Base net-virt CLI files on top of which ONOS specific changes will be done
diff --git a/cli/sdncon/stats/ b/cli/sdncon/stats/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..268422c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/sdncon/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+from cassandra.ttypes import KsDef, CfDef, InvalidRequestException, TTransport, \
+    SlicePredicate, SliceRange, ColumnParent, ConsistencyLevel, ColumnPath, \
+    Mutation, Deletion, KeyRange, Column, ColumnOrSuperColumn, SuperColumn
+from django.conf import settings
+from .utils import CassandraConnection
+import random
+import datetime
+import time
+from sdncon.controller.config import get_local_controller_id
+TARGET_INDEX_NAME = 'target_index'
+STATS_TYPE_INDEX_NAME = 'stats_type_index'
+STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD = 60*60*24*1000    # 1 day in milliseconds
+EVENTS_BUCKET_PERIOD = 60*60*24*1000    # 1 day in milliseconds
+                        ONE_HOUR_INTERVAL, FOUR_HOUR_INTERVAL,
+                        ONE_DAY_INTERVAL, ONE_WEEK_INTERVAL,
+                        FOUR_WEEK_INTERVAL)
+class StatsException(Exception):
+    pass
+class StatsInvalidStatsDataException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(StatsInvalidStatsDataException,self).__init__(
+            'Error adding stats data with incorrect format')
+class StatsDatabaseConnectionException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(StatsDatabaseConnectionException,self).__init__(
+            'Error connecting to stats database')
+class StatsDatabaseAccessException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(StatsDatabaseAccessException,self).__init__(
+            'Error accessing stats database')
+class StatsNonnumericValueException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, value):
+        super(StatsNonnumericValueException,self).__init__(
+            'Invalid non-numeric stat value for rate or '
+            'average value computation: ' + str(value))
+class StatsRateComputationException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(StatsRateComputationException,self).__init__(
+            'Error computing rate; not enough raw data')
+class StatsInvalidDataFormatException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, data_format):
+        super(StatsInvalidDataFormatException,self).__init__(
+            'Invalid data format: ' + str(data_format))
+class StatsInvalidStatsTimeRangeException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, start_time, end_time):
+        super(StatsInvalidStatsTimeRangeException,self).__init__(
+            'Invalid stats time range; start = %s; end = %s' %
+            (str(start_time), str(end_time)))
+class StatsInvalidStatsTypeException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, stats_type):
+        super(StatsInvalidStatsTypeException,self).__init__(
+            'Invalid stats type; name = %s' % str(stats_type))
+class StatsInvalidStatsMetadataException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, file_name):
+        super(StatsInvalidStatsMetadataException,self).__init__(
+            'Invalid stats metadata from file \"%s\"' % str(file_name))
+class StatsInternalException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, message):
+        super(StatsInternalException,self).__init__(
+            'Stats internal error: \"%s\"' % str(message))
+class StatsCreateColumnFamilyException(StatsException):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(StatsCreateColumnFamilyException,self).__init__(
+            'Error creating column family; name = ' % name)
+# The following code is a hack to get the stats code to use a freshly
+# created test keyspace when we're running the unit tests. I'm guessing
+# there must be some way to detect if we're running under the Django
+# (or Python) unit test framework, but I couldn't find any info about
+# how to do that. So for now, we just provide this function that the
+# unit tests must call before they make any stats call to get the stats
+# code to use the test keyspace instead of the normal production
+# keyspace. Bother.
+use_test_keyspace = False
+def set_use_test_keyspace():
+    global use_test_keyspace
+    use_test_keyspace = True
+stats_db_connection = None
+# FIXME: Should ideally create the column families on demand as the data
+# is added, so the different target types don't need to be predefined here.
+# Probably not a big problem for right now, though.
+    {'name': TARGET_INDEX_NAME,
+     'column_type': 'Super',
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type',
+     'subcomparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+    {'name': STATS_TYPE_INDEX_NAME,
+     'column_type': 'Super',
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type',
+     'subcomparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+     'column_type': 'Super',
+     'comparator_type': 'UTF8Type',
+     'subcomparator_type': 'UTF8Type'},
+def init_stats_db_connection(host, port, keyspace, user, password,
+                             replication_factor, column_family_def_default_settings):
+    global stats_db_connection
+    if not stats_db_connection:
+        if use_test_keyspace:
+            keyspace = "test_" + keyspace
+        try:
+            stats_db_connection = CassandraConnection(host, port, keyspace, user, password)
+            stats_db_connection.connect()
+        except Exception:
+            stats_db_connection = None
+            raise StatsException("Error connecting to Cassandra daemon")
+        if use_test_keyspace:
+            try:
+                stats_db_connection.get_client().system_drop_keyspace(keyspace)
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+        try:
+            stats_db_connection.set_keyspace()
+            create_keyspace = False
+        except Exception:
+            create_keyspace = True
+        if create_keyspace:
+            keyspace_def = KsDef(name=keyspace,
+                                 strategy_class='org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy',
+                                 replication_factor=replication_factor,
+                                 cf_defs=[])
+            try:
+                stats_db_connection.get_client().system_add_keyspace(keyspace_def)
+                stats_db_connection.set_keyspace()
+            except Exception, _e:
+                stats_db_connection = None
+                raise StatsException("Error creating stats keyspace")
+        for column_family_info in COLUMN_FAMILY_INFO_LIST:
+            try:
+                column_family_def_settings = column_family_def_default_settings.copy()
+                column_family_def_settings.update(column_family_info)
+                column_family_def_settings['keyspace'] = keyspace
+                # pylint: disable=W0142
+                stats_db_connection.get_client().system_add_column_family(
+                    CfDef(**column_family_def_settings))
+            except InvalidRequestException, _e:
+                # Assume this is because the column family already exists.
+                # FIXME. Could check exception message for specific string
+                pass
+            except Exception, _e:
+                stats_db_connection = None
+                raise StatsCreateColumnFamilyException(column_family_info.get('name'))
+def get_stats_db_connection():
+    return stats_db_connection
+# The following function is mainly intended to be used by the unit tests. It lets
+# you clear out all of the data from the database. Note that since the stats DB
+# is not managed by the normal Django DB mechanism you don't get the automatic
+# DB flushing from the Django TestCase code, so it has to be done explicitly.
+# There's a StatsTestCase subclass of TestCase in the stats unit tests that
+# implements the tearDown method to call flush_stats_db after each test.
+def flush_stats_db():
+    if stats_db_connection is not None:
+        for column_family_info in COLUMN_FAMILY_INFO_LIST:
+            stats_db_connection.get_client().truncate(column_family_info['name'])
+def call_cassandra_with_reconnect(fn, *args, **kwargs):
+    try:
+        try:
+            results = fn(*args, **kwargs)
+        except TTransport.TTransportException:
+            stats_db_connection.reconnect()
+            results = fn(*args, **kwargs)
+    except TTransport.TTransportException, _e:
+        raise StatsDatabaseConnectionException()
+    except Exception, _e:
+        raise StatsDatabaseAccessException()
+    return results
+def get_stats_padded_column_part(column_part):
+    """
+    For the columns to be sorted correctly by time we need to pad with
+    leading zeroes up to the maximum range of the bucket
+    """
+    column_part = str(column_part)
+    leading_zeroes = ('0'*(STATS_PADDED_COLUMN_TIME_LENGTH-len(column_part)))
+    column_part = leading_zeroes + column_part
+    return column_part
+def split_stats_timestamp(timestamp):
+    key_part = timestamp / STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    column_part = timestamp % STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    return (key_part, column_part)
+def construct_stats_key(cluster, target_id, stats_type, timestamp_key_part):
+    """
+    Constructs the keys for the controller or switch stats.
+    For the controller stats the target_id is the controller node id.
+    For switch stats the target_id is the dpid of the switch.
+    """
+    return cluster + '|' + target_id + '|' + stats_type + '|' + str(timestamp_key_part)
+def append_stats_results(get_results, values, timestamp_key_part):
+    shifted_timestamp_key_part = int(timestamp_key_part) * STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    for item in get_results:
+        timestamp_column_part = int(
+        value = item.column.value
+        timestamp = shifted_timestamp_key_part + timestamp_column_part
+        values.append((timestamp, value))
+def get_stats_slice_predicate(column_start, column_end):
+    if column_start != '':
+        column_start = get_stats_padded_column_part(column_start)
+    if column_end != '':
+        column_end = get_stats_padded_column_part(column_end)
+    slice_predicate = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(
+        start=column_start, finish=column_end, count=1000000))
+    return slice_predicate
+def check_time_range(start_time, end_time):
+    if int(end_time) < int(start_time):
+        raise StatsInvalidStatsTimeRangeException(start_time, end_time)
+def check_valid_data_format(data_format):
+    if data_format != VALUE_DATA_FORMAT and data_format != RATE_DATA_FORMAT:
+        raise StatsInvalidDataFormatException(data_format)
+def get_window_range(raw_stats_values, index, window):
+    if window == 0:
+        return (index, index)
+    # Get start index
+    timestamp = raw_stats_values[index][0]
+    start_timestamp = timestamp - (window / 2)
+    end_timestamp = timestamp + (window / 2)
+    start_index = index
+    while start_index > 0:
+        next_timestamp = raw_stats_values[start_index - 1][0]
+        if next_timestamp < start_timestamp:
+            break
+        start_index -= 1
+    end_index = index
+    while end_index < len(raw_stats_values) - 1:
+        next_timestamp = raw_stats_values[end_index + 1][0]
+        if next_timestamp > end_timestamp:
+            break
+        end_index += 1
+    return (start_index, end_index)
+def convert_stat_string_to_value(stat_string):
+    try:
+        stat_value = int(stat_string)
+    except ValueError:
+        try:
+            stat_value = float(stat_string)
+        except ValueError:
+            stat_value = stat_string
+    return stat_value
+def get_rate_over_stats_values(stats_values):
+    if len(stats_values) < 2:
+        return None
+    start_stat = stats_values[0]
+    end_stat = stats_values[-1]
+    timestamp_delta = end_stat[0] - start_stat[0]
+    # NOTE: In computing the value_delta here it's safe to assume floats
+    # rather than calling convert_stat_string_to_value because we're going
+    # to be converting to float anyway when we do the rate calculation later.
+    # So there's no point in trying to differentiate between int and float
+    # and rate doesn't make sense for any other type of stat data (e.g. string)
+    value_delta = float(end_stat[1]) - float(start_stat[1])
+    if timestamp_delta == 0:
+        rate = float('inf' if value_delta > 0  else '-inf')
+    else:
+        rate = value_delta / timestamp_delta
+    return rate
+def get_rate_over_window(raw_stats_values, index, window):
+    if len(raw_stats_values) < 2:
+        return None
+    if window == 0:
+        if index == 0:
+            start_index = 0
+            end_index = 1
+        else:
+            start_index = index - 1
+            end_index = index
+    else:
+        start_index, end_index = get_window_range(raw_stats_values, index, window)
+    return get_rate_over_stats_values(raw_stats_values[start_index:end_index + 1])
+def get_average_over_stats_values(stats_values):
+    total = 0
+    count = 0
+    for stat_value in stats_values:
+        # FIXME: Should we just always convert to float here?
+        # This would give a more accurate result for the average calculation
+        # but would mean that the data type is different for a
+        # zero vs. non-zero window size.
+        value = convert_stat_string_to_value(stat_value[1])
+        if type(value) not in (int,float):
+            raise StatsNonnumericValueException(value)
+        total += value
+        count += 1
+    return (total / count) if count > 0 else None
+def get_average_value_over_window(raw_stats_values, index, window):
+    start_index, end_index = get_window_range(raw_stats_values, index, window)
+    stats_values = raw_stats_values[start_index:end_index + 1]
+    return get_average_over_stats_values(stats_values)
+def reverse_stats_data_generator(cluster, target_type, target_id, stats_type,
+                                 start_time=None, end_time=None,
+                                 chunk_interval=3600000):
+    if start_time is None:
+        start_time = int(time.time() * 1000)
+    if end_time is None:
+        # By default, don't go back past 1/1/2011. This was before we had stats support
+        # in the controller, so we shouldn't have any data earlier than that (except if
+        # the clock on the controller was set incorrectly).
+        end_time = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime(2011,1,1).timetuple()) * 1000)
+    end_key_part, _end_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(end_time)
+    key_part, column_part = split_stats_timestamp(start_time)
+    column_family = target_type + STATS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME_SUFFIX
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(column_family)
+    # FIXME: Should add support for chunk_interval to be either iterable or a
+    # list/tuple to give a sequence of chunk intervals to use. The last available
+    # chunk interval from the list/tuple/iterator would then be used for any
+    # subsequent cassandra calls
+    #chunk_interval_iter = (chunk_interval if isinstance(chunk_interval, list) or
+    #   isinstance(chunk_interval, tuple) else [chunk_interval])
+    while key_part >= 0:
+        key = construct_stats_key(cluster, target_id, stats_type, key_part)
+        while True:
+            column_start = column_part - chunk_interval
+            if column_start < 0:
+                column_start = 0
+            slice_predicate = get_stats_slice_predicate(column_start, column_part)
+            for attempt in (1,2):
+                try:
+                    get_results = stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice(key,
+                        column_parent, slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+                    for item in reversed(get_results):
+                        timestamp = (key_part * STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD) + int(
+                        value = item.column.value
+                        yield (timestamp, value)
+                    break
+                except TTransport.TTransportException:
+                    # Only retry once, so if it's the second time through,
+                    # propagate the exception
+                    if attempt == 2:
+                        raise StatsDatabaseConnectionException()
+                    stats_db_connection.reconnect()
+                except Exception:
+                    raise StatsDatabaseAccessException()
+            column_part = column_start
+            if column_part == 0:
+                break
+        if key_part == end_key_part:
+            break
+        key_part -= 1
+        column_part = STATS_BUCKET_PERIOD - 1
+def get_latest_stat_data(cluster, target_type, target_id, stats_type,
+                         window=0, data_format=VALUE_DATA_FORMAT):
+    check_valid_data_format(data_format)
+    minimum_data_points = 2 if data_format == RATE_DATA_FORMAT else 1
+    stats_data_window = []
+    latest_stat_timestamp = None
+    start_time = int(time.time() * 1000)
+    # Limit how far back we'll look for the latest stat value.
+    # 86400000 is 1 day in ms
+    end_time = start_time - 86400000
+    for stat_data_point in reverse_stats_data_generator(cluster,
+            target_type, target_id, stats_type, start_time, end_time):
+        current_stat_timestamp = stat_data_point[0]
+        if latest_stat_timestamp is None:
+            latest_stat_timestamp = current_stat_timestamp
+        # NOTE: For stats operations we treat the window for the rate or
+        # average calculation to be centered around the current timestamp.
+        # For the latest stat case there is no data after the current point.
+        # We could extend the window back further so that the current timestamp
+        # is the end of the window range instead of the middle, but then that
+        # would be inconsistent with the other cases, so instead we just go
+        # back to half the window size. I haven't been able to convince myself
+        # strongly one way or the other which is better (or how much it matters)
+        outside_window = (latest_stat_timestamp - current_stat_timestamp) > (window / 2)
+        if len(stats_data_window) >= minimum_data_points and outside_window:
+            break
+        stats_data_window.insert(0, stat_data_point)
+        if (window == 0) and (len(stats_data_window) >= minimum_data_points):
+            break
+    stat_data_point = None
+    if latest_stat_timestamp is not None:
+        if data_format == VALUE_DATA_FORMAT:
+            value = get_average_over_stats_values(stats_data_window)
+        else:
+            assert data_format == RATE_DATA_FORMAT, "Invalid data format"
+            value = get_rate_over_stats_values(stats_data_window)
+        if value is not None:
+            stat_data_point = (latest_stat_timestamp, value)
+    return stat_data_point
+def get_stats_data(cluster, target_type, target_id, stats_type,
+                   start_time, end_time, sample_interval=0, window=0,
+                   data_format=VALUE_DATA_FORMAT, limit=None):
+    check_time_range(start_time, end_time)
+    check_valid_data_format(data_format)
+    # FIXME: Add validation of other arguments
+    start_key_part, start_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(int(start_time))
+    end_key_part, end_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(int(end_time))
+    raw_stats_values = []
+    column_family = target_type + STATS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME_SUFFIX
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(column_family)
+    for key_part in range(start_key_part, end_key_part+1):
+        current_start = start_column_part if key_part == start_key_part else ''
+        current_end = end_column_part if key_part == end_key_part else ''
+        # FIXME: How big can the count be?
+        slice_predicate = get_stats_slice_predicate(current_start, current_end)
+        key = construct_stats_key(cluster, target_id, stats_type, key_part)
+        for attempt in (1,2):
+            try:
+                get_results = stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice(key,
+                    column_parent, slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+                break
+            except TTransport.TTransportException:
+                # Only retry once, so if it's the second time through,
+                # propagate the exception
+                if attempt == 2:
+                    raise StatsDatabaseConnectionException()
+                stats_db_connection.reconnect()
+            except Exception:
+                raise StatsDatabaseAccessException()
+        append_stats_results(get_results, raw_stats_values, key_part)
+        # FIXME: This logic to handle the limit argument isn't complete.
+        # It doesn't account for a non-zero window or dpwnsampling.
+        if (limit != None and sample_interval == 0 and window == 0 and
+            len(raw_stats_values) > limit):
+            raw_stats_values = raw_stats_values[:limit]
+            break
+    stats_values = []
+    last_downsample_index = None
+    for i in range(0, len(raw_stats_values)):
+        # Handle downsampling
+        if sample_interval != 0:
+            downsample_index = raw_stats_values[i][0] / sample_interval
+            if downsample_index == last_downsample_index:
+                continue
+            last_downsample_index = downsample_index
+        # Get the value based for the specified data format
+        if data_format == VALUE_DATA_FORMAT:
+            if sample_interval == 0:
+                value = convert_stat_string_to_value(raw_stats_values[i][1])
+            else:
+                value = get_average_value_over_window(raw_stats_values, i, window)
+        else:
+            assert data_format == RATE_DATA_FORMAT, "Invalid data format"
+            value = get_rate_over_window(raw_stats_values, i, window)
+        if value is not None:
+            stats_values.append((raw_stats_values[i][0], value))
+    return stats_values
+def delete_stats_data(cluster, target_type, target_id, stats_type,
+                      start_time, end_time):
+    check_time_range(start_time, end_time)
+    # FIXME: Add validation of other arguments
+    start_key_part, start_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(int(start_time))
+    end_key_part, end_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(int(end_time))
+    column_family = target_type + STATS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME_SUFFIX
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(column_family)
+    # The Cassandra timestamps are in microseconds, not milliseconds,
+    # so we convert to microseconds. The Cassandra timestamp is derived
+    # from the stat timestamp (i.e. same time converted to microseconds),
+    # so we use the end_time + 1, since that's guaranteed to be greater
+    # than any of the timestamps for the sample points we're deleting.
+    timestamp = (int(end_time) * 1000) + 1
+    for key_part in range(start_key_part, end_key_part+1):
+        key = construct_stats_key(cluster, target_id, stats_type, key_part)
+        current_start = start_column_part if key_part == start_key_part else ''
+        current_end = end_column_part if key_part == end_key_part else ''
+        if current_start == '' and current_end == '':
+            call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().remove,
+                key, ColumnPath(column_family=column_family), timestamp,
+                ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+        else:
+            # grrr. Cassandra currently doesn't support doing deletions via a
+            # slice range (i.e. a column start and end). You need to give it a
+            # list of columns. So we do a get_slice with the slice range and then
+            # extract the individual column names from the result of that and
+            # build up the column list that we can use to delete the column
+            # using batch_mutate.
+            slice_predicate = get_stats_slice_predicate(current_start, current_end)
+            get_results = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+                stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice,
+                key, column_parent, slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+            column_names = []
+            for item in get_results:
+                column_names.append(
+            deletion = Deletion(timestamp=timestamp, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=column_names))
+            mutation_map = {key: {column_family: [Mutation(deletion=deletion)]}}
+            call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().batch_mutate,
+                                          mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+stats_metadata = None
+def init_stats_metadata(_cluster):
+    """
+    Initialize the dictionary of stats metadata. Currently this is initialized
+    from a directory of metadata files that contain the metadata. Currently,
+    there is no differentiation in the stats types that are supported across
+    clusters, so we ignore the cluster argument and we just maintain a
+    global map of stat type metadata.
+    """
+    global stats_metadata
+    if not stats_metadata:
+        stats_metadata = {}
+        for module_name in settings.STATS_METADATA_MODULES:
+            metadata_module = __import__(module_name,
+                fromlist=[STATS_METADATA_VARIABLE_NAME])
+            if not metadata_module:
+                # FIXME: log error
+                continue
+            if STATS_METADATA_VARIABLE_NAME not in dir(metadata_module):
+                # FIXME: log error
+                continue
+            metadata_list = getattr(metadata_module, STATS_METADATA_VARIABLE_NAME)
+            if type(metadata_list) is dict:
+                metadata_list = [metadata_list]
+            if type(metadata_list) is not list and type(metadata_list) is not tuple:
+                raise StatsInvalidStatsMetadataException(module_name)
+            for metadata in metadata_list:
+                if type(metadata) is not dict:
+                    raise StatsInvalidStatsMetadataException(module_name)
+                name = metadata.get('name')
+                if not name:
+                    raise StatsInvalidStatsMetadataException(module_name)
+                name = str(name)
+                # Auto-set the verbose_name to the name if it's not set explicitly
+                verbose_name = metadata.get('verbose_name')
+                if not verbose_name:
+                    metadata['verbose_name'] = name
+                # FIXME: Validate other contents of metadata.
+                # e.g. flag name conflicts between files.
+                stats_metadata[name] = metadata
+def get_stats_metadata(cluster, stats_type=None):
+    init_stats_metadata(cluster)
+    # If no stat_type is specified return the entire dictionary of stat types
+    metadata = stats_metadata.get(stats_type) if stats_type else stats_metadata
+    if metadata is None:
+        raise StatsInvalidStatsTypeException(stats_type)
+    return metadata
+    'last-updated': int
+def stats_type_slice_to_index_data(stats_type_slice):
+    index_data = {}
+    for super_column in stats_type_slice:
+        name =
+        column_list = super_column.super_column.columns
+        if name == 'base':
+            insert_map = index_data
+        elif name.startswith('param:'):
+            colon_index = name.find(':')
+            parameter_name = name[colon_index+1:]
+            parameter_map = index_data.get('parameters')
+            if not parameter_map:
+                parameter_map = {}
+                index_data['parameters'] = parameter_map
+            insert_map = {}
+            parameter_map[parameter_name] = insert_map
+        else:
+            raise StatsInternalException('Invalid stats type index name: ' + str(name))
+        for column in column_list:
+            value = column.value
+            attribute_type = STATS_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES.get(
+            if attribute_type is not None:
+                value = attribute_type(value)
+            insert_map[] = value
+    return index_data
+def get_stats_type_index(cluster, target_type, target_id, stats_type=None):
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(STATS_TYPE_INDEX_NAME)
+    slice_predicate = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(
+        start='', finish='', count=1000000))
+    key_prefix = cluster + ':' + target_type + ':' + target_id
+    if stats_type is None:
+        key_range = KeyRange(start_key=key_prefix+':', end_key=key_prefix+';', count=100000)
+        key_slice_list = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+            stats_db_connection.get_client().get_range_slices,
+            column_parent, slice_predicate, key_range, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+        stats_index_data = {}
+        for key_slice in key_slice_list:
+            key = key_slice.key
+            colon_index = key.rfind(':')
+            if colon_index < 0:
+                raise StatsInternalException('Invalid stats type index key: ' + str(key))
+            stats_type = key[colon_index+1:]
+            stats_index_data[stats_type] = stats_type_slice_to_index_data(key_slice.columns)
+    else:
+        key = key_prefix + ':' + stats_type
+        stats_type_slice = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+            stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice, key, column_parent,
+            slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+        stats_index_data = stats_type_slice_to_index_data(stats_type_slice)
+    return stats_index_data
+def get_stats_target_types(cluster):
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(TARGET_INDEX_NAME)
+    slice_predicate = SlicePredicate(column_names=[])
+    key_range = KeyRange(start_key=cluster+':', end_key=cluster+';', count=100000)
+    key_slice_list = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+        stats_db_connection.get_client().get_range_slices,
+        column_parent, slice_predicate, key_range, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+    target_types = {}
+    for key_slice in key_slice_list:
+        target_type = key_slice.key[len(cluster)+1:]
+        target_types[target_type] = {}
+    return target_types
+    'last-updated': int
+def get_stats_targets(cluster, target_type):
+    key = cluster + ':' + target_type
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(TARGET_INDEX_NAME)
+    slice_predicate = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(
+        start='', finish='', count=1000000))
+    super_column_list = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+        stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice, key, column_parent,
+        slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+    target_list = {}
+    for item in super_column_list:
+        target = {}
+        for column in item.super_column.columns:
+            value = column.value
+            attribute_type = STATS_TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES.get(
+            if attribute_type is not None:
+                value = attribute_type(value)
+            target[] = value
+        target_list[] = target
+    return target_list
+# FIXME: Should update the code below to use these constants
+# instead of string literals
+def append_attributes_to_mutation_list(attributes, supercolumn_name, mutation_list):
+    column_list = []
+    for name, info in attributes.iteritems():
+        timestamp, value = info
+        column = Column(name=name, value=str(value), timestamp=timestamp*1000)
+        column_list.append(column)
+    mutation = Mutation(column_or_supercolumn=ColumnOrSuperColumn(
+        super_column=SuperColumn(name=supercolumn_name, columns=column_list)))
+    mutation_list.append(mutation)
+def add_stat_type_index_info_to_mutation_map(cluster, target_type,
+        stats_type_index, mutation_map):
+    for key, stats_type_info in stats_type_index.iteritems():
+        separator_index = key.find(':')
+        assert separator_index >= 0
+        base_stat_type_name = key[:separator_index]
+        target_id = key[separator_index + 1:]
+        stats_type_base_attributes, stats_type_params = stats_type_info
+        mutation_list = []
+        append_attributes_to_mutation_list(stats_type_base_attributes,
+            'base', mutation_list)
+        for name, attributes in stats_type_params.iteritems():
+            append_attributes_to_mutation_list(attributes,
+                'param:' + name, mutation_list)
+        mutation_key = cluster + ':' + target_type + ':' + target_id + ':' + base_stat_type_name
+        mutation_map[mutation_key] = {STATS_TYPE_INDEX_NAME: mutation_list}
+def add_target_id_list_to_mutation_map(cluster, target_type,
+                                       target_id_list, mutation_map):
+    mutation_list = []
+    for target_id, attributes in target_id_list:
+        append_attributes_to_mutation_list(attributes, target_id, mutation_list)
+    key = cluster + ':' + target_type
+    mutation_map[key] = {TARGET_INDEX_NAME: mutation_list}
+def _put_stats_data(cluster, target_type, stats_data):
+    try:
+        controller_id = get_local_controller_id()
+        mutation_map = {}
+        target_id_list = []
+        stats_type_index = {}
+        column_family = target_type + STATS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME_SUFFIX
+        for (target_id, target_id_stats) in stats_data.iteritems():
+            # Map 'localhost' controller to the actual ID for the local controller
+            # FIXME: Eventually we should fix up the other components (e.g. statd)
+            # that invoke this REST API to not use localhost and instead use the
+            # REST API to obtain the real ID for the local controller, but for now
+            # this works to ensure we're not using localhost in any of the data we
+            # store in the DB (unless, of course, the uuid version of the controller
+            # ID hasn't been written to the boot-config file, in which case it will
+            # default to the old localhost value).
+            if target_type == 'controller' and target_id == 'localhost':
+                target_id = controller_id
+            latest_id_timestamp = None
+            for (stats_type, stats_data_array) in target_id_stats.iteritems():
+                # Check if it's a parameterized type and extract the base
+                # stat type and parameter name.
+                parameter_separator = stats_type.find('__')
+                if parameter_separator >= 0:
+                    stats_type_base = stats_type[:parameter_separator]
+                    stats_type_parameter = stats_type[parameter_separator+2:]
+                else:
+                    stats_type_base = stats_type
+                    stats_type_parameter = None
+                latest_stat_type_timestamp = None
+                # Add the stats values to the mutation map
+                for stats_value in stats_data_array:
+                    timestamp = int(stats_value['timestamp'])
+                    if latest_stat_type_timestamp is None or timestamp > latest_stat_type_timestamp:
+                        latest_stat_type_timestamp = timestamp
+                    if latest_id_timestamp is None or timestamp > latest_id_timestamp:
+                        latest_id_timestamp = timestamp
+                    value = stats_value['value']
+                    timestamp_key_part, timestamp_column_part = split_stats_timestamp(timestamp)
+                    key = construct_stats_key(cluster, target_id, stats_type, timestamp_key_part)
+                    key_entry = mutation_map.get(key)
+                    if not key_entry:
+                        mutation_list = []
+                        mutation_map[key] = {column_family: mutation_list}
+                    else:
+                        mutation_list = key_entry[column_family]
+                    # Note: convert the Cassandra timestamp value to microseconds to
+                    # be consistent with standard Cassandra timestamp format.
+                    mutation = Mutation(column_or_supercolumn=ColumnOrSuperColumn(
+                        column=Column(name=get_stats_padded_column_part(timestamp_column_part),
+                        value=str(value), timestamp=timestamp*1000)))
+                    mutation_list.append(mutation)
+                # Update the stat type index info.
+                # There can be multiple parameterized types for each base stats type,
+                # so we need to be careful about checking for existing data for
+                # the index_entry. Because of the dictionary nature of the put data
+                # and the way this is serialized into a Python dictionary, though,
+                # we are guaranteed that there won't be multiple entries for a 
+                # specific parameters stats type or the base stats type, so we don't
+                # need to handle duplicates for those.
+                if latest_stat_type_timestamp is not None:
+                    stats_type_index_key = stats_type_base + ':' + target_id
+                    stats_type_info = stats_type_index.get(stats_type_index_key)
+                    if not stats_type_info:
+                        # This is a tuple of two dictionaries: the attributes for
+                        # the base stat type and a dictionary of the parameterized
+                        # types that have been seen for that stat type. The
+                        # parameterized type dictionary is keyed by the name of
+                        # the parameterized type and the value is the associated
+                        # attribute dictionary.
+                        stats_type_info = ({},{})
+                        stats_type_index[stats_type_index_key] = stats_type_info
+                    stats_type_base_attributes, stats_type_params = stats_type_info
+                    if stats_type_parameter is None:
+                        attributes = stats_type_base_attributes
+                    else:
+                        attributes = stats_type_params.get(stats_type_parameter)
+                        if attributes is None:
+                            attributes = {}
+                            stats_type_params[stats_type_parameter] = attributes
+                    last_updated_entry = attributes.get('last-updated')
+                    if last_updated_entry is None or latest_stat_type_timestamp > last_updated_entry[0]:
+                        attributes['last-updated'] = (latest_stat_type_timestamp, latest_stat_type_timestamp)
+            # Update the target index
+            if latest_id_timestamp is not None:
+                # FIXME: Always set the controller attributes for now.
+                # This could/should be optimized to not set this for stats
+                # whose target type is 'controller' since those will
+                # always be coming from the same controller (i.e. itself).
+                # But that change requires some changes (albeit minor) to
+                # syncd to work correctly which I don't want to mess with
+                # right now.
+                #attributes = {'last-updated': (latest_id_timestamp, latest_id_timestamp)}
+                #if target_type != 'controller':
+                #    attributes['controller'] = controller_id
+                attributes = {'last-updated': (latest_id_timestamp, latest_id_timestamp),
+                              'controller': (latest_id_timestamp, controller_id)}
+                target_id_list.append((target_id, attributes))
+    except Exception, _e:
+        raise StatsInvalidStatsDataException()
+    add_stat_type_index_info_to_mutation_map(cluster, target_type, stats_type_index, mutation_map)
+    add_target_id_list_to_mutation_map(cluster, target_type, target_id_list, mutation_map)
+    call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().batch_mutate,
+                                  mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+def put_stats_data(cluster, stats_data):
+    for target_type, target_stats_data in stats_data.items():
+        if target_type.endswith(STATS_TARGET_TYPE_PUT_DATA_SUFFIX):
+            # Strip off the '-stats' suffix
+            target_type = target_type[:-len(STATS_TARGET_TYPE_PUT_DATA_SUFFIX)]
+        _put_stats_data(cluster, target_type, target_stats_data)
+def get_events_padded_column_part(column_part):
+    """
+    For the columns to be sorted correctly by time we need to pad with
+    leading zeroes up to the maximum range of the bucket
+    """
+    column_part = str(column_part)
+    leading_zeroes = ('0'*(EVENTS_PADDED_COLUMN_TIME_LENGTH-len(column_part)))
+    column_part = leading_zeroes + column_part
+    return column_part
+def split_events_timestamp(timestamp):
+    key_part = timestamp / EVENTS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    column_part = timestamp % EVENTS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    return (key_part, column_part)
+def construct_log_events_key(cluster, node_id, timestamp_key_part):
+    return cluster + '|' + node_id + '|' + str(timestamp_key_part)
+def get_events_slice_predicate(column_start, column_end):
+    if column_start != '':
+        column_start = get_events_padded_column_part(column_start)
+    if column_end != '':
+        # For the final key in the range of keys we want all of the
+        # supercolumns whose name starts with end_column_part.
+        # If the event has includes a pk tag then the format of the
+        # supercolumn name is <timestamp-part>:<pk-tag>.
+        # Otherwise it's just the <timestamp-part>. To get both of these
+        # cases we set the column end value to be the <timestamp-part>
+        # suffixed with ';' (which has an ordinal value 1 greater than
+        # ':'. So this will get all of the events with the given column
+        # end regardless of whether or not they include the pk tag.
+        column_end = get_events_padded_column_part(column_end) + ';'
+    slice_predicate = SlicePredicate(slice_range=SliceRange(
+        start=column_start, finish=column_end, count=1000000))
+    return slice_predicate
+def append_log_events_results(event_results, event_list, timestamp_key_part, include_pk_tag=False):
+    shifted_timestamp_key_part = int(timestamp_key_part) * EVENTS_BUCKET_PERIOD
+    for item in event_results:
+        event = {}
+        super_column_name =
+        colon_index = super_column_name.find(":")
+        if colon_index >= 0:
+            if include_pk_tag:
+                pk_tag = super_column_name[colon_index:]
+                event['pk-tag'] = pk_tag
+            timestamp_column_part = super_column_name[:colon_index]
+        else:
+            timestamp_column_part = super_column_name
+        timestamp = shifted_timestamp_key_part + int(timestamp_column_part)
+        event['timestamp'] = timestamp
+        for column in item.super_column.columns:
+            event[] = column.value
+        event_list.append(event)
+def get_log_event_data(cluster, node_id, start_time, end_time, include_pk_tag=False):
+    # FIXME: Add some validation of arguments
+    start_key_part, start_column_part = split_events_timestamp(int(start_time))
+    end_key_part, end_column_part = split_events_timestamp(int(end_time))
+    event_list = []
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(column_family=EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME)
+    for key_part in range(start_key_part, end_key_part+1):
+        current_start = start_column_part if key_part == start_key_part else ''
+        current_end = end_column_part if key_part == end_key_part else ''
+        # FIXME: How big can the count be?
+        slice_predicate = get_events_slice_predicate(current_start, current_end)
+        key = construct_log_events_key(cluster, node_id, key_part)
+        for attempt in (1,2):
+            try:
+                results = stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice(key,
+                    column_parent, slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+                break
+            except TTransport.TTransportException:
+                # Only retry once, so if it's the second time through,
+                # propagate the exception
+                if attempt == 2:
+                    raise StatsDatabaseConnectionException()
+                stats_db_connection.reconnect()
+            except Exception:
+                raise StatsDatabaseAccessException()
+        append_log_events_results(results, event_list, key_part, include_pk_tag)
+    return event_list
+def put_log_event_data(cluster, log_events_data):
+    try:
+        mutation_map = {}
+        for (node_id, node_events) in log_events_data.iteritems():
+            for event in node_events:
+                timestamp = event['timestamp']
+                pk_tag = event.get('pk-tag')
+                # If the entry in the put data does not specify a tag, then generate a random one.
+                # This is so that we can have multiple events with the same timestamp.
+                # FIXME: Is there something better we can do here?
+                if not pk_tag:
+                    pk_tag = random.randint(0,10000000000)
+                timestamp = int(timestamp)
+                timestamp_key_part, timestamp_column_part = split_events_timestamp(timestamp)
+                key = construct_log_events_key(cluster, node_id, timestamp_key_part)
+                key_entry = mutation_map.get(key)
+                if not key_entry:
+                    mutation_list = []
+                    mutation_map[key] = {EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME: mutation_list}
+                else:
+                    mutation_list = key_entry[EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME]
+                supercolumn_name = get_events_padded_column_part(timestamp_column_part)
+                if pk_tag is not None:
+                    supercolumn_name += (':' + str(pk_tag))
+                # Build the list of columns in the supercolumn
+                column_list = []
+                for (name, value) in event.iteritems():
+                    if name != 'timestamp':
+                        column_list.append(Column(name=name, value=str(value),
+                                                  timestamp=timestamp*1000))
+                mutation = Mutation(column_or_supercolumn=ColumnOrSuperColumn(
+                                    super_column=SuperColumn(name=supercolumn_name,
+                                    columns=column_list)))
+                mutation_list.append(mutation)
+    except Exception:
+        raise StatsInvalidStatsDataException()
+    call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().batch_mutate,
+                                  mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+def delete_log_event_data(cluster, node_id, start_time, end_time):
+    start_key_part, start_column_part = split_events_timestamp(int(start_time))
+    end_key_part, end_column_part = split_events_timestamp(int(end_time))
+    # The Cassandra timestamps are in microseconds, not milliseconds,
+    # so we convert to microseconds. The Cassandra timestamp is derived
+    # from the event timestamp (i.e. same time converted to microseconds),
+    # so we use the end_time + 1, since that's guaranteed to be greater
+    # than any of the timestamps for the sample points we're deleting.
+    timestamp = (int(end_time) * 1000) + 1
+    column_path = ColumnPath(column_family=EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME)
+    column_parent = ColumnParent(column_family=EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME)
+    for key_part in range(start_key_part, end_key_part+1):
+        key = construct_log_events_key(cluster, node_id, key_part)
+        current_start = start_column_part if key_part == start_key_part else ''
+        current_end = end_column_part if key_part == end_key_part else ''
+        if current_start == '' and current_end == '':
+            call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().remove,
+                key, column_path, timestamp, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+        else:
+            # grrr. Cassandra currently doesn't support doing deletions via a
+            # slice range (i.e. a column start and end). You need to give it a
+            # list of columns. So we do a get_slice with the slice range and then
+            # extract the individual column names from the result of that and
+            # build up the column list that we can use to delete the column
+            # using batch_mutate.
+            slice_predicate = get_events_slice_predicate(current_start, current_end)
+            get_results = call_cassandra_with_reconnect(
+                stats_db_connection.get_client().get_slice,
+                key, column_parent, slice_predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+            column_names = []
+            for item in get_results:
+                column_names.append(
+            deletion = Deletion(timestamp=timestamp, predicate=SlicePredicate(column_names=column_names))
+            mutation_map = {key: {EVENTS_COLUMN_FAMILY_NAME: [Mutation(deletion=deletion)]}}
+            call_cassandra_with_reconnect(stats_db_connection.get_client().batch_mutate,
+                                          mutation_map, ConsistencyLevel.ONE)
+def get_closest_sample_interval(requested_sample_interval):
+    for i in range(0, len(DOWNSAMPLE_INTERVALS)):
+        if DOWNSAMPLE_INTERVALS[i] > requested_sample_interval:
+            if i == 0:
+                return requested_sample_interval
+            downsample_interval = DOWNSAMPLE_INTERVALS[i - 1]
+            break
+    else:
+        downsample_interval = DOWNSAMPLE_INTERVALS[-1]
+    # Return the closest multiple of the downsampled interval
+    return downsample_interval * (requested_sample_interval // downsample_interval)
+def get_closest_window_interval(requested_window):
+    for i in range(0, len(WINDOW_INTERVALS)):
+        if WINDOW_INTERVALS[i] > requested_window:
+            return WINDOW_INTERVALS[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0
+    return WINDOW_INTERVALS[-1]