Base net-virt CLI files on top of which ONOS specific changes will be done
diff --git a/cli/sdncon/controller/ b/cli/sdncon/controller/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..36dcd16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/sdncon/controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+# permissions and limitations under the License.
+from import add_config_handler
+from sdncon.controller.models import Feature, GlobalConfig, Controller, \
+    ControllerInterface, ControllerDomainNameServer, \
+    FirewallRule, ControllerAlias, SnmpServerConfig, ImageDropUser
+from sdncon.controller.models import TacacsPlusConfig, TacacsPlusHost
+from oswrapper import exec_os_wrapper
+import os
+import re
+import sdncon
+from django.core import serializers
+# FIXME: Can probably get rid of default_id when the rest of the code is
+# in place for supporting multiple controller IDs. But what about
+# unit tests where we shouldn't rely on the boot-config file existing
+def get_local_controller_id(default_id='localhost'):
+    local_controller_id = default_id
+    f = None
+    try:
+        f = open("%s/run/boot-config" % sdncon.SDN_ROOT, 'r')
+        data =
+        match ="^controller-id=([0-9a-zA-Z\-]*)$", data, re.MULTILINE)
+        if match:
+            local_controller_id =
+    except Exception, _e:
+        # If there was any error, then just leave the controller ID as the
+        # default value.
+        pass
+    finally:
+        if f:
+            f.close()
+    return local_controller_id
+# Add the config handlers here. Check the comments for add_config_handler in rest/
+# for a description of the calling conventions for config handlers.
+def network_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields):
+    valid_instance = old_instance if (op == 'DELETE') else new_instance
+    if isinstance(valid_instance, Controller):
+        controller_node = valid_instance
+        controller_id =
+        if op == 'DELETE':
+            # no further configuration here
+            return
+    elif isinstance(valid_instance, ControllerDomainNameServer) \
+      or isinstance(valid_instance, ControllerInterface):
+        controller_id = valid_instance.controller_id
+        try:
+            controller_node = Controller.objects.get(pk=controller_id)
+        except Exception, _e:
+            # unknown controller node during delete, no need to
+            # do anything with any of these interfaces
+            return
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Unknown model change trigger network config handler')
+    if controller_id != get_local_controller_id():
+        return
+    if op == 'DELETE':
+        # don't reconfigure the interfaces during delete, since
+        # for deletes, the values of ip/netmask don't get updated
+        dns = ControllerDomainNameServer.objects.filter(
+                        controller=controller_node).order_by('timestamp')
+        exec_os_wrapper('NetworkConfig', 'set', 
+                        [serializers.serialize("json", [controller_node]),
+                         serializers.serialize("json", dns)])
+    else:
+        # op != 'DELETE'
+        #
+        # XXX what about HA?
+        # 'ifs' below isn't filtered by controller, the NetConfig
+        # target will only select interfaces assocaited with the
+        # controller-node 'localhost.
+        dns = ControllerDomainNameServer.objects.filter(
+                        controller=controller_node).order_by('-priority')
+        ifs = ControllerInterface.objects.filter(controller=controller_node)
+        exec_os_wrapper('NetworkConfig', 'set', 
+                        [serializers.serialize("json", [controller_node]),
+                         serializers.serialize("json", dns),
+                         serializers.serialize("json", ifs)])
+def firewall_entry_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    #allow in on eth0 proto tcp from any to any port 80
+    print "XXX: firewall handler called-1" 
+    command = ""
+    if op == "DELETE" and str(old_instance.interface.controller) == get_local_controller_id():
+        command += "delete "
+        instance = old_instance
+    elif (op == "INSERT" or op == "UPDATE") and str(new_instance.interface.controller) == get_local_controller_id():
+        instance = new_instance
+    else:
+        return
+    print instance.action
+    print instance.proto
+    print instance.port
+    print instance.src_ip
+    print instance.vrrp_ip
+    print "XXX: firewall handler called-2" 
+    controller_interface = instance.interface
+    eth = 'eth' + str(controller_interface.number) #LOOK! Hardcoded to eth interface
+    proto_str = ""
+    if instance.proto != '' and instance.proto != 'vrrp':
+        proto_str = " proto " + instance.proto
+    action_str = instance.action
+    src_str = " from any"
+    if instance.src_ip != '':
+        src_str = " from " + instance.src_ip
+    dst_str = " to any"
+    if instance.vrrp_ip != '':
+        dst_str = " to " + instance.vrrp_ip 
+    print "dst_str = ", dst_str
+    port_str = ""
+    if instance.port != 0:
+        port_str = " port " + str(instance.port)
+    command += (action_str + " in on " + eth + proto_str + src_str + dst_str + port_str)
+    print command
+    exec_os_wrapper('ExecuteUfwCommand', 'set', [command])
+    if instance.port == 6633 and action_str == 'reject' and op != 'DELETE':
+        exec_os_wrapper('RestartSDNPlatform', 'set', [])
+def ntp_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if new_instance != None:
+        exec_os_wrapper("SetNtpServer", 'set', [new_instance.ntp_server])
+def tz_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == "DELETE":
+        if str( != get_local_controller_id():
+            return
+        exec_os_wrapper("UnsetTimezone", 'set')
+    elif op == "INSERT" or op == "UPDATE":
+        if str( != get_local_controller_id():
+            return
+        if new_instance.time_zone != None and str(new_instance.time_zone) != "":
+            exec_os_wrapper("SetTimezone", 'set', [new_instance.time_zone])
+def logging_server_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None): 
+    if op == "DELETE":
+        if str( != get_local_controller_id():
+            return
+        exec_os_wrapper("UnsetSyslogServer", 'set',
+                        [old_instance.logging_server, old_instance.logging_level])
+    elif op == "INSERT" or op == "UPDATE":
+        if str( != get_local_controller_id():
+            return
+        if new_instance.logging_server != "" and new_instance.logging_enabled:
+            exec_os_wrapper("SetSyslogServer", 'set',
+                            [new_instance.logging_server, new_instance.logging_level])
+        else:
+            exec_os_wrapper("UnsetSyslogServer", 'set',
+                            [new_instance.logging_server, new_instance.logging_level])
+def vrrp_virtual_router_id_config_handle(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == "INSERT" or op == "UPDATE":
+        exec_os_wrapper("SetVrrpVirtualRouterId", 'set',
+                        [new_instance.cluster_number])
+def netvirt_feature_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == "INSERT" or op == "UPDATE":
+        if new_instance.netvirt_feature:
+            exec_os_wrapper("SetDefaultConfig", 'set', [new_instance.netvirt_feature])
+        else:
+            exec_os_wrapper("SetStaticFlowOnlyConfig", 'set', [new_instance.netvirt_feature])
+def controller_alias_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == 'INSERT' or op == 'UPDATE':
+        if str(new_instance.controller) == get_local_controller_id():
+            exec_os_wrapper("SetHostname", 'set', [new_instance.alias])
+def tacacs_plus_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if isinstance(old_instance, TacacsPlusConfig):
+        if op == 'DELETE':
+            # deleting the config singleton (presumably during shutdown?)
+            return
+    if isinstance(old_instance, TacacsPlusConfig):
+        config_id =
+    else:
+        config_id = 'tacacs'
+    try:
+        config = TacacsPlusConfig.objects.get(pk=config_id)
+    except TacacsPlusConfig.DoesNotExist:
+        # cons up a dummy config object, not necessary to save it
+        config = TacacsPlusConfig()
+    # get current list of hosts (op==DELETE ignored here)
+    ##hosts = TacacsPlusHost.objects.order_by('timestamp')
+    def timestampSort(h1, h2):
+        return cmp(h1.timestamp, h2.timestamp)
+    hosts = sorted(TacacsPlusHost.objects.all(), timestampSort)
+    # XXX roth -- config is passed as-is, not as a single-element list
+    cj = serializers.serialize("json", [config])
+    hj = serializers.serialize("json", hosts)
+    print "Calling oswrapper with:", [cj, hj]
+    exec_os_wrapper('TacacsPlusConfig', 'set', [cj, hj])
+def snmp_server_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == 'DELETE':
+        exec_os_wrapper('UnsetSnmpServerConfig', 'set', [])
+    elif op == 'INSERT' or op == 'UPDATE':
+        # enable_changed is true if operation is INSERT, else compare with old instance
+        if (op == 'INSERT'):
+            enable_changed = (new_instance.server_enable is True) #since default is False
+            print 'operation= insert, enable_changed = ', enable_changed
+        else:
+            enable_changed = (new_instance.server_enable != old_instance.server_enable)
+        server_enable = new_instance.server_enable 
+        community  = '' if is None else 
+        location = '' if new_instance.location is None else new_instance.location 
+        contact  = '' if is None else
+        print "Calling oswrapper with:", [server_enable, community, location, contact, enable_changed]
+        exec_os_wrapper('SetSnmpServerConfig', 'set',
+                        [server_enable, community, location, contact, enable_changed])
+def test_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    pass
+def images_user_ssh_key_config_handler(op, old_instance, new_instance, modified_fields=None):
+    if op == 'INSERT' or op == 'UPDATE':
+        sshkey = "\"" + str(new_instance.images_user_ssh_key) + "\""
+        exec_os_wrapper('SetImagesUserSSHKey', 'set', [sshkey])
+def init_config():
+    # 
+    # Associate the config handlers with specific callout for each of the fields
+    #  Keep in mind that these are the django names, NOT the rest api names,
+    #
+    disabled_by_shell_variable = os.environ.get('SDNCON_CONFIG_HANDLERS_DISABLED', False)
+    disabled_by_file = os.path.exists("%s/sdncon_config_handlers_disabled" % sdncon.SDN_ROOT)
+    if not disabled_by_shell_variable and not disabled_by_file:
+        add_config_handler({Controller: ['ntp_server']}, ntp_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({Controller: ['time_zone']}, tz_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler(
+            {
+                Controller: ['domain_lookups_enabled', 'domain_name', 'default_gateway'],
+                ControllerDomainNameServer: None,
+                ControllerInterface: ['ip', 'netmask', 'mode'],
+            }, network_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({ControllerAlias: ['alias']}, controller_alias_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({Controller: ['logging_enabled', 'logging_server', 'logging_level']}, logging_server_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({Feature: ['netvirt_feature']}, netvirt_feature_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({FirewallRule: None}, firewall_entry_handler)
+        add_config_handler({GlobalConfig: ['cluster_number']}, vrrp_virtual_router_id_config_handle)
+        add_config_handler({ TacacsPlusConfig: ["tacacs_plus_authn", "tacacs_plus_authz", "tacacs_plus_acct",
+                                                "local_authn", "local_authz",
+                                                "timeout", "key",],
+                             TacacsPlusHost: ['ip', 'key'],
+                             },
+                           tacacs_plus_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({SnmpServerConfig: ['server_enable', 'community', 'location', 'contact']}, snmp_server_config_handler)
+        add_config_handler({ImageDropUser: ['images_user_ssh_key']}, images_user_ssh_key_config_handler)
+    else:
+        add_config_handler(
+            {
+                Controller: ['domain_lookups_enabled', 'domain_name', 'default_gateway'],
+                ControllerDomainNameServer: None,
+                ControllerInterface: ['ip', 'netmask', 'mode'],
+                ControllerAlias: ['alias'],
+                FirewallRule: None,
+                Feature: None,
+                GlobalConfig: ['ha-enabled', 'cluster-number'],
+            }, test_config_handler)