Ignore test failure caused by behavior change.
* ONOS Controller will send Role request even if the switch does not support them.
  Test Case should be modified to pass if this new behavior is by design and is not a quick workaround.
1 file changed
tree: c94a002d167382f850ccd918d27881ac7bf990e1
  1. .gitignore
  2. Authors
  3. Documentation/
  4. README.md
  5. cluster-mgmt/
  6. conf/
  7. demo-scripts/
  8. onos-embedded.sh
  9. pom.xml
  10. scripts/
  11. setup-eclipse.sh
  12. setup-local-maven.sh
  13. src/
  14. start-cassandra.sh
  15. start-onos-embedded.sh
  16. start-onos.sh
  17. start-rest.sh
  18. start-zk.sh
  19. test-network/
  20. testbed-ctrl-add-ext.sh
  21. testbed-ctrl-none.sh
  22. titan/
  23. web/


Open Networking Operating System


Building ONOS

  1. Install custom jars and dependencies (Only need to be run only once)

    $ ./setup-local-maven.sh

  2. Cleanly Build ONOS

    $ mvn clean $ mvn compile

    NOTE: installing maven for the first time may switch java version from 1.7 to 1.6 causing cassandra to not run


  1. Zookeeper Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5: http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html
  2. Cassandra Download and install apache-cassandra-1.2.2: http://cassandra.apache.org/download/

Running ONOS

  1. Start zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-zk.sh

  2. Start cassandra

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-cassandra.sh start

  3. Confirm cassandra is running

    $ ./start-cassandra.sh status

  4. Start ONOS instance

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./start-onos.sh start

  5. Start ONOS rest apis

    $ ./start-rest.sh start

Running ONOS with Cassandra embedded (Optional)

  1. Start Zookeeper

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/

    $ ./zkServer.sh start

  2. Start ONOS and Cassandra embedded

    $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL_DIR)/

    $ ./start-onos-embedded.sh start

  3. Start ONOS rest apis

    $ ./start-rest.sh start

Running in offline mode (Optional)

Maven is used to build and run ONOS. By default, maven tries to reach the repositories. To suppress this behavior '-o' option should be given to mvn command.

To give additional option to mvn commands used in ONOS, use the MVN environment variable.

  • Example: Running in offline mode

    $ env MVN="mvn -o" ./start-onos.sh start