Ported ZookeeperRegistry to new Curator version using their notifications

Change-Id: Ie2319d0f11a1ebd2c34ceb7c9e0fb9c5aa085708

Implemented asynchronous leadership change notification.
This is needed to prevent deadlock in original switch registry code
(this used to be provided by my Curator modifications, but the official
Curator leader latch implementation gives notifications on the calling thread).

Change-Id: Ic3db816c98e4fc2b7a85d0007740b28afc4566a6

Remove local (modified) curator libraries and clean up the pom.xml
Amended to fix tests that broke due to an API change.

Change-Id: I09de15de2dd448b06712e93724c1b75160768db3
8 files changed
tree: f725eafe5a18a1cea88752d45a30c9afcca2910a
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. Authors
  4. Documentation/
  5. LICENSE.txt
  6. NOTICE.txt
  7. PARTNERS.txt
  8. README.md
  9. build-ramcloud-java-bindings.sh
  10. cluster-mgmt/
  11. conf/
  12. demo-scripts/
  13. lib/
  14. onos-embedded.sh
  15. perf-scripts/
  16. pom.xml
  17. prep-for-offline.sh
  18. ramcloud-build-scripts/
  19. rebuild-local-repo.sh
  20. repo/
  21. scripts/
  22. setup-eclipse.sh
  23. setup-ramcloud.sh
  24. src/
  25. start-cassandra.sh
  26. start-onos-embedded.sh
  27. start-onos-jacoco.sh
  28. start-onos.sh
  29. start-ramcloud-coordinator.sh
  30. start-ramcloud-server.sh
  31. start-rest.sh
  32. start-zk.sh
  33. test-network/
  34. testbed-ctrl-add-ext.sh
  35. testbed-ctrl-none.sh
  36. titan/
  37. vm-utils/
  38. web/

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System)

ONOS (Open Networking Operating System) is an experimental distributed SDN OS. Currently, it is under active development. ONOS was announced and demonstrated at ONS'13.


Apache 2.0

Steps to download and setup a development Virtual Machine


Building ONOS

  1. Cleanly build ONOS

     $ mvn clean
     $ mvn compile

    NOTE: installing maven for the first time may switch java version from 1.7 to 1.6. This might prevent Cassandra to run.

External Dependencies

  1. Zookeeper

    Download and install apache-zookeeper-3.4.5: http://zookeeper.apache.org/releases.html

  2. RAMCloud

    Run setup-ramcloud.sh to install RAMCloud git repository


To configure the processes (ONOS, RAMCLoud and Zookeper) refers to the files in (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/conf. A detailed explanation is given in the ONOS WiKi: - "ONOS Documentation/Getting Started with ONOS/Running the RAMCloud branch of ONOS"

Running ONOS with RAMCloud as a separate process

  1. Start Zookeeper

     $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
     $ ./start-zk.sh start
     ## Confirm Zookeeper is running:
     $ ./start.zk.sh status
  2. Start RAMCloud Coordinator (only one for cluster)

     $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
     $ ./start-ramcloud-coordinator.sh start
     ## Confirm RAMCloud Coordinator is running:
     $ ./start-ramcloud-coordinator.sh status
  3. Start RAMCloud Server

     $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
     $ ./start-ramcloud-server.sh start
     ## Confirm RAMCloud Server is running:
     $ ./start-ramcloud-server.sh status
  4. Start ONOS

     $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
     $ ./start-onos.sh start
     ## Confirm ONOS is running:
     $ ./start-onos.sh status
  5. Start ONOS REST API server

     $ cd (ONOS-INSTALL-DIR)/
     $ ./start-rest.sh start
     ## Confirm the REST API server is running:
     $ ./start-rest.sh status

Developing ONOS in offline environment (Optional)

Maven need the Internet connection to download required dependencies and plugins, when they're used for the first time.

If you need to develop ONOS in an Internet unreachable environment you may want to run the following helper script before you go offline, so that required dependencies and plugins for frequently used maven target will be downloaded to your local environment.

    $ ./prep-for-offline.sh

Running in offline mode (Optional)

Maven is used to build and run ONOS. By default, maven tries to reach the repositories. The '-o' option can be given to the 'mvn' command to suppress this behavior. The MVN environmental variable can be used to set additional options to the 'mvn' command used in ONOS.

  • Example: Running in offline mode

      $ env MVN="mvn -o" ./start-onos.sh start