
A TinkerPop Blueprints implementation for RAMCloud


  • Copy src/main/java/edu/stanford/ramcloud/ and src/main/cpp/ to your ramcloud/bindinds/java/edu/stanford/ramcloud directory, overwriting what is already there.

  • Generate the C++ header files containing the function signatures for all the native methods in the Java RamCloud library:

javah -cp ../../../ edu.stanford.ramcloud.JRamCloud
  • Compile the ramcloud C++ library (assuming ramcloud is in your ${HOME} directory and you have already compiled ramcloud):
c++ -Wall -O3 -shared -fPIC -std=c++0x -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- -I${HOME}/ramcloud/src/ -I${HOME}/ramcloud/obj.master/ -I${HOME}/ramcloud/logcabin/ -I${HOME}/ramcloud/gtest/include/ -L${HOME}/ramcloud/obj.master -o -lramcloud
  • Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH (assuming ramcloud is in your ${HOME} directory) to include the library and also any other ramcloud libraries:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:${HOME}/ramcloud/bindings/java/edu/stanford/ramcloud:${HOME}/ramcloud/obj.master
  • Startup a ramcloud cluster somewhere and modify to point to the coordinator.

  • Compile this package (blueprints-ramcloud-graph) using maven and run :)

Using Rexster

  • git clone the rexster repository:
git clone
  • Compile rexster
cd rexster/
mvn compile
  • Compile packaged rexster server
cd rexster-server/
mvn package
  • Edit rexster-server config file
cd target/rexster-server-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone/
vim config/rexster.xml
  • Change web-root to be your public web-root directory

  • Add a ramcloud graph to the set of graphs to load up:

  • Go back to the blueprints-ramcloud-graph directory and compile jar with depdencies:
mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies
  • Copy resulting jar file into the compiled rexster-server library directory:
cp blueprints-ramcloud-graph-2.0.0-jar-with-depdencies.jar ~/git/rexster/rexster-server/target/rexster-server-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone/lib
  • Startup a ramcloud cluster (maybe using the script):
./ --verbose --servers=5 --replicas=3 --backups=1 --masterArgs="--totalMasterMemory 80% --masterServiceThreads 4" --clients=1 --client=../obj.master/client --debug
  • Startup the rexster server:
./bin/ -start &
  • Connect to rexster server at:

Using Gremlin

  • git clone the gremlin repository:
git clone
  • Compile gremlin
cd rexster/
mvn package
  • Go back to the blueprints-ramcloud-graph directory and compile jar with depdencies:
mvn assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies
  • Copy resulting jar file into the compiled gremlin-groovy library directory:
cp blueprints-ramcloud-graph-2.0.0-jar-with-depdencies.jar ~/git/gremlin/gremlin-groovy/target/gremlin-groovy-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone/lib
  • Startup a ramcloud cluster (maybe using the script):
./ --verbose --servers=5 --replicas=3 --backups=1 --masterArgs="--totalMasterMemory 80% --masterServiceThreads 4" --clients=1 --client=../obj.master/client --debug
  • Startup gremlin shell:
  • Import RamCloudGraph java libraries and create RamCloudGraph:
         (o o)
gremlin> g = new com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.ramcloud.RamCloudGraph()
  • Have fun!

Using Furnace

  • See com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.ramcloud.FurnaceExamples for some examples of using Furnace

Using JUNG