Added GUI REST server that uses new network graph APIs

Change-Id: I337e3b2d7a1f10fdeba96fa44d5827dbf140a78f
diff --git a/web/ b/web/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..45fc814
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import json
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
+from flask import Flask, json, Response, render_template, make_response, request
+## Global Var for ON.Lab local REST ##
+ONOS_DEFAULT_HOST="localhost" ;# Has to set if LB=False
+app = Flask(__name__)
+## Worker Functions ##
+def log_error(txt):
+  print '%s' % (txt)
+def debug(txt):
+  if DEBUG:
+    print '%s' % (txt)
+def node_id(switch_array, dpid):
+  id = -1
+  for i, val in enumerate(switch_array):
+    if val['name'] == dpid:
+      id = i
+      break
+  return id
+###### ONOS REST API ##############################
+## Worker Func ###
+def get_json(url):
+  code = 200;
+  try:
+    response = urlopen(url)
+  except URLError, e:
+    print "get_json: REST IF %s has issue. Reason: %s" % (url, e.reason)
+    result = ""
+    return (500, result)
+  except HTTPError, e:
+    print "get_json: REST IF %s has issue. Code %s" % (url, e.code)
+    result = ""
+    return (e.code, result)
+  result =
+#  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  return (code, result)
+### File Fetch ###
+@app.route('/ui/img/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/img/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/css/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/js/models/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/js/views/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/js/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/lib/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/log/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/tpl/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/js/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/d3/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/css/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/assets/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+@app.route('/ons-demo/data/<filename>', methods=['GET'])
+def return_file(filename="index.html"):
+  if request.path == "/":
+    fullpath = "./index.html"
+  else:
+    fullpath = str(request.path)[1:]
+  try:
+    open(fullpath)
+  except:
+    response = make_response("Cannot find a file: %s" % (fullpath), 500)
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/html"
+    return response
+  response = make_response(open(fullpath).read())
+  suffix = fullpath.split(".")[-1]
+  if suffix == "html" or suffix == "htm":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/html"
+  elif suffix == "js":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "application/javascript"
+  elif suffix == "css":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "text/css"
+  elif suffix == "png":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "image/png"
+  elif suffix == "svg":
+    response.headers["Content-type"] = "image/svg+xml"
+  return response
+## API for ON.Lab local GUI ##
+@app.route('/topology', methods=['GET'])
+def topology_for_gui():
+  try:
+    #url="http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/switches/all/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    url="http://%s:%s/wm/onos/ng/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+  topo = {}
+  switches = []
+  links = []
+  devices = []
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    if v.has_key('dpid'):
+#      if v.has_key('dpid') and str(v['state']) == "ACTIVE":#;if you want only ACTIVE nodes
+      dpid = str(v['dpid'])
+      state = str(v['state'])
+      sw = {}
+      sw['name']=dpid
+      sw['group']= -1
+      if state == "INACTIVE":
+        sw['group']=0
+      switches.append(sw)
+  try:
+    url="http://%s:%s/wm/onos/registry/switches/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+  for key in parsedResult:
+    dpid = key
+    ctrl = parsedResult[dpid][0]['controllerId']
+    sw_id = node_id(switches, dpid)
+    if sw_id != -1:
+      if switches[sw_id]['group'] != 0:
+        switches[sw_id]['group'] = controllers.index(ctrl) + 1
+  try:
+    #url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/topology/links/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    url = "http://%s:%s/wm/onos/ng/links/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+    (code, result) = get_json(url)
+    parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  except:
+    log_error("REST IF has issue: %s" % url)
+    log_error("%s" % result)
+    return
+#    sys.exit(0)
+  for v in parsedResult:
+    link = {}
+    if v.has_key('dst-switch'):
+      dst_dpid = str(v['dst-switch'])
+      dst_id = node_id(switches, dst_dpid)
+    if v.has_key('src-switch'):
+      src_dpid = str(v['src-switch'])
+      src_id = node_id(switches, src_dpid)
+    link['source'] = src_id
+    link['target'] = dst_id
+    #onpath = 0
+    #for (s,d) in path:
+    #  if s == v['src-switch'] and d == v['dst-switch']:
+    #    onpath = 1
+    #    break
+    #link['type'] = onpath
+    links.append(link)
+  topo['nodes'] = switches
+  topo['links'] = links
+  js = json.dumps(topo)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+def controller_status():
+  url= "http://%s:%d/wm/onos/registry/controllers/json" % (RestIP, RestPort)
+  (code, result) = get_json(url)
+  parsedResult = json.loads(result)
+  cont_status=[]
+  for i in controllers:
+    status={}
+    if i in parsedResult:
+      onos=1
+    else:
+      onos=0
+    status["name"]=i
+    status["onos"]=onos
+    status["cassandra"]=0
+    cont_status.append(status)
+  js = json.dumps(cont_status)
+  resp = Response(js, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
+  return resp
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  app.debug = True
+, host="", port=9000)