Removed old measurement code that is not needed/used anymore.
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/flowcache/ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/flowcache/
index 40adf6b..cfb2ea4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/flowcache/
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/flowcache/
@@ -102,167 +102,9 @@
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlowManager.class);
// The periodic task(s)
- private final ScheduledExecutorService measureShortestPathScheduler =
- Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
- private final ScheduledExecutorService measureMapReaderScheduler =
- Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
private final ScheduledExecutorService mapReaderScheduler =
- private BlockingQueue<Runnable> shortestPathQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>();
- private ThreadPoolExecutor shortestPathExecutor =
- new ThreadPoolExecutor(10, 10, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, shortestPathQueue);
- class ShortestPathTask implements Runnable {
- private int hint;
- private ITopoRouteService topoRouteService;
- private ArrayList<DataPath> dpList;
- public ShortestPathTask(int hint,
- ITopoRouteService topoRouteService,
- ArrayList<DataPath> dpList) {
- this.hint = hint;
- this.topoRouteService = topoRouteService;
- this.dpList = dpList;
- }
- @Override
- public void run() {
- /*
- String logMsg = "MEASUREMENT: Running Thread hint " + this.hint;
- log.debug(logMsg);
- long startTime = System.nanoTime();
- */
- for (DataPath dp : this.dpList) {
- topoRouteService.getTopoShortestPath(dp.srcPort(), dp.dstPort());
- }
- /*
- long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
- double rate = (estimatedTime > 0)? ((double)dpList.size() * 1000000000) / estimatedTime: 0.0;
- logMsg = "MEASUREMENT: Computed Thread hint " + hint + ": " + dpList.size() + " shortest paths in " + (double)estimatedTime / 1000000000 + " sec: " + rate + " flows/s";
- log.debug(logMsg);
- */
- }
- }
- final Runnable measureShortestPath = new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- log.debug("Recomputing Shortest Paths from the Network Map Flows...");
- if (floodlightProvider == null) {
- log.debug("FloodlightProvider service not found!");
- return;
- }
- if (topoRouteService == null) {
- log.debug("Topology Route Service not found");
- return;
- }
- int leftoverQueueSize = shortestPathExecutor.getQueue().size();
- if (leftoverQueueSize > 0) {
- String logMsg = "MEASUREMENT: Leftover Shortest Path Queue Size: " + leftoverQueueSize;
- log.debug(logMsg);
- return;
- }
- log.debug("MEASUREMENT: Beginning Shortest Path Computation");
- //
- // Recompute the Shortest Paths for all Flows
- //
- int counter = 0;
- int hint = 0;
- ArrayList<DataPath> dpList = new ArrayList<DataPath>();
- long startTime = System.nanoTime();
- topoRouteService.prepareShortestPathTopo();
- Iterable<IFlowPath> allFlowPaths = conn.utils().getAllFlowPaths(conn);
- for (IFlowPath flowPathObj : allFlowPaths) {
- FlowId flowId = new FlowId(flowPathObj.getFlowId());
- // log.debug("Found Path {}", flowId.toString());
- Dpid srcDpid = new Dpid(flowPathObj.getSrcSwitch());
- Port srcPort = new Port(flowPathObj.getSrcPort());
- Dpid dstDpid = new Dpid(flowPathObj.getDstSwitch());
- Port dstPort = new Port(flowPathObj.getDstPort());
- SwitchPort srcSwitchPort = new SwitchPort(srcDpid, srcPort);
- SwitchPort dstSwitchPort = new SwitchPort(dstDpid, dstPort);
- /*
- DataPath dp = new DataPath();
- dp.setSrcPort(srcSwitchPort);
- dp.setDstPort(dstSwitchPort);
- dpList.add(dp);
- if ((dpList.size() % 10) == 0) {
- shortestPathExecutor.execute(
- new ShortestPathTask(hint, topoRouteService,
- dpList));
- dpList = new ArrayList<DataPath>();
- hint++;
- }
- */
- DataPath dataPath =
- topoRouteService.getTopoShortestPath(srcSwitchPort,
- dstSwitchPort);
- counter++;
- }
- if (dpList.size() > 0) {
- shortestPathExecutor.execute(
- new ShortestPathTask(hint, topoRouteService,
- dpList));
- }
- /*
- // Wait for all tasks to finish
- try {
- while (shortestPathExecutor.getQueue().size() > 0) {
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
- log.debug("MEASUREMENT: Shortest Path Computation interrupted");
- }
- */
- conn.endTx(Transaction.COMMIT);
- topoRouteService.dropShortestPathTopo();
- long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
- double rate = (estimatedTime > 0)? ((double)counter * 1000000000) / estimatedTime: 0.0;
- String logMsg = "MEASUREMENT: Computed " + counter + " shortest paths in " + (double)estimatedTime / 1000000000 + " sec: " + rate + " flows/s";
- log.debug(logMsg);
- }
- };
- final Runnable measureMapReader = new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- if (floodlightProvider == null) {
- log.debug("FloodlightProvider service not found!");
- return;
- }
- //
- // Fetch all Flow Entries
- //
- int counter = 0;
- long startTime = System.nanoTime();
- Iterable<IFlowEntry> allFlowEntries = conn.utils().getAllFlowEntries(conn);
- for (IFlowEntry flowEntryObj : allFlowEntries) {
- counter++;
- FlowEntryId flowEntryId =
- new FlowEntryId(flowEntryObj.getFlowEntryId());
- String userState = flowEntryObj.getUserState();
- String switchState = flowEntryObj.getSwitchState();
- }
- conn.endTx(Transaction.COMMIT);
- long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
- double rate = (estimatedTime > 0)? ((double)counter * 1000000000) / estimatedTime: 0.0;
- String logMsg = "MEASUREMENT: Fetched " + counter + " flow entries in " + (double)estimatedTime / 1000000000 + " sec: " + rate + " entries/s";
- log.debug(logMsg);
- }
- };
final Runnable mapReader = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
@@ -305,14 +147,6 @@
FlowEntryId flowEntryId = new FlowEntryId(flowEntryIdStr);
Dpid dpid = new Dpid(dpidStr);
- /*
- log.debug("Found Flow Entry Id = {} {}",
- flowEntryId.toString(),
- "DPID = " + dpid.toString() +
- " User State: " + userState +
- " Switch State: " + switchState);
- */
if (! switchState.equals("FE_SWITCH_NOT_UPDATED"))
continue; // Ignore the entry: nothing to do
@@ -627,16 +461,6 @@
- /*
- final ScheduledFuture<?> measureShortestPathHandle =
- measureShortestPathScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(measureShortestPath, 10, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- */
- /*
- final ScheduledFuture<?> measureMapReaderHandle =
- measureMapReaderScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(measureMapReader, 10, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- */
final ScheduledFuture<?> mapReaderHandle =
mapReaderScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(mapReader, 3, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);