterable<IFlowPath> flowPathsObj = null;
+	ArrayList<FlowPath> flowPaths = new ArrayList<FlowPath>();
+	try {
+	    flowPathsObj = dbHandler.getAllFlowPaths();
+	} catch (Exception e) {
+	    // TODO: handle exceptions
+	    dbHandler.rollback();
+	    log.error(":getAllFlowPaths failed");
+	    return flowPaths;
+	}
+	if ((flowPathsObj == null) || (flowPathsObj.iterator().hasNext() == false)) {
+	    dbHandler.commit();
+	    return flowPaths;	// No Flows found
+	}
+	for (IFlowPath flowObj : flowPathsObj) {
+	    //
+	    // Extract the Flow state
+	    //
+	    FlowPath flowPath = extractFlowPath(flowObj);
+	    if (flowPath != null)
+		flowPaths.add(flowPath);
+	}
+	dbHandler.commit();
+	return flowPaths;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all previously added flows by a specific installer for a given
+     * data path endpoints.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param installerId the Caller ID of the installer of the flow to get.
+     * @param dataPathEndpoints the data path endpoints of the flow to get.
+     * @return the Flow Paths if found, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static ArrayList<FlowPath> getAllFlows(GraphDBOperation dbHandler,
+					   CallerId installerId,
+					   DataPathEndpoints dataPathEndpoints) {
+	//
+	// TODO: The implementation below is not optimal:
+	// We fetch all flows, and then return only the subset that match
+	// the query conditions.
+	// We should use the appropriate Titan/Gremlin query to filter-out
+	// the flows as appropriate.
+	//
+	ArrayList<FlowPath> allFlows = getAllFlows(dbHandler);
+	ArrayList<FlowPath> flowPaths = new ArrayList<FlowPath>();
+	if (allFlows == null)
+	    return flowPaths;
+	for (FlowPath flow : allFlows) {
+	    //
+	    // TODO: String-based comparison is sub-optimal.
+	    // We are using it for now to save us the extra work of
+	    // implementing the "equals()" and "hashCode()" methods.
+	    //
+	    if (! flow.installerId().toString().equals(installerId.toString()))
+		continue;
+	    if (! flow.dataPath().srcPort().toString().equals(dataPathEndpoints.srcPort().toString())) {
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    if (! flow.dataPath().dstPort().toString().equals(dataPathEndpoints.dstPort().toString())) {
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    flowPaths.add(flow);
+	}
+	return flowPaths;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all installed flows by all installers for given data path endpoints.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param dataPathEndpoints the data path endpoints of the flows to get.
+     * @return the Flow Paths if found, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static ArrayList<FlowPath> getAllFlows(GraphDBOperation dbHandler,
+					   DataPathEndpoints dataPathEndpoints) {
+	//
+	// TODO: The implementation below is not optimal:
+	// We fetch all flows, and then return only the subset that match
+	// the query conditions.
+	// We should use the appropriate Titan/Gremlin query to filter-out
+	// the flows as appropriate.
+	//
+	ArrayList<FlowPath> flowPaths = new ArrayList<FlowPath>();
+	ArrayList<FlowPath> allFlows = getAllFlows(dbHandler);
+	if (allFlows == null)
+	    return flowPaths;
+	for (FlowPath flow : allFlows) {
+	    //
+	    // TODO: String-based comparison is sub-optimal.
+	    // We are using it for now to save us the extra work of
+	    // implementing the "equals()" and "hashCode()" methods.
+	    //
+	    if (! flow.dataPath().srcPort().toString().equals(dataPathEndpoints.srcPort().toString())) {
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    if (! flow.dataPath().dstPort().toString().equals(dataPathEndpoints.dstPort().toString())) {
+		continue;
+	    }
+	    flowPaths.add(flow);
+	}
+	return flowPaths;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get summary of all installed flows by all installers in a given range.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @param flowId the Flow ID of the first flow in the flow range to get.
+     * @param maxFlows the maximum number of flows to be returned.
+     * @return the Flow Paths if found, otherwise null.
+     */
+    static ArrayList<IFlowPath> getAllFlowsSummary(GraphDBOperation dbHandler,
+						   FlowId flowId,
+						   int maxFlows) {
+	//
+	// TODO: The implementation below is not optimal:
+	// We fetch all flows, and then return only the subset that match
+	// the query conditions.
+	// We should use the appropriate Titan/Gremlin query to filter-out
+	// the flows as appropriate.
+	//
+    	ArrayList<IFlowPath> flowPathsWithoutFlowEntries =
+	    getAllFlowsWithoutFlowEntries(dbHandler);
+    	Collections.sort(flowPathsWithoutFlowEntries, 
+			 new Comparator<IFlowPath>() {
+			     @Override
+			     public int compare(IFlowPath first, IFlowPath second) {
+				 long result =
+				     new FlowId(first.getFlowId()).value()
+				     - new FlowId(second.getFlowId()).value();
+				 if (result > 0) {
+				     return 1;
+				 } else if (result < 0) {
+				     return -1;
+				 } else {
+				     return 0;
+				 }
+			     }
+			 }
+			 );
+    	return flowPathsWithoutFlowEntries;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get all Flows information, without the associated Flow Entries.
+     *
+     * @param dbHandler the Graph Database handler to use.
+     * @return all Flows information, without the associated Flow Entries.
+     */
+    static ArrayList<IFlowPath> getAllFlowsWithoutFlowEntries(GraphDBOperation dbHandler) {
+    	Iterable<IFlowPath> flowPathsObj = null;
+    	ArrayList<IFlowPath> flowPathsObjArray = new ArrayList<IFlowPath>();
+	// TODO: Remove this op.commit() flow, because it is not needed?
+    	dbHandler.commit();
+    	try {
+    	    flowPathsObj = dbHandler.getAllFlowPaths();
+    	} catch (Exception e) {
+    	    // TODO: handle exceptions
+    	    dbHandler.rollback();
+    	    log.error(":getAllFlowPaths failed");
+	    return flowPathsObjArray;		// No Flows found
+    	}
+    	if ((flowPathsObj == null) || (flowPathsObj.iterator().hasNext() == false)) {
+    	    return flowPathsObjArray;		// No Flows found
+    	}
+    	for (IFlowPath flowObj : flowPathsObj)
+	    flowPathsObjArray.add(flowObj);
+    	// conn.endTx(Transaction.COMMIT);
+    	return flowPathsObjArray;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extract Flow Path State from a Titan Database Object @ref IFlowPath.
+     *
+     * @param flowObj the object to extract the Flow Path State from.
+     * @return the extracted Flow Path State.
+     */
+    private static FlowPath extractFlowPath(IFlowPath flowObj) {
+	//
+	// Extract the Flow state
+	//
+	String flowIdStr = flowObj.getFlowId();
+	String installerIdStr = flowObj.getInstallerId();
+	Long flowPathFlags = flowObj.getFlowPathFlags();
+	String srcSwitchStr = flowObj.getSrcSwitch();
+	Short srcPortShort = flowObj.getSrcPort();
+	String dstSwitchStr = flowObj.getDstSwitch();
+	Short dstPortShort = flowObj.getDstPort();
+	if ((flowIdStr == null) ||
+	    (installerIdStr == null) ||
+	    (flowPathFlags == null) ||
+	    (srcSwitchStr == null) ||
+	    (srcPortShort == null) ||
+	    (dstSwitchStr == null) ||
+	    (dstPortShort == null)) {
+	    // TODO: A work-around, becauuse of some bogus database objects
+	    return null;
+	}
+	FlowPath flowPath = new FlowPath();
+	flowPath.setFlowId(new FlowId(flowIdStr));
+	flowPath.setInstallerId(new CallerId(installerIdStr));
+	flowPath.setFlowPathFlags(new FlowPathFlags(flowPathFlags));
+	flowPath.dataPath().srcPort().setDpid(new Dpid(srcSwitchStr));
+	flowPath.dataPath().srcPort().setPort(new Port(srcPortShort));
+	flowPath.dataPath().dstPort().setDpid(new Dpid(dstSwitchStr));
+	flowPath.dataPath().dstPort().setPort(new Port(dstPortShort));
+	//
+	// Extract the match conditions common for all Flow Entries
+	//
+	{
+	    FlowEntryMatch match = new FlowEntryMatch();
+	    String matchSrcMac = flowObj.getMatchSrcMac();
+	    if (matchSrcMac != null)
+		match.enableSrcMac(MACAddress.valueOf(matchSrcMac));
+	    String matchDstMac = flowObj.getMatchDstMac();
+	    if (matchDstMac != null)
+		match.enableDstMac(MACAddress.valueOf(matchDstMac));
+	    Short matchEthernetFrameType = flowObj.getMatchEthernetFrameType();
+	    if (matchEthernetFrameType != null)
+		match.enableEthernetFrameType(matchEthernetFrameType);
+	    Short matchVlanId = flowObj.getMatchVlanId();
+	    if (matchVlanId != null)
+		match.enableVlanId(matchVlanId);
+	    Byte matchVlanPriority = flowObj.getMatchVlanPriority();
+	    if (matchVlanPriority != null)
+		match.enableVlanPriority(matchVlanPriority);
+	    String matchSrcIPv4Net = flowObj.getMatchSrcIPv4Net();
+	    if (matchSrcIPv4Net != null)
+		match.enableSrcIPv4Net(new IPv4Net(matchSrcIPv4Net));
+	    String matchDstIPv4Net = flowObj.getMatchDstIPv4Net();
+	    if (matchDstIPv4Net != null)
+		match.enableDstIPv4Net(new IPv4Net(matchDstIPv4Net));
+	    Byte matchIpProto = flowObj.getMatchIpProto();
+	    if (matchIpProto != null)
+		match.enableIpProto(matchIpProto);
+	    Byte matchIpToS = flowObj.getMatchIpToS();
+	    if (matchIpToS != null)
+		match.enableIpToS(matchIpToS);
+	    Short matchSrcTcpUdpPort = flowObj.getMatchSrcTcpUdpPort();
+	    if (matchSrcTcpUdpPort != null)
+		match.enableSrcTcpUdpPort(matchSrcTcpUdpPort);
+	    Short matchDstTcpUdpPort = flowObj.getMatchDstTcpUdpPort();
+	    if (matchDstTcpUdpPort != null)
+		match.enableDstTcpUdpPort(matchDstTcpUdpPort);
+	    flowPath.setFlowEntryMatch(match);
+	}
+	//
+	// Extract the actions for the first Flow Entry
+	//
+	{
+	    String actionsStr = flowObj.getActions();
+	    if (actionsStr != null) {
+		FlowEntryActions flowEntryActions = new FlowEntryActions(actionsStr);
+		flowPath.setFlowEntryActions(flowEntryActions);
+	    }
+	}
+	//
+	// Extract all Flow Entries
+	//
+	Iterable<IFlowEntry> flowEntries = flowObj.getFlowEntries();
+	for (IFlowEntry flowEntryObj : flowEntries) {
+	    FlowEntry flowEntry = extractFlowEntry(flowEntryObj);
+	    if (flowEntry == null)
+		continue;
+	    flowPath.dataPath().flowEntries().add(flowEntry);
+	}
+	return flowPath;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extract Flow Entry State from a Titan Database Object @ref IFlowEntry.
+     *
+     * @param flowEntryObj the object to extract the Flow Entry State from.
+     * @return the extracted Flow Entry State.
+     */
+    private static FlowEntry extractFlowEntry(IFlowEntry flowEntryObj) {
+	String flowEntryIdStr = flowEntryObj.getFlowEntryId();
+	String switchDpidStr = flowEntryObj.getSwitchDpid();
+	String userState = flowEntryObj.getUserState();
+	String switchState = flowEntryObj.getSwitchState();
+	if ((flowEntryIdStr == null) ||
+	    (switchDpidStr == null) ||
+	    (userState == null) ||
+	    (switchState == null)) {
+	    // TODO: A work-around, becauuse of some bogus database objects
+	    return null;
+	}
+	FlowEntry flowEntry = new FlowEntry();
+	flowEntry.setFlowEntryId(new FlowEntryId(flowEntryIdStr));
+	flowEntry.setDpid(new Dpid(switchDpidStr));
+	//
+	// Extract the match conditions
+	//
+	FlowEntryMatch match = new FlowEntryMatch();
+	Short matchInPort = flowEntryObj.getMatchInPort();
+	if (matchInPort != null)
+	    match.enableInPort(new Port(matchInPort));
+	String matchSrcMac = flowEntryObj.getMatchSrcMac();
+	if (matchSrcMac != null)
+	    match.enableSrcMac(MACAddress.valueOf(matchSrcMac));
+	String matchDstMac = flowEntryObj.getMatchDstMac();
+	if (matchDstMac != null)
+	    match.enableDstMac(MACAddress.valueOf(matchDstMac));
+	Short matchEthernetFrameType = flowEntryObj.getMatchEthernetFrameType();
+	if (matchEthernetFrameType != null)
+	    match.enableEthernetFrameType(matchEthernetFrameType);
+	Short matchVlanId = flowEntryObj.getMatchVlanId();
+	if (matchVlanId != null)
+	    match.enableVlanId(matchVlanId);
+	Byte matchVlanPriority = flowEntryObj.getMatchVlanPriority();
+	if (matchVlanPriority != null)
+	    match.enableVlanPriority(matchVlanPriority);
+	String matchSrcIPv4Net = flowEntryObj.getMatchSrcIPv4Net();
+	if (matchSrcIPv4Net != null)
+	    match.enableSrcIPv4Net(new IPv4Net(matchSrcIPv4Net));
+	String matchDstIPv4Net = flowEntryObj.getMatchDstIPv4Net();
+	if (matchDstIPv4Net != null)
+	    match.enableDstIPv4Net(new IPv4Net(matchDstIPv4Net));
+	Byte matchIpProto = flowEntryObj.getMatchIpProto();
+	if (matchIpProto != null)
+	    match.enableIpProto(matchIpProto);
+	Byte matchIpToS = flowEntryObj.getMatchIpToS();
+	if (matchIpToS != null)
+	    match.enableIpToS(matchIpToS);
+	Short matchSrcTcpUdpPort = flowEntryObj.getMatchSrcTcpUdpPort();
+	if (matchSrcTcpUdpPort != null)
+	    match.enableSrcTcpUdpPort(matchSrcTcpUdpPort);
+	Short matchDstTcpUdpPort = flowEntryObj.getMatchDstTcpUdpPort();
+	if (matchDstTcpUdpPort != null)
+	    match.enableDstTcpUdpPort(matchDstTcpUdpPort);
+	flowEntry.setFlowEntryMatch(match);
+	//
+	// Extract the actions
+	//
+	FlowEntryActions actions = new FlowEntryActions();
+	String actionsStr = flowEntryObj.getActions();
+	if (actionsStr != null)
+	    actions = new FlowEntryActions(actionsStr);
+	flowEntry.setFlowEntryActions(actions);
+	flowEntry.setFlowEntryUserState(FlowEntryUserState.valueOf(userState));
+	flowEntry.setFlowEntrySwitchState(FlowEntrySwitchState.valueOf(switchState));
+	//
+	// TODO: Take care of FlowEntryErrorState.
+	//
+	return flowEntry;
+    }