Base net-virt CLI files on top of which ONOS specific changes will be done
diff --git a/cli/sdncon/rest/ b/cli/sdncon/rest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7430831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/sdncon/rest/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+from django.core.validators import validate_ipv4_address, MinValueValidator
+from django.db import models
+from django.forms import ValidationError
+from django.test import TestCase, Client
+from django.utils import simplejson
+import copy
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+from import validate_mac_address, RangeValidator, ChoicesValidator
+from import add_config_handler, reset_last_config_state, model_instances_equal
+# These are the test models used in the unit tests
+# When running the unit tests, syncdb looks for model definitions
+# in this file (i.e., so these will be in the complete
+# list of models used by the REST code
+class RestTestModel(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=32, primary_key=True)
+    enabled = models.BooleanField()
+    min = models.IntegerField(validators=[MinValueValidator(100)])
+    range = models.IntegerField(validators=[RangeValidator(10,100)])
+    internal = models.CharField(max_length=24,default='foo')
+    ip = models.IPAddressField(validators=[validate_ipv4_address])
+    mac = models.CharField(max_length=20, validators=[validate_mac_address])
+    ratio = models.FloatField()
+        ('red', 'Dark Red'),
+        ('blue', 'Navy Blue'),
+        ('green', 'Green'),
+        ('white', 'Ivory White')
+    )
+    color = models.CharField(max_length=20, validators=[ChoicesValidator(COLOR_CHOICES)])
+    def clean(self):
+        # This is just a dummy check for testing purposes. Typically you'd only
+        # use the model-level clean function for validating things across multiple fields
+        if self.range == 50:
+            raise ValidationError("Dummy model-level validation failure.")
+    class Rest:
+        NAME = 'rest-test'
+        FIELD_INFO = ({'name':'internal', 'private': True},)
+class RestTestTagModel(models.Model):
+    rest_test = models.ForeignKey(RestTestModel)
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
+    value = models.CharField(max_length=256)
+    class Rest:
+        NAME = 'rest-test-tag'
+        FIELD_INFO = ({'name':'rest_test', 'rest_name':'rest-test'},)
+class RestTestRenamedFieldModel(models.Model):
+    test = models.CharField(max_length=16,primary_key=True)
+    class Rest:
+        NAME = 'rest-test-renamed'
+        FIELD_INFO = ({'name':'test', 'rest_name':'renamed'},)
+class RestDisabledModel(models.Model):
+    dummy = models.CharField(max_length=32)
+class RestCompoundKeyModel(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
+    index = models.IntegerField()
+    extra = models.CharField(max_length=32, default='dummy')
+    class CassandraSettings:
+        COMPOUND_KEY_FIELDS = ['name', 'index']
+    class Rest:
+        NAME = 'rest-compound-key'
+# These are some client-side utility functions for getting, putting, deleting
+# data using the REST API
+def construct_rest_url(path, query_params=None):
+    url = 'http://localhost:8000/rest/v1/%s/' % path
+    if query_params:
+        url += '?'
+        url += urllib.urlencode(query_params)
+    return url
+def get_rest_data(type, query_param_dict=None):
+    url = construct_rest_url(type, query_param_dict)
+    request = urllib2.Request(url)
+    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+    response_text =
+    obj = simplejson.loads(response_text)
+    return obj
+def put_rest_data(obj, type, query_param_dict=None):
+    url = construct_rest_url(type, query_param_dict)
+    post_data = simplejson.dumps(obj)
+    request = urllib2.Request(url, post_data, {'Content-Type':'application/json'})
+    request.get_method = lambda: 'PUT'
+    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+    return
+def delete_rest_data(type, query_param_dict=None):
+    url = construct_rest_url(type, query_param_dict)
+    request = urllib2.Request(url)
+    request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
+    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+    return
+def test_construct_rest_url(path, query_params=None):
+    url = '/rest/v1/%s/' % path
+    if query_params:
+        url += '?'
+        url += urllib.urlencode(query_params)
+    return url
+def test_construct_rest_model_url(path, query_params=None):
+    return test_construct_rest_url('model/' + path, query_params)
+def test_get_rest_model_data(type, query_params=None):
+    url = test_construct_rest_model_url(type,query_params)
+    c = Client()
+    response = c.get(url)
+    return response
+def test_put_rest_model_data(obj, type, query_params=None):
+    url = test_construct_rest_model_url(type, query_params)
+    data = simplejson.dumps(obj)
+    c = Client()
+    response = c.put(url , data, 'application/json')
+    return response
+def test_delete_rest_model_data(type, query_params=None):
+    url = test_construct_rest_model_url(type, query_params)
+    c = Client()
+    response = c.delete(url)
+    return response
+def get_sorted_list(data_list, key_name, create_copy=False):
+    if create_copy:
+        data_list = copy.deepcopy(data_list)
+    if key_name:
+        key_func = lambda item: item.get(key_name)
+    else:
+        key_func = lambda item: item[0]
+    data_list.sort(key = key_func)
+    return data_list
+# The actual unit test classes
+class BasicFunctionalityTest(TestCase):
+        {'name':'foobar','enabled':True,'min':100,'range':30,'ip':'','mac':'00:01:22:34:56:af','ratio':4.56,'color':'red'},
+        {'name':'sdnplatform','enabled':False,'min':400,'range':45,'ip':'','mac':'00:01:22:CC:56:DD','ratio':8.76,'color':'green'},
+        {'name':'foobar2','enabled':True,'min':1000,'range':100,'ip':'','mac':'00:01:22:34:56:af','ratio':1,'color':'white'},
+    ]
+        {'id':'1','rest-test':'foobar','name':'one','value':'testit'},
+        {'id':'2','rest-test':'foobar','name':'two','value':'test2'},
+        {'id':'3','rest-test':'sdnplatform','name':'three','value':'three'},
+    ]
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Create the RestTestModel instances
+        rest_test_list = []
+        for rtd in self.REST_TEST_DATA:
+            rt = RestTestModel(**rtd)
+            rest_test_list.append(rt)
+        # Create the RestTestTagModel instances
+        for rttd in self.REST_TEST_TAG_DATA:
+            rttd_init = rttd.copy()
+            for rt in rest_test_list:
+                if == rttd['rest-test']:
+                    del rttd_init['rest-test']
+                    rttd_init['rest_test'] = rt
+                    break
+            else:
+                raise Exception('Invalid initialization data for REST unit tests')
+            rtt = RestTestTagModel(**rttd_init)
+        rtrf = RestTestRenamedFieldModel(test='test')
+        # Create the RestDisabledModel instance. We're only going to test that
+        # we can't access this model via the REST API, so we don't need to keep
+        # track of the data used for the instance
+        #rdm = RestDisabledModel(dummy='dummy')
+    def check_rest_test_data_result(self, data_list, expected_data_list, message=None):
+        data_list = get_sorted_list(data_list, 'name', True)
+        expected_data_list = get_sorted_list(expected_data_list, 'name', True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(data_list), len(expected_data_list), message)
+        for i in range(len(data_list)):
+            data = data_list[i]
+            expected_data = expected_data_list[i]
+            self.assertEqual(data['name'], expected_data['name'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['enabled'], expected_data['enabled'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['min'], expected_data['min'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['range'], expected_data['range'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['ip'], expected_data['ip'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['mac'], expected_data['mac'], message)
+            self.assertAlmostEqual(data['ratio'], expected_data['ratio'], 7, message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['color'], expected_data['color'], message)
+    def check_rest_test_tag_data_result(self, data_list, expected_data_list, message=None):
+        data_list = get_sorted_list(data_list, 'name', True)
+        expected_data_list = get_sorted_list(expected_data_list, 'name', True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(data_list), len(expected_data_list), message)
+        for i in range(len(data_list)):
+            data = data_list[i]
+            expected_data = expected_data_list[i]
+            self.assertEqual(str(data['id']), expected_data['id'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['rest-test'], expected_data['rest-test'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['name'], expected_data['name'], message)
+            self.assertEqual(data['value'], expected_data['value'], message)
+    def test_put_one(self):
+        test_put_rest_model_data({'min':200,'color':'white'}, 'rest-test/foobar')
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        rtd_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.REST_TEST_DATA)
+        rtd_copy[0]['min'] = 200
+        rtd_copy[0]['color'] = 'white'
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, rtd_copy)
+    def test_put_query(self):
+        test_put_rest_model_data({'min':200,'color':'white'}, 'rest-test', {'enabled':True})
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        rtd_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.REST_TEST_DATA)
+        for rtd in rtd_copy:
+            if rtd['enabled']:
+                rtd['min'] = 200
+                rtd['color'] = 'white'
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, rtd_copy)
+    def test_create_one(self):
+        rtd_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.REST_TEST_DATA)
+        create_rtd = rtd_copy[0].copy()
+        create_rtd['name'] = 'test-create'
+        rtd_copy.append(create_rtd)
+        test_put_rest_model_data(create_rtd, 'rest-test')
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, rtd_copy)
+    def test_create_many(self):
+        rtd_copy = copy.deepcopy(self.REST_TEST_DATA)
+        create_rtd1 = rtd_copy[0].copy()
+        create_rtd1['name'] = 'test-create1'
+        create_rtd1['min'] = 2000
+        rtd_copy.append(create_rtd1)
+        create_rtd2 = rtd_copy[0].copy()
+        create_rtd2['name'] = 'test-create2'
+        create_rtd1['min'] = 4000
+        rtd_copy.append(create_rtd2)
+        test_put_rest_model_data([create_rtd1,create_rtd2], 'rest-test')
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, rtd_copy)
+    def test_get(self):
+        RTD = self.REST_TEST_DATA
+        RTTD = self.REST_TEST_TAG_DATA
+        GET_TEST_VECTORS = (
+            #model_name, query_params, expected_data
+            ('rest-test', None, RTD, 'Failure getting all rest-test instances'),
+            ('rest-test-tag', None, RTTD, 'Failure getting all rest-test-tag instances'),
+            ('rest-test/foobar', None, RTD[0], 'Failure getting single rest-test instance by URL'),
+            ('rest-test', {'name':'foobar'}, [RTD[0]], 'Failure querying for single rest-test instance'),
+            ('rest-test', {'name':'foobar','nolist':True}, RTD[0], 'Failure querying for single rest-test instance using nolist'),
+            ('rest-test', {'enabled':True}, [RTD[0],RTD[2]], 'Failure querying for multiple rest-test instances'),
+            ('rest-test', {'name__startswith':'foobar'}, [RTD[0],RTD[2]], 'Failure querying for multiple rest-test instances using startswith'),
+            ('rest-test', {'orderby':'ratio'}, [RTD[2],RTD[0],RTD[1]], 'Failure querying with ascending orderby'),
+            ('rest-test', {'orderby':'-ratio'}, [RTD[1],RTD[0],RTD[2]], 'Failure querying with descending orderby'),
+            ('rest-test', {'orderby':'enabled,-ratio'}, [RTD[1],RTD[0],RTD[2]], 'Failure querying with multi-field orderby'),
+            ('rest-test-tag', {'rest-test':'foobar'}, [RTTD[0],RTTD[1]], 'Failure querying by ForeignKey value'),
+            ('rest-test-tag', {'rest-test__startswith':'foo'}, [RTTD[0],RTTD[1]], 'Failure querying by ForeignKey value'),
+            ('rest-test-tag', {'rest-test__contains':'swi'}, [RTTD[2]], 'Failure querying by ForeignKey value'),
+        )
+        for model_name, query_params, expected_data, message in GET_TEST_VECTORS:
+            response = test_get_rest_model_data(model_name, query_params)
+            data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+            #print model_name
+            #self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, expected_data, message)
+            if type(data) is not list:
+                data = [data]
+                #data = get_sorted_list(data, 'name', False)
+            if type(expected_data) is not list:
+                expected_data = [expected_data]
+                #expected_data = get_sorted_list(expected_data, 'name', True)
+            if model_name.startswith('rest-test-tag'):
+                self.check_rest_test_tag_data_result(data, expected_data, message)
+            else:
+                self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, expected_data, message)
+    def test_renamed_field(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test-renamed/test')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,200)
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(data['renamed'], 'test')
+    def test_delete_one(self):
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-test/foobar')
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, self.REST_TEST_DATA[1:])
+    def test_delete_query(self):
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-test', {'name__startswith':'foobar'})
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_rest_test_data_result(data, [self.REST_TEST_DATA[1]])
+    def test_delete_all(self):
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test')
+        data = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(len(data),0)
+class NegativeTest(TestCase):
+    def test_invalid_model_name(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('foobar')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,400)
+        response_obj = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(response_obj['error_type'],'RestInvalidDataTypeException')
+    def test_resource_not_found(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test/foobar')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,404)
+        response_obj = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(response_obj['error_type'],'RestResourceNotFoundException')
+    def test_invalid_orderby(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-test', {'orderby':'foobar'})
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,400)
+        response_obj = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(response_obj['error_type'],'RestInvalidOrderByException')
+    def test_hidden_model(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('restdisabledmodel')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,400)
+        response_obj = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(response_obj['error_type'],'RestInvalidDataTypeException')
+class ValidationTest(TestCase):
+    DEFAULT_DATA = {'name':'foobar','enabled':True,'min':100,'range':30,'ip':'','mac':'00:01:22:34:56:af','ratio':4.56,'color':'red'}
+        #update-dict, error-type, error-messgae
+        ({'min':99}, ['min'],'Min value validation failed'),
+        ({'range':8}, ['range'],'Min range validation failed'),
+        ({'range':2000}, ['range'],'Max range validation failed'),
+        ({'range':50}, None,'Model-level clean validation failed'),
+        ({'mac':'00:01:02:03:05'}, ['mac'],'Too short MAC address validation failed'),
+        ({'mac':'00:01:02:03:05:99:45'}, ['mac'],'Too long MAC address validation failed'),
+        ({'mac':'00,01,02,03,05,99'}, ['mac'],'MAC address separator char validation failed'),
+        ({'mac':'0r:01:02:03:05:99'}, ['mac'],'MAC address character validation failed'),
+        ({'mac':'123:01:02:03:05:99'}, ['mac'],'MAC address byte length validation failed'),
+        ({'color':'purple'}, ['color'],'Choices validation failed'),
+        ({'ip':'foobar'}, ['ip'], 'Invalid IP address char validation failed'),
+        ({'ip':'192.168.1'}, ['ip'], 'Too short IP address char validation failed'),
+        ({'ip':''}, ['ip'], 'Too long IP address char validation failed'),
+        ({'ip':'192,168,1,0'}, ['ip'], 'IP address separator char validation failed'),
+        ({'ip':''}, ['ip'], 'Out of range IP address byte validation failed'),
+        ({'min':99, 'ip':''}, ['min', 'ip'], 'Multiple field validation failed'),
+    )
+    def check_response(self, response, invalid_fields, message):
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code,400)
+        response_obj = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.assertEqual(response_obj['error_type'], 'RestValidationException', message)
+        if invalid_fields:
+            self.assertEqual(response_obj.get('model_error'), None)
+            field_errors = response_obj.get('field_errors')
+            self.assertNotEqual(field_errors, None)
+            self.assertEqual(len(invalid_fields), len(field_errors), message)
+            for field_name in field_errors.keys():
+                self.assertTrue(field_name in invalid_fields, message)
+        else:
+            self.assertEqual(response_obj.get('field_errors'), None)
+            self.assertNotEqual(response_obj.get('model_error'), None)
+        # FIXME: Maybe check the description here too?
+    def test_create_validation(self):
+        for test_data, invalid_fields, message in self.TEST_VECTORS:
+            data = self.DEFAULT_DATA.copy()
+            for name, value in test_data.items():
+                data[name] = value
+            put_response = test_put_rest_model_data(data, 'rest-test')
+            self.check_response(put_response, invalid_fields, message)
+    def test_update_validation(self):
+        # First add an instance with the default data and check that it's OK
+        put_response = test_put_rest_model_data(self.DEFAULT_DATA, 'rest-test')
+        self.assertEqual(put_response.status_code,200)
+        for test_data, invalid_fields, message in self.TEST_VECTORS:
+            put_response = test_put_rest_model_data(test_data, 'rest-test/foobar')
+            self.check_response(put_response, invalid_fields, message)
+class ConfigHandlerTest(TestCase):
+    TEST_DATA = {'name':'foobar','enabled':True,'min':100,'range':30,'ip':'','mac':'00:01:22:34:56:af','ratio':4.56,'color':'red'}
+    test_op = None
+    test_old_instance = None
+    test_new_instance = None
+    test_modified_fields = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def reset_config_handler():
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_op = None
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_old_instance = None
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_new_instance = None
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_modified_fields = None
+    @staticmethod
+    def config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields):
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_op = op
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_old_instance = old_instance
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_new_instance = new_instance
+        ConfigHandlerTest.test_modified_fields = modified_fields
+    def check_config_handler(self, expected_op, expected_old_instance, expected_new_instance, expected_modified_fields):
+        self.assertEqual(ConfigHandlerTest.test_op, expected_op)
+        self.assertTrue(model_instances_equal(ConfigHandlerTest.test_old_instance, expected_old_instance))
+        self.assertTrue(model_instances_equal(ConfigHandlerTest.test_new_instance, expected_new_instance))
+        self.assertEqual(ConfigHandlerTest.test_modified_fields, expected_modified_fields)
+    def test_config(self):
+        reset_last_config_state()
+        # Install the config handler
+        field_list = ['internal', 'min', 'mac']
+        add_config_handler({RestTestModel: field_list}, ConfigHandlerTest.config_handler)
+        # Check that config handler is triggered on an insert
+        ConfigHandlerTest.reset_config_handler()
+        test = RestTestModel(**self.TEST_DATA)
+        self.check_config_handler('INSERT', None, test, None)
+        # Check that config handler is triggered on an update
+        ConfigHandlerTest.reset_config_handler()
+        expected_old = RestTestModel.objects.get(pk='foobar')
+        test.internal = 'check'
+        test.min = 125
+        self.check_config_handler('UPDATE', expected_old, test, {'internal': 'check', 'min': 125})
+        # Check that config handler is not triggered on an update to a field that
+        # it's not configured to care about
+        ConfigHandlerTest.reset_config_handler()
+        test.max = 500
+        self.check_config_handler(None, None, None, None)
+        # Check that config handler is triggered on a delete
+        ConfigHandlerTest.reset_config_handler()
+        test.delete()
+        # delete() clears the pk which messes up the instance
+        # comparison logic in check_config_handler, so we hack
+        # it back to the value it had before the delete
+ = 'foobar'    
+        self.check_config_handler('DELETE', test, None, None)
+class CompoundKeyModelTest(TestCase):
+    TEST_DATA = [
+        {'name': 'foo', 'index': 3},
+        {'name': 'foo', 'index': 7},
+        {'name': 'bar', 'index': 2, 'extra': 'abc'},
+        {'name': 'bar', 'index': 4, 'extra': 'test'},
+    ]
+    def setUp(self):
+        for data in self.TEST_DATA:
+            test_put_rest_model_data(data, 'rest-compound-key')
+    def check_query_results(self, actual_results, expected_results):
+        self.assertEqual(len(actual_results), len(expected_results))
+        actual_results = get_sorted_list(actual_results, 'id', False)
+        expected_results = copy.deepcopy(expected_results)
+        for expected_result in expected_results:
+            expected_result['id'] = expected_result['name'] + '|' + str(expected_result['index'])
+        expected_results = get_sorted_list(expected_results, 'id')
+        for actual_result, expected_result in zip(actual_results, expected_results):
+            self.assertEqual(actual_result['id'], expected_result['id'])
+            self.assertEqual(actual_result['name'], expected_result['name'])
+            self.assertEqual(actual_result['index'], expected_result['index'])
+            expected_extra = expected_result.get('extra', 'dummy')
+            self.assertEqual(actual_result['extra'], expected_extra)
+    def test_set_up(self):
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        actual_results = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_query_results(actual_results, self.TEST_DATA)
+    def test_delete_by_id(self):
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key', {'id': 'foo|3'})
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key', {'id': 'bar|4'})
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        actual_results = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_query_results(actual_results, self.TEST_DATA[1:-1])
+    def test_delete_by_fields(self):
+        test_delete_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key', {'name': 'bar', 'index': 4})
+        response = test_get_rest_model_data('rest-compound-key')
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        actual_results = simplejson.loads(response.content)
+        self.check_query_results(actual_results, self.TEST_DATA[:-1])
+class UserDataTest(TestCase):
+    TEST_DATA = [
+        # name, data, binary, content-type
+        ('test/foobar', 'hello world\nanother line', False, None),
+        ('test/json-test', '[0,1,2]', False, 'application/json'),
+        ('test/binary-test', '\x01\x02\x03\x04\x55', True, None),
+    ]
+        ('moretests/foo1', 'moretest1', False, None),
+        ('moretests/foo2', 'moretest2', False, None),
+    ]
+    def add_user_data(self, client, user_data):
+        for name, data, binary, content_type in user_data:
+            if not content_type:
+                if binary:
+                    content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
+                else:
+                    content_type = 'text/plain'
+            url = test_construct_rest_url('data/' + name, {'binary':binary})
+            response = client.put(url, data, content_type)
+            self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200)
+    def check_expected_info_list(self, info_list, expected_info_list):
+        self.assertEqual(type(info_list), list)
+        info_list = get_sorted_list(info_list, 'name', True)
+        expected_info_list = get_sorted_list(expected_info_list, None, True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(info_list), len(expected_info_list))
+        for i in range(len(info_list)):
+            data = info_list[i]
+            expected_data = expected_info_list[i]
+            expected_name = expected_data[0]
+            expected_url_path = 'rest/v1/data/' + expected_name + '/'
+            self.assertEqual(data['name'], expected_name)
+            self.assertEqual(data['url_path'], expected_url_path)
+    def get_info_list(self, client, query_params=None):
+        url = test_construct_rest_url('data', query_params)
+        get_response = client.get(url)
+        self.assertEqual(get_response.status_code, 200)
+        info_list = simplejson.loads(get_response.content)
+        # The view for listing user data items hard-codes inclusion of some
+        # *magic* user data items corresponding to the startup-config
+        # and update-config, depending on the presence of certain files
+        # in the file system. To make the unit tests work correctly if/when
+        # either/both of those items are added we do this filtering pass
+        # over the items returned from the REST API. Ugly hack!
+        info_list = [item for item in info_list if '-config' not in item['name']]
+        return info_list
+    def test_user_data_basic(self):
+        c = Client()
+        self.add_user_data(c, self.TEST_DATA)
+        for name, data, binary, content_type in self.TEST_DATA:
+            if not content_type:
+                if binary:
+                    content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
+                else:
+                    content_type = 'text/plain'
+            url = test_construct_rest_url('data/' + name)
+            get_response = c.get(url)
+            self.assertEqual(get_response.content, data)
+            self.assertEqual(get_response['Content-Type'], content_type)
+    def test_user_data_delete(self):
+        c = Client()
+        self.add_user_data(c, self.TEST_DATA)
+        self.add_user_data(c, self.MORE_TEST_DATA)
+        # Do a delete with a query filter
+        url = test_construct_rest_url('data', {'name__startswith':'moretests/'})
+        response = c.delete(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        info_list = self.get_info_list(c)
+        expected_info_list = self.TEST_DATA
+        self.check_expected_info_list(info_list, expected_info_list)
+        # Do a delete of a specific user data element
+        url = test_construct_rest_url('data/' + self.TEST_DATA[0][0])
+        response = c.delete(url)
+        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+        info_list = self.get_info_list(c)
+        expected_info_list = self.TEST_DATA[1:]
+        self.check_expected_info_list(info_list, expected_info_list)
+    def test_user_data_info(self):
+        c = Client()
+        self.add_user_data(c, self.TEST_DATA)
+        self.add_user_data(c, self.MORE_TEST_DATA)
+        info_list = self.get_info_list(c)
+        expected_info_list = self.TEST_DATA + self.MORE_TEST_DATA
+        self.check_expected_info_list(info_list, expected_info_list)
+        info_list = self.get_info_list(c, {'name__startswith':'test/'})
+        expected_info_list = self.TEST_DATA
+        self.check_expected_info_list(info_list, expected_info_list)