Avoid NetworkGraph commit() if newSwitch() failed to create NetworkGraph vertex.
2 files changed
tree: 196235fb379b50d13d556fe3865ede3961744423
  1. .gitignore
  2. Authors
  3. Documentation/
  4. README.md
  5. cluster-mgmt/
  6. conf/
  7. demo-scripts/
  8. onos-embedded.sh
  9. pom.xml
  10. scripts/
  11. setup-eclipse.sh
  12. setup-local-maven.sh
  13. src/
  14. start-cassandra.sh
  15. start-onos-embedded.sh
  16. start-onos.sh
  17. start-rest.sh
  18. start-zk.sh
  19. test-network/
  20. testbed-ctrl-add-ext.sh
  21. testbed-ctrl-none.sh
  22. titan/
  23. web/


Open Networking Operating System


Building ONOS

  1. Install custom jars and dependencies (Only need to be run only once)

    $ ./setup-local-maven.sh

  2. Cleanly Build ONOS

    $ mvn clean $ mvn compile

    NOTE: installing maven for the first time may switch java version from 1.7 to 1.6 causing cassandra to not run


  1. Zookeeper Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5: http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html
  2. Cassandra Download and install apache-cassandra-1.2.2: http://cassandra.apache.org/download/

Running ONOS

  1. Start zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-zk.sh

  2. Start cassandra

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-cassandra.sh start

  3. Confirm cassandra is running

    $ ./start-cassandra.sh status

  4. Start ONOS instance

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-onos.sh start

  5. Start ONOS rest apis

    $ ./start-rest.sh start

Running ONOS with Cassandra embedded (Optional)

  1. Start Zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./zkServer.sh start

  2. Start ONOS and Cassandra embedded

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL_DIR)/

    $ ./start-onos-embedded.sh start

  3. Start ONOS rest apis

    $ ./start-rest.sh start

Running in offline mode (Optional)

Maven is used to build and run ONOS. By default, maven tries to reach the repositories. To suppress this behavior '-o' option should be given to mvn command.

To give additional option to mvn commands used in ONOS, use the MVN environment variable.

  • Example: Running in offline mode

    $ env MVN="mvn -o" ./start-onos.sh start