Base net-virt CLI files on top of which ONOS specific changes will be done
diff --git a/cli/sdncon/controller/ b/cli/sdncon/controller/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..73b54f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/sdncon/controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,1515 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+import os, atexit
+import glob
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output, CalledProcessError
+import sys, traceback, socket
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from types import StringType
+import datetime
+import json
+import re
+import time
+import urllib2
+import httplib
+import fcntl, shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import stat
+from string import Template
+from django.forms import ValidationError
+# Can't import from `import sdncon` -- causes circular dependency!
+SDN_ROOT = "/opt/sdnplatform" if not 'SDN_ROOT' in os.environ else os.environ['SDN_ROOT']
+# Big Switch Networks Enterprise OID
+class OsWrapper():
+    """ This base class abstracts executing os binaries without using shell in a secure, hardened way.
+        Things to keep in mind when composing command templates - because we dont use shell, args to the 
+        binaries are presented as items in the list, so no need to de-specialize special characters , for 
+        example, if you want to echo something into a file, command is "echo -e abc\ndef\n" and not 
+        "echo -e \"abc\ndef\n\"", which would then result in the quotes also to be echo'ed.
+    """
+    name = "none"
+    cmds_lst_for_set = []
+    cmds_lst_for_get = []
+    sudo_required_for_set = True
+    sudo_required_for_get = False
+    def __init__(self, name, this_cmds_list_for_set, this_cmds_list_for_get, is_sudo_reqd_for_set=True, is_sudo_required_for_get=False):
+ = name
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = this_cmds_list_for_set
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = this_cmds_list_for_get
+        self.sudo_required_for_set = is_sudo_reqd_for_set
+        self.sudo_required_for_get = is_sudo_required_for_get
+        self.IP_RE = re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$')
+        self.DomainName_RE = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+.?)+$')
+    def validate_ip(self, value):
+        if not self.IP_RE.match(value) or len([x for x in value.split('.') if int(x) < 256]) != 4:
+            return False, "IP must be in dotted decimal format,"
+        return True, ""
+    def validate_domain(self, value):
+        if not self.DomainName_RE.match(value):
+            return False, "Invalid domain name"
+        return True, ""
+    def exec_cmds(self, cmds_lst, cmds_args, stdout_file_lst):
+        # traverse through the list of commands needed to set this
+        # cmd_args is a list of lists of args for each of the commands in the set list.
+        ret_out_err = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        if len(cmds_lst) != len(cmds_args):
+           # commands to args mismatch, error out and return
+           # possibly throw an exception here as well
+           ret_out_err['err'].append("Command and args mismatch")
+           return ret_out_err
+        for indx in range(len(cmds_lst)):
+            #if self.sudo_required_for_set:
+            #   cmd_string = "sudo "
+            #else:
+            #   cmd_string = "" 
+            cmd_string = ""
+            cmd_template = Template(cmd_string + cmds_lst[indx])
+            args_map = dict({}) 
+            for args_indx in range(len(cmds_args[indx])):
+                args_map["arg%d"%(args_indx+1)] = cmds_args[indx][args_indx]
+                cmd_string += cmds_args[indx][args_indx] + " "             
+            full_cmd_string = cmd_template.substitute(args_map)
+            file_for_stdout = PIPE
+            if stdout_file_lst != None and stdout_file_lst[indx] != "":
+                file_for_stdout = open(stdout_file_lst[indx], 'a')
+            sub_proc_output = Popen(full_cmd_string.rsplit(" "), shell=False, stdin=PIPE, stdout=file_for_stdout, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
+            ret_out_err['err'].append([])
+            if file_for_stdout == PIPE:
+                ret_out_err['out'].append([])
+            else:
+                file_for_stdout.close()
+            # not fit for pipe io - os.system(cmd_string) # need to check for errors in commands.
+        return ret_out_err
+    def exec_cmds_new(self, cmds_lst, cmds_args, useShell=False, appendStdOut=True):
+        # traverse through the list of commands needed to set this
+        # cmd_args is a list of lists of args for each of the commands in the set list.
+        ret_out_err = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        if len(cmds_lst) != len(cmds_args):
+           # commands to args mismatch, error out and return
+           # possibly throw an exception here as wella
+           # cmds_list is a list of dict maps - [{'bin_name': <bin>, 'args_lst': <args-list>, 'stdoutfile':<filename>},...]
+           ret_out_err['err'].append("Command and args mismatch")
+           print 'cmds_lst:', cmds_lst
+           print 'cmd_args:', cmds_args
+           return ret_out_err
+        for indx in range(len(cmds_lst)):
+            #if self.sudo_required_for_set:
+            #   cmd_string = "sudo "
+            #else:
+            #   cmd_string = "" 
+            #cmd_string = ""
+            cmd_args_lst = [cmds_lst[indx]['bin_name']]
+            args_map = dict({}) 
+            for args_indx in range(len(cmds_args[indx])):
+                args_map["arg%d"%(args_indx+1)] = cmds_args[indx][args_indx]
+                #cmd_string += cmds_args[indx][args_indx] + " "  
+            if 'args_lst' in cmds_lst[indx]:  
+                for args_indx in range(len(cmds_lst[indx]['args_lst'])):
+                    arg_template = Template(cmds_lst[indx]['args_lst'][args_indx])
+                    full_arg_string = arg_template.substitute(args_map)
+                    cmd_args_lst.append(full_arg_string)
+            file_for_stdout = PIPE
+            if 'stdoutfile' in cmds_lst[indx] and cmds_lst[indx]['stdoutfile'] != "":
+                fMode = 'a'
+                if not appendStdOut:
+                    fMode = 'r+'
+                file_for_stdout = open(cmds_lst[indx]['stdoutfile'] , fMode)
+            sub_proc_output = Popen(cmd_args_lst, shell=useShell, stdin=PIPE, stdout=file_for_stdout, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
+            ret_out_err['err'].append(
+            if file_for_stdout == PIPE:
+                ret_out_err['out'].append(
+            else:
+                file_for_stdout.close()
+            # not fit for pipe io - os.system(cmd_string) # need to check for errors in commands.
+        return ret_out_err
+    def set(self, cmds_args, stdout_file_lst):
+        return self.exec_cmds(self.cmds_lst_for_set, cmds_args, stdout_file_lst)
+    def get(self, cmds_args, stdout_file_lst):
+        return self.exec_cmds(self.cmds_lst_for_get, cmds_args, stdout_file_lst)
+    def set_new(self, cmds_args_lst = [], cmds_args = [], useShell=False, appendStdOut = False):
+        if cmds_args_lst == []:
+            cmds_args_lst = self.cmds_lst_for_set
+        return self.exec_cmds_new(cmds_args_lst, cmds_args, useShell, appendStdOut)
+    def get_new(self, cmds_args_lst = [], cmds_args = [], useShell=False, appendStdOut = False):
+        if cmds_args_lst == []:
+            cmds_args_lst = self.cmds_lst_for_get 
+        return self.exec_cmds_new(cmds_args_lst, cmds_args, useShell, appendStdOut)
+def validate_input1(validator, value): #temporarily disabling this - TBD
+    try:
+        validator(value)
+    except ValidationError, _err:
+        return False
+    return True
+def validate_input(validator, value):
+    a = True
+    #try:
+        #a, b = validator(value)
+    #except ValidationError, err:
+    #    return False
+    return a
+def dotted_decimal_to_int(ip):
+    """
+    Converts a dotted decimal IP address string to a 32 bit integer
+    """
+    bytes = ip.split('.')
+    ip_int = 0
+    for b in bytes:
+        ip_int = (ip_int << 8) + int(b)
+    return ip_int
+def same_subnet(ip1, ip2, netmask):
+    """
+    Checks whether the two ip addresses are on the same subnet as
+    determined by the netmask argument. All of the arguments are
+    dotted decimal IP address strings.
+    """
+    if ip1 == '' or ip2 == '' or netmask == '':
+        return False
+    ip1_int = dotted_decimal_to_int(ip1)
+    ip2_int = dotted_decimal_to_int(ip2)
+    netmask_int = dotted_decimal_to_int(netmask)
+    return (ip1_int & netmask_int) == (ip2_int & netmask_int)
+class NetworkConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name="network_config"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def rewrite_etc_network_interfaces(self, controller, interfaces, ret_result):
+        """
+        Return True when the /etc/network/interfaces is rewritten. Return False otherwise.
+        The file is rewritten only when the intended new contents is different from
+        the old contents, this is an attempt to not purturb the network unless something
+        really changed.
+        """
+        gateway = controller['fields']['default_gateway']
+        if (gateway != ''):
+            (r, m) = self.validate_ip(gateway)
+            if not r:
+                ret_result['err'].append("Default gateway: %s" % m)
+                gateway = ''
+        changed = False
+        new_conf = []
+        new_conf.append("# WARNING this file is automanaged by BSN controller\n")
+        new_conf.append("# DO NOT EDIT here, use CLI with 'configure'\n")
+        new_conf.append("auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\n\n")
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            if (interface['fields']['controller'] == controller['pk']):
+                num = interface['fields']['number']
+                new_conf.append("auto eth{0}\n".format(num))
+                if (interface['fields']['mode'] == 'dhcp'):
+                    new_conf.append("iface eth{0} inet dhcp\n".format(num))
+                else:
+                    ip = interface['fields']['ip']
+                    netmask = interface['fields']['netmask']
+                    if (ip != ""):
+                        (r, m) = self.validate_ip(ip)
+                        if not r:
+                            ret_result['err'].append(
+                                "Ethernet %s IP address %s: %s" % (num, ip, m))
+                            ip = ""
+                    if (netmask != ""):
+                        (r, m) = self.validate_ip(netmask)
+                        if not r:
+                            ret_result['err'].append(
+                                "Ethernet %s netmask %s: %s" % (num, netmask, m))
+                            netmask = ""
+                    new_conf.append("iface eth{0} inet static\n".format(num))
+                    if (ip != ""):
+                        new_conf.append("    address {0}\n".format(ip))
+                    if (netmask != ""):
+                        new_conf.append("    netmask {0}\n".format(netmask))
+                    if same_subnet(gateway, ip, netmask):
+                        new_conf.append("    gateway {0}\n".format(gateway))
+                new_conf.append("\n")
+        f = open("/etc/network/interfaces", "r")
+        if (''.join(new_conf) !=
+            f.close()
+            f = open("/etc/network/interfaces", "w")
+            f.write(''.join(new_conf))
+            changed = True
+        f.close()
+        return changed
+    def rewrite_etc_resolve_conf(self, controller, dns_servers, ret_result):
+        """
+        Return True when the /etc/resolv.conf is rewritten. Return False otherwise.
+        The file is rewritten only when the intended new contents is different from
+        the old contents, this is an attempt to not purturb the network unless something
+        really changed.
+        """
+        changed = False
+        new_conf = []
+        domain_name = controller['fields']['domain_name']
+        if (domain_name != ""):
+            new_conf.append("domain {0}\nsearch {1}\n".format(domain_name,
+                                                              domain_name))
+        if (controller['fields']['domain_lookups_enabled'] == True):
+            for dns in dns_servers:
+                if (dns['fields']['controller'] == controller['pk']):
+                    ip = dns['fields']['ip']
+                    if (ip != ""):
+                        (r, m) = self.validate_ip(ip)
+                        if not r:
+                            ret_result['err'].append("Name server %s: %s" % (ip, m))
+                            ip = ""
+                    if (ip != ""):
+                        new_conf.append("nameserver {0}\n".format(ip))
+        f = open("/etc/resolv.conf", "r")
+        if (''.join(new_conf) !=
+            f.close()
+            f = open("/etc/resolv.conf", "w")
+            f.write(''.join(new_conf))
+            changed = True
+        f.close()
+        return changed
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # args_list: [controllers, controlleDomainServers, controllerInterfaces]
+        # controllerInterfaces may be empty, which requess no rewrite
+        # of /etc/network/insterfaces
+        ifs_rewrite = False if len(args_list) < 3 else True
+        ret_result = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        controller = json.loads(args_list[0])[0]
+        network_restart = True
+        rc_changed = False
+        ni_changed = False
+        try:
+            domain_name = controller['fields']['domain_name']
+            new_rc = True
+            if domain_name != "":
+                (r, m) = self.validate_domain(domain_name)
+                if not r:
+                    ret_result['err'].append("Search domain %s: %s"
+                                             % (domain_name, m))
+                    new_rc = False
+            if new_rc:
+                rc_changed = self.rewrite_etc_resolve_conf(controller,
+                                                           json.loads(args_list[1]),
+                                                           ret_result)
+            if ifs_rewrite:
+                ni_changed = self.rewrite_etc_network_interfaces(controller,
+                                                                 json.loads(args_list[2]),
+                                                                 ret_result)
+        except Exception, _e:
+            network_restart = False
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        # don't restart the network config if resolv.conf was only updated
+        if network_restart and ni_changed:
+            # Kill any dhclients that might be hanging around.  When
+            # switching from dhcp to static config, networking restart
+            # won't kill these since the file has already been
+            # rewritten with a config that doesn't include DHCP.  A
+            # cleaner fix for this is to stop networking before
+            # writing the file and then start it after writing the
+            # file.  Longer-term, it might be better to use
+            # NetworkManager APIs for all of this rather than trying
+            # to manage this config file.
+            k = Popen(["/usr/bin/killall", "dhclient3"],
+                      stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+            k.wait()
+            p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d",
+                       "networking",
+                       "restart"],
+                       stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+            p.wait()
+            if (0 != p.returncode):
+                out =
+                ret_result['err'].append("Network restart failed:"
+                                         "%d: %s" % (p.returncode, out))
+            # Restart the discover-ip since the controller-interface table has been modified
+            ip = Popen(["/usr/sbin/service",
+                        "discover-ip",
+                        "restart"],
+                        stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+            # not concerned with error messages from the requested command
+        return ret_result
+class DirectNetworkConfig(NetworkConfig):
+    def __init__(self, name="direct_network_config"):
+        NetworkConfig.__init__(self, name)
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        gateway = ''
+        ip = ''
+        netmask = ''
+        domain_name = ''
+        dns1 = ''
+        dns2 = ''
+        domain_lookups_enabled = False
+        if args_list[0] == 'static':
+            ip = args_list[1]
+            netmask = args_list[2]
+            gateway = args_list[3]
+            if len(args_list) >= 5:
+                domain_name = args_list[4]
+                if len(args_list) >= 6:
+                    domain_lookups_enabled = True
+                    dns1 = args_list[5]
+                    if len(args_list) >= 7:
+                        dns2 = args_list[6]
+        else:
+            if len(args_list) >= 2:
+                domain_name = args_list[1]
+                if len(args_list) >= 3:
+                    domain_lookups_enabled = True
+                    dns1 = args_list[2]
+                    if len(args_list) >= 4:
+                        dns2 = args_list[3]
+        controller_interface=[{'fields' : {'id' : "localhost|ethernet|0", 
+                                          'type' : "ethernet", 'number' : 0, 
+                                          'mode' : args_list[0], 'ip' : ip, 
+                                          'netmask' : netmask, 'controller' : 'localhost'}}]
+        nameservers = []
+        if dns1 != '':
+            nameservers.append({ 'fields' : {'controller' : "localhost", 'priority' : 1, 'ip' : dns1}})
+            if dns2 != '':
+                nameservers.append({ 'fields' : {'controller' : "localhost", 'priority' : 2, 'ip' : dns2}})
+        controller=[{'fields' : {'id' : "localhost", 'domain_name' : domain_name,
+                                 'default_gateway' : gateway, 
+                                 'domain_lookups_enabled' : domain_lookups_enabled}, 'pk' : 'localhost'}]
+        return NetworkConfig.set(self, [json.dumps(controller), json.dumps(nameservers), 
+                              json.dumps(controller_interface)])               
+class UfwCommand(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "executeufwcommand"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, arg_list):
+        args = arg_list[0].split(" ")
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [{'bin_name' : '/usr/sbin/ufw', 'args_lst' : args}]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+NTP_CONF = """tinker panic 0
+driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
+# Enable this if you want statistics to be logged.
+#statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/
+statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
+filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
+filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
+filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable
+# Specify one or more NTP servers.
+# Use servers from the NTP Pool Project. Approved by Ubuntu Technical Board
+# on 2011-02-08 (LP: #104525). See for
+# more information.
+server %s
+# Access control configuration; see /usr/share/doc/ntp-doc/html/accopt.html for
+# details.  The web page <>
+# might also be helpful.
+# Note that "restrict" applies to both servers and clients, so a configuration
+# that might be intended to block requests from certain clients could also end
+# up blocking replies from your own upstream servers.
+# By default, exchange time with everybody, but don't allow configuration.
+restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
+restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
+# Local users may interrogate the ntp server more closely.
+restrict ::1
+# Clients from this (example!) subnet have unlimited access, but only if
+# cryptographically authenticated.
+#restrict mask notrust
+# If you want to provide time to your local subnet, change the next line.
+# (Again, the address is an example only.)
+# If you want to listen to time broadcasts on your local subnet, de-comment the
+# next lines.  Please do this only if you trust everybody on the network!
+#disable auth
+class SetNtpServer(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setntpserver"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        ret_result = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        server = ""
+        if (len(args_list) > 0 and 
+            args_list[0] is not None and 
+            args_list[0] != ""):
+            server = str(args_list[0])
+        ntpconf = NTP_CONF % server
+        changed = False
+        f = open("/etc/ntp.conf", "r")
+        if (''.join(ntpconf) !=
+            f.close()
+            f = open("/etc/ntp.conf", "w")
+            f.write(''.join(ntpconf))
+            changed = True
+        if changed:
+            ntp = Popen(["/usr/sbin/service",
+                        "ntp",
+                        "restart"],
+                        stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        return ret_result
+class SetTimezone(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "settimezone"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', 'echo "%s" >/etc/timezone' % (str(args_list[0]), )]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata 2>&1']},
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'rsyslog', ]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], []])
+class UnsetTimezone(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "unsettimezone"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', 'echo "Etc/UTC" >/etc/timezone']},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', '/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata 2>&1']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class SetSyslogServer(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setsyslogserver"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+             'args_lst' : ['-i', '/^*.* @/d', '/etc/rsyslog.conf']},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/echo',
+             'args_lst' : ['*.' + str(args_list[1]) + ' @' + str(args_list[0])], 'stdoutfile' : '/etc/rsyslog.conf'},
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'rsyslog']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], []])
+class UnsetSyslogServer(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "unsetsyslogserver"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+             'args_lst' : ['-i', '/^*./d', '/etc/rsyslog.conf']},
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'rsyslog']}
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class DateTime(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "getdatetime"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # If we're getting or setting the clock then the first argument
+        # should be either 'utc' or 'local' to indicate whether or not to
+        # use local time.
+        # If we're setting the clock there's a second argument which is the
+        # time to set, formatted as shown in set_cmd_args below.
+        set_parts = args_list[1].split(':')
+        set_param = '%2.2s%2.2s%2.2s%2.2s%4.4s.%2.2s' % (
+                        set_parts[1],
+                        set_parts[2],
+                        set_parts[3],
+                        set_parts[4],
+                        set_parts[0],
+                        set_parts[5],
+                        )
+        cmd_args = [str(set_param)]
+        if str(args_list[0]).lower() == 'utc':
+            cmd_args.insert(0, '-u')
+        #date_info = args_list[0]
+        #is_utc = args_list[1]
+        #date_str = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s"
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/date', 'args_lst' : cmd_args},
+        ]
+        OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+        return self.get(args_list)
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        cmd_args = ['+%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:%Z']
+        if str(args_list[0]).lower() == 'utc':
+            cmd_args.insert(0, '-u')
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/date', 'args_lst' : cmd_args},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.get_new(self, [], [[]])
+class SetControllerId(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setcontrollerid"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+             'args_lst' : ['-i', '/^controller-id=/d', "%s/run/boot-config" % SDN_ROOT]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', 'echo "controller-id=%s" >> %s/run/boot-config' % (
+                                str(args_list[0]), SDN_ROOT)
+                          ]
+             },
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class HAFailback(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "hafailback"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/touch',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/force-one-time-health-check-failure" % SDN_ROOT]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+#class HAFailover(OsWrapper):
+#    def __init__(self, name = "hafailover"):
+#        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+#    def set(self, args_list):
+#        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+#            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+#             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/" % SDN_ROOT, str(args_list[0])]},
+#        ]
+#        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class SetVrrpVirtualRouterId(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setvrrpvirtualrouterid"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/" % SDN_ROOT, str(args_list[0])]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+def write_controller_restarted():
+    """
+    Write the controller started file with the current timestamp + 5 seconds. This will
+    ensure that health check script ignores the state of sdnplatform for 5 seconds
+    from current time
+    """
+    f = open("/var/run/sdnplatform-healthcheck-disabled", "w")
+    # write time converted to int and then string
+    f.write(str(5 + long(time.time())))
+    f.close()
+class SetStaticFlowOnlyConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setstaticflowonlyconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # write the controller started file. do it before actually resetting
+        # so that there is no race condition with health check script
+        try:
+            write_controller_restarted()
+        except Exception, _e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/touch',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/feature/staticflowonlyconfig" % SDN_ROOT]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'sdnplatform']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], []])
+class RestartSDNPlatform(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "restartsdnplatform"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # write the controller started file. do it before actually resetting
+        # so that there is no race condition with health check script
+        try:
+            write_controller_restarted()
+        except Exception, _e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'sdnplatform']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class AbortUpgrade(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "abortupgrade"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/opt/sdnplatform/sys/bin/',
+             'args_lst' : []},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class SetDefaultConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setdefaultconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # write the controller started file. do it before actually resetting
+        # so that there is no race condition with health check script
+        try:
+            write_controller_restarted()
+        except Exception, _e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/rm',
+             'args_lst' : ['-f', "%s/feature/staticflowonlyconfig" % SDN_ROOT]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/initctl',
+             'args_lst' : ['restart', 'sdnplatform']},
+            # if there are other configs their flag files need to be deleted here too
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], []])
+class SetHostname(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "sethostname"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        hostname = str(args_list[0])
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            # replace hostname from /etc/hosts
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+             'args_lst' : ['-i',
+                           r's/^127\.0\.1\.1 .*$$/ %s/' % hostname,
+                           '/etc/hosts']},
+            # populate /etc/hosts
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ['-c', 'echo "%s" >/etc/hostname' % hostname]},
+            # tell the system about the hostname
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/hostname',
+             'args_lst' : ['-b', '-F', '/etc/hostname'] },
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], [],])
+# In PAM, "auth" == authentication (surprise!)
+# XXX roth -- maybe use PAP instead?
+# 'sufficient' --> tacacs+ and local authentication are enabled
+AUTHN_TPL = """\
+auth [default=1 success=ignore] uid >= 10000
+auth sufficient %(servers)s %(secrets)s %(timeout)s service=login protocol=ip login=login
+# In PAM, "account" == authorization
+AUTHZ_TPL = """\
+account [default=1 success=ignore] uid >= 10000
+account sufficient %(secrets)s %(timeout)s service=login service_av=shell protocol=ip login=login
+# In PAM, "session" == accounting
+ACCT_TPL = """\
+session sufficient %(servers)s %(secrets)s %(timeout)s service=login service_av=shell protocol=ip
+# XXX roth -- keep this in sync with the current release
+# of /etc/pam.d/sshd
+# PAM configuration for the Secure Shell service
+# Read environment variables from /etc/environment and
+# /etc/security/pam_env.conf.
+auth       required # [1]
+# In Debian 4.0 (etch), locale-related environment variables were moved to
+# /etc/default/locale, so read that as well.
+auth       required envfile=/etc/default/locale
+# Standard Un*x authentication.
+# Disallow non-root logins when /etc/nologin exists.
+account    required
+# Uncomment and edit /etc/security/access.conf if you need to set complex
+# access limits that are hard to express in sshd_config.
+# account  required
+# Standard Un*x authorization.
+# Standard Un*x session setup and teardown.
+# Print the message of the day upon successful login.
+session    optional # [1]
+# Print the status of the user's mailbox upon successful login.
+session    optional standard noenv # [1]
+# Set up user limits from /etc/security/limits.conf.
+session    required
+# Set up SELinux capabilities (need modified pam)
+# session  required multiple
+# Standard Un*x password updating.
+@include common-password
+class TacacsPlusConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name="tacacs_plus_config"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+        self.config = {}
+        self.hosts = []
+        self.result = dict(err=[], out=[])
+    def isEnabled(self):
+        """Is TACACS+ enabled?
+        If any of authn/authz/acct is set, *and* there is a non-empty
+        set of TACACS+ hosts, then we should enable the PAM plugin.
+        """
+        if (self.hosts 
+            and (self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_authn']
+                 or self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_authz']
+                 or self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_acct'])):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def disablePamDefault(self):
+        """Disable the default PAM setup.
+        This is installed by the initial configuration scripts
+        for the libpam-tacplus DEB.
+        """
+        if not os.path.exists("/usr/share/pam-configs/tacplus"):
+            return
+        cmd = ("/usr/sbin/pam-auth-update", "--remove", "tacplus",)
+        pipe = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = pipe.communicate()
+        code = pipe.wait()
+        out = (out or "").strip().split("\n")
+        err = (err or "").strip().split("\n")
+        if not code:
+            self.result['out'].append("disabled tacplus via pam-auth-update\n")
+        else:
+            self.result['out'].extend([l + "\n" for l in out])
+            self.result['err'].extend([l + "\n" for l in err])
+            self.result['err'].append("pam-auth-update failed\n")
+    def disablePam(self):
+        """Disable the TACACS+ PAM plugin."""
+        m = dict(authn="@include common-auth",
+                 authz="@include common-account",
+                 acct="@include common-session")
+        self.writeLocked("/etc/pam.d/sshd", SSHD_TACPLUS_TPL % m)
+    def readLocked(self, path):
+        fd = open(path, "r")
+        fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_SH)
+        try:
+            buf =
+        except Exception, what:
+            fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+            fd.close()
+            self.result['err'].append(str(what) + "\n")
+            self.result['err'].append("cannot read %s\n" % path)
+            return None
+        fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+        fd.close()
+        return buf
+    def writeLocked(self, path, buf, backup=True):
+        if backup:
+            shutil.copy2(path, path + "-")
+        fd = open(path, "w")
+        fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+        try:
+            fd.write(buf)
+        except Exception, what:
+            fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+            fd.close()
+            self.result['err'].append(str(what) + "\n")
+            self.result['err'].append("cannot write %s\n" % path)
+            return
+        fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+        fd.close()
+    def enableNss(self):
+        """Enable the NSS plugin."""
+        buf = self.readLocked("/etc/nsswitch.conf")
+        if buf is None: return
+        p = buf.find("\npasswd:")
+        q = buf.find("\n", p+8)
+        if p < 0 or q < 0:
+            self.result['err'].append("cannot find passwd entry"
+                                      " in /etc/nsswitch.conf\n")
+            return
+        f = buf[p+8:q]
+        if "remoteuser" in f:
+            self.result['out'].append("remoteuser already enabled"
+                                      " in /etc/nssswitch.conf\n")
+            return
+        self.result['out'].append("enabling remoteuser"
+                                  " in /etc/nssswitch.conf\n")
+        f = " " + f.strip() + " remoteuser"
+        buf = buf[:p+8] + f + buf[q:]
+        self.writeLocked("/etc/nsswitch.conf", buf)
+    def disableNss(self):
+        """Disable the NSS plugin."""
+        buf = self.readLocked("/etc/nsswitch.conf")
+        if buf is None: return
+        p = buf.find("\npasswd:")
+        q = buf.find("\n", p+8)
+        if p < 0 or q < 0:
+            self.result['err'].append("cannot find passwd entry"
+                                      " in /etc/nsswitch.conf\n")
+            return
+        l = buf[p+8:q].strip().split()
+        if "remoteuser" not in l:
+            self.result['out'].append("remoteuser already disabled"
+                                      " in /etc/nssswitch.conf\n")
+            return
+        self.result['out'].append("disabling remoteuser"
+                                  " in /etc/nssswitch.conf\n")
+        l.remove("remoteuser")
+        f = " " + " ".join(l)
+        buf = buf[:p+8] + f + buf[q:]
+        self.writeLocked("/etc/nsswitch.conf", buf)
+    def enablePam(self):
+        """Enable the TACACS+ PAM plugin.
+        * construct consolidate server and secret lists
+        * generate a timeout line
+        * pick sufficient/required clauses as indicated by enable
+          flags in the JSON
+        See
+        """
+        # disable TACACS+ while updating
+        self.disableNss()
+        self.disablePam()
+        # XXX roth -- field is 'ip', but since it is the primary key,
+        # it get mapped to 'pk'.  Go figure.
+        def svrClause(h):
+            self.result['out'].append("enabling host %s\n" % h['pk'])
+            return 'server=%s' % h['pk']
+        servers = " ".join([svrClause(h) for h in self.hosts])
+        def keyClause(h):
+            """Secret for this host, possibly the global one."""
+            if h['fields']['key']:
+                return "secret=%s" % h['fields']['key']
+            if self.config['fields']['key']:
+                return "secret=%s" % self.config['fields']['key']
+            return ""
+        secrets = " ".join([keyClause(h) for h in self.hosts])
+        m = dict(servers=servers, secrets=secrets)
+        if self.config['fields']['timeout']:
+            m['timeout'] = 'timeout=%s' % self.config['fields']['timeout']
+        else:
+            m['timeout'] = ''
+        isLocal = self.config['fields']['local_authn']
+        isTacacs = self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_authn']
+        authn = []
+        if isTacacs:
+            authn.append(AUTHN_TPL % m)
+        if isLocal:
+            authn.append("@include common-auth")
+        isLocal = self.config['fields']['local_authz']
+        isTacacs = self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_authz']
+        authz = []
+        if isTacacs:
+            authz.append(AUTHZ_TPL % m)
+        if isLocal:
+            authz.append("@include common-account")
+        isTacacs = self.config['fields']['tacacs_plus_acct']
+        acct = []
+        if isTacacs:
+            acct.append(ACCT_TPL % m)
+        acct.append("@include common-session")
+        # enable userid lookups
+        self.enableNss()
+        # write out sshd PAM config as a final step to enable it
+        m = dict(authn="\n".join(authn),
+                 authz="\n".join(authz),
+                 acct="\n".join(acct))
+        self.writeLocked("/etc/pam.d/sshd", SSHD_TACPLUS_TPL % m)
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.config = json.loads(args_list[0])[0]
+        self.hosts = json.loads(args_list[1])
+        self.disablePamDefault()
+        if not self.isEnabled():
+            try:
+                self.disableNss()
+                self.disablePam()
+                self.result['out'].append('TACACS+ (via PAM) is now disabled\n')
+            except Exception:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                self.result['err'].append('TACACS+ (via PAM) disable failed\n')
+            return self.result
+        # else, enable the PAM module
+        try:
+            self.enableNss()
+            self.enablePam()
+            self.result['out'].append('TACACS+ (via PAM) is now enabled\n')
+        except Exception:
+            # XXX roth -- maybe back out here and *disable* PAM
+            # so that we do not end up with a broken PAM config
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            self.result['err'].append('TACACS+ (via PAM) enable failed\n')
+        return self.result
+# get_system_version_string
+# Gets the version string of the controller.
+# Reference implementation is in sdncon/rest/views/do_system_version
+def get_system_version_string():
+    version = "SDN OS 1.0 - custom version"
+    try:
+        f = open("%s/release" % SDN_ROOT, 'r')
+        version =
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        pass
+    return version
+# rewrite_etc_snmpd_conf
+# API to rewrite the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file based on latest config
+def rewrite_etc_snmpd_conf(community, location, contact, ret_result):
+    """
+    Return True when the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf is rewritten. Return False 
+    otherwise. The file is rewritten only when the intended new contents
+    is different from the old contents, this is an attempt to not restart
+    the snmp agent unless something really changed.
+    """
+    changed = False
+    new_conf = []
+    # start with default configuration of the file
+    new_conf.append("# Default Configuration for the SNMP daemon\n")
+    new_conf.append("# Agent address\n")
+    new_conf.append("agentAddress udp:161,udp6:[::1]:161\n")
+    new_conf.append("# System Object ID\n")
+    new_conf.append("sysObjectID %s\n" % (BSN_ENTERPRISE_OID_CONTROLLER))
+    new_conf.append("# System Description\n")
+    new_conf.append("sysDescr %s\n"%(get_system_version_string()))
+    #add community, location, contact information to the file if not there already
+    if community != '':
+        new_conf.append("rocommunity %s\n" % community)
+    if location != '': 
+        new_conf.append("sysLocation %s\n" % location)
+    if contact != '': 
+        new_conf.append("sysContact %s\n" % contact)
+    f = open("/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf", "r")
+    if (''.join(new_conf) !=
+        f.close()
+        f = open("/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf", "w")
+        f.write(''.join(new_conf))
+        changed = True
+    f.close()
+    return changed
+# One of the entry in the snmp server configuration changed
+class SetSnmpServerConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "setsnmpserverconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # args_list: [server_enable, community, location, contact, enable_changed]
+        print "SnmpServerConfig Args List: ", args_list
+        server_enable = args_list[0]
+        community = args_list[1]
+        location = args_list[2]
+        contact = args_list[3]
+        enable_changed = args_list[4]
+        ret_result = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        try:
+            # rewrite /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file
+            need_restart = rewrite_etc_snmpd_conf(community, location, contact, ret_result)
+        except Exception, _e:
+            need_restart = False
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        if server_enable == 'True' and (need_restart or enable_changed == 'True'):
+            self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+                # set snmpdrun=yes
+                {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+                 'args_lst' : ['-i', 's/SNMPDRUN=no/SNMPDRUN=yes/',
+                               '/etc/default/snmpd']},
+                # restart snmpd service 
+                {'bin_name' : '/usr/sbin/service',
+                 'args_lst' : ['snmpd', 'restart']},
+            ]
+            return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+        elif server_enable == 'False' and enable_changed == 'True':
+            self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+                # set snmpdrun=no
+                {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+                 'args_lst' : ['-i', 's/SNMPDRUN=yes/SNMPDRUN=no/',
+                               '/etc/default/snmpd']},
+                # stop snmpd service 
+                {'bin_name' : '/usr/sbin/service',
+                 'args_lst' : ['snmpd', 'stop']},
+            ]
+            return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+        return ret_result
+# The row entry in the snmp server config table was default and deleted
+class UnsetSnmpServerConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "unsetsnmpserverconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        # args_list: []
+        ret_result = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        try:
+            # rewrite /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf to default
+            rewrite_etc_snmpd_conf('', '', '', ret_result)
+        except Exception, _e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+        # now stop the server if its there
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            # set snmpdrun=no
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/sed',
+             'args_lst' : ['-i', 's/SNMPDRUN=yes/SNMPDRUN=no/',
+                           '/etc/default/snmpd']},
+            # stop snmpd service 
+            {'bin_name' : '/usr/sbin/service',
+             'args_lst' : ['snmpd', 'stop']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class SetImagesUserSSHKey(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'setimagesusersshkey'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        sshkey = str(args_list[0]) 
+        # cat the ssh key to the file
+        # set the images user shell to be scponly
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/usr/sbin/usermod',
+             'args_lst' : ['-s', '/usr/bin/scponly', 'images']},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/echo',
+             'args_lst' : [sshkey], 
+             'stdoutfile' : '/home/images/.ssh/authorized_keys'},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class ReloadController(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'reloadcontroller'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/sbin/reboot',
+             'args_list' : []},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+UPGRADE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH = '/tmp/upgrade-images'
+UPGRADE_IMAGE_MANIFEST = '/tmp/upgrade-image-manifest'
+UPGRADE_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY = '/tmp/upgrade-package/'
+class ExtractUpgradePkgManifest(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'extractupgradepkg'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        imageName = str(args_list[0])
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/rm',
+             'args_lst' : [UPGRADE_IMAGE_MANIFEST]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/touch',
+             'args_lst' : [UPGRADE_IMAGE_MANIFEST]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/usr/bin/unzip',
+             'args_lst' : ['-p', imageName, 'Manifest'],
+             'stdoutfile' : UPGRADE_IMAGE_MANIFEST},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], [], []], useShell=False, appendStdOut=False)
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/cat',
+             'args_lst': [UPGRADE_IMAGE_MANIFEST]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.get_new(self, [], [[]])
+class GetLatestUpgradePkg(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'getlatestupgradepkg'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    # TODO -
+    # This is ghetto, it just finds the last zip
+    # file in the dir. FIX THIS!
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        execStr = 'ls -t /home/images/*.pkg | grep pkg | head -1 > ' + UPGRADE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = [
+            {'bin_name' : execStr, 
+             'args_lst' : []},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.get_new(self, [], [[]], useShell=True)
+class CatUpgradeImagesFile(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'catupgradeimagesfile'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/cat',
+             'args_lst' : [UPGRADE_IMAGE_FILE_PATH]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.get_new(self, [], [[]])
+class ExecuteUpgradeStep(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'executeupgradestep'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        ret_result = {'err': [], 'out': []}
+        try:
+            manifest = json.loads(exec_os_wrapper("ExtractUpgradePkgManifest", 'get')['out'])
+        except ValueError:
+            ret_result['err'].append("Corrupted manifest!")
+            return ret_result
+        stepToExec = None
+        for step in manifest:
+            if step['step'] == int(args_list[0]):
+                stepToExec = step['action']
+                break;
+        if stepToExec == None:
+            ret_result['err'].append("Step %s not found in upgrade package manifest!" %
+                str(args_list[0]))
+            return ret_result
+        upgradePkg = args_list[1]
+        stepScript = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
+        scriptName = "scripts/%s" % step['action'].strip()
+        step = check_output(["unzip", "-p", upgradePkg, scriptName])
+        stepScript.write(step)
+        stepScript.flush()
+        stepScript.close()
+        os.chmod(, stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR)
+        try:
+            ret = check_output([] + args_list[1:],
+                               stderr=PIPE)
+            ret_result['out'].append(stripped(ret.strip()))
+        except CalledProcessError, exception:
+            ret_result['err'].append("Error running %s\nreturn code %s\nOutput:\n%s" %
+                    (exception.cmd, exception.returncode, stripped(exception.output)))
+        return ret_result
+class CleanupOldUpgradeImages(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'cleanupoldupgradeimages'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def get(self, args_list):
+        # Removes all the .pkg files execpt for the newest one.
+        # It handles the case where there is only 1 package, we don't delete it.
+        execStr = 'c=`ls /home/images/*.pkg | wc -l`; if [ "$c" -gt 1 ]; then ls -t -r /home/images/*.pkg | head -n -1 | xargs rm; fi'
+        self.cmds_lst_for_get = [
+            {'bin_name' : execStr, 
+             'args_lst' : []},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.get_new(self, [], [[]], useShell=True)
+class Decommission(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "decommission"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/" % SDN_ROOT, str(args_list[0])]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class DecommissionLocal(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "decommissionlocal"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/" % SDN_ROOT, str(args_list[0])]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class ResetBsc(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "resetbsc"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/resetbsc" % SDN_ROOT, '--force']},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class WriteDataToFile(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = 'writedatatofile'):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        data = str(args_list[0])
+        path = str(args_list[1])
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/touch',
+             'args_lst' : [path]},
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/echo',
+             'args_lst' : [data], 
+             'stdoutfile' : path},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[], []])
+class DiffConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "scpconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/opt/sdnplatform/sys/bin/',
+             'args_lst' : [str(args_list[0]), str(args_list[1])]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+class RollbackConfig(OsWrapper):
+    def __init__(self, name = "upgradeconfig"):
+        OsWrapper.__init__(self, name, [], [])
+    def set(self, args_list):
+        self.cmds_lst_for_set = [
+            {'bin_name' : '/bin/bash',
+             'args_lst' : ["%s/sys/bin/" % SDN_ROOT, str(args_list[0])]},
+        ]
+        return OsWrapper.set_new(self, [], [[]])
+def stripped(x):
+    # remove ascii escape
+    return "".join([i for i in x if ord(i) != 27])
+# exec_os_wrapper
+def exec_os_wrapper(obj_type, oper, args_list = None):
+    """
+    Execute the using sudo(), raising an exception
+    for any stderr output from the executed script
+    """
+    # Safety check; only run if this file exists
+    if not os.path.exists("%s/con" % SDN_ROOT):
+        print "exec_os_wrapper: not an installed controller environment"
+        return {'out' : '', 'err' : ''}
+    if os.path.exists('/etc/not-controller'):
+        # XXX should issue some alert here
+        print "exec_os_wrapper: /etc/not-controller exists"
+        return {'out' : '', 'err' : ''}
+    oswrapper = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/"
+    full_cmd_string = ["/usr/bin/sudo", oswrapper, obj_type, oper]
+    if args_list:
+        full_cmd_string += [str(arg) for arg in args_list]
+    sub_proc_output = Popen(full_cmd_string, shell=False,
+                            stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
+    sub_proc_output.wait()
+    stderr =
+    stdout =
+    returncode = sub_proc_output.returncode
+    if returncode:
+        raise Exception("oswrapper: %s %s: exit code %d: %s" %
+                        (obj_type, oper, returncode, stderr))
+    if len(stderr) != 0 and not stderr.isspace():
+        print " ".join(full_cmd_string), stderr
+    # ?!?
+    return {'out' : stdout, 'err' : stderr}
+def main(argv):
+    obj_type_map = {'ExecuteUfwCommand'       : UfwCommand,
+                    'SetNtpServer'            : SetNtpServer,
+                    'SetTimezone'             : SetTimezone,
+                    'UnsetTimezone'           : UnsetTimezone,
+                    'NetworkConfig'           : NetworkConfig,
+                    'SetSyslogServer'         : SetSyslogServer,
+                    'UnsetSyslogServer'       : UnsetSyslogServer,
+                    'DateTime'                : DateTime,
+                    'ControllerId'            : SetControllerId,
+                    'HAFailback'              : HAFailback,
+                    'SetHostname'             : SetHostname,
+                    'SetVrrpVirtualRouterId'  : SetVrrpVirtualRouterId,
+                    'SetStaticFlowOnlyConfig' : SetStaticFlowOnlyConfig,
+                    'SetDefaultConfig'        : SetDefaultConfig,
+                    'TacacsPlusConfig'        : TacacsPlusConfig,
+                    'SetSnmpServerConfig'     : SetSnmpServerConfig,
+                    'UnsetSnmpServerConfig'   : UnsetSnmpServerConfig,
+                    'SetImagesUserSSHKey'     : SetImagesUserSSHKey,
+                    'ReloadController'        : ReloadController,
+                    'ExtractUpgradePkgManifest' : ExtractUpgradePkgManifest,
+                    'GetLatestUpgradePkg'     : GetLatestUpgradePkg,
+                    'CatUpgradeImagesFile'    : CatUpgradeImagesFile,
+                    'ExecuteUpgradeStep'      : ExecuteUpgradeStep,
+                    'DirectNetworkConfig'     : DirectNetworkConfig,
+                    'CleanupOldUpgradeImages' : CleanupOldUpgradeImages,
+                    'RestartSDNPlatform'       : RestartSDNPlatform,
+                    'AbortUpgrade'            : AbortUpgrade,
+                    'Decommission'            : Decommission,
+                    'DecommissionLocal'       : DecommissionLocal,
+                    'RollbackConfig'          : RollbackConfig, 
+                    'DiffConfig'              : DiffConfig,
+                    'ResetBsc'                : ResetBsc,
+                    'WriteDataToFile'         : WriteDataToFile,
+                    }
+    ret_result = {'err': ["insufficient or invalid args"], 'out': []}
+    if len(argv) >= 3:
+        if argv[1] in obj_type_map:
+            obj_type = obj_type_map[argv[1]]
+            x = obj_type()
+            if argv[2] == 'set':
+                ret_result = x.set(argv[3:])
+            elif argv[2] == 'get':
+                ret_result = x.get(argv[3:])
+    # The ret_result entries are lists of strings from the output's of
+    # various commands.
+    print >>sys.stdout, ''.join(ret_result['out'])
+    print >>sys.stderr, ''.join(ret_result['err'])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)